Lesson 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 2

Objectives 1 Measure words 2 Questions with question words 3 The verb “to have” 3 Use of 的 4 Size of a family 5 Occupation 6 Pick a topic you want to practice in class. It will link to a set of PPT for the practice of this topic. 二 and 两 7 Use of 都 8 Tone change for 一 9

Measure words It is recommended to start this lesson by introducing the photo mentioned in text I. This picture corresponds to that. You can click the speaker on the upper-left corner to play the text. At the same time, you can point at the specific person that’s being mentioned. After that, you could ask a series of questions based on the text. e.g. 这是什么?(point at the whole picture) 这是谁的照片? 她是谁?他是谁?这个男孩子是我弟弟吗?他是谁?我大哥有女儿吗?Etc.

Measure words For these 4 slides, students can read after the teacher, or read on their own. These examples expose them to the general pattern of the two measure words in this lesson, before we summarize the rule. 一张照片

Measure words 这张照片

Measure words 一个男孩子

Measure words 这个男孩子

} 这 M Noun 那 Measure words A Measure Word (M) is needed here: Number These 3 slides tell students when we use a measure word, and when we use 个 or 张.

Measure words 张 is for things with a flat surface (照片, paper, table, bed, ...)

Measure words 个 is for people (人,妹妹,老师, ...) and things that don’t have specific measure words (movies, week, ball, ...)

Measure words (5 photos) 五张照片 Now we provide students with some pictures to see if the students could remember to use the Measure Words and to choose the correct Measure Words. You can wait till after students come up with the phrase, and then show the answer.

You try it! 10 students Measure words Starting here, there will be no answer. By now students should be able to come up with the correct answer among themselves. 10 students

You try it! Measure words This teacher

You try it! Measure words That boy

You try it! Measure words This photo

Questions with question words In an English “WH” question, where do we place the question word? … What about Chinese? In this “Questions with question words” part, you could first ask your students to think (1) where a question word goes in an English WH question (always at the beginning), (2) where it goes in a Chinese WH question. There might be all kinds of answers!

Where is the question word in this sentence? Then you show them these 3 slides, in which the question word 谁 goes to different places. That really puzzles some students. Let your students try to figure it out, before we give them the rule. 他是谁? 他是王医生

Where is the question word in this sentence? 谁有妹妹? 小李有妹妹。

Where is the question word in this sentence? 这是谁的照片? Give students some time to think and discuss… 这是我的照片。

where the answer would be! That’s right … … The question word goes where the answer would be!

这是王朋的老师。 这是谁的老师? (Pair work) Can you make a question which will lead to this answer? 这是王朋的老师。 Now we provide a couple examples to see if they got it. 这是谁的老师?

她姓李。 谁姓李? / 她姓什么? (Pair work) Can you make some questions which will lead to this answer? 她姓李。 谁姓李? / 她姓什么?

Negation for The verb “to have” 有 - 有 没 不有 In this 有/没有part, you could first give oral examples like “我有弟弟,没有姐姐” to remind students that the negation for this verb is not 不but 没, then ask students to carry out a mini-conversation in pairs following the pattern given on the next page.

-你有... 吗? -我没有...。/ 我有...,我有Num.个… (Pair work) Give students some time for this conversation. You could choose a few pairs to present in front of the class afterwards. When you are done, clicking the button will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice.

的 ≠ of (Pay attention to the order) Use of 的 的 = ’s 的 ≠ of (Pay attention to the order) A common mistake about 的 is the order. This is a reminder. 爸爸的医生 is “my dad’s doctor” not “* father of the doctor”

Use of 的 你是我的老师 我是...老师的学生 Show the students two examples

姐姐 弟弟 小英 小文 (Pair work) ...是...的姐姐。 / ...是...的弟弟。 小英是小文的姐姐。/ 小文是小英的弟弟。 Can you complete the sentences? ...是...的姐姐。 / ...是...的弟弟。 姐姐 小英 弟弟 小文 Then give them 2 slides to practice on their own. 小英是小文的姐姐。/ 小文是小英的弟弟。

爸爸 这是爸爸的照片。 这是...的...。 (Pair work) 照片 After students have completed the sentence and the answer is provided, the button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. 这是爸爸的照片。

家 Just a fun picture to show that the character 家 is “a little pig under the roof”!

你家有几口人? 我家有...口人。 (Pair work) You can first introduce your own family by saying 我家有…口人. Then ask a couple student 你家有几口人? When the students get the pattern, let the students pair up and ask each other this question. You can also ask a couple students to report to class “xxx家有…口人“. 我家有...口人。

(你家)有谁? (我家)有爸爸、妈妈、...、...、和我。 (Pair work) Same as the last slide. You can first introduce your own family, then ask a couple students. After that, pair students up for this mini-conversation. The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. (我家)有爸爸、妈妈、...、...、和我。

Occupation 老师 The following are 4 slides for occupation we learned in the text, plus a few extra ones that students might want to know.

Occupation 学生

Occupation 律师

Occupation 医生

Occupation 工程师 Engineer Gōng chéng shī

Occupation 经理 Manager Jīng lǐ

Occupation 会计 Accountant Kuài Jì

Occupation 家庭主妇 House wife Jiā tíng zhǔ fù

Occupation 退休了 Retired Tuì xiū le

你爸爸做什么工作? 我爸爸是律师。 Occupation After showing students some of the “occupation”, introduce these 2 mini-conversations (this slide and the next) on how to ask about occupation.

Occupation 你妈妈做什么工作? 我妈妈是老师。

(Pair work) ...做什么工作? Then it is time for students to ask each other. You should walk around the classroom, make sure students don’t answer “…做…”. Correct them by using “是” The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. ...是...。

二 and 两 二:used for counting (1,2,3,...), and in a 2-digit number (12, 22, 25, 72, ...) 两:used for measuring (two something) – 两张照片,两个学生 (go with a Measure Word) This is an information sheet for students to read.

Can you count 1-99? (Whole class) Before practicing, you might want to review the numbers. Try some fun ways (1-20, 40 down to 30, the odd numbers starting 1, the even numbers starting 2, etc.) You could ask the whole class to say them one by one, or together, or ask individual students.

二 and 两 32 三十二 8 slides of practice starting here

二 and 两 2 elder sisters 两个姐姐

二 and 两 2 photos 两张照片

二 and 两 24 二十四

二 and 两 52 students 五十二个学生

二 and 两 2 lawyers 两个律师

二 and 两 2 二

二 and 两 29 photos 二十九张照片 The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice.

(Pair work) How do you use 都 to summarize? 王朋是学生。李友是学生。高文中也是学生。 王朋、李友、高文中... ... These 5 slides practice on the use of 都, the difference between 都不,不都,都没有,不都有. Students can do this as a pair work. Please make sure to give students enough time to discuss, then work it out together in class. 王朋、李友、高文中都是学生。

(Pair work) 王朋不是老师。李友不是老师。高文中也不是老师。 王朋、李友、高文中... ... 王朋、李友、高文中都不是老师。

王朋、李友、高文中不都是男学生 /不都是女学生。 王朋和高文中是男学生。李友是女学生。 王朋、李友、高文中... ... (Pair work) 王朋和高文中是男学生。李友是女学生。 王朋、李友、高文中... ... 王朋、李友、高文中不都是男学生 /不都是女学生。

(Pair work) 王朋没有儿子。李友没有儿子。高文中也没有儿子。 王朋、李友、高文中... ... 王朋、李友、高文中都没有儿子。

高文中、李友、白英爱不都有姐姐。 高文中、李友、白英爱... ... 高文中有姐姐。李友也有姐姐。白英爱没有姐姐。 (Pair work) The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice. 高文中、李友、白英爱不都有姐姐。

tone for一/不 the tone after it \ – \ / \ √ / \ Tone change for 一 and 不 (一and 不 follow the same tone change rules.) tone for一/不 the tone after it \ – \ / \ √ / \

bu tīng bù tīng bu lái bù lái bù mǎi bu mǎi bú shì bu shì Tone change for 不 bu tīng bù tīng bu lái bù lái bù mǎi bu mǎi bú shì bu shì

yi zhāng yì zhāng yi nián yì nián yi běn yì běn yi gè yí gè Tone change for 一 yi zhāng yì zhāng yi nián yì nián yi běn yì běn yi gè yí gè

再见! Zài jiàn!