留学申请公开课第二讲 选校策略,信息搜集,套磁准备 By 尚友理工硕士,人文硕士,PhD申请版 关注我们 新浪微博:DIY申请


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Presentation transcript:

留学申请公开课第二讲 选校策略,信息搜集,套磁准备 By 尚友理工硕士,人文硕士,PhD申请版 关注我们 新浪微博:DIY申请 人人:留学申请 微信:DIY0012 请大家稍候,晚8点半准时开始

第一讲回顾 简单申请的流程 DIY vs 中介 学校录取到底会看什么 我们如何看待自己的背景 第一讲录音:http://www.sharewithu.com/school/course383.html 再申请讲座(申请失败的主观及客观原因,如何避免如何改进):http://www.sharewithu.com/school/course392.html

试炼任务1回顾 任务要求:晒背景 任务目标:理解自己的背景,发现优势和不足,明确申请目标(不是定位) 完成情况:146名同学完成了任务! 问题总结: 没有论文怎么办?论文来不及发怎么办? GPA不高怎么办? GT成绩不高怎么办?是要刷GT还是要补充其他背景? 现在补充背景还来得及吗? 双非学校背景是硬伤吗? 我是XX专业的,想转到YY专业,可以吗? 同一个专业下面的小方向呢?

DIY申请梦工厂 听申请公开课,按要求做作业,获得高手前辈点评,享受福利

DIY申请梦工厂 报名地址:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-585950-1-1.html

选校的依据 自己的兴趣和项目的强项以及培养目标的契合 自己的目标和项目的培养目标是否吻合? 项目能否帮你达到你的目标? 这个项目和其他项目比有什么格外吸引你的地方? 自己的背景与项目的要求符合 自己的硬件是否达标? 项目是否卡硬件? 项目对背景有何要求? 你和其他申请人比有什么特别的地方? 其他因素 地理位置 个人联系 学费、奖学金情况

获取信息:Wikipedia 通过Wiki看项目或者专业背景 * 搜索mechanical engineering Wikipedia 获得: 简介 历史发展 教育、课程、执照 工资和劳动力数据 现代工具 学科分支 研究前沿 相关学科 有些专业还可搜graduate programs in XX

获取信息:Program官网 Program官网看项目设置或者项目简介(Top10) * EE/CS @ MIT

获取信息:Program官网 * EE/CS @ MIT

获取信息:Program官网 * EE/CS @ MIT: Graduate programs/Graduate Students Background What is your research and why are you excited about your project? What are your career goals and future plans?

获取信息:Program官网 * EE/CS @ MIT: Admissions/General Information/FAQ

获取信息:Program官网 * EE/CS @ MIT: Courses

获取信息:Program官网 * EE/CS @ MIT: Courses

获取信息:Program官网 需要注意的标签 Academics/Graduate programs/Prospective Students/Program Objectives/Dean’s Letter/Admissions requirements/FAQ 需要注意的问题 What is the goal for the program? What is the program proud of? How do you feel about this program? How is this program different from other programs? Which courses are interesting or helpful to me and why? What have I already learned? What will I find hard to learn? Is there a focus in the program? Practical? Theoretical?

获取信息:Program官网 推测录取标准 招生比例 是否有明确强调的背景?(Strong background, experience, leadership) 是否卡硬件? 是否强调研究? Profile

完成自己的选校资料库 自己的兴趣和项目的强项以及培养目标的契合 自己的目标和项目的培养目标是否吻合? 项目能否帮你达到你的目标? 这个项目和其他项目比有什么格外吸引你的地方? 自己的背景与项目的要求符合 自己的硬件是否达标? 项目是否卡硬件? 项目对背景有何要求? 你和其他申请人比有什么特别的地方? 其他因素 地理位置 个人联系 学费、奖学金情况

获取信息:小秘/Program Director/教授 改变套磁的观念 提早行动 什么都可以问 硬件问题,背景问题,就业率问题,录取率问题。。。 先查再问 问的方式 简洁,礼貌,具体,为别人着想 见面 > 电话 > 邮件

获取信息:小秘/Program Director/教授 关于硬件, GPA, 背景 Dear XXX, My name is XX, a senior student / second-year master student at YY university, China. I am interested in applying for your ZZ program. While browsing your website, I discovered that you have a GRE AW requirement at 3.5. My Aw is 3.0 even though I have had extensive English writing experience in my studies and research. I am wondering if my application will be declined automatically for my AW score. Could you please let me know if you will still review my application or you will strongly encourage me retake the exam? I understand you must have received this question all the time. Thank you very much for your time. Looking forward to hearing from you.

获取信息:小秘/Program Director/教授 关于就业率 Career service and professional opportunities are the most important things that I am looking for in a graduate program. So could you please let me know what kind of jobs or internships your international students normally get during or immediately after the program, especially the Chinese students? I understand that you may not have the official stats, just your perception is fine. 关于录取率 Do you mind letting me know how many students you are admitting this year? Also how many applications do you normally get or did you get last year? Please forgive me if those questions were inappropriate or something you can’t share.

获取信息:小秘/Program Director/教授 关于培养目标和录取标准 What kind of applicants is your program looking for? What kind of qualities does your program value the most? Research abilities, academic performance, leadership, or communication skills? Is the focus of your program application or theory? Research or industry? 宣传自己 先查后问 简洁,礼貌,具体,为别人着想

获取信息:在校生 怎样找联系方式? 怎样接触? 应该问什么问题? Dear Mike,   I am planning to apply for the PhD program at XXX. I am quite interested in the research topics of AAA and BBB Group. I am writing to ask the difference of lab atmosphere and the way students are supervised in the two labs. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you. Best, JoJo

获取信息:在校生 Dear Mike.   I learned your contact information from Dr. AAA’s webpage. I am interested in applying for the 2013fall PhD program at XXX. I have several questions concerning life and study in XXX and I would be happy if you could answer the following ones. 1、I am interested in the research topics in your lab, especially the YYY. What do you think about the facilities and doctoral training in XXXX? 2、What do you think about competition regarding application for the PhD program in XXX. I found statistics stating that successful applicants have an average GPA at 3.5, GRE around 70% in the verbal section. I got 57% in the verbal section in GRE, so I am a bit worried.

获取信息:其他获取信息的途径 自己的学长姐 导师 非申请学校的老师/小秘 中介 论坛 始终对自己保持信心! 不可尽信他人,要有自己的主观判断! 保持良好心态,想尽办法,每一步都要做到最好!

获取信息:如何做好套磁的准备 深入分析自己的背景,经历,能力,兴趣,目标 详细研究学校和项目的情况 看教授的网页和论文 了解大方向的动态和横向比较 准备套磁信和CV 去年文书准备讲座:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-483534-1-1.html CV讲座:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-485078-1-1.html CV大全:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-549352-1-1.html 套磁大全:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-551271-1-1.html

DIY梦工厂试炼任务1后续 报名贴2楼: http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-585950-1-1.html

DIY梦工厂试炼任务2 请大家关注短信和站内短消息,未来3天内放出


尚友为大家DIY提供的资源 理工科硕士申请区 http://www.sharewithu.com/forum-550-1.html 人文社科硕士申请区http://www.sharewithu.com/forum-551-1.html PhD申请区 http://www.sharewithu.com/forum-564-1.html

尚友为大家DIY提供的资源 新浪微博: DIY申请 人人: 留学申请 微信:DIY0012 QQ群汇总见: 人人: 留学申请 微信:DIY0012 QQ群汇总见: http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-583038-1-1.html