2013江苏卷评析 知识与技能并重.


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Presentation transcript:

2013江苏卷评析 知识与技能并重

2013江苏卷初印象 容量大 设题数量有变化 阅读理解难 命题漫画作文

再读2013江苏卷 试卷总体评价: 稳中有升、升中有变 基础 、创新、交际 知识与技能并重

1. Listening 2011-2013考点设置 题型 2013 2012 2011 细节题 11 8 题号 1,6,9,11,12,13,14, 15,18,19,20 1,6,7,8,9,10,13,15 1,2,9,10,13,14,15,17 推断题 10 3,4,5,7,8,10,16,17 2,4,5,11,12,14, 16,17,18,20 4,5,6,7,8,11,12,18,19,20 主旨题 1 2 3 16 数字题 19

1. Listening 总体评价: 1.时间延长,信息量大 2.铺垫较多,信息点后移 3.细节题稳中有升,能力要求高 建议熟读听力材料,熟悉常见听力场景。

2. Multiple choices 2009-2013考点设置 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 时态、语态 2 3 非谓语动词 1 动词(短语) 情态动词 虚拟语气 主谓一致

2. Multiple choices 2009-2013考点设置 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 状语 从句 1 定语 名词性从句

2. Multiple choices 2009-2013考点设置 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 形容词、副词 1 名词 介词短语 代词

2. Multiple choices 2009-2013考点设置 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 情景交际 2 1 倒装 省略 反意疑问句 冠词

2. Multiple choices 核心语法年年考,其他语法轮流考 动词7个左右 从句2-3个 辨析3个左右 情景交际1-2个 考点分布: 动词7个左右 从句2-3个 辨析3个左右 情景交际1-2个 其他语法1-2个 核心语法年年考,其他语法轮流考

2. Multiple choices Example 1: 21. Generally, students’ inner motivation with high expectations from others _____ essential to their development. A. is B. are C. was D. were

2. Multiple choices 重基础------基础是王道 Example 2 28. In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, _____ it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world. A. whatever B. whoever C. wherever D. whichever 重基础------基础是王道

2. Multiple choices 交际性 Example 3: 22. ----The T-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online. ---- _____? But I promise you we’ll look into it right away. A. Who says B. How come C. What for D. Why worry 交际性

2. Multiple choices Example 4: 27. “Never for a second,” the boy says, “_____ that my father would come to my rescue.” A. I doubted B. do I doubt C. I have doubted D. did I doubt

2. Multiple choices 灵活性 would not have laughed Example 5: 30. I should not have laughed if I _____ you were serious. A. thought B. would think C. had thought D. have thought would not have laughed 灵活性

2. Multiple choices 总体评价: 1. 覆盖面广,重点突出 2. 题干简洁明了,语境真实自然 建议关注核心语法,加强解题技巧的训练。

3. Cloze 2010-2013考点设置 2013 2012 2011 2010 动词 6 8 名词 5 4 3 形容词 2 副词 连词 介词 代词

3. Cloze 考点分布: 动词8个,名词4个左右,形容词、副词5个左右,连词2个左右 v./n./a./ad. 重点考

3. Cloze 1)首尾呼应 Example 1: 36. I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage, credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us __36__ chasing the same thing. A. separately B. equally C. violently D. naturally

3. Cloze 对全文主题的理解能力,注意首尾呼应 The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. 36. I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage, credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us __36__ chasing the same thing. A. separately B. equally C. violently D. naturally 对全文主题的理解能力,注意首尾呼应

3. Cloze 2)固定搭配 Example 2: 37. One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell __37__. I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $56. A. off B. apart C. over D. out

3. Cloze 2)固定搭配 对知识的迁移能力,以旧带新 Example 3: 45. The locals knew nothing about me, __but__ slowly, they started teaching me the __art__ of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles and tools, and began __45__ around to chat. A. sticking B. looking C. swinging D. turning 对知识的迁移能力,以旧带新

3. Cloze 3)上下线索 对上下文句意的理解和逻辑连贯能力 Example 4: The locals knew nothing about me, __43__ slowly, they started teaching me the __art__ of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles and tools, and began __sticking__ around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a __46__ American Dream –not the one of individual achievement but of __neighborliness__. 43. A. but B. although C. otherwise D. for 46. A. wild B. real C. different D. remote 对上下文句意的理解和逻辑连贯能力

3. Cloze 总体评价: 1. 选材贴近生活,设空相对稳定 2.重点考查考生对语篇的理解能力、对有效信息的捕捉能力和对上下文句意的逻辑连贯能力。 建议逐渐积累解题技巧,对于出错较多的文章要反复朗读,增强语感。

4. Reading comprehension 1)字数明显增多,词汇难度明显增大 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 总字数(约) 1785 1632 1406 1507 1465 平均每篇字数(约) 446 408 351 376 366 其中,A篇约271字,B篇约393字,C篇约445字,D篇约676字。

4. Reading comprehension 2)长句、难句明显增多,插入语闪亮登场 Passage B Para 6 line 4 It is striking that most of the paid queue-jumping schemes we’ve considered ---- at airports and amusement parks, in all centers, doctors’ offices, and national parks---- are recent developments, scarcely imaginable three decades ago.

4. Reading comprehension 2)长句、难句明显增多,插入语闪亮登场 Passage D Para 4 line 2 As J. Chadwick has pointed out, the character of Jim was a first in American fiction---- a recognition that the slave had two personalities, “the voice of survival within a white slave culture and the voice of the individual: Jim, the father and the man.

4. Reading comprehension 2)长句、难句明显增多,插入语闪亮登场 Passage D Para 5 line 2 Written at a time when the accepted wisdom held Negroes to be inferior to whites, especially in intelligence, Twain’s tale centered in part around two babies switched at birth.

4. Reading comprehension 2)长句、难句明显增多,插入语闪亮登场 Para 6 line 1 The features of the black man that provided the stuff of prejudice ---- manner of speech, for example---- were, to Twain, indicative of nothing other than the conditioning that slavery forced on its victims.

4. Reading comprehension 2)长句、难句明显增多,插入语闪亮登场 Passage D Para 7 line 1 One is left uneasy, for example, by the lengthy passage in his autobiography about how much he loved what were called “nigger shows” in his youth -----mostly with white men performing in black-face----- and his delight in getting his mother to laugh at them.

4. Reading comprehension 2)长句、难句明显增多,插入语闪亮登场 Passage C Para 2 the last sentence Fossil bones that have caved in on themselves are thus a sign that the animal once had the bends.

4. Reading comprehension 3)文章选材有创新、设题数量有变化 Passage A 广告类(2题) Passage B 议论文(3题) Passage C 科普说明文(4题) Passage D 文学评论类(6题)

4. Reading comprehension 4)设题有难度 Example 1: 64. Rothschild might have concluded that ichthyosaurs_____. A. failed to evolve an anti-decompression means B. gradually developed measures against the bends C. died out because of large sharks and crocodiles D. evolved an anti-decompression means but soon lost it.

4. Reading comprehension If ichthyosaurs did evolve an anti-decompression means, they clearly did so quickly---- and, most strangely, they lost it afterwards. But that is not what Dr Rothschild thinks happened. He suspects it was evolution in other animals that caused the change.

4. Reading comprehension 4)设题有难度 Example 1: 64. Rothschild might have concluded that ichthyosaurs_____. A. failed to evolve an anti-decompression means B. gradually developed measures against the bends C. died out because of large sharks and crocodiles D. evolved an anti-decompression means but soon lost it. 考查考生的深层理解能力

4. Reading comprehension 5)文化背景 Passage D Para 3 More recently the book has been attacked because of the character Jim, the escaped slave, and many occurrences of the word nigger. (The term Nigger Jim, for which the novel is often severely criticized, never appears in it.) nigger其实是对黑人的一种蔑称,还可以指社会地位低下的人。

4. Reading comprehension 总体评价: 1. 篇幅明显加长,生词明显增多,对解题方法和心态要求高 2. 长句、难句明显增多,设题有难度,对理解能力要求高 建议精选文章拓展阅读,不放过好词好句、好的主题观点,难理解的地方鼓励学生多提问。

5. Task-based reading Example 1 Employers’ evaluations of the work of conscientious people can be (78) __higher__. Possible (77) _problems_ with conscientiousness Conscientious people without social skills tend to have (79)_____ relationships with their fellow workers. Conscientiousness can (80) __discourage__ creativity, especially in professions calling for imagination.

5. Task-based reading But conscientious in the absence of social skills can lead to problems. Since conscientious people demand so much of themselves, they can hold other people to their own standards, and so he overly judgmental when others don’t show the same high levels of model behavior. Factory workers in Great Britain and the United States who were extremely conscientious, for example, tended to criticize co-workers even about failures that seemed unimportant to those they criticized, which damaged their relationships.

5. Task-based reading Example 1 图表中的再表达虽使用了原文词汇的近义词,使考生有迹可循,但对考生的理解能力要求较高。 Possible (77) _problems_ with conscientiousness Conscientious people without social skills tend to have (79)_____ relationships with their fellow workers. bad/tense/damaged/poor

5. Task-based reading Example 2 Conscientiousness keeps an organization (74)_running_ smoothly. Example 2 Conscientious employees at the lower levels give outstanding (75)_performance(s)_. (73)_Functions_ of conscientiousness The most conscientious salespersons usually have the largest volume of sales. Conscientious employees are less likely to be (76)_____.

5. Task-based reading Among sales representatives for a large American car manufacturer, those who were most conscientious had the largest volume of sales. Conscientiousness also offers a buffer against the threat of job loss in today’s constantly changing market, because employees with this quality are among the most valued. For the sales representatives, their level of conscientiousness mattered almost as much as their sales in determining who stayed on.

5. Task-based reading 图表中的再表达避免使用了原文词汇,重在考查考生的理解转换能力。 Example 2 Conscientiousness keeps an organization (74)_running_ smoothly. Example 2 Conscientious employees at the lower levels give outstanding (75)_performance(s)_. (73)_Functions_ of conscientiousness 图表中的再表达避免使用了原文词汇,重在考查考生的理解转换能力。 The most conscientious salespersons usually have the largest volume of sales. Conscientious employees are less likely to be (76)_____. fired/dismissed/jobless

Quiet Virtue: The Conscientious 5. Task-based reading Quiet Virtue: The Conscientious The everyday signs of conscientiousness----being punctual, careful in doing work, self-disciplined, and scrupulous in attending to responsibilities----are typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen, the people who keep things running as they should. Example 3 Conscientious people are very (71) _____ with themselves. strict Features of conscientiousness 图表中的再表达避开原文的词汇,且要考虑固定搭配。 Conscientious people are very (72) __helpful/good__ to others.

5. Task-based reading 总体评价: 难度偏大,体现在 对归纳的要求更高且句意转述要综合考虑 可分配时间少,任务重 建议在做方法指导的同时,做好对常见错误类型的归纳。

6. Writing 81.请根据你对以下两幅图的理解, 以“Actions Speaker Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。 参考词汇:banner(横幅)stump(树桩)

6. Writing 你的作文应包括以下内容: 简要描述两幅图的内容; 概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解; 举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 注意: 可参照图片适当发挥; 作文词数150左右; 作文中不得体积有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。

6. Writing 主要特点: 1. 形式创新 2. 对考生的表达及思想要求高 主要问题: 1.失误较多 2. 词句简单 3. 内容空洞

6. Writing 描述图片内容 Para 1 People celebrate Earth Day differently. In Picture 1, a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.

6. Writing 概述了对两幅图中不同做法的理解。 Para 2 The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.” Our earth is suffering severe damage. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it? The answer is definitely the latter. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.

6. Writing 举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 Para 3 Actions are important in other fields, too. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.

6. Writing 可写内容: 我们一直高喊要遵守交通法规,但很多人一直违章,无视法律; 我们一再倡议“光盘行动”,但很多人依然浪费,不懂珍惜; 我们一直呼唤爱的奉献,但很多人却没有拿出实际的行动; ……

6. Writing 总体评价: 尽显新意,要求考生具备扎实的语言功底和丰富的思想内涵。 建议:1. 在第一轮复习中结合话题精选20个紧扣该主题的短语,外加1-2个开放性的问题,给学生思维训练的机会。2. 慎用套语。

2013江苏卷再印象 基础性、创新性、 交际性 知识与技能并重 基础性、创新性、 交际性 知识与技能并重 听力1.时间延长,信息量大2.铺垫较多,信息点后移3.细节题稳中有升,能力要求高。 单项选择1.考点覆盖面广,重点突出2. 考查考生的理解能力和综合运用语言的能力。 完形填空1. 选材贴近生活,设空稳定,重点突出2. 重点考查考生:对文章主旨的理解能力;对有效信息的捕捉能力;对上下文句意的逻辑连贯能力。 阅读理解1. 篇幅明显加长,生词明显增多,对解题方法和心态要求高;2. 长句、难句明显增多,设题有难度,对理解能力要求高。 任务型阅读总体难度偏大,体现在1. 对归纳的要求更高且句意转述要综合考虑;2. 可分配时间紧,任务重。 书面表达尽显新意,要求考生具备扎实的语言功底和丰富的思想内涵。


2014复习建议 十字方针:计划、选材、基础、纠错、两头; “4+2”模式:在语言点和核心语法复习以及题型专题训练和综合试题训练的过程中,贯穿词汇复习和新鲜语篇阅读,注意归纳巩固提高,查漏补缺和应试技能的训练。 教辅材料:自编学案、 报纸

2014复习建议 Q1:M1-M11教到哪一模块? 1. 教材是成熟的阅读材料,质量有保证 2. 教材是高三学生最好的调剂品 如何教? 锁定目标,精编学案 Ex. 1 & Ex. 2

2014复习建议 Q2: 高三英语复习到底分几轮? 如何安排? Step 1 新课教学+核心语法复习 Step 2 题型专项训练+模块复习(语言点复习)Ex.3 Step 3 综合训练(冲刺) 词汇复习 语篇输入

2014复习建议 Q3:复习课怎么上?如何有效讲评? 1. 守住课堂阵地 2. 在做中学 Ex. 4

2014复习建议 Q 4.书面表达: 高一,结合话题,重点训练篇章。 高二,突出体裁,重点训练结构。 高三,结合试题,重点训练审题。

2014复习建议 Q 5.语篇输入: 《新概念英语》、《China Daily》、美文欣赏 同时,不放过试卷中的好文章。

2014复习建议 注意: 把握好高一、高二的好时机(暑假、4+1) 有布置有检查 eg. 欣赏类学习任务 the Sound of Music (音乐之声), the King’s Speech(国王的演讲),Life of Pi(少年派的奇幻漂流),Iron Lady (铁娘子) 摘录优美的词句,同时操练你们的书写(共摘录50个词组,50个句子, 并选择性地背诵20个词组,20个句子。 从高一到高三,有始有终

Hearty thanks!