考研作文精讲 2017/4/4.


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Presentation transcript:

考研作文精讲 2017/4/4

第一章 考研作文综述 1、上次模拟考试的问题 2、考研大作文 3、考研小作文

考研大作文 考研大作文(20 分)的要求是很好地完成了试题规定的任务:包含所有内容要点;使用丰富的语法结构和词汇;语言自然流畅,语法错误极少;有效地采用了多种衔接手段,文字连贯,层次清晰。字数:160—200 词。从这个要求可以看出考生需要把重点放在英语的表达上,至于内容是否“立论新颖”或“论证充分”等并不是考察的重点。我们认为,同学们需要从以下四个方面对英语的表达能力加以提高: 单词要尽可能用正式的书面英语,一些口语中的用语需要避免,如要表达“我认为” ,我们最好不要用“I think”,而应该选用丰富多样的表达方法,如 I believe/ argue/ insist…等。这样在考试中适当得用上,就可以给阅卷老师留下更好的第一印象。 要尽可能多得使用丰富多样的句型结构,如主语从句,定语从句,状语从句等,因为英语的作者在进行学术性文章写作时这些句型是必不可少的。 段落展开时要非常严谨。因为英语是一门逻辑性非常强的语言,所以在写每一个段落时首先需要确定使用什么样的展开方法。 整个文章展开的时候一定要注意三个段落的有机联系。一般来说我们在第一段介绍漫画的画内和画外意思,在第二段中进行展开,然后在第三段做出结论,提出解决问题的方法。










考研小作文 考研小作文(10 分)的写作同学们重点要注意语域、格式、思想性三个问题。 所谓语域是指我们在跟其他人交流时,因为交际对象的不同,我们需要用正式、一般和非正式的不同交际方式,这样就需要不同的表达。 另外应用文的写作,尤其是书信的写作要注意内容的格式安排,如称呼要左边顶格写,正文要每段开头空四个字符,写完三段后空两行写结尾谦辞并且在下一行署名,而谦辞和署名都要右边顶格写。 思想性要求有自己的观点,结合题意要求适度发挥。(辞职信、一模救助儿童、二模)

小作文类型 1.感谢信 1)感谢信开头段常用句式和套话 I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for... I am writing to express my thanks for... 2)感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话 I must thank you again for your generous help. I am most grateful for your selfless donation.

2.道歉信 1)道歉信中开头段常用句式和套话 I am writing this letter to express my regret… I am writing to apologize for… 2)道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话 Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please allow me to say sorry again.

3.寻找失物信 1)寻找失物信开头常用句式和套话 I am sorry to disturb you, but I have to... I am writing this letter to report the loss of my... when I... 2)寻找失物信结尾常用句式和套话 I would really appreciate it if you could... I would be grateful if you could...

4.建议信 1)建议信开头段常用句式和套话 I am writing in reply to… I would like to suggest that… 2)表达建议常用句式和套话 I feel that it would be beneficial if… 3)建议信结尾常用句式和套话 I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/recommendations helpful/practical/ useful. I trust you will take my suggestion into account.

5.倡导信 1)范文 A Letter to Citizens of Beijing as to Improving Involvement in Preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games. Dear Countrymen I am writing the letter to call on all people in Beijing to perk up and do more work for the coming 2008 Olympic Games. As a common citizen here in the capital of our great motherland, I jumped over joy when news came saying we won the competition for hosting the great games, the first in our history. But after a month-long excitement, I started to think about the question: What can I do for the huge project? I had been left with helplessness for all the past months, like many people did. But now I came up with some ideas that might attract you and equip us all with sufficient confidence.

Maybe I would be too old to be a volunteer in 2008, but I will start studying English, and two of three of other foreign languages if possible, to be able to communicate with friends from all corners of the world. We could have been making Beijing an international city in the proper sense of the word. Apart from that I will try to understand modern concepts about making a city, and a country, more beautiful, for example, environmental protection, community construction, city planning, and above all, the quality of being a citizen in the modern metropolis, and make positive efforts to put them into practice. Actually, we will not be making preparation for preparation’s sake. After 2008, I have all the reasons to be optimistic that Beijing, and our country, will be taking a strong position in the powers of the world. Please join me in the action and extend our excitement into a spirit that dares any possible difficulties!Thank you! Best wishes to Beijing and our country, Zhong Guan (A common citizen of Beijing)

第二章 写作中的词汇 1、 易拼错的常用同语一览 2、 容易混淆的常用词 3、 同义词 4、 图表类型作文中的常用词汇 第二章 写作中的词汇 1、 易拼错的常用同语一览 2、 容易混淆的常用词 3、 同义词 4、 图表类型作文中的常用词汇 5、 句子中的连接性词语 6、 时事专有词汇