Unit 5 Language Countable & Uncountable Noun.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Language Countable & Uncountable Noun

Countable & Uncountable Noun 可数与不可数名词

请分类:water, egg, air, music, animal policeman 可数名词 不可数名词 单数形式 复数形式 water egg animal air policeman music eggs ------ animals policemen

Countable and Uncountable Nouns 可数和不可数名词 单数形式 复数形式 修饰语 egg, policeman, animal air, water, music 复数形式 eggs, policemen, animals 修饰语 不定冠词(a,an),数词 many,(a) few, several, a great number of much, a little, a great deal of Some, all, a lot of, lots of 例句 E.g. There are eight rooms in the house. He left for Beijing a few days ago. E.g. I am sorry to give you so much trouble. Do you have much money left?

flowers moutains clouds rule 可数名词一般是直接在名词 后面加“S”

watches fishes boxes rule buses

以字母 s, sh, x, ch结尾的单词, 变为复数时在其后加es dish--- dishes bus--- buses fox--- foxes rule fish--- fish ,fishes (种类)

potato---potatoes tamato---tamatoes hero---heroes buffalo---buffaloes

其他以“o”结尾的单词直接加“S” rule piano--- radio--- photo--- 骑着水牛(buffaloes)的英雄们(heroes)爱吃西红柿(tamatoes)和马铃薯(potatoes)。 其他以“o”结尾的单词直接加“S” piano--- radio--- photo--- rule

city---- cities key---- keys 辅音字母+y结尾的:y---ies rule 元音字母+y结尾的:y---+s

leaves 以f或者以fe结尾的单词, 通常把f或者fe变成v,再加es 例:wife, knife, life rule

5.以f,fe结尾的名词,一般变f, fe为v再加-es 小结:可数名词复数的构成方法: 一般在名词后加-s: dog----dogs 2.以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加- es watch----watches 3.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词加- es country----countries 4.以o结尾的名词,一般直接加-s, 少数词加-es potato----potatoes tomato----tomatoes 5.以f,fe结尾的名词,一般变f, fe为v再加-es knife----knives 6.特殊变化的单词要熟记 child----children man----men tooth----teeth

复合词的复数:改中心词为复数 rule girl students 例外: woman teacher----women teachers man teacher -----men teachers rule

表示复数的名词(复合名词) police public family (家人) people(人们) the + 姓s 例:the Smiths 史密斯一家人 My family (be) a big one. All my family (be) in China now. is are

看似复数实际是单数的名词: news politics maths physics thermos 消息 政治 数学 物理 热水壶 is 1. No news good news. (be) 2. I think maths very important. is

既可作可数又可作不可数的名词: chicken 小鸡 / 鸡肉 room 房间 / 空间;位置 work 作品/ 工作 paper 论文; 报纸/ 纸 glass 玻璃杯 / 玻璃 time 次;倍 / 时间 wood 树林 / 木头 fish 鱼 / 鱼肉 exercise 练习 / 运动;锻炼 light 灯 / 光 fruit (各种)水果 / 水果

需要记忆的特殊复数形式: rule man—men woman----women (例外:German---Germans) tooth----teeth foot---feet mouse----mice child----children deer---deer sheep---sheep Chinese—Chinese Japanese—Japanese rule

常用不可数名词 What fun it is! music information a piece of advice 建议 news 消息 What nice weather (天气)! I have so much work to do. What fun it is! music a piece of information advice 建议 news 消息

英语中的名词分为可数名词和不可数名词 1.可数名词是可以计数的,有单复 数之分,能直接被a, an和数词修饰。 e.g. an apple four apples a book some books 2.人们常把物质名词,抽象名词等视为不可数名词。不可数名词是不可以数的,一般只有单数形式,没有复数形式,不能直接被a, an和数词修饰。

e.g. meat rice milk water 3.有些词有多种意思,而且随着意义的不同,名词的归类也会发生变化。 e.g. 1) fish(鱼肉)---------不可数 fish (鱼)--------可数 :He likes eating fish. There are many fishes.(不同种类的鱼)

2)fruit(水果的总称)-------不可数名词 :I see many vegetables and fruit. 我看见许多蔬菜和水果。 :There are all kinds of fruits. 这里有各种各样的水果。

请观察下面表格中的内容, 找出可数名词和不可数名词的不同点, 然后补全后面的结论部分。 an egg, a cake two eggs, two cakes some eggs, some cakes, many eggs, many cakes 不可数名词 a glass of juice two glasses of juice some juice much juice

【结论】 可数名词可直接和不定冠词 a / an或1__词连用来表示具体的数量;而不可数名词不能用不定冠词a, an或数词来修饰。但却可以被量词(a glass of coffee/water/juice),some,any,much等词修饰。 数

b. some意为“一些”, 可以修饰可数名词, 4 ______ (也可以 / 不可以)修饰不可数名词。 c. 表示“许多”时, 5 _____ 只能修饰可数名词复数, 6 _____只能修饰不可数名词。 也可以 many much

is is are are d.(注意)不可数名词充当句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 :chicken ____ (be) very delicious. fish____ (be) tasty. : These apples____ mine. Those books ____ good. is is are are

+可数名词 a number of much +不可数名词 some / a lot of +可数/不可数名词 many a few a little some / a lot of +可数/不可数名词

若要表示相应的数量,则需要借助一定的单位词 不可数名词不能与数词连用, 若要表示相应的数量,则需要借助一定的单位词 借助表示“张”、“块”的单位词 a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of advice 一条建议 a piece of news 一条新闻 a piece of chalk 一支粉笔 2.借助表示容量的词 a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 a glass of beer 一杯啤酒 3.借助表示重量的词 a kilo of salt 一公斤盐 ten tons of coal 十吨煤 4.借助表示形状的词 a drop of water 一滴水 a grain of sand 一粒沙