新概念 2.


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Presentation transcript:

新概念 2

Lesson 81 Escape

Prison Break

The Shawshank Redemption

Le Comte De Monte Cristo

prisoner n. 囚犯 prison 监狱 sb. be in prison 在监狱

China’s economy got rapid development in 2010. rapidly adv. 迅速地 rapid 迅速的 China’s economy got rapid development in 2010. 2010年中国经济飞速发展。

military/school uniform 军装/校服

shoulder n. 肩膀 shrug one’s shoulder 耸肩 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 承担责任

boldly adv. 大胆地、莽撞的 as bold as brass 厚颜无耻

sharp adj. 猛烈的 a sharp blow 在头上猛烈一击 a sharp knife 锋利的小刀 a sharp sense of humor 敏锐的幽默感

笔记 drag…into 把…拖进… in the darkness 在黑暗中

change into 换衣 __________________________ and went to the party. She changed into her new dress 她换上新衣服后就去参加派对了。

笔记 cloth n. 布料 clothes n. 衣服 clothing n. 穿戴的总称

up and down 来回、前后 He was worried about his mother and walked up and down in the room. 他很担心他的妈妈,____________________。 在房间里不停地来回走

He went here and there looking for the last child. 到处、四处 He went here and there looking for the last child. 他到处寻找走失的小孩。

stand at/to attention 立正 ___________________________ while the headmaster was making a speech. The students stood at/to attention 当校长在做演讲时,学生们都立正站着。

clear Seeing that it was a clear day, he drove to the countryside. 清澈的 His instructions were very clear. 清楚的

We can cross now. The road is clear. 通畅的 clean 干净的

there was nothing else he could do 笔记 feel sorry for 对什么表示 遗憾,同情 there was nothing else he could do 无能为力

He jumped into the car drove off after the accident. drive off 开车、驾车离开 He jumped into the car drove off after the accident. 事故发生后,他跳上车就开车离开了。

语法:现在分词做定语 a knowing smile 会心一笑 welcoming speeches 欢迎祝词 running water 自来水

the neighboring states 语法:现在分词做定语 developing countries 发展中国家 the neighboring states 邻邦 a changing world 变化中的世界

语法:现在分词做定语 Did you see the girl who was dancing with your brother? the girl dancing with your brother

语法:现在分词做定语 A cheer went up from the crowds that were watching. the watching crowds

语法:现在分词做定语 The factory that makes these pens is a small one. The factory making these pens _________________________ is a small one.

语法:现在分词做定语 We need volunteers and any people who are interested can contact the police first. We need volunteers and _________________ can contact the police first. any interested people

Lesson 82 Monster or Fish


Garfield always dreams of ______________ an UFO. sight n. 视力 catch sight of 看见 Garfield always dreams of ______________ an UFO. catching sight of 加菲猫永远梦想着见到UFO。

sight n. 视力 in sight 看得见、在视线内 out of sight 看不见 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。

I _____________ the handsome boy next door sight v. 见到 I _____________ the handsome boy next door for ten years. haven’t sighted 我已经十年没见到邻居家的帅气男孩啦。

He always goes to bed at ten-----he’s a ______________. creature n. 动物、生物 He always goes to bed at ten-----he’s a ______________. creature of habit 他10点睡觉,是个墨守成规的家伙。

peculiar adj. 奇怪的、不寻常的 近义词有哪些? strange weird odd unusual

claim v. 声称;夺走…生命 claim to have done sth. 声称曾做过某事 Garfield and Odie both ______________________________ in the moon. claimed to have bought a huge house 加菲猫和欧迪狗都声称曾经在月球上买过一所大房子。

笔记 I met a boy punched by his daddy. 过去分词作后置定语 I met a boy punching his daddy. 现在分词作后置定语

it is known/said/reported that … ___________ 2 million people will settle down in the moon in 2020. It is said that 据说将会有200万人在2020年搬去月球定居。

笔记 at times 有时、偶尔 simply 仅仅、只不过 rarely adv. 罕见地 out at sea 在远海

笔记 some time = a while ? 一段时间 some times 几次 sometime adv. 在某个时候 过去时&将来时 sometimes adv. 有时

笔记 表示目的 to do/so as to do/in order to do 否定形式 not to do / so as not to do / in order not to do in any way 以任何方式

That clavichord __________________ by a friend 被动语态的进行时态 That clavichord __________________ by a friend of my father’s. is now being repaired 那个钢琴正在被爸爸的一个朋友修。

笔记 at a depth of depth可以换做同类名词 height weight length

单位名词 long length 长度 deep depth 深度 wide width 宽度 hight height 高度

单位名词 The snake usually reaches a length of 100 cm. 蛇一般长达100厘米。 Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 meters. 许多海豚可潜到200米深。

单位名词 The terrace runs the full width of the house. 庭院里铺砌的地面和房子一般宽。 The plane flew at a height of 3000 meters. 飞机在3000米的高空飞行。

语法:不定式的时态和语态 主动 被动 一般时 to do to be done 完成时 to have done to have been done 进行时 to be doing

语法:不定式的时态和语态 I’m sorry to have said that. 表________ 完成 He didn’t want to be cheated. 表________ 被动

语法:不定式的时态和语态 A new bridge is said to have been built over the river. 表________ 被动完成 He didn’t want to be cheated. 表________ 被动

He seems to have known this. 语法:不定式的时态和语态 He seems to have known this. 她似乎早已听闻此事。(seem)

语法:不定式的时态和语态 He __________________________ to work after graduation. asked to be sent to western area 大学毕业后他要求送他去西部工作。(ask)

语法:不定式的时态和语态 This novel ________________________ into 5 languages. is said to have been translated 据说这本小说早已被译成5国语言。(say)
