第十七章 旅游文化的翻译 Translation of Chinese Tourism Culture.


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Presentation transcript:

第十七章 旅游文化的翻译 Translation of Chinese Tourism Culture

第十七章:旅游文化翻译 17.1 引言 17.2 才 “译” 展示 课前翻译练习: 黄龙奇观 17.3 技巧及难点解读 课前翻译练习: 黄龙奇观 17.3 技巧及难点解读 17.3.1 地理文化与传说 【思考与练习1】 17.3.2 山水文化与风景 【思考与练习2】 17.3.3 古寺文化与庙会 【思考与练习3】 17.3.4 地质文化与生态 【思考与练习4】 17.4 旅游文化的翻译 17.4.1 旅游文化与释义 【思考与练习5】 17.4.2 旅游文化与类比 【思考与练习6】 17.4.3 旅游文化与增删 【思考与练习7】 17.4.4 旅游文化与创造 【思考与练习8】 推荐参阅书籍 第十七章综合练习 练习1 练习2 练习3 End

17. 1 引言 (Introduction) 所谓旅游,就是到处走走,各地旅行,游览参观,领略自然风光,体味风土人情,感受历史文化,丰富阅历见识,提高个人修养,增长知识才干。

还可坚强意志,培养情趣,开阔视野,敞亮胸怀,锻炼身体。真是好处多多,情趣无限! 溯礼仪精神源流,看风俗千姿百态,寻古国文化文明精髓,赏各族风情迥异,感中华大地人杰地灵,述华夏儿女情怀。 还可坚强意志,培养情趣,开阔视野,敞亮胸怀,锻炼身体。真是好处多多,情趣无限!

中国文化丰富,随历史兴衰而演变发展。我国的文明几千年来对国人的影响根深蒂固。近代的满族文化作为游牧的少数民族文化,满族的旗袍仍然是现代中国妇女的心爱之物。两湖孕育的湖湘文化在风云叱咤的 20 世纪。

江浙文化以上海大都会为中心、对外开放、以兼容西学的海派文化著称。巴蜀文化以地方文化为特色,产生了许多历史人物。齐鲁文化古风犹存,万世师表孔圣人及其后来的新儒学在 21 世纪再放华彩。塞北边疆的游牧文化养育了一代天骄成吉思汗。岭南文化随着华南地区经济的迅猛发展,正青春焕发。









这个交响乐是这个地区 “人类喜剧” 的一幕,这一台戏在这个舞台上已演出一万年了。唱响的是一曲曲丰富而多元的中国文化,鼓舞并激励着华夏民族,不断走向昌盛的未来!

本章从文化的角度,将主要讨论地理文化与传说、山水文化与风景、古寺文化与庙会、地质文化与生态等旅游文化翻译的宏观问题;从语言的角度,探讨旅游文化与释义、类比、增删、创造等方面在旅游文化翻译过程中的有关词语词汇的微观处理问题。 本小节结束

17. 2 才 “译” 展示 (Pre-Class Diagnostic Translation Practice) 【课前翻译练习】 黄龙奇观

黄龙奇观 在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。 相传在中国古代,洪水肆虐,人民苦不堪言。大禹决心治水,但船不能行,有黄龙来为他负舟,于是导水成功。黄龙疲惫,未及回归大海,死于岷山之下,因而其地就称为黄龙。

黄龙风景,自海拔近3600米处,沿山谷而下,遥远3 黄龙风景,自海拔近3600米处,沿山谷而下,遥远3.5千米,地上覆盖着一层淡黄色碳酸钙沉积,形成大大小小的众多水池,状如梯田。池水澄清,呈淡蓝、淡绿各色。远看宛如黄龙俯卧,鳞光闪闪。两旁森林,全是高大云杉。林间地上,多奇花异草,或蓝或白,或红或紫,灿烂如缤纷。


据科学工作者考察,这里的山体系石灰岩地质,黄龙景观实为岩溶地貌。在中国,岩溶地貌形成的绮丽景色着实不少,有名的如桂林山水、云南石林,然而它们的风貌都与黄龙迥异。 在黄龙附近的林区,还栖息着大熊猫、扭角羚、虹雉等珍贵动物。

如今,国家拟将黄龙划入它北面的九寨沟自然保护区,统一管理,以保护自然生态,开展科学研究和供人们游览。(杨平:《名作精译》) 本小节结束

17. 3 技巧及难点解读 (Techniques and Interpretation) 黄龙风景区海拔在3 000米以上,地理状况特别复杂,地表钙化独具特色。景区主要景观集中于黄龙沟,沟内遍布碳酸钙化沉积,并呈梯田状排列,恰似一条金色巨龙,长约3.6公里。雪山峡谷、飞流瀑布、原始森林等景观相伴造奇。

沟谷顶端的玉翠峰麓,高山雪水和涌出地表的岩溶水交融流淌。绘出了一幅天然图画。碳酸钙沉积过程中,又与各种有机物、无机物结成不同质的钙华体,光线照射,变化种种,形成池水同源而色泽不一的参差错落的 “五彩池”。景区景观奇特、资源丰富、生态原始、保存完好。

池中常青松柏,或高出水面,或淹于水中,婀娜多姿,妩媚动人,形似 “水中盆景”。彩池规模不同,形状各异,五光十色,争奇斗妍;浅滩上水流涌动,阳光照射,波光粼粼,晶莹透亮,恍若瑶池仙境。还有那飘动的经幡,古老的水磨房,迟缓的耗牛群…… 融化在奇山异水、蓝天白云之间,使人有羽化成仙之感。

华夏儿女世代生息繁衍于这块土地,对自己的土地有着无限的深情,并赋予了浓厚的文化信息,承载着民族情感色彩,山川湖泊、历史文化、自然风景、地域特征等无一不饱含着浓浓的情深深的意,歌于斯、唱于斯、寄情于斯、寓意于斯,“万水千山总是情” 啊!像黄龙如此的地方,如此的景观、如此的语言结构、如此的形容比喻,翻译时可用抽象译具体、物象意象相结合的方法,译出黄龙的特点特色。 本小节结束

17. 3. 1 地理文化与传说 (Translation of Lands & Legends) 地理是指 “全世界或一个地区的山川、气候等自然环境及物产、交通、居民点等社会经济因素的总的情况。” 这里主要指长江和黄河及其流域,因为它们是我们的母亲河,哺育了中华儿女;是我们生存的土地,繁衍了中国文化。


正是这种自然地理空间使中国文化呈地方特色、小异大同的特点。不但有着极为丰富的知识,而且有着一个个清新活泼、引人入胜的精彩故事。神化传说的、真实可信的、虚构寓言的…… 比如盘古开天地、三皇五帝、伏羲创八卦;火焰山、天池、丹霞地貌;马蹄寺、飞来石等都给地理又增添了无限神秘神奇的色彩。

尤其是一些人类无法解释的问题和现象,惊奇感叹、趣味无穷,留给我们一个广阔的思考和想象空间,进一步的认识人类历史和文明。像这类文本,多采用避 “虚” 就 “实” 的翻译方法,尽量使比较抽象的东西具体化。例如:

在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。 相传在中国古代,洪水肆虐,人民苦不堪言。大禹决心治水,但船不能行,有黄龙来为他负舟,于是导水成功。黄龙疲惫,未及回归大海,死于岷山之下,因而其地就称为黄龙。

【参考译文】One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon), which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains. Its lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams, and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty.

Legend has it that some 4 000 years ago, when great floods threatened the people of central China. Yu the Great resolved to tame the mighty rivers, and he journeyed inland in a boat, but was soon stopped by the torrential current. Fortunately, a yellow dragon appeared and bore the boat upstream as far as it could go. Yu succeeded in controlling the flood and went on to found the 500-year Xia Dynasty, but the exhausted dragon could not return to the sea, and died at the foot of Xuebao Peak.

【解析】这第一段虽然在第七章 “语段翻译” 的引言部分讲到,但那是从汉英两种语言的思维差异的角度来分析的,这里又是从另一个角度来讲 “黄龙” 地理位置和自然环境状况。比如把 “在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主峰雪宝顶,……这就是松潘县的黄龙。” 译为 One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon), which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains 一定语从句,表明其独特的地理位置,一个美妙而诱人的地方。

到处是 “树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺”,自然环境优美、原始生态平衡,英译为Its lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams, and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty,汉语形容描写,绘声绘色, 英语回归自然,用 forests, flowers, streams, songbirds 朴实具体的词语来说明其natural beauty。

第二段是 “黄龙” 的故事传说与来历,“相传在中国古代,洪水肆虐,人民苦不堪言。” 把 “相传” 是故事开讲的套用语,正好用Legend has it that… 表示;“在中国古代”,时间概念比较模糊,实际上这里所指的是大禹在4 000多年前治理黄河流域即中原一带水患的神话传说,故而译为 some 4 000 years ago,这样时间就比较具体,给读者一个相对明确的概念。

大禹又是女娲的第19代孙,自然带有神的旨 意,便有神仙相助治水,“……有黄龙来为他负舟,于是导水成功。黄龙疲惫,未及回归大海,死于岷山之下,…” 英译为 “… a yellow dragon appeared and bore the boat upstream as far as it could go. Yu succeeded in controlling the flood and went on to found the 500-year Xia Dynasty, but the exhausted dragon could not return to the sea, and died at the foot of Xuebao Peak.” 增译 to found the 500-year Xia Dynasty 既表示大禹成功治水的完成时间,又说明大禹治水的历史功绩。 本小节结束

九寨沟,是一个童话的世界。冬天的九寨沟,童话的意味更长。 【思考与练习1】 语篇翻译,注意地理文化 冬天的童话 (小翼) 九寨沟,是一个童话的世界。冬天的九寨沟,童话的意味更长。 造物主用神奇的魔力,变幻出独特的景观——春天的岁岁苏苏,夏日的蓬蓬勃勃,秋季的绚丽缤纷,此时,都化为神圣的清白,化为深沉悠远的缄默,化为银雕玉琢的庄严。


走进这世界来吧。这里没有都市的喧嚣,没有世俗的尘念。在这里,你会领悟到,如果每一生命都溶化为圣洁的白雪或透明的冰晶,将是多么美好和崇高! 走进这世界来吧。这个世界永远敞开纯净柔美的情怀拥抱你。孩子们在这里会拾取到一首首优美的诗篇,恋侣们在这里将寻觅到千古流芳的故事,学人们在这里能读到永恒的哲理! 愿九寨沟洁白的雪野上,印上你勇敢的脚迹,愿九寨沟安静的天地聆听到欢快的歌声……

——A poetic introduction to Nine Village Valley 【参考译文】 A Winter’s Fairy Tale ——A poetic introduction to Nine Village Valley Nine-village Valley (Jiu Zai Gou) is a world of fairy tales. In winter, it has a lot more to tell. With its magic power, the Creator has turned out a unique landscape --- the everlasting budding of spring, the vigorous growth of summer, the prismatic colors of autumn, all have been changed into the solemnity of silver arid jade.

Standing still in the snowy fields, resembling Nature’s sensitive nerves, the withered twigs are telling the mystery of life. Facing the dark blue lake, like an aged man, the age --- old snow --- clad trees are recalling the ups and downs of their past years. Along the road paved with rubbles, snow drifts and icicles, the endless waterfalls keep composing their resounding song which makes this world even wider and all the more silent. Come and enter this world. There is no city uproar, no worldly cares. Here you will come to realize how beautiful and noble it is when all life is melted into holy and pure white snow or transparent ice crystals.

Come and enter this world Come and enter this world. It will embrace you forever with its soft and gentle sentiments. Here, children may gather some charming poems; lovers may find fine stories retold for ages; scholars may discover the inspiring truth of eternity. May the snowy fields of Nine-village Valley be imprinted with your brave footmarks. May the serene sky of this tourist attraction listen for your joyful song … (Tr. by Steven Huang)

【解析】如果说第十一章 “课前翻译练习”《神化世界九寨沟》所描写的是物质具体化的神化九寨沟,那么这篇《冬天的童话》描写的便是精神抽象化的神化九寨沟,她的生态自然,独特而神奇,尤其是在冬天, “童话的意味更长”(In winter, it has a lot more to tell.)。

当然,一年四季,各有景致,比如 “春天的岁岁苏苏” the everlasting budding of spring,“夏日的蓬蓬勃勃” the vigorous growth of summer, “秋季的绚丽缤纷” the prismatic colors of autumn,冬天 “银雕玉琢的庄严” all have been changed into the solemnity of silver arid jade。

第二段属拟人的描写,比如 “颤悸的枯枝,倔强地傲立在雪野上,似大自然敏感的神经,在默默诉说着生命的奥秘(Standing still in the snowy fields, resembling Nature’s sensitive nerves, the withered twigs are telling the mystery of life.);披着霜雪的斑驳古树,如龙钟的老者,面对湛蓝深邃的湖水,恍若回忆岁月的沧桑(Facing the dark blue lake, like an aged man, the age ---old snow ---clad trees are recalling the ups and downs of their past years.)。

不竭的瀑流,在乱石、雪堆和冰棱铺成的道路上,依然编织着不甘寂寞的歌,而那歌声却使这世界显得愈加辽阔和寂静……(Along the road paved with rubbles, snow drifts and icicles, the endless waterfalls keep composing their resounding song which makes this world even wider and all the more silent.)。

第三段是心灵净化的呼唤,比如 “在这里,你会领悟到,如果每一生命都溶化为圣洁的白雪或透明的冰晶,将是多么美好和崇高!” 英译为Here you will come to realize how beautiful and noble it is when all life is melted into holy and pure white snow or transparent ice crystals, 译文对原文本结构略作调整,突出 “美好和崇高”,when 引导从句置后,符合英语表达。

第四段是一次对不同人的温柔呼唤,比如 “孩子们在这里会拾取到一首首优美的诗篇,恋侣们在这里将寻觅到千古流芳的故事,学人们在这里能读到永恒的哲理”,英译为 Here, children may gather some charming poems; lovers may find fine stories retold for ages; scholars may discover the inspiring truth of eternity,译文和原文结构基本一致,但三个谓语动词“拾取到”、“寻觅到” 和 “读到” 分别用 gather、find和 discover表达,简单而贴切,回归自然,物象意象统一。 本小节结束

17. 3. 2 山水文化与风景 (Translation of Mountains, Waters & Landscapes) 山水文化是指山水与文化。山水指地质地貌特征,生态环境,有一定文化积淀,具有美学、文化、科学价值的自然景观,也包括亭阁泉石,静态与动态、声音与色彩、人工与造化结合的自然景观。包括有形的、可触摸的、占据一定空间的物质文化遗存,及无形的历史悠久、影响深远的精神文化遗存,能够满足人们游览、审美、科研、文化教育等需求。山水是文化的载体,文化是山水的灵魂。


同时还可选取不同的时间、不同季节、不同气候、特殊时辰,可平视也可俯瞰还可仰望,企求获得一种立体感、纵深感和层次感。如峨嵋山金顶看 “佛光”、泰山颠上观日出、农历八月十八日前后钱塘看潮涌等。例如:

黄龙风景,自海拔近3 600米处,沿山谷而下,遥远3 黄龙风景,自海拔近3 600米处,沿山谷而下,遥远3.5千米,地上覆盖着一层淡黄色碳酸钙沉积,形成大大小小的众多水池,状如梯田。池水澄清,呈淡蓝、淡绿各色。远看宛如黄龙俯卧,鳞光闪闪。两旁森林,全是高大云杉。林间地上,多奇花异草,或蓝或白,或红或紫,灿烂如缤纷。

【参考译文】Viewing Huanglong from a distance, one might imagine that the noble serpent for which the area was named is still lying on the hillside. Actually, this “yellow dragon” is a geological formation unique to this karst region; its yellow color is due to a layer of calcium carbonate, and the tiny, clear pools that line its back look like scales. The dragon is surrounded by spruce trees and assorted rare flowering plants in blue, white, red, and purple.

【解析】这段译文完全打破了原文的框架,充分体现了英语的直线型思维模式,重新安排了语言结构和逻辑顺序,把 “远看宛如黄龙俯卧” 译为现在分词短语作状语置于段首 Viewing Huanglong from a distance…,而且 “黄龙” 就用汉语拼音 Huanglong,并增译 the noble serpent for which…lying on the hillside恰似 “龙” 形蠕动,生动形象,形状逼真;紧接着意译 this “yellow dragon” is a geological formation unique to this karst region,以说明 “黄龙” 形成的地质原因,特殊的溶岩颜色,引人入胜的地貌状态。

省译 “自海拔近3600米处,沿山谷而下,遥远3.5千米”,以突出前者;然后译 “地上覆盖着一层淡黄色碳酸钙沉积,形成大大小小的众多水池,状如梯田” 为 its yellow color is due to a layer of calcium carbonate, and the tiny, clear pools that line its back look like scales;其余部分,去 “虚” 留 “实”,合并取意,译为The dragon is surrounded by spruce trees and assorted rare flowering plants in blue, white, red, and purple一句,十分紧凑。 本小节结束

栈桥:是青岛的标志性建筑,始建于1892年,桥身长440米,桥面宽8米,被誉为青岛十景之一。 【思考与练习2】 语篇翻译,注意山水风景 青岛主要景点 栈桥:是青岛的标志性建筑,始建于1892年,桥身长440米,桥面宽8米,被誉为青岛十景之一。 小青岛:又称“琴岛”。位于青岛湾栈桥东南,为海中一小岛。面积约1.2万平方米,海拔17米。岛上山石俊秀,林木青翠。

小鱼山公园:位于第一海水浴场之阴,海拔60米。公园建于1985年,中国古典风格,建筑面积800平方米。建筑设计围绕“海”的主题,处处显示“鱼”山之特色。海滨名胜尽收眼底。1992年被青岛市民和游客评选为青岛十大景观之一。 崂山:位于青岛市东部的崂山区,距市中心40公里。它东、南两面濒临黄海,总面积446平方公里。海岸线长87.3公里,主峰“巨峰”海拔1133米。崂山是中国著名的道教名山,鼎盛时期有“九宫八观七十二庵”,使崂山成为道教全真天下第二丛林。(《今日中国》,2005年第5期)

【参考译文】 Main Tourist Spots in Qingdao Zhanqiao Pier: Landmark structure in Qingdao, built in 1892. One of the city’s ten major scenic spots, the 440-meter-long, 8-meter-wide pier juts out into the Yellow Sea. Lesser Qingdao: Also known as Qindao, the small island covers an area of 12 000 square meters, standing 17 meters above sea level. The island is covered in beautiful rocks, hills and woods.

Little Yushan Park: Another of Qingdao’s ten major scenic spots, this Chinese-style park, constructed in 1985, is an excellent place to enjoy the sea view. Laoshan Mountain: Situated in the Laoshan District, 40 kilometers from the city center, this is the most famous Taoist mountain in China. It faces the Yellow Sea to the east and south, covering an area of 446 square kilometers with a coastal line of 87.3 kilometers. Its main peak is 1 133 meters above sea level. (China Today, May 2005)

【解析】汉语描写景物的特点之一是诗情画意、带有强烈主观审美色彩。“一般而言,汉语的景物描写大多文笔优美,用词凝练含蓄、音韵和美,语言近乎诗化,景物刻画不求明细,讲究‘情景交融’、‘意与境混’ 的 ‘诗情画意’ 艺术境界,追求一种意象的朦胧之美。


只要了解以上文化差异,在妥当处理原文主要信息的前提下,依照英语民族的理性思维方式和表达习惯,对朦胧、空灵、借景抒情的描写进行直观具体的改造。原文文本运用虚实结合的写作手法,简要介绍青岛四个有代表性的景点。第一景 “找桥” 最为写实。译文完好保留了原文信息,并增补了信息 juts out into the Yellow Sea,语言朴实简练。

第二景 “小青岛” 以写实为主,仅在结尾“山石俊秀,林木青翠”处略有虚写。译文用概略化手法,以beautiful一词统 “俊秀” 和 “青翠”,语言朴素实在。第三、四两景均为虚实并用:第三景的虚写部分为 “建筑设计围绕 ‘海’的主题,处处显示 ‘鱼’ 山之特色。海滨名胜尽收眼底”,译文以 an excellent place to enjoy the sea view 一言概之。

第四景虚写也在结尾处:“崂山是中国著名的道教名山,鼎盛时期有 ‘九宫八观七十二庵’,使崂山成为道教全真天下第二丛林。”其中“九宫八观七十二庵” 意指 “数量多”,是汉语中典型 “虚” 的夸张性表达。译文中也被大部分省略,概略化为 this is the most famous Taoist mountain in China。 本小节结束

17. 3. 3 古寺文化与庙会 (Translation of Monasteries & Fairs) 早在远古时代,生产力水平低下,人们对大自然的认识、利用、征服能力极为有限,崇拜与恐惧共存,感谢上苍、崇拜自然、祭祀山川河流,开始便选择奇特的环境、优美的自然,修建寺院庙宇,拜神赐福,祈天求雨,保佑平安,逐渐形成了古寺文化与庙会。



【参考译文】 On the hilltop stands the Yellow Dragon Monastery, a Taoist retreat built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). A karst cave lies before it, and a stone tablet was erected behind. All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate, and the inscriptions have become unreadable. Every year in the sixth lunar month, the local people, along with Tibetan, Qiang, Hui, and Han visitors from neighboring Qinghai and Gansu travel to the monastery on horseback for a temple fair. They set up tents and celebrate with song and dance far into the night.

【解析】 这段原文文本也是运用 “虚” 的形容和“实” 的具体描写手法,英语译文尽量让其回落到“实” 的基础上来。比如 “山谷顶端,残留着一座道教建筑,名 ’黄龙古寺’。” 译文与原文的表达顺序一致,只把其中的 “残留” 英语用 stands 一词,拟人化地表达了 the Yellow Dragon Monastery,正好与下一句 “寺前有一溶洞,深邃莫测” 中的 “有” 英语用 lies 形成对应,以built in the Ming Dynasty的古老久远的时间的 “实” 来证明 “深邃莫测” 的 “虚”,因此,“深邃莫测” 略而不译。

“看来,这 400 来年的沉积速度是相当可观的。” 从汉语角度讲,是用来强调并加深前一句“碳酸钙沉积” 使 “碑文已不可辨认” 的意义,说明其速度之快,如再译 “……是相当可观的”,似有罗嗦之嫌,所以省译。

后两句 “每年农历六月为黄龙寺庙会期,方圆几百里及至青海、甘肃的藏、羌、回、汉各族人民也前来赶会。届时,帐篷连营,人马喧腾,歌舞相杂,十分热闹。” 英译为 Every year in the sixth lunar month, the local people, along with Tibetan, Qiang, Hui, and Han visitors from neighboring Qinghai and Gansu travel to the monastery on horseback for a temple fair. They set up tents and celebrate with song and dance far into the night,用具体的事实来说明 “黄龙古寺” 经久不衰而形成古寺文化的原因。 本小节结束

【思考与练习3】 语段翻译,注意古寺陵园文化 南京山环水抱,形胜天然;六朝遗迹,风貌古朴;明代城垣,举世无双;中山陵园,庄严雄伟;长江大桥,天堑通途;玄武湖、莫愁湖,犹如两颗璀璨的明珠,晶莹剔透地镶嵌在南京市的版图上;更有风光旖旎的十里秦淮,置身其间,令人怡情悦目,心驰神往。(戎林海:《新编实用翻译教程》)

【参考译文】Embraced by mountains and waters, Nanjing enjoys a picturesque charm of nature. The remains of the six dynasties renders it a city of archaic simplicity and the city walls of the Ming dynasty are worldly unmatchable. The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen looks solemn and magnificent while the huge bridge spanning over the mighty river makes the grand chasm to become a thoroughfare. The Xuanwu Lake and Mochou Lake seem to be two brilliant and transparent pearls inserted on the domain of the city of Nanjing, and moreover, there are still the 10-li attractions along the Qinhuai River. All these make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to your eyes when you are lingering among them.


比如 “南京山环水抱,形胜天然”,其中的“环” “抱”,英语就用一过去分词短语 Embraced by… 作状语,谓语用 enjoys,这种拟人化表达,形象而逼真,将全句译为 Embraced by mountains and waters, Nanjing enjoys a picturesque charm of nature,很容易理解;“六朝遗迹,风貌古朴;明代城垣,举世无双”,取意实译为The remains of the six dynasties renders it a city of archaic simplicity and the city walls of the Ming dynasty are worldly unmatchable。

后一句中,因有 brilliant and transparent pearls,为避免意思重复,故而省译 “晶莹剔透地”;还有 “更有风光旖旎的十里秦淮,置身其间,令人怡情悦目,心驰神往。” 分译两句 All these make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to your eyes when you are lingering among them,虽然少了形容对应,却不失损原意,尤其是…there are still the 10-li attractions along the Qinhuai River,意义更为清楚。 本小节结束

17. 3. 4 地质文化与生态 (Translation of Geology & Eco-Environment) 我国山水总体呈现出北雄南秀、相互对应的风格。从地质外貌角度说,北面雄伟壮观,惊险峻峭,上载危岩,下临深谷,给人一种崇高的痛感愉快;奇异独特,形态千姿百态,幻怪离奇,出人意料,给人以惊喜的效果;南面柔美秀丽,山水形象的秀美、玲珑、柔和,让人感到平缓、亲切、轻松、明净、随和、闲适、宁静、愉悦、淡远。


据科学工作者考察,这里的山体系石灰岩地质,黄龙景观实为岩溶地貌。在中国,岩溶地貌形成的绮丽景色着实不少,有名的如桂林山水、云南石林,然而它们的风貌都与黄龙迥异。 在黄龙附近的林区,还栖息着大熊猫、扭角羚、虹雉等珍贵动物。 如今,国家拟将黄龙划入它北面的九寨沟自然保护区,统一管理,以保护自然生态,开展科学研究和供人们游览。

【参考译文】Many of China’s famous landscapes, such as those of Guilin in Guangxi and the Stone Forest in Yunnan, are also built on karst formations. But each has its own character. Giant pandas, takins, and pheasants roam the forests of Huanglong, along with many other species of animals and birds. Huanglong and nearby Jiuzhaigou will soon be made a nature reserve to protect the area’s ecology and to allow scientists to observe these rare animals in their own habitats.

【解析】 原文文本简要介绍了黄龙岩溶地貌与自然生态状况。英语译文不完全考虑与原文文本的用词对应,调整结构,省 “虚” 取 “实”,摘要概括简译。比如原文本属三段,英译为两段;第一段中 “据科学工作者考察”,融入第二段中的 to allow scientists to observe…;“这里的山体系石灰岩地质,黄龙景观实为岩溶地貌。”前面已有过近似译文,亦可略而不译;第二段和第三段合译为一段,并扩译 “珍贵动物” along with many other species of animals and birds,使意义更为确切一些。 本小节结束

【思考与练习4】 语段翻译,注意古城特色 台州古城,始建于晋,成于隋唐,北枕龙固,南接巾子,灵江汇永安、始丰之水绕城而过。城依山,山傍水,水抱域,山、水、城相融,独具特色。尤以北部最峻,依山就势,逶迤曲折,犹如巨龙飞舞,人称“江南八达岭”。两山相峙,两水相依,群城群塔,构成古城独特风格。古城除用于御敌外,还兼防洪,四个城门及瓮城结构别具一格。域内风景秀丽,环境优美,文化底蕴深厚,人文和自然景观丰富。(《中国翻译》,2012(1))

【参考译文】The ancient city wall of Taizhou was first built in the Jin Dynasty (317-420) and was gradually expanded in the Tang Dynasty (617-907). Starting from Jinshan Hill in the south and ending at the Peigu Hill in the north, it stretches for several kms with the Yongan Stream and Shifeng Stream joining together nearby to form the Linjiang River which passes by the wall on the west. The city wall, the hills and streams embrace one another in an inseparable unity and form an extraordinary scene.

The wall meanders through the hill, serpentining up and down its slopes, with precipices in its northern part. People like to call it “Badaling south of the Yangtze River”. The ancient wall used to be a stronghold against foreign invasion and to protect the city from big floods. The wall, with four gates and four barbican entrances was built from a creative design, not an imitation of any other. The two hills facing each other, the two streams joining together, and the walls and pagodas---all these combine to make the historical city a unique place. Inside the city wall you may find yourself surrounded by scenic spots and places of cultural interest. (Tr. by Wang Aiqin)

【解析】这是一段关于浙江台州府古城旅游景点介绍。语言优美,语义贯通、语境映衬、暗含逻辑。“整个篇章彰显了汉语 ‘螺旋型’的思维特征和语篇结构特征。……故在对上述语篇的翻译思维转换过程中,根据英语语篇的结构特点,对其进行了结构重组,调整了原来混乱的逻辑关系,如将 “功能”前移,将风光特色集中于后。然后根据重组后的语篇结构,通过使用 ‘the wall、with、which、inside’ 等词语进行连接,形成直线型的英语语篇。”

比如 “台州古城,始建于晋,成于隋唐” 属于历史介绍,应先译The ancient city wall of Taizhou was first built in the Jin Dynasty (317-420) and was gradually expanded in the Tang Dynasty (617-907);“北枕龙固,南接巾子,灵江汇永安、始丰之水绕城而过。” 英译为 Starting from Jinshan Hill in the south and ending at the Peigu Hill in the north, it stretches for several kms with the Yongan Stream and Shifeng Stream joining together nearby to form the Linjiang River which passes by the wall on the west,注其地理位置,其中增译 it stretches for several kms,说明规模大小。

“城依山,山傍水,水抱域,山、水、城相融,独具特色。” 其中的 “依”、“傍”、“抱”、“相融”,译文用embrace one another in an inseparable unity 表明其特色与关系;“尤以北部最峻,依山就势,逶迤曲折,犹如巨龙飞舞,人称‘江南八达岭’。”,英译为 The wall eanders through the hill, serpentining up and down its slopes, with precipices in its northern part. People like to call it “Badaling south of the Yangtze River”,用meanders 和 serpentining up and down… 形象地表明其特征。

最后三句,先译 “古城除用于御敌外,还兼防洪” The ancient wall used to be a stronghold against foreign invasion and to protect the city from big floods,因为说的是古城的功能与用途,其余全都说的是古城的风光特色,置后译出,更符合英语的表达特点。 本小节结束

17. 4 旅游文化的翻译 (Translation of Chinese Tourism Culture) “旅游资料的功能是通过对景点的介绍、宣传,扩展人们的知识,激发人们旅游、参观的兴趣,因此,旅游翻译的最终目的就是通过传递信息来吸引旅游者。翻译这类资料,译者要考虑到译文的可读性及读者的接受效果,所以,译者的自由度相对较大。”


要处理好旅游文本中大量的文化信息,翻译还是要以偏向译文、侧重读者的方向为准则。译文既不能不顾及英语的表达习惯和读者的接受能力,让英语就范于汉语的概念和意象,追求语言文字和信息量的 “对等” 转换,也不能因两种文化的差异造成的 “词汇空缺” 而经常回避困难。



17. 4.1 旅游文化与释义 (Approximation in Tourism Culture Translation) 所谓 “释义”,实际是一种 “近似值”(approximation)的翻译(The translator’s language can only be approximate.)(Newmark, 1981)。说白了,释义就是对原文字面意义的解释、说明(包括加注),主要用来弥补 “词义空缺” 问题,也算是有效地传递文化性息的一种途径。

比如:“太平宫位于崂山东部的上苑山北麓,初名太平兴国院,是赵匡胤为华盖真人刘若拙建的道场之一。” 可这样译为:Taipinggong Temple is located at the northern foot of Mount Shangyuan, north of Laoshan Mountain. Its original name was“The Garden of Taiping Xingguo”, one of the Taoist temples built for Liu Ruozhuo (his religious name was Huagai) by Zhao Kuangyin, the founder of the Song Dynasty (960-1127) .

这一小段话的英译文中的 his religious name was Huagai 和 the founder of the Song Dynasty (960-1127) 是 “刘若拙” Liu Ruozhuo 和 “赵匡胤” Zhao Kuangyin 的注释性译文,这种译文虽然也不十分全面,但起码会让读者有个大概的了解,知道刘、赵是何许人也。当然这样的译文也不宜太长,太长了会因“重此失彼”、“喧宾夺主” 而扰乱读者对原文的正确理解。例如:

长江三峡 长江三峡西起白帝城,东至南津关,全长193公里。万里长江在这里切开崇山峻岭,夺路东下,两岸峭壁插天,高峰入云;峡内急流汹涌,泡漩翻腾,云飞雾绕,景象万千,以雄、险、奇、幽著称于世,是长江风景旅游线上最奇秀、最集中的风景名胜,海内外游人十分向往的旅游热线。

【参考译文】 The Three Gorges The world-famous Three Gorges is the joint name for Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge. It extends from the White Emperor’s Town in Fengjie County, Chongqing City in the west to the Nanjin Pass in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east, with a total length of 193 kilometers. All the way along, the Yangtze River cuts through high mountains and surges eastward, with precipitous cliffs and towering peaks reaching to the skies on both sides.

Rapid torrents twist and turn, roaring through the gorges against curling clouds and whirling mists, presenting a great variety of majestic scenes. For its being magnificent, perilous; grotesque and tranquil at the same time, the Three Gorges is well-known as the major tourist attraction on the traveling route of the Yangtze River. Scenic spots and historic sites shine like a string of pearls on the golden River, offering a hot traveling route eagerly taken by tourists at home and abroad. (Tr. by Yang Xiaorong)

【解析】这段文字是对《长江三峡》的概括性介绍。其源头起止、其长短大小、其气势磅礴、其声势浩大、其险峻特点、其奇秀风景给人以亲临其境之感。文字短小精悍,语言简练精彩,介绍清楚,表述全面。正应了唐朝诗人杜甫的 “人间长见画,老去恨空闻” 的诗句。汉译时注意该释义补充处就释义补充,该增加解析时就增加解析。

比如 “长江三峡西起白帝城,东至南津关,全长193公里。” 分两句英译为:The world-famous Three Gorges is the joint name for Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge. It extends from the White Emperor’s Town in Fengjie County, Chongqing City in the west to the Nanjin Pass in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east, with a total length of 193 kilometers. 对 “长江三峡”进行了释义以说明由Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge 组成的由来,对 “白帝城” 释义说明是在 in Fengjie County, Chongqing City in the west 和 “南津关” 在 in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east 地理位置,减少了读者理解的难度。

而且,结构都是 “专有名称+通用名称”,比如 Qutang(专有名)+ Gorge(通用名),Fengjie(专有名)+ County(通用名)等;翻译方法是 “音译(专有名)+ 英语(通用名)”,比如 Nanjin (音译专有名)+ Pass(英语通用名)。除此之外,还可使用“专名+属性名+通名;(专名+通名)+ 通名;(专名+通名)+ 属性名 + 通名。” 等结构。专有名一般都用音译,偶用意译,但属性名和通名一般都用意译。 本小节结束

醉翁亭记 (欧阳修) 【思考与练习5】 语段翻译,注意环境介绍 醉翁亭记 (欧阳修) 环滁皆山也。其西南诸峰,林壑尤美。望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。山行六七里,渐闻水声潺潺而泄出于两峰之间者,酿泉也。峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也。作亭者谁?山之僧智仙也。名之者谁?太守自谓也。太守与客来饮于此,饮少辄醉,而年又最高,故自号曰醉翁也。醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。

【参考译文】 The Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard (by Ouyang Xsiu) The district of Chu is enclosed all around by hills, of which those in the southwest boast the most lovely forests and dales. In the distance, densely wooded and possessed of a rugged beauty, is Mount Langya. When you penetrate a mile or two into this mountain you begin to hear the gurgling of a stream, and presently the stream --- the Brewer’s Spring --- comes into sight cascading between two peaks.

Rounding a bend you see a hut with a spreading roof hard by the stream, and this is the Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard. This hut was built by the monk Zhi Xian. It was given its name by the governor, referring to himself. The governor, coming here with his friends, often gets tipsy after a little drinking; and since he is the most advanced in years, he calls himself the Old Drunkard. He delights less in drinking than in the hills and streams, taking pleasure in them and expressing the feeling in his heart through drinking. (Tr. by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang)

【解析】 欧阳修是我国北宋时期政治家、文学家、史学家和诗人。一生著述繁富,成绩斐然。庆历五年欧阳修被落去朝职,贬任滁州太守。在任职滁州期间,欧阳修实行宽简政治,发展生产,当地人民生活和平安定,年丰物阜,又有一片令人陶醉的山水,这使欧阳修感到无比的快慰。但是当时北宋王朝政治昏暗,奸邪当道,一些有志改革图强的人纷纷受到打击,眼睁睁地看着国家的积弊不能消除,衰亡的景象日益增长,又使他感到沉重的忧虑和痛苦。



建造亭子的人是谁?是山里的和尚智仙。给它命名的人是谁?是太守用自己的号 “醉翁”来命名的,太守同宾客来到这里饮酒,喝少量的酒就醉了,而年纪又最大,所以给自己取个别号叫 “醉翁”。醉翁的情趣不在酒上,而在秀丽的山水之间。欣赏山水的乐趣,领会在心里,寄托在喝酒上。

译文完全表达了原作的意思,体现了原作之美,而且语句十分优美,比如 “醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。” 这样译 He delights less in drinking than in the hills and streams, taking pleasure in them and expressing the feeling in his heart through drinking;结构完整,而且只一个主谓结构 He delights in… 的句子;层次分明,用连词 less…than…和 and 依次排列相连;逻辑合理,用现在分词短语taking pleasure in… 和 expressing the feeling in…作谓语 delight 的伴随状语。

语言生动形象,比如 “林壑尤美” 译为 boast the most lovely forests and dales、“山行六七里,渐闻水声潺潺而泄出于两峰之间者” 译为 When you penetrate a mile or two into this mountain you begin to hear the gurgling of a stream, and presently the stream comes into sight cascading between two peaks、“饮少辄醉” 译为 often gets tipsy after a little drinking 以及 “而年又最高” 译为 the most advanced in years等语言真是漂亮。

选词遣字很讲究、很到位,比如 “《醉翁亭记》” 译成了 The Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard,尤其是 The Roadside Hut,非常表达了原文作者所要的喻义形象;传达原文意思准确,比如 “琅琊” 指安徽滁州的琅琊山 Mount Langya,音译专名 Langya,意译通名;理解表达到位,比如 “峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者”译为 Rounding a bend you see a hut with a spreading roof hard by the stream,“酿泉”译为 the Brewer’s Spring;但原文比较古典文气,而译文多为比较工整的现代英语,少了原文“古香古色” 的语言和文化风格。 本小节结束

17. 4. 2 旅游文化与类比 (Analogy in Tourism Culture Translation) 类比是两类本质上不同的事物或两种情境之间扩展的或复杂的比喻。类比是用人们熟悉的事例说明较深的道理,或通过具体形象阐明抽象的概念等。也就是在阐述事理时,把抽象概念具体化,形象化;把深奥的哲理浅显化;把陌生的东西变为熟悉的东西。它是通过比喻手法的综合运用来说明道理或情况。

所谓类比,就是用 “以此比彼” 的方法为使旅游信息在英语读者中产生反响,拉近读者与中国文化的距离,使他们产生亲近感,激发他们的游兴。可以根据潜在旅游市场的历史文化等有的放矢地对旅游促销资料进行 “加工”。比如把北京的王府井可比作美国纽约的第五大街;郑州在国内铁路交通位置上可比作美国的芝加哥等等。例如:

青岛坐落在山东半岛南部,依山临海,天姿秀美,气候凉爽,人称 “东方瑞士”。白天,青岛宛如镶嵌在黄海边的绿宝石;夜里则像一只在大海中摇摆的摇篮。难怪许多人乐意来这里疗养。(司显柱:《汉译英教程》)

【参考译文】 Qingdao, known as “Switzerland of the Orient”, is situated on the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula. Wedged between hills and waters, the city is endowed with beautiful scenery and a delightful climate. By day, she looks like a green gem inlaid in the coastline of the Yellow Sea, and, at night, a cradle rocking upon the sea waves. No wonder so many people come to seek rest and relaxation. (Tr. by Si Xianzhu)


比如首句 “青岛坐落在山东半岛南部,依山临海,天姿秀美,气候凉爽,人称 ‘东方瑞士’ ”,讲的是地理位置和地理风貌,译为 Qingdao, known as “Switzerland of the Orient”, is situated on the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula.把青岛类比为 “东方瑞士”,as “Switzerland of the Orient” 做插入语,不是说位置,而是比喻风光之美。

“依山临海,天姿秀美,气候凉爽” 皆属泛意描写地貌、风景与气候,不宜逐字而译,可调整语序,突出中心,单独成句,译为 Wedged between hills and waters, the city is endowed with beautiful scenery and a delightful climate,其语用和功能意义全在。

“镶嵌在黄海边的绿宝石” 和 “一只在大海中摇摆的摇篮” 中的 “绿宝石” 和 “摇篮” 都是运用明喻的修辞和类比的手法,分别用过去分词短语inlaid in… 和现在分词短语rocking upon…作定语,英译为 a green gem inlaid in the coastline of the Yellow 和 Sea a cradle rocking upon the sea waves。 本小节结束

【思考与练习6】 语段翻译,注意象征与类比 中国园林文化 中国古代园林集诗、景、画于一体,故有“诗园”之称。园林是主人的精神家园,如同世外桃源。在这里,他们回归自然,远离尘嚣,远离人世间的悲欢离合。园林里的陈设、布局十分讲究。竹(竹林)是传统园林的一大特色,因为竹坚固、有弹性,是正直、豁达的象征。松树也必不可少的,松象征着长寿、矢志不移与人格尊严。荷花喻指清廉纯洁。梅花喻指意志坚强。桃花代表春天的颜色。菊花象征着华丽、荣耀和敢于自我牺牲的勇气。牡丹象征着财富。芭蕉树迎风作响为整个庭院带来活力。

【参考译文】 Ancient Chinese Garden and Its Culture Ancient Chinese gardens were created in the same way as a combination of landscape and paintings together with poems---this was the so-called “poetic garden”. The design of Chinese gardens was to provide a spiritual utopia for one to connect with nature, to come back to one’s inner heart, to come back to ancient idealism. Chinese gardens are a spiritual shelter for men, a place they could be far away from their real social lives, and close to the ancient way of life, their true selves, and nature. This was an escape from the frustration and disappointment of the political problems in China.

They used plants as symbols They used plants as symbols. Bamboo was used in every traditional Chinese garden. This is because bamboo represents a strong but resilient character. Often pine is used to represent longevity, persistence, tenacity and dignity. The lotus is used to symbolize purity. The flowering plum is one of the most important aspects of a Chinese garden, as it represents renewal and strength of will. Flowering peaches are grown for spring color. The chrysanthemum is used to symbolize splendor, luster and “the courage to make sacrifices for a natural life”. Peonies symbolize wealth and banana trees are used simply for the sound they make in the breeze.

【解析】这是一篇古园林文化介绍。像诗、像景、像画,像诗一样韵味悠长,像景一样幽深醉人,像画一样栩栩如生。处处充满着诗情画意,是 “家园”,也是 “诗园”。译文运用了类比的翻译方法,比如 “……集诗、景、画于一体,故有‘诗园’之称”,英译为 as a combination of landscape and paintings together with poems---this was the so-called “poetic garden”。

“……精神家园,如同世外桃源” 译为 provide a spiritual utopia for one to connect with nature, to come back to one’s inner heart, to come back to ancient idealism,16 世纪英国杰出的人文主义作家托马斯· 莫尔曾著Utopia《乌托邦》一书,描绘了一个“根本不存在的”理想的共产主义社会。这里巧借 Utopia一词来比喻 “精神家园”,英语读者自然心领神会,诚可谓妥帖之至;接连使用to connect with nature, to come back to one’s inner heart, to come back to ancient idealism三个动词短语来注释说明 “世外桃园”,使其有了充实而具体的内容。

“因为竹坚固、有弹性,是正直、豁达的象征。” 英译为 This is because bamboo represents a strong but resilient character;“……松象征着长寿、矢志不移与人格尊严。” 英译为 Often pine is used to represent longevity, persistence, tenacity and dignity;“荷花喻指清廉纯洁。” 英译为 The lotus is used to symbolize purity;“梅花喻指意志坚强。” 英译为 The flowering plum is one of the most important aspects of a Chinese garden, as it represents renewal and strength of will。

“桃花代表春天的颜色。” 英译为 Flowering peaches are grown for spring color;“菊花象征着华丽、荣耀和敢于自我牺牲的勇气。”英译为The chrysanthemum is used to symbolize splendor, luster and “the courage to make sacrifices for a natural life”;“牡丹象征着财富。芭蕉树迎风作响为整个庭院带来活力。”英译为 Peonies symbolize wealth and banana trees are used simply for the sound they make in the breeze,气象万千,恰似一座象征、比喻、联想的 “精神家园”!让具体升华为抽象。 本小节结束

17. 4. 3 旅游文化与增删 (Addition & Omission in Tourism Culture Translation) 东西方思维方式的一个显著差别是东方思维方式讲究求同原则,而西方更强调求异原则;中国人喜欢的东西一般具有大、新、同的特点,而西方人则倾向于小、土、异的东西。这种差异也体现在日常生活中。

比如漫步街头我们经常会看见这样的招牌 “天下第一面”,乍一看挺唬人的,走进去一瞧,不过是间小小的烩面馆,两个伙计,三张桌子,四个顾客。再往前不远处,又见到一家用巨大的涮锅装饰的门面 “天下第一锅”,其实整个店面也就半个招牌那么大。再比如房地产界,明明是楼座间距不足 30米的住宅群,偏要叫作 “广场”,地砖缝里才挤长出几棵小草,却又称为 “花园”。这种 “贪大求全” 的现象也体现在旅游文化的宣传介绍资料之中。



苗族龙船节 龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日里,聚会的苗族同胞,每年有三四万人。 龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。苗家姑娘最爱将龙的变形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣在衣裙中,编织于围腰上。苗族人民制作的龙船,十分精巧、美观。龙身由一只母船和两只子船捆扎而成,叫做“子母船”。无论子船还是母船,皆为独木镂空。两米多长的龙头,用水柳木雕刻,装有一对一米多长的龙角。龙头以主色不同,分为赤龙、青龙、黄龙。

…… 岸上,还有苗家传统的赛马、斗牛、踩鼓等活动。姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞,飞歌往来,昼夜不绝,青年男女通过对歌,互相了解,建立感情,增进团结和友谊,以至结成幸福家庭。(杨平:《名作精译》)

【参考译文】 The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is the most important celebration of the Miao people, who live along the Qingshui River in southeastern Guizhou Province. Every year between 30 000 and 40 000 Miaos participate in the festivals. In the eyes of the Miao, the dragon is a symbol of good luck. Girls like to adorn their hair with silver ornaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns. The Miao build exquisite “dragon boats”, which are in reality a body formed from three canoes ---one large and two small---that are strung together. A carved head, painted red, blue, or yellow, is made from the trunk of a weeping willow tree. It is 2 meters long and sports a pair of horns.

… Horse races and bullfights are held during the festival. Girls in holiday dress dance to the accompaniment of drums. It is not unusual for young people to meet their future spouses at the songfests held on festival nights. (Tr. by Bian Youfen)


比如“苗家姑娘最爱将龙的变形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣在衣裙中,编织于围腰上”,英译为 Girls like to adorn their hair with silver ornaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns,其中的 “变形图案” “打制” 删减不译。“苗族人民制作的龙船,十分精巧、美观。

龙身由一只母船和两只子船捆扎而成,叫做“子母船”。无论子船还是母船,皆为独木镂空。”三句合译为一定语从句,The Miao build exquisite “dragon boats”, which are in reality a body formed from three canoes---one large and two small---that are strung together.“十分精巧、美观” 就用一词exquisite,从句中增译in reality,from three canoes---one large and two small,删译“子母船”,而且把 “无论子船还是母船,皆为独木镂空” 全归并入 canoes 一词,并用复数形式,简洁而精练。

最后一段中,把第一句中的 “踩鼓” 略而不译,因为第二句恰巧是对 “踩鼓” 活动的解释,可译为 dance to the accompaniment of drums,以免重复,但 “身着节日盛装……翩翩起舞” 只译 in holiday dress 和 dance。 本小节结束

还有 “飞歌往来,昼夜不绝,青年男女通过对歌,互相了解,建立感情,增进团结和友谊,以至结成幸福家庭。” 属于典型的四字成语结构,讲求文采华丽、音韵和美、结构对称的形容夸张,英语讲求实际与理性,因此,概括中心,突出重点,删 “虚” 求 “实”,译为 It is not unusual for young people to meet their future spouses at the songfests held on festival nights 这样一句就行了。 本小节结束

【思考与练习7】 语段翻译,注意增删 南岳衡山岩壑深幽,寺院棋布,郁郁葱葱的森林中,流泉飞瀑点缀;这里人杰地灵,是湖湘学派的发源地,书院盛行,人文浓郁,历史厚重。这块神奇的土地为历代帝王、名人所仰慕。(摘自《中国翻译》2011(6)第65页)

【参考译文】 Mt. Hengshan, a holy place worshiped by ancient emperors and scholars, is renowned for its beautiful scenery and ancient culture. Here you will be attracted by the waterfalls and streams flowing through the forest and valleys, impressed by the temples, academies and memorial halls dotting the slopes. (Tr. by Xiong Liyou & Liu Helin)

【解析】 原文文本描述了衡山的地理、环境、生态、历史地位与作用状况,语言紧凑,逻辑性强。“中文描述很美,而西方人的不同审美角度和意识,未必能享有与我们相同的感受。他们感兴趣的是客观存在于衡山的实体,通过对自然和人文实物的亲身体验,来感悟其中的魅力。”

像 “岩壑深幽”、“郁郁葱葱的森林”、“流泉飞瀑点缀” 均为自然景物描写;“寺院棋布” “人杰地灵”、“书院盛行” 均为人文景观描写;“人文浓郁”、“历史厚重” 为文化价值描写。总体框架内容为人文特色,最后一句是对衡山的总体概括。翻译时,可从整体考虑,筛选中心信息、分亲疏关系,打破原文框架,重组结构,删去 “使译语读者感到陌生且费神的信息”。

比如把第一句中的 “南岳衡山……” 和最后一句 “这块神奇的土地为历代帝王、名人所仰慕” “首尾” 取意并增添 “人文浓郁” ancient culture,合译为 Mt. Hengshan, a holy place worshiped by ancient emperors and scholars, is renowned for its beautiful scenery and ancient culture,置于段首,然后再把 “岩壑深幽,郁郁葱葱的森林中,流泉飞瀑点缀” 删 “虚”就“实”,另分译为 Here you will be attracted by the waterfalls and streams flowing through the forest and valleys 一句紧跟其后。

其余部分如 “寺院棋布”、“书院盛行” 译为并列谓语 impressed by the temples, academies and memorial halls dotting the slopes 置后,至于 “人杰地灵”、“湖湘学派的发源地”、“历史厚重” 等信息已包含于字里行间,故略而不译。若译之,反倒有词汇堆砌之嫌,影响译语读者的理解。 本小节结束

17. 4. 4 旅游文化与创造 (Recreation in Tourism Culture Translation) 受汉民族写作美学的影响,汉语旅游篇章用词雍容华贵,词藻堆砌,四字结构,文采浓郁,工仗格律,诗情画意,意趣盎然,尤其擅用古典词诗名句,和谐相生,寓情于景,迎合汉民族审美思维习惯,让中国旅游者浸淫于优美词句之中,激起其文化期待视野,获得审美感受。其中不乏夸张之词,用以烘托感性效果。



江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,呈现出一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。千姿百态的各式彩龙在江面游弋,舒展着优美的身姿,有的摇头摆尾,风采奕奕;有的喷火吐水,威风八面。 ……


【参考译文】 High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along the river banks. On the river itself, gaily decorated dragon-shaped boats await their challenge, displaying their individual charms to their hearts’ content. One boat wags its head and tail; another spits fire and sprays water. …

Evening activity brings another exciting moment to the festival Evening activity brings another exciting moment to the festival. As night falls, salutes from the city cannon thunder across the sky, a signal for countless bright lights to flash alive on all the dragon boats up and down the river. These myriad-lighted boats become a riot of color which blends most subtly with colors from the river’s reflected surface. As the dragon boats row slowly and silently downstream, sear chlights along the shore highlight the procession of sparkling beauty. For a moment, before all fades to night, the spectators both afloat and ashore share this beautiful picture of universal brightness and magical color. (Tr. By He Zhifan)

【解析】 这是两段四川乐山龙舟庙会的盛况描写,前一段写白天后一段写夜晚。像这类旅游文本介绍性材料,语言大都是注重文采修辞、强调文字对称、关注韵律格调等。虽然形容合情,夸张在理,体现了汉语重 “意” 的特点,但同时又显示出 “虚” 的不足。

英语注重 “形” 的特点,强调 “实” 的表达,所以汉译英时,让其 “返璞归真”、“实事求是”,该还原的地方就还原本来的面目。翻译此类文本,应“适当调整词序,力求保持原作韵味,做到中而不泥,或而不滥,贵在句炼词精。” 何志范教授的英语译文在选词遣字、意义表达、结构安排、逻辑顺序等方面均作了较为全面地调整,堪称创造性翻译的范例。

如龙舟赛前白天的场面描写,译文多处灵活地处理了汉英语言在行文习惯上的冲突,删繁就简,用了简洁明快的英语译文,改变了原文中词藻堆砌的现象。比如“江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,……”、“……江面游弋,舒展着优美的身姿”、“……摇头摆尾,风采奕奕”、“……喷火吐水,威风八面”等,虽然英语译文字面上没有与“呈现出一派喜气洋的节日场面”、“风采奕奕”、“威风八面”等对立的词句,但仍通过gaily decorated、dislaying their individual charms to their heart’s content 将意义与气氛很好地表达出。

此外,译文打破了原句子的排列,用displaying their individualism to their heart’s content 来表示群“龙” 赛前 “集结”、舒展各自身姿的风采和八面威风; await,their challenge 又为龙舟跃跃欲试、竞争夺标作了铺垫,预示龙舟竞赛即将开始。

关于夜游活动,比如 “……堪称压轴节目”、“礼炮轰隆,彩灯光芒四溢”、“霓虹灯、日光灯齐放光华,闪烁迷离,和水中倒影连成一片”、“漂灯点缀河面,似万点繁星坠落人间”、“奇光异彩交相辉映”、“如银河流星,顺河而下,千姿百态,令人叫绝”、“……变幻莫测的五彩霞光”、“……一幅光的天地、色的世界” 等,虽然均未省译,但都少了状声色的形容与夸张,译文多了具体真实,而且结构和顺序都作了相应改造调整,阅读起来通畅自然。 本小节结束

【思考与练习8】 语段翻译,注意翻译方法 四季变幻 难画难诗 杭州的春天,淡妆浓抹,无不相宜;夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾;秋天,桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;冬日琼装玉琢,俏丽媚人。西湖以变幻多姿的风韵,令人心旷神怡。(杨平:《名作精译》)

【参考译文】 Ever-changing and Indescribable Beauty Sunny or rainy, Hangzhou looks its best in spring. In summer the fragrance of lotus flowers gladdens the heart and refreshes the mind. Autumn brings with it the sweet scent of laurel flowers, and chrysanthemums are in full bloom. In winter the snow scenery looks just like jade-carvings, charming and beautiful. The ever-changing aspects of the beauty of West Lake make one care-free and joyous. (Tr. by Guo Jianzhong)


比如 “淡妆浓抹,无不相宜” Sunny or rainy 和 its best in spring点春;“荷香阵阵,沁人心脾” the fragrance of lotus flowers,gladdens the heart and refreshes the mind 描夏;“桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳” the sweet scent of laurel flowers, in full bloom 绘秋;“琼装玉琢,俏丽媚人” charming and beautiful 写冬,完美地体现了英语的特点,等值、等效、等神地谱写了一曲 “令人心旷神怡” make one care-free and joyous 的西湖四季赞歌。 本小节结束

中国远在天涯海角,鲜为人知,奇异诱人,神秘莫测,魅力无穷,令无数西方人心驰神往。中国历史文化源远流长,底蕴深厚,辉煌时代曾吸引过世人。来中国参观游览,领略中国风情将会成为一种潮流,一种时尚。现代中国正在崛起,将会影响整个世界。 本小节结束

第十七章综合练习 1.翻译下列词组,并说明翻译的特点 1) 团体游客 group visitors 2) 散客 individual visitors 3) 平日门票 standard day tickets

4) 指定日门票 designated day tickets 5) 一票通用制度 universal ticket system 6) 一日票 one-day travel cards one-day tickets 7) 多日门票 multi-day travel cards

8) 崂山一日游   a day trip to Laoshan 9) 非物质文化遗产 non-material legacies 10) 假日增开的航班 special holiday flight

2.语句翻译 1) 观光游览最佳季节  sightseeing at its best! 2)北戴河以避暑胜地著称。 Beidaihe is noted as a summer resort. 3)节日期间儿童免票。 Children are free of charge during festivals. 4)我住不起五星级饭店。 I cannot afford to stay in a five-star hotel.

5)趁春节假期到郊外走走,洗涤身心积劳,也算 是除旧迎新。 Taking advantage of the break from work during Spring Festival to refresh oneself with a hike in the hills is another way of seeing out the old and bringing in the new. 6)商场拥挤,注意你的钱包。 Watch your personal belongings while shopping.(张传彪译) 7)从八达岭眺望,长城沿山起伏,蜿蜒伸展而去。 Viewing the Great Wall at Badaling, we were particularly impressed with its serpent-like expanse extending up and down the hills.

8)每个旅游者都希望安全、便宜和舒适地旅行。 Every tourist hopes to travel safely, cheaply and easily. 9)北京是一座有许多灿烂文物的古城。 Beijing is an ancient city with many splendid cultural relics. 10) 注:此文纯属虚构,绝无其人其事,望读者万勿“对号入座”! Author’s note: This piece is pure fiction. It is by no means based on any real event, and no attempt should be made by any reader to identify with any character herein. (刘士聪译)

3.语篇翻译 黄 山 据说黄山取名于中国的轩辕皇帝,他曾在黄山峰谷中修炼成仙。黄山方圆250平方公里,盘亘于歙县、黟县、太平县和休宁县四县之间。黄山的美景和自然资源以成为游客和科学家们关注的热点。黄山赢得了全世界得认可,主要景区以列入了联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录。黄山之宝包括奇石、古松、温泉、秀水和瀑布。许多著名的中国诗人、地理学家和旅游家都游览过黄山,他们无一不赞叹黄山是世界上最美的山。

黄山154平方公里的风景区内,峰林如海、危崖突兀、幽壑纵横。其中有著名的莲花峰(海拔1864米),光明顶和天都峰(两峰都大致位于景区中心)。除了这三座名峰外,周围还有77座千米以上的山峰。 黄山的奇松遍布峰壑,形状各异,千姿百态,有卧龙松、迎客松、探海松和黑虎松等等。 仰望山峰,环顾四周,你也可能注意到“云海”云雾密绕、美丽壮观。

希望你在黄山不会迷路。但如果真的走失了,你可以饮用清澈洁净的泉水。甚至可以在水质清纯的温泉中沐浴。这些温泉为黄山的许多瀑布提供了水源,包括著名得人字瀑、九龙瀑和百丈瀑。 这些引人入胜的景点仅仅是冰山一角。实际上,遍布黄山有200多处历史文化积淀的名胜景点。黄山不愧为神奇之山!

【参考译文】 Huang Shan Mountain By Kris Chung According to legend, Mount Huangshan took its name from the Yellow Emperor, who had found moral character and immortal peace within its peaks. Mount Huangshan itself covers an area of 250 square kilometers, stretching across four counties: She, Yi, Taiping, and Xiuning. Its beauty and natural resources have made it a hotspot for tourists and scientists alike. It has achieved worldwide recognition, its main scenic area being on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Its treasures include fascinating rocks, ancient pines, hot springs, crystal water, and waterfalls. Mount Huangshan has been visited by famous Chinese poets, geologists, and travelers, who proclaim it the most beautiful mountain in the world.

The 154 square kilometer scenic area holds many peaks, cliffs, and valleys. These include the well-known Lotus Flower Peak (1 864 meters above sea level), the Bright Summit and Heavenly Capital Peak (both located roughly at the mountain’s center.) Aside from these notable three, there are 77 other peaks (above 1 000 meters) all around. Scattered all over the mountain is a diverse collection of pines, including lying Dragon Pine, Greeting Guest Pine, Exploring sea Pine, and Black Tiger Pine.

Looking above and around the peaks, you may also notice the “seas of clouds” very thick and magnificent. Let’s hope you never get lost there, but if you do, you may drink or even bathe in the water of its clean and clear hot springs. These springs help provide water in the many waterfalls of Mount Huangshan, including the famous Renzi, Jiulong, and Baizhang. These attractions are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are actually over 200 interest spots all over the mountain, all of them cultural and historical hotbeds. Huangshan Mountain is not short of surprises.

乡村雨天 雨不停地下,泥土松软潮湿。我沿着通向小房子的路走着。沿途铺满了大石板。当我踏上去时,石板摇晃,我生怕滑倒了。两边路旁的绿草,挂满了小水珠。 和昨天阳光下相比,这所需要粉刷的房子更显得灰色和沉闷。然而,从前窗射出来的灯光,好像给房子增添了一种温暖和诱人的气氛。

房子旁边有一条小溪,水流得相当快。我凝视着冰凉清洁的水从石头上淌过。河对岸有一只狗,看起来又冷又湿,雨滴从拖摆动的尾巴上溅出来。 一对忘记收回的长袜挂在晒衣绳上,湿透了,大滴大滴的水珠往下流,撞击着下面的地面。 整个乡下沉浸在潮湿,阴郁中。我走进射出诱人灯光的房子,顿时感到一阵惬意。

【参考译文】 A rainy day in the countryside It was raining. The earth was soft and wet beneath my feet as I made my way up the path which led to the house. Large slabs of stone were arranged along the path way, and as I stepped upon them, they wobbled so unsteady beneath my feet that I was afraid I might fall. Little drops of rain clung to the grass on either side of the path. The house, which needed white-washing, looked even more grey and dreary than it did in yesterday’s sunlight. The light which shone through the front window, however, seemed to lend to the house a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Beyond the house there was a stream of water flowing rather quickly, and I watched the coo1, clear water as it ran over the stone. A dog stood on the other side of the stream, looking cold and wet as the raindrops sprayed from his wagging tail. The pair of stockings which hung, forgotten, on the cloth line, were drenched, and large drops fell to the ground beneath them. The entire country was indeed wet and dreary, and I was glad to go into the house from which shone the inviting light.

Thank You