错误的启示 佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 waleywang@163.com 13923209577 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 错误的启示 佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 waleywang@163.com 13923209577.


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错误的启示 佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 waleywang@163.com 13923209577 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 错误的启示 佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 waleywang@163.com 13923209577

Reading is a receptive language process Reading is a receptive language process. It is a psycholinguistic process in that it starts with a linguistic surface representation encoded by a writer and ends with meaning which the reader constructs. There is thus an essential interaction between language and thought in reading. The writer encodes thought as language and the reader decodes language to thought. (Goodman 1973)

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 难度:试题的难易程度。试题太难或者太易都无法反映学生的实际水平。在高考中难度以适中为宜(试题以0.3-0.7、整卷以0.5-0.6为佳)。试题难度适中,其区分度较佳。《广东高考年报》

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 区分度:试题对不同知识和能力水平考生的鉴别程度。在高考中一般要求区分度在0.3以上,表示高分学生(总分前27%)比低分学生(总分后27%)能多得30%的分数。区分度在0.2以下的试题一般应予淘汰或删除。《广东高考年报》

听取信息 前15题平均难度0.75;听取信息平均分1.91分,难度0.38。样本数量30人,平均分1.90分。 16 heavy rainfall (0) landslides (5) heavy rain (2) 17 14 (20) 40 (6) 18 relatives and friends (5) friend(s) (5) relatives (3) 空白(10) 19 Equipment (1) sending (3) 空白(14) 20 dangerous (20) danger (4) 分析:产出性词汇(18,19)的欠缺。

Landslides(山体滑坡) in Brazil’s Santa Catarina State The cause Resulted from 16 . The number of deaths At least 17 people died. Where the people stay at present Some stay with 18 , while others stay in public shelters. Help from neighboring states (19) and rescue workers. One reason of high death tolls Homes are often built in 20 locations.

Landslides in Brazil’s Santa Catarina State … 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 Landslides in Brazil’s Santa Catarina State … Heavy rainfall over the last two months has led to landslides which have destroyed homes and blocked roads. Some are able to stay with relatives and friends, while others have gone to public shelters. In total more than a million people are said to have been affected by the flooding. Many of the deaths have been caused by landslides which have destroyed homes and blocked roads. As well as the help from the government, neighbouring states are sending equipment and rescue workers to Santa Catarina.

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 完形填空 题号 A B C D 正确率 21 0.21 0.16 0.17 0.45 22 0.07 0.20 0.65 23 0.06 0.69 0.05 24 0.10 0.11 0.33 25 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.85 26 0.24 0.61 0.08 27 0.50 0.28 28 0.23 0.51 29 0.32 0.14 0.48 30 平均  

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 完形填空 Mariska Hargitay, … recently 21 her childhood friend Annette Condon Tauber to breast cancer. “It was 22 . Ann defined so much of who I am.” says the 23 . “She was my champion and the most 24 friend.” 21. A. met B. recognizedC. accompanied D. lost 24. A. dishonest B. horrible C. sincere D. pretty (反问:21. 填上的词所构成的意义, 下文提到吗?24.为什么要说朋友pretty(33%)? 跟本文的主题相关吗?) 题号 A B C D 正确率 21 0.21 0.16 0.17 0.45 24 0.10 0.11 0.33

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 完形填空 … However, she never told them she was 25 , hoping for a miracle and not wanting to burden her friends. “I understand her not wanting to 26 ,” Hargitay says. 26. A. shareB. die C. suffer D. withdraw 反问:I understand _________. 前后文给了什么提示? 61%人选B。学生仅凭自己的日常经验作出肤浅的判断。 题号 A B C D 正确率 26 0.24 0.61 0.07 0.08

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 完形填空 In 29 of Ann, Hargitay signed a programme that raises money for breast cancer research. Participating workplaces let employees wear jeans on October 5 for a $5 donation. “It’s a real way for everyone to feel like they’re making a 30 ,” says the Emmy-winning actress. 29. A. case B. charge C. control D. memory 30. A. difference B. decision C. friend D. profit In case of 的搭配对学生比较熟悉;对make a defference的理解不正确。 题号 A B C D 正确率 29 0.32 0.14 0.06 0.48 30 0.23 0.20 0.33

1. 词汇、篇章和背景知识的缺乏造成理解不当。(lose…to; sincere; share; make a difference) 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 完形填空 错误原因: 1. 词汇、篇章和背景知识的缺乏造成理解不当。(lose…to; sincere; share; make a difference) 2. 不注重对语篇的理解。缺乏根据上下文解决问题的思维能力。(第21、24、26题)

语法填空 语法填空平均分6.12分,难度0.41 (整卷难度0.57);是全卷最难的一题。 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 语法填空 语法填空平均分6.12分,难度0.41 (整卷难度0.57);是全卷最难的一题。 2007年广东高考语法填空难度系数0.35,也是全卷最难的一题。区分度属优(0.4)以上的有8题。 以前短文改错的区分度也很好,在整份试卷中,区分指数最高的几个小题均来自短文改错题。(亓鲁霞 2007)

语法填空抽样统计 样本30;样本平均分6.01(南海平均6.12分) 31 an(3) 0.10 which(6) who(5) 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 语法填空抽样统计 样本30;样本平均分6.01(南海平均6.12分) 31 an(3) 0.10 which(6) who(5) but(4) another(4) 32 from(23)0.77   33 for (4) 0.13 what(7) that(4) to (6) with(4) 34 but (10) 0.34 and(6) which (6) 35 who (7) 0.23 people (7) 36 to feel (15) 0.50 feeling(6) 37 what (16) 0.53 that (10) 38 are offered (4) 0.13 offered (6) offer (7) offering (6) 39 it (25) 0.83 40 pleasure (10) 0.34 pleased(14) pleasant(4)

But it actually hurts those 35 offer to help … And while a certain amount of joy can be picked from being a receiver, 31 enormous amount of joy comes 32 giving. I have been offered help and offered payment 33 certain things I do, and I almost always turn down such offers. But it actually hurts those 35 offer to help … The next time you 38 (offer) help, …. 31 an(3) 0.10 which(6) who(5) but(4) another(4) 33 for (4) 0.13 what(7) that(4) to (6) with(4) 35 who (7) 0.23 people (7) 38 are offered (4) 0.13 offered (6) offer (7) offering (6)

对词项的形态掌握不牢固(第40题),不懂please的名词形式。 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 语法填空 错误类型: 对句子结构没有把握(第31、33、34、35题) 对文章的意义关系理解不当(第34题)。 对词项的形态掌握不牢固(第40题),不懂please的名词形式。

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 阅读理解 题号 A B C D 正确率 41 0.04 0.26 0.58 0.11 42 0.08 0.77 0.12 0.03 43 0.45 0.43 44 0.64 0.07 0.13 0.15 45 0.10 0.59 0.25 0.05 46 0.01 0.33 0.55 47 0.27 0.20 0.34 0.19 48 0.23 49 0.85 50 0.21 0.09 0.66 51 0.53 0.17 52 0.50 53 0.35 0.24 54 0.14 0.61 55 0.60

43. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3? (主旨要义题) 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 阅读理解 43. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3? (主旨要义题) A. The reason why the old and the young are separated. B. One reason why children don’t live with their grandparents. C. The support children need. D. The problem that the old and the young are separated. 题号 A B C D 正确率 43 0.45 0.08 0.03 0.43

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 Nowadays there is less and less contact between the old and the young. There are many reasons for this, including the breakdown of the extended family, working parents with no time to care for ageing relations, families that have moved away, and smaller flats with no room for grandparents. But the result is the same—increasing numbers of children without grandparents and old people who have no contact with children. And more old people who are lonely and feel useless, along with more and more families with young children who desperately need more support. It’s a major problem in many societies. 考生对文段主旨大意把握不好,以偏概全。

选项D与原文句子高度相似干扰了学生的选择。 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 46. By saying “you become what you eat”, the writer means that ________. (判断推理题) A. you will become your own food B. you will know what food is good by its appearance C. food has an effect on your health D. you will know the effects of different types of food We have proof that you become what you eat. When you know the effects of different types of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become. … Food has an impact on our physical and mental health. 选项D与原文句子高度相似干扰了学生的选择。 题号 A B C D 正确率 46 0.01 0.10 0.33 0.55

A. Have influence on. B. Help with. C. Oppose to. D. Benefit from. 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 47. What does the underlined word “contradict” mean in the text? (词义猜测题) A. Have influence on. B. Help with. C. Oppose to. D. Benefit from. Everyone has their own advice to give, which they have read about or have been told by older relatives. Some of these pieces of advice (?) seem to contradict each other. Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots. Chocolate contains the essential minerals: iron and magnesium. 可能是学生对spot和mineral这两个课标词汇不理解 题号 A B C D 正确率 47 0.27 0.20 0.34 0.19

A. the foundation of the conservation group 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 53. The underlined words “those practices” in Paragraph 5 refer to ________. (判断推理题) A. the foundation of the conservation group B. understanding of fish behaviours C. Hawaiian traditional methods in fishing D. modern fishermen’s fishing behaviours 题号 A B C D 正确率 53 0.15 0.26 0.35 0.24 本题的推理要联系到上段,空间距离较长。而且学生对practice的意思可能出现误解。

C. Hawaiian traditional methods in fishing 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 53. The underlined words “those practices” in Paragraph 5 refer to ________. (判断推理题) C. Hawaiian traditional methods in fishing (第4段)While these traditional methods have largely died out, they are still practiced by Poepoe and his fellow men at Mo’omomi Bay. “We have a rule of conduct that basically says, …,” Poepoe said. (第5段)In 1993, Poepoe helped found the conservation group Hui Malama Mo’omomi to teach those practices to new generations, and publishing the calendar is a key part of this move.

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 55. It seems that most modern fishermen ________.(具体信息题) A. may use the new fishing calendar soon B. are likely to catch fish during spawning periods C. fish much more than what they can eat fresh D. try their best not to harm fish populations long-term 该题为具体信息题,本来应该不算很难,但是学生的答对率不好。60%的同学错选D。可能因为选项D的类似内容在文章的靠后部分出现。另外,学生没有注意到像most这样的字眼。 题号 A B C D 正确率 55 0.13 0.19 0.09 0.60

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 (第3段)…By contrast, most of today’s fishermen see spawning(产卵) periods as a chance to get large numbers of fish, which can cause population break down. (倒数第3段) …It also includes helpful hints about fish lifecycles, detailing exactly where in the bay certain kinds of fish like to gather, how to tell males from females, and which fishing methods are least likely to harm fish populations long-term.

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 启示 注重材料的选择和积累(考试的材料比较地道); “Crazy English”; “21st Century “21st Century (Teens)” VOA Special English… http://www.21stcentury.com.cn/ 增加正确的输入;增加精学的比重。

写作 基础写作平均分7.33分(难度0.49),读写任务12.1分(难度0.48)。两题的难度均比全卷难(难度0.57)。 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 写作 基础写作平均分7.33分(难度0.49),读写任务12.1分(难度0.48)。两题的难度均比全卷难(难度0.57)。 2008年广东高考基础写作平均分6.83分,读写任务11.32分。 反映出学生的遣词造句能力欠缺;词汇量较小;语法意识薄弱,以单词行文;汉语式句子结构多;书面表达能力有待提高。

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 写作 错误列举: 拼写错误:pass/passiage (passage); think-thing; teached; actives (activities); survive (serve); voluntee; demain (demand); pass-time (spare time); fristly;… 词性错误:The volunteers should over 18 years old./ Many students dead. Many people was die….

2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 语法错误:You should more than 18 years old./Must speak English well, have enough free time./ Firstly, a person that is over eighteen years old and healty.(成分缺) /I was not listen to them said/…. 汉式表达:In 2008, it had earthquake in Sichuan. / We ride bike should on right./ Many students open or close lights with wet hand./ Most of fire was senior student isn’t take care of that was happened./ We should good protect our safe in case of disasters./I heard someone shouted, “save fired, quick, quick!”

思考 注意学习、练习和测试三者的关系。 “速 度并不是只是通过练习就可以练就。” 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 思考 注意学习、练习和测试三者的关系。 “速 度并不是只是通过练习就可以练就。” 既构建范例(固定用法),又学习规则(语法)(Skehan 1998)。明示教学可以促进写作的流利度和准确度(阮周林 2003)。 鼓励学生修改作文。亓鲁霞教授(2004a; 2004b;2006; 2007)近年一系列关于NMET反拨作用的研究。 多给正面的模仿。

考试的一些做法无益于教学。为了确保质量,考试往往采取一些专业措施和规定,若引进教学,多半有害。以写作考试为例,它的一个特点是限时。受此影响,教学中的写作训练也常常限时,甚至为了适应考试,学生课后练习也限时,久而久之,养成写文章总是“一气呵成”的习惯,不会修改,写作能力无法提高。有调查发现,高中生用英文写作时,很少对文章的内容进行修改,其他方面的修改也有限。写作考试的另一个特点是定量。由于考试和评卷时间有限,不得已而为之。教学中定量写作却十分常见,无不与考试有关。有调查发现,由于四、六级英语考试的影响,一些教师要求学生写短作文。可是,有研究表明,在特定阶段,写长文更能有效地促进英语学习。(亓鲁霞 2006)



请指正 谢谢! 佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 waleywang@163.com 13923209577 2009年佛山一模分析会 2009.1.20 请指正 谢谢! 佛山市南海区桂城中学 王宗迎 waleywang@163.com 13923209577

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