IP-Challenges Abroad 知识产权在国外的挑战 (2012年9月11日) tag.monat.jahr IP-Challenges Abroad 知识产权在国外的挑战 (2012年9月11日) Dr Beda Bischof 毕硕福 Important differences in law and law interpretation Don´t know foreign law mistakes, losses 22.03.2017 ...
Dr. Beda Bischof / 畢碩福 Head Patent Experts I 专利专家队长 .. Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 Dr. Beda Bischof / 畢碩福 Head Patent Experts I 专利专家队长 Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property 瑞士联邦知识产权局 Stauffacherstr. 65/59g CH 3003 Berne CH 3003 伯尔尼 瑞士 direct / 电话: +41-31-377 7309 mobile / 手机: +41 079 208 36 51 fax / 传真: +41-31-377 7953 E-Mail / 电子邮件:beda.bischof@ipi.ch Meine Kontakt-details: PPT kann elektronisch abgegeben werden. Bf / 22.03.2017
My CV 毕硕福博士的简历 1984 年 Study of Physics 物理家 22.03.2017 My CV 毕硕福博士的简历 1984 年 Study of Physics 物理家 1984 年 至1986年 Post Doc at Fudan (Shanghai)教师(复旦大学) 1986 年 至1992年 Industry 生产工程师 1992 年 Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property 瑞士联邦知识产权局 1992 年 至1994年 Examiner 专利审查员 (物理部) 1994 年 至1996年 Search expert 调查专家 (物理部) 1996 年 至 现在 Head of a Team ip-search 部门负责人 2007年 北京 政法大学研究员 2012年 台北,文化大学 专利专家的一般的简历 达成一项妥协方案:上海 SME:中小型企业 CV Dr. Beda Bischof Standard CV of technical staff in Patent departement: Study Abroad Industry IPI until 1984 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology dipl. phys. / dr. sc. nat 1984 – 86 lecturer (Fudan University) 1986 – 89 production engineer / sales engineer Mettler Toledo 1989 – 92 production engineer / sales engineer Senstech AG Since 1992 Swiss Federal Office of Intellectual Property 1992 – 94 patent expert: Physics 1994 – 96 search specialist Since 1996 lecturer for IP at universities 1996 – 00 head Zurich patent information office 1997 – 03 head civil engineering & environmental technology Since 2000 Country Manager China 2003 – 06 head ip-search Since 2006 head patent experts 22.03.2017 … 3 22.03.2017 … 3
瑞士 德 GE 法FR 罗曼 Ro 意IT Official Languages 官方语言 2/3: GE 德语 1/5: FR 法语 22.03.2017 德国 DE 法国FR 奥地利 AT 德 GE 法FR 罗曼 Ro 意IT Official Languages 官方语言 2/3: GE 德语 1/5: FR 法语 1/15: IT 意大利语 0.5%: Ro 拉丁罗曼语(罗曼什语) 9.%: Others 其他语言 Distribution of population in Switzerland Languages German: 2/3 , NE 德语的人口占63.7%,主要在北部地区; French: 1/5 , W 讲法语人口占l20.4%,在西部地区; Italian: 1/15 , S 讲意大利语人口占6.5%,在南部地区;阿尔卑斯山脉的南边 Roman: 0.5% , SE 讲拉丁罗曼语人口占0.5%,在东部少数地区; Remainder: 9.5% 讲其它语言人口占9.5%。 Ge,Fr,It for legal texts, 前3种语言系官方语言,为联邦的正式文件所采用。 翻译 英语亦广泛运用。 Often no English version of legal texts ! no minority language exemption in Copyright law! Religions Protestants: 48% Catholics: 44% Islamic: minority Dissidents: minority 意大利IT 22.03.2017 … 4 22.03.2017 … 4
Swiss Confederation 瑞士联邦 (CH) 22.03.2017 Separation of powers Council of States (46 members) 联邦院 (46 个联邦院议员) 2 members per Canton 每一位州2个议员 Parliament (legislative) 联邦国会 (立法权) 三权分立系统 National Council 国民院 (200 个国民院议员) represents the population 代理人民 The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation Parliament (the legislative Unit) composed of - Council of States, with 46 members (2 for every cantons, independently of the population) - National Council, with 200 members, proportional to the population of the cantons, but at least one. - Federal Council (executive Unit), the 7 members are elected by the united Federal assembly for a period of 4 years. The president of the Confederation is elected for 1 year only (first among equal). Chairs the Federal Council meetings and undertakes special representional duties As the supreme authority of the country, the Federal Council is primarily responsible for the activities of the Government. It must keep under constant review the situation arising out of developments in the State and society and events at home and abroad;define the fundamental goals of state action and determine the resources needed for their attainment; plan, co-ordinate and safeguard the implementation of Government policy; represent the Federation at home and abroad. In addition, the Federal Council must regularly and systematically supervise the whole Federal Administration and guarantee its effective, lawful and expedient activity. The Federal Council also plays a legislative role by conducting the preparatory procedure leading up to legislation ;submitting federal laws and decisions to the Federal Assembly; enacting regulations in so far as the Federal Constitution or federal laws empower it to do so. Finally, the Federal Council hands down rulings on matters of administrative law in so far as provision is made for this in Federal legislation on the administrative legal system. It prepares the preliminary estimates and the State accounts and approves cantonal decrees in controversial cases, to the extent that a Federal decree requiring a compulsory referendum so provides. The Federal Council only takes administrative action itself in cases where a legal principle or due diligence make this necessary. Federal Council (executive) 联邦委员会 (行政权) 7 members 7名联邦委员会委员 ministers 部长 1 Chancellor 1 位联邦主席 Supreme Court (judiciary) 联邦最高法院 (司法权) … 22.03.2017 … 5
From "Office" to "Institute" 瑞士政府与瑞士联邦知识产权局的关系改变 22.03.2017 1996年1月1日 Federal Office of Swiss Federal Intellectual Property Institute of Intellectual Property No privatisation 不是私有机构 IPI remains a Federal Authority 瑞士联邦当局 legal person 法人 independence of the management 经营上的自由 own budget 自己制订预算 non profit organisation 非营利性法人 special status of the personnel 特别的职员法 The federal department of police and justice sets the political frame 由瑞士联邦司法警察部预定政治框架 Relation between the IP and the federal government Adaptation of the name in English: "Institute" does not mean research institute!! No privatisation IPI is a federal authority IPI is a legal person Independence for the management Own budget (IPI 实行独立财政管理的预算机构) Non profit organisation Special statute of the staff (status身份) The federal department of police and justice sets the political frame … 22.03.2017 … 6
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 Verständnis muss nicht Einverständnis heissen Who is crazy? Another choice of the words in a message may lead us to the opposite conclusion. zhe4 xie1 luo2 ma3 ren2 zhen4 shi4 feng1 le5 Wenn man die Sprache nicht spricht, dann kommt man bei gleicher Ausgangslage zu unterschiedlichen Schlüssen. Spontanes Urteil: natürlich Sich ärgern: falsch und kontraproduktiv, hilft nicht weiter man muss die Grundlagen (Sprache, Kultur, Ideologie,…) nicht teilen, aber immerhin verstehen, begreifen, in ihnen denken können. China ist berechenbar, aber nur wenn man die Entscheidungsgrundlagen kennt Beispiele: Afghanistan? – Vietnam? – Afghanistan? The freedom fighters have been killed by the army. The terrorists have been eliminated by the army Die ausländischen Sicherheitskräfte haben die kriminellem Banden endlich besiegt. Die Besatzungstruppen haben den Freiheitskämpfern eine empfindliche Niederlage bereitet.. China Daily 1985 In einem Tal der Schweiz hat ein Oberpriester einen Verantwortlichen ernannt um böse Geister zu vertreiben. Tagesanzeiger Fernausgabe Der Papst hat einen neuen Exorzisten für das Wallis ernannt. Focus on the progress made since 1976, not on the still existing shortcomings ...
The Maslow Pyramide 马斯洛的需求层次 Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 When physiological needs are not met nobody cares about IP The Maslow Pyramide 马斯洛的需求层次 Being Needs 富裕层 。 Deficit Needs 不足层 (基本需求)。 Self actualization 自我实现需求 Esteem and recognition needs 尊重(愛與歸屬)需求 Need for belonging and love 社交(社會)需求 Safety and security needs 安全需求 Need for physiological survival 生理需求 生理需求 Basic needs: / Body Needs: Air to breath, water to drink, food to eat, warmth, sleep, stimulation, activity, sex to procreate Deprivation leads to death 安全需求 Safety, security, out of danger: Children feel it stronger than grown ups 社交(社會)需求 Belonging Needs: Belong to a family, friends, a group manners, standards,... Need for love 尊重(愛與歸屬)需求 Esteem Needs: Respect of others and self respect To achieve, to be recognized 自我实现需求 Self actualization / Fulfilment Needs: To know, to explore, to understand Deficit Needs: You feel not the presence, but the deficit Deficit makes you sick Being Needs: You never get enough 马斯洛的需求层次 ...
A stitch in time saves nine Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 patent 专利权 utility model 实用新型权 plant patent or plant variety rights 植物新品种权 trademark 商标权 GI 地理标志权 design 外观设计权 copy right 著作权 secret 秘密 anti unfair competion law 反不正当竞争法 Deterrence 威慑 time to market 创造速度 technical barriers 技术障碍 distributed production 分散式的生产 … 。。。 Strategy 战略 Gather Information 收集情报 Create your own IP strategy 设计你自己的IP战略 Prepare worstcase scenarios 准备最坏情况 Build up your specific IP-portfolio 创造你的特别的IP组合 patent utility model trademark design copy right secret anti unfair competion law deterrence plant patent very narrow protection, if possible plant variety UPOV 78 (not yet 91) protection gap A stitch in time saves nine Hit where it hurts 22.03.2017 ...
Trademark Classification 商标分类表 tag.monat.jahr Trademark Classification 商标分类表 CH: 45 classes; protection for the whole class possible CN: 45 classes, N subclasses divided in paragraphs; protection in sub-class or paragraph only 中国的分类表比瑞士的详细多 CH companies meet in CN trademarks that are in our view similar or identical for for similar products 瑞士公司错误地坚持中国竞争者侵商标权 CN companies will be hindered to use their trademarks abroad 中国公司没有权在国外用原来的商标 Solution for some CH companies: Well know trademark 解决方案:注册的驰名商标 First: problem for CH company in China Later: problem for CN company abroad 22.03.2017 ...
Swiss Principles 1 决定原则 1 How the IPI defines similarity: 22.03.2017 tag.monat.jahr How the IPI defines similarity: IPI怎么样判定商标的近似性: Overall impression Likelihood of confusion 总体印象 容易导致混淆吗? (sound,image,meaning) 发音,图形,含义) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound (German, French, Italian, English) 发音 (德,法,意,英) YES WELEDA / la weda Class 3 and 44) / Class 3 and 44) 商品类别3 , 44 / 商品类别3 , 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trademark‘s similaritiy is judged from: Overall impression Likelihood of confusion : WELEDA / la weda Tone u.a. Kl. 3 und 44 Kl. 3 und 44 : / Image Kl. 36 Kl. 36 : Cool Water / Aqua Cool Meaning Kl. 3 Kl. 3 The similarity on one of those different levels normally is enough to accept a likelihood of confusion. 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 ... 11 11
Swiss Principles 2 决定原则 2 22.03.2017 tag.monat.jahr Overall impression Likelihood of confusion 总体印象 容易导致混淆吗? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image / 图形 YES Class 36 Class 36 商品类别 36 商品类别36 Trademark‘s similaritiy is judged from: Overall impression Likelihood of confusion : WELEDA / la weda Tone u.a. Kl. 3 und 44 Kl. 3 und 44 : / Image Kl. 36 Kl. 36 : Cool Water / Aqua Cool Meaning Kl. 3 Kl. 3 The similarity on one of those different levels normally is enough to accept a likelihood of confusion. 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 ... 12 12
Cool Water / Aqua Cool Swiss Principles 3 决定原则 3 tag.monat.jahr 22.03.2017 Overall impression Likelihood of confusion 总体印象 容易导致混淆吗? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Meaning / YES 含义 Cool Water / Aqua Cool Water = 水(英文) / Aqua = 水 (拉丁文:) Class 3 / Class 3 商品类别3 / 商品类别3 --------------------------------------------------------------- Similarity of one criterion is sufficient for confusion 这三个判定规则之一有近似性就说“导致混淆” Trademark‘s similaritiy is judged from: Overall impression Likelihood of confusion : WELEDA / la weda Tone u.a. Kl. 3 und 44 Kl. 3 und 44 : / Image Kl. 36 Kl. 36 : Cool Water / Aqua Cool Meaning Kl. 3 Kl. 3 The similarity on one of those different levels normally is enough to accept a likelihood of confusion. 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 ... ... 13 13 13 13
Example of the CN Classification 中国的类似商品和服务区分表 22.03.2017 Example of the CN Classification 中国的类似商品和服务区分表 中国的分类表比瑞士的详细多 例如: 第一类 (http://www.liketm.com/nisifenlei.html) 0101工业气体,单质 (一)氨*010061,无水氨010066,氩010082,氮010092,一氧化氮010093,一氧化二氮010093,氯气010183,氟010302,焊接用保护气010326,焊接用保护气体010326,工业用固态气体010328,干冰(二氧化碳)010333,干冰(固体二氧化碳)010333,氦010344,,氢010359,氪010372,氖010401,氧010413,氡010457,氙010551, ※液体二氧化硫C010001,三氧化硫C010002,液体二氧化碳C010003 (二)碱土金属于010039,锑010074,砷010084,砹010086,钡010101,铋010125,碳010148,镥010153,铈010161,铯010163,镝010250,铒010276,铕010287,化学用硫华010299,工业用石墨010305,钆010318,镓010321,钬010345,化学用碘010365,工业用碘010368,镧010375,锂010379,汞010387,准金属010390,金属土010392,钕010400,磷010430,钾010447,镨010449,铼010463,铷010466,钐010470,钪010473,硒010479,硅010483,钠010485,硫磺010493,锶010498,锝010516,碲010517,铽010519,稀土010526,铊010532,铥010534,镱010552,钇010553,碱性金属010560,化学用溴010585 ※钙C010004,工业硅C010005,结晶硅C010006,海绵钯C010007 0102用于工业、科学、农业、园艺、森林的工业化工原料 瑞士没有这种详细的类似商品和服务区分表 The fragementation within a class of the International Classification of Goods and Services is much finer in China than in Switzerland. Exemple Class 1 (http://www.liketm.com/nisifenlei.html) Switzerland doesn’t know any subdivision within a class 22.03.2017 ...
Fight against Piracy and Counterfeiting tag.monat.jahr Fight against Piracy and Counterfeiting CH companies had no protection titles in China 瑞士公司在中国没有专利权, 商标权 CN companies make legal copies 中国公司制造的类似产品是合法的 CN companies grow and begin to export 中国公司发展,开始出口到欧洲 CH has to fight against infringement all over Europe 瑞士公司合法地禁止进口 losses for both sides 在很多国家内比较高的诉讼费, General story and complaint 22.03.2017 ...
Increase the costs of counterfeitures Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 Help by customs 海关的帮助 Make the real products detectable: (secret structure, marks on product or containers; database of legal producers, distribution channels and consignees) 使真的产品比较容易可认识的 (密码的组织,标记, 数据库包含着制造者,寄送途径,收件人) Train the customs staff (know you and your products, counterfeitures trends) 训练海关的缉私人员(认识你的产品,仿造者的趋向) help to improve customs infrastructure (detectors, scanners, databases,…) 提高海关的设备质量(检验器 , 扫描器,。。。) Cooperate (denote a competent, always available partner) 合作(可讨教的合伙人) show your gratefulness (certificate, media event, …) 谢谢海关员 Strukturen: Banknoten: wir erkennen die Fälschungen ohne dass wir wissen, wie echte genau aussehen. unterschiedliche Technologien kombiniert: Papierwahl, Laserbild, transparente Teile, Lochungen, Spiegelnde Bereiche, Hologramme, Interferenzfarben, Kippbilder, Mikrostrukturen ergeben ein grosses Bild, IR und UV-Bilder, Chemische Substanzen typischerweise nur weisses Pulver X-Ray Kristall-Strukturbestimmung Drogentest mit Teststreifen 提高山寨成本 Increase the costs of counterfeitures 22.03.2017 ...
Swiss Patent now 现在的瑞士专利系统 tag.monat.jahr Swiss Patent now 现在的瑞士专利系统 Novelty and inventive step not checked during examination· IPI不检查新颖性,创造性 Novelty search report may be added to dossier 在IPI买的新颖性报告可以加入档案 fully examined CH patent possible by European way EPO检查新颖性,创造性。EP专利权在瑞士有效. 22.03.2017 ...
How to get a patent in CH 如何 在瑞士申请专利 22.03.2017 … (US) (JP) (CH) CN CN … US JP CH How to get a patent in CH 如何 在瑞士申请专利 PCT US JP CH CH GB US JP … US JP CH EPO EU CH DE GB HK How to get a Swiss patent: Different priorites, different paths national simple, cheap, local protection, fast, priority date patent with CH-number EP european countries, cheap compared to many national patents examinated, strong patents patent with EP number and designated CH PCT Application only, no examination with preliminaray examination later entry in the national phase --> patent with CH number 22.03.2017 … 22.03.2017 … 18
How to get patent protection in CH 专利书在瑞士 How to get patent protection in CH 22.03.2017 Patents in Switzerland 2 types of documents Same legal effect 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 … 19 22.03.2017 … 19
22.03.2017 26 Cantons 26 civil courts 民法的程序:26个州 26个法庭 since 2011: 26 procedural laws 26个程序规则 只可申诉到 瑞士联邦法院 22.03.2017 ...
tag.monat.jahr Good Trend 好趋向 Since 2012: 从2012年以来 1 Federal Patent Court in St. Gallen 开始工作瑞士联邦专利法庭 1 Unified civil procedural law for all 26 cantonal courts 只用1条瑞士联邦法庭程序规则 22.03.2017 ...
CH Patent in the Future 未来的瑞士专利系统 tag.monat.jahr CH Patent in the Future 未来的瑞士专利系统 EU-patent system not yet fully established preparation to grant: utility model fully examined invention patent EU 专利系统尚未确立 瑞士联邦知识产权局在准备: 新的实用新型专利 新颖性检查的发明专利 22.03.2017 ...
PITFALLS ABROAD 国外易犯的错误 和 意想不到的困难 22.03.2017 ...
Misunderstanding the basic principles 不认识基本法律原则 Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 Misunderstanding the basic principles 不认识基本法律原则 According to the preamble of the Constitution the CCP dominates backstage Rule by law The principal contradiction determines the strategy, the secondary contradictions and their solutions The capitalist elements in the economy constitute the tools to reach the target: The socialist economy Constitution, laws, guidelines, interpretations, judgements all confirm and reconfirm: The interests of society have more weight, than the interest of the individuum. Dominanz der Partei steht in der Verfassung. Die Verfassung ist zu respektieren. Marx, Lenin, Mao, Deng: Namen stehen in der Verfassung. Wir beziehen uns auf Gott, China auf 2 Europäer und 2 Chinesen principal contradiction since Deng Xiao Ping: The gap between the backward economy and the rising needs of the population. 1998年7月7日,国家工商行政管理局商标局宣布:依法撤销中国(深圳)外贸公司以不正当手段注册的67件商标,以维护被抢注企业的合法权益,维护公平的市场竞争秩序。 22.03.2017 ...
Closing the eye‘s 避免看事实 (EPODOC-Data 2012-04-27 Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 1982 no CN JP > SU > US 22.03.2017 ...
Pitfalls abroad 国外易犯的错误 It's not my market competitors begin legally to build up business conflicts abroad 不是我的市场 竞争者开始合法的商业竞争者在国外侵权 no chance to enforce my right in CN 在中国没有办法执行我的权利 no chance to confiscate by CN custom 中国的海关没权没收商品 IP and enforcement in CN improved dramatically within a few years 中国提高了IP保护水平 disregard basic principles of national legal system 不认识基本法律原则 wrong arguments in court »judges are biased« 在法庭前提出不适当的理由»法官不公平« prices as in Germany no sells in India compulsory licence 用德国高价格在印度没有顾客印度公司申请强制许可 22.03.2017 ...
No Profit --- No infringer Mittwoch, 22. März 2017 Profit 利润 No Profit --- No infringer Original Manufacturer 原厂制造 + Sellings 销售收入 - R & D 研究与发展成本 - Production costs 生产成本 - Marketing 促销成本 - Straight channels 直接的分配通路 - Quality control 质量检查成本 Fight against piracy 反山寨措施费用 Taxes 税 - Service costs 提供服务费用 __________________ Profit 利润 Counterfeitures & Pirates 山寨,盗版 + Sellings 销售收入 (- R & D )? (研究与发展成本)? - Production costs 生产成本 - Complex distribution channels 复杂的分配通路 - Losses due to countermeasures 被反山寨措施制造的损失 __________________________________ Profit 利润 Je höher das Risiko und je weniger Mitbewerber, desto höher der Profit Derjenige welcher das Risiko beherrscht wird siegen Man muss nicht gut sein, besser genügt Hit where it hurts 没有利润就没有山寨 22.03.2017 ...
Plan B 第二行动方案 how to procede in case of litigation? 被侵权了,怎么处理? who tag.monat.jahr how to procede in case of litigation? 被侵权了,怎么处理? who is technically competent? 谁了解技术议题? has the financial competence? 谁持有财务权限? has to be available: 365 x 7 x 24 for fast response 谁可以立即行动? can decide on the next step (to sue or to ignore) 谁有权决定怎么办? which partners must be involved? 联系哪些合伙人? which documents must be available (for some 需要准备哪那种案件? countries notarised and signed by embassy!) … you are prepared or you'll be prepared 22.03.2017 ...
STOP PIRACY 阻挡山寨 Public-private Partnership 瑞士公共部门与私人企业合作模式 反仿冒品、反盗版品批评台 A cooperation of the Swiss government and Swiss companies for the fight against piracy and counterfeiting Seit 2005, Initiative von IGE und ICC Schweiz Therefore, effective combating of C&P additionally needs an active and close co-operation between the private sector and the public sector. This is why Switzerland launched the Swiss Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Platform some two years ago (July 2005). The Swiss Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Platform has three principal tools to achieve its main objective: 1. Co-ordination Among the governmental agencies and the businesses as well as the Swiss trade organisations involved. Co-ordination and flow of information between the administrative authorities and Swiss businesses. 2. Information Maintaining an electronic Information Exchange Forum and serving the general public by giving information on request and informing the general public about C&P. Providing a link between enterprises and Swiss embassies abroad 3. Awareness building & education Awareness-building and training activities. [Financing] The activities of the Swiss Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Platform are financed by the private sector. The Institute does, however, finance specific activities or campaigns where it sees fit [e.g. public website, T-Shirts, 2008 campaign etc.]. The public sector participates by providing the necessary framework for assuring the basic functioning of the Platform, that is - first and foremost - administrative support (Contact Point and Secretariat provided by the Institute) and management of the «Public One Stop Shop». The working group members must cover their own costs. Intellectual Property Rigths in China - Schaeli - Swissmem, 5 July 2012
¿ 22.03.2017 謝謝大家﹗ Danke! 22.03.2017 22.03.2017 … 30 22.03.2017 … 30