體內環保 , 腸道健康 Mow, let’s turn to our main objective today, and that is our new probiotic product, ProBioPCC.


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Presentation transcript:

體內環保 , 腸道健康 Mow, let’s turn to our main objective today, and that is our new probiotic product, ProBioPCC.

腸子裡的學問 剛出生的嬰兒消化道是無菌的 藉由食物的傳入,不同細菌群落開始生長 成年時,消化道內的微生物將超過 500種,其數量超過 100兆,約為人體細胞數的 10倍,佔人體體重的 0.9公斤 結腸內的細菌數佔結腸的一半 At birth, the digestive tract of a human baby is sterile, but it soon begins to be colonized by microbes. At first, the predominant bacteria are of the bifidobacteria genus. But once a child begins to eat solid food, there is a rapid change in the makeup of this microbial population. A little ecosystem begins to develop. It’s called the intestinal microflora. Most of the bacteria are found in the lower intestine, the colon. However, there is a distinct population in the upper small intestine, which might vary somewhat in density, and in makeup, from those in the lower small intestine, which will be somewhat different again from those in the large intestine. This is a good thing. Its necessary for the good health and immunity of the child, and later, the adult. Scientists have bread animals in sterile environments and have found that these animals, quite unexpectedly, are not healthier, but actually more sickly - and more susceptible to disease and digestive problems.

他們為了什麼在裡面? 有免費的食物,當然是最 好的住所! Its amazing to think that by the time we’re toddlers, the overwhelming majority of the cells in our body are not human. Can you imagine the impact that this can have on our health and wellbeing? So, what’s in it for the trillions of microbes living within us? The answer is fairly simple: They live of the food we eat, especially those food components, that we can not digest, such as dietary fiber. Plus, we give them a nice warm and stable environment to live in.

有益菌 vs 有害菌 我們有一些是 友善的! Lactobacillus 比菲德氏菌 Bifidobacterium 大腸桿菌 傷寒桿菌 產氣莢模桿菌 梭胞桿菌 金黃色葡萄 球菌 白色念珠菌屬 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus 比菲德氏菌 Bifidobacterium Not so. Let’s take a look how bacteria can be useful. First, we must understand that there is hardly a higher life-form on this planet that does not have a two-way helpful relationship with microbes. The intestinal tracts of people and animals are colonized with large amounts of bacteria, most of which are quite beneficial to the host.

病從口入 -- 有害菌引起的問題 脹氣 腹瀉 每年30%人口因食物不潔引起腹瀉 旅行者的腹瀉 每年30億旅行人口之20-50% 腸躁症 腹瀉 每年30%人口因食物不潔引起腹瀉 旅行者的腹瀉 每年30億旅行人口之20-50% 腸躁症 抗生素誘發的腹瀉 20%使用抗生素者 便秘 腸炎/腸癌 尿道感染,陰道手術感染,陰道炎 每年全世界超過 3 億個婦女罹患

殲滅細菌? 抗生素的革命運動 亞歷山大佛萊明Alexander Fleming (1881 - 1955) 殲滅細菌? 抗生素的革命運動 亞歷山大佛萊明Alexander Fleming (1881 - 1955) 盤林西林的發現Penicillin (1929) Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician who discovered - quite by accident - that certain mold spores could prevent the growth of, and even kill, bacteria. This was an important discovery, because the penicillin could do this without harming human cells. And so, the antibiotic revolution began. Countless lives have been saved.

共生? 有益菌的發現 “保加利亞的農夫擁有長壽且健康的生活, 原因是食用發酵的乳製品.” 梅.契米可夫 E. Metchnikoff 共生? 有益菌的發現 梅.契米可夫 E. Metchnikoff (1845-1916) “保加利亞的農夫擁有長壽且健康的生活, 原因是食用發酵的乳製品.” Now, let’s turn our attention to probiotics. Fermented food - food that is ripened with the help of friendly bacteria - has been a part of human existence for thousands of years, e.g., yogurt, kefir, etc. In the late 1800’s, Nobel prize winner Dr. Elias Metchnikoff, a good friend of Louis Pasteur, witnessed firsthand the unusual longevity and exceptional good health of the mountain folk inhabiting Bulgaria. They attributed this vigor to the live cultures found in a thick, fermented milk product they regularly consumed. Metchnikoff put two and two together and theorized that beneficial bacteria could, once introduced to the intestinal tract, combated and inhibited the proliferation of toxin-producing bacteria. He was able to prove his theories in mice. The bottom line? Our health and immunity can be dramatically affected by the food that we eat, and its content of friendly bacteria.

有益菌 vs 有害菌 巧妙的平衡 競爭必須營養素 產生抑制物質 腸壁(黏膜)黏附的 競爭 How, or why is this so? We can view the insides of our intestines as if they have a lawn growing on them. If this lawn is healthy and thick, then it is very difficult for “weeds” to gain a foot-hold. This is because the grass that is already in place will compete for essential nutrients. There will be no nutrients left for weeds. However the gastrointestinal microflora go a step further. They are actually able to produce inhibitory substances that prevent other bacteria from growing or surviving. Finally, the friendly microflora also competes for adherence to intestinal wall. Each bacterium has to hold on to a section of the intestine. Once he’s there, he won’t let go. If there are no spaces left for other perhaps harmful microbes, they can’t attach, and must therefore pass through.

益生菌: 定義 Pro=for Bio=life 足量具有活性、特定的微生物,它可改變宿主(人體)體內的微生物菌叢及發揮有益效果 1974 Probiotics 益生菌 Pro=for Bio=life 1998 Salminen S, Bouley C, et al. 足量具有活性、特定的微生物,它可改變宿主(人體)體內的微生物菌叢及發揮有益效果 What is a probiotic? Let’s start with the word “probiotic”. It is derived from the latin “pro” and “bios” and literally means “ for life”. This is in stark contrast with another form of medication, namely, “antibiotic” which means “against life”. Probiotics are preparations of naturally occurring, benefical bacteria that we can take orally, that have positive effects on, and support, good health. So rather than killing bacteria using antibiotics, with probiotics we are putting good bacteria into the body to naturally maintain health. The concept that bacteria are good for us is often hard to accept, because ever since we can remember, we were told to wash our hands because we had to remove the bacteria that could make us sick. It therefore comes as a surprise to many people, that as well as the bad bacteria, there are good bacteria. In fact, there are more bacteria in our healthy body than we have body cells and these natural bacteria play a very important role in contributing to our good health.

益生菌: 菌種和菌株 A,B,C,LGG…. 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus 比菲德氏菌 Bifidobacterium 其他... 益生菌: 菌種和菌株 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus 比菲德氏菌 Bifidobacterium 其他... 並非所有的菌株都相同 A,B,C,LGG…. The most common types of bacteria used as probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The most well known Lactobacillus is Lactobacillus acidophilus and it is often referred to as L acidophilus or just as Acidophilus. Historically, Lactobacillus acidophilus was believed to be the most effective of the Lactobacillus in contributing to good health and well-being. The other well known Lactobacillus was Lactobacillus bulgaricus and this is the one used in yogurt production. Today a number of Lactobacillus strains are used as probiotics. Our next step in understanding probiotics is to appreciate that for each species, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus there are very many strains and these differ dramatically in their effectiveness as probiotics. We all know that even though we are all Homo sapiens and all seem similar, it is obvious that we do differ in how well we can do specific tasks. So too do the Lactobacillus. We need to look more closely for the particular strain of Lactobacillus in order to appreciate how effective that particular strain will be as a probiotic. The discerning consumer needs to look closely at a probiotic product to determine the particular strain of Lactobacillus used. It is then possible to learn from scientific studies just how effective that particular strain is as a probiotic. Not all probiotic products are the same, and in fact not all probiotics are acidophilus.

聯合國糧食農業組織(FAO) 與聯合國世界衛生組織(WHO) 關於益生菌的規範 The World Health Organization has recently recognized the value that a good probiotic food or supplement can have, particularly in gastrointestinal health of both adults and children. But based on the scientific evidence, the WHO also has set down guidelines to set apart the good from the bad probiotics. Here is a list of the pre-requisites for an effective probiotic. Note the use of the word “STRAIN”. To describe a living organism, usually two names are necessary: GENUS, and SPECIES (example Homo sapiens). To determine the effectiveness of a microbe as a probiotic, genus and species are not sufficient. The strain must also be described. There are so many strains within a species, that the benefits of a probiotic cannot be extrapolated from the species alone. The benefits must be proven at the level of the STRAIN. For example, while the lactobacillus strains used in yogurt are great for making yogurt, they are not the best organisms for use as a probiotic. No mentioned here is shelf life and viability. The dose of live organisms is critical. This may seem a long list, however, if a probiotic strain conforms to these requirements, it will give us confidence that it will be an effective strain. Source: Joint FAO/WHO Expert consultation on evaluation of health and nutritional properties of probiotics in food including powder milk with live lactic acid bacteria. Córdoba, Argentina. October 1-4, 2001.

如新華茂益生菌配方ProBioPCC™ 保持一個健康的腸胃環境 Maintains a Healthy Gastrointestinal Environment This is where our new product ProBioPCC comes in...

PCC乳酸桿菌 專有的菌種, 專利申請中 可從人體的胃腸微生物群中分離出來 來自擁有罕見適應力的 瑞典女人 Lactobacillus fermentum PCC 專有的菌種, 專利申請中 可從人體的胃腸微生物群中分離出來 來自擁有罕見適應力的 瑞典女人 ProBioPCC contains Lactobacillus fermentum. Since the mid 1980’s, research in Sweden, the UK and Australia search for probiotic strains of Lactobacillus which could reduce digestive tract disturbances as occurred in the Middle East during the Gulf war. After fruitlessly searching through hundreds of different Lactobacillus strains, Dr. Patricia Conway isolated a specific strain of L. fermentum from a Swedish woman who had an extraordinary resistance against traveler's diarrhea. Further studies showed that the PCC strain met all of the WHO crietria and more:  It is of human intestinal origin and as such has a greater potential to survive and grow in the intestine.  Laboratory studies proved that strain PCC could survive low acid conditions, digestive enzymes and bile acids.  The PCC strain could prevent the growth of pathogens, those bacteria that cause disease and in fact prevented them from establishing in the intestine.  The strain could attach to the intestinal wall and thereby allow it to establish and grow in the intestine.  The strain preferentially targets the sites in the intestine that trigger the immune response, namely the Peyer’s Patches.

PCC乳酸桿菌 基於以下幾點而百中選一的菌種: 能存活於胃酸、膽鹽及消化酵素之中 已證實能在腸道中繁衍 擁有較優的腸壁黏膜黏附性,優先附著於 “培耶氏斑”Peyers Patches 能率先對人體免疫系統產生助益 可阻止病原細菌的滋長 12項臨床研究,16項臨床前研究,證實可減 緩腸胃不適及促進良性微生物的生長 ProBioPCC contains Lactobacillus fermentum. Since the mid 1980’s, research in Sweden, the UK and Australia search for probiotic strains of Lactobacillus which could reduce digestive tract disturbances as occurred in the Middle East during the Gulf war. After fruitlessly searching through hundreds of different Lactobacillus strains, Dr. Patricia Conway isolated a specific strain of L. fermentum from a Swedish woman who had an extraordinary resistance against traveler's diarrhea. Further studies showed that the PCC strain met all of the WHO crietria and more:  It is of human intestinal origin and as such has a greater potential to survive and grow in the intestine.  Laboratory studies proved that strain PCC could survive low acid conditions, digestive enzymes and bile acids.  The PCC strain could prevent the growth of pathogens, those bacteria that cause disease and in fact prevented them from establishing in the intestine.  The strain could attach to the intestinal wall and thereby allow it to establish and grow in the intestine.  The strain preferentially targets the sites in the intestine that trigger the immune response, namely the Peyer’s Patches.

PCC益生菌之臨床證據 1.恢復健康腸道的菌叢 2.刺激黏膜免疫 3.減緩IBS症狀和偶發性的腹瀉,包括便秘,脹氣,腹脹,腹部不適 4.改善泌尿生殖道菌叢 (FAO/WHO 2001) A number of clinical trials in humans have confirmed the effectiveness of Lactobacillus fermentum PCC. To date we have shown that the strain can offer protection against travelers diarrhea, decrease symptoms of diarrhea and constipation in irritable bowel subjects and can effectively colonize the intestine of healthy subjects. *Supported by independent published research. References available upon request.

PCC乳酸桿菌之附著率 PCC菌對於腸內黏膜細胞擁有良好的附著性 良好的附著性顯示生存力, 且導致繁殖週期 的延長 The PCC strain is very effective at attaching to the wall of the intestine. Here we see the PCC cells densely associated with intestinal cells in the laboratory. On the left, you see a Lactobacillus strain that adheres poorly to the intestine.. PCC菌對於腸內黏膜細胞擁有良好的附著性 良好的附著性顯示生存力, 且導致繁殖週期 的延長 Source: Welin A, Farthing M, Conway PL. (Colonization of ileal mucosa). Publication in preparation, 2002.

和“培耶氏斑”區域的連結 PCC乳酸桿菌之電子掃描圖 A) 培耶氏斑 B) 非淋巴性的小腸組織 In addition, you can see here how the strain is densely associated with the Peyers Patches regions of the intestine, the site of the immune response in the intestine

優先黏著於“培耶氏斑” 腸道黏膜上皮細胞內含有一區域性免疫組織培耶氏斑 (Peyer’s patches) Source: Plant L, Conway PL. Association of Lactobacillus spp with Peyers Patches in mice. Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology 2002;8(2):320-324.

安定性研究 PCC乳酸桿菌 在20 ºC 以下維持之活性 活存的乳酸菌 如新華茂益生菌配方 品牌X 週次 1.2x1011 1011 12 26 52 104 週次 如新華茂益生菌配方 品牌X 6 1010 4x1010 2x1010 8x1010 1.2x1011 6x1010 1011 活存的乳酸菌 Finally, during a 2 year stability study of the L fermentum PCC strain in gelatin capsules, we have confirmed that the important natural biological characteristics of the PCC strain are stable. In particular, the strain does not alter its resistance to acid conditions or to bile acids and has similar pathogen inhibition and adhesion capacity and antibiotic sensitivity profiles. The strain is particularly stable. Lactobacillus fermentum PCC is a unique probiotic which has been shown in scientifically controlled studies to have a huge potential to deliver health benefits. It is available to you today in the Pharmanex product ProBioPCC.

益生菌配方- 耐酸性研究/競品比較

益生菌配方- 10大競爭優勢 專有菌種,專利申請中 從人體腸道分離,耐酸性強 符合FAO/WHO四大標準 有臨床實驗的支持 專有6S 製程 不含有害菌 臨床證實可減緩腸胃不適及促進良性微生物的生長 特殊包裝設計/玻璃瓶,防潮蓋 保證末效期菌數:20億/顆 每天一顆,無熱量,方便有效,身體無負擔 I am very excited to be able to present this entirely new, patent pending Probiotic product that has so much science behind it. This probiotic conforms rigorously to the standards laid out by the World health Organization to identify probiotics that will make a difference in human health. The product itself was developed according to Pharmanex’ 6S process. Pharmanex has exclusive rights to L. fermentum PCC in the direct distribution channel world-wide. That gives you the competitive advantage. It is critical that these organisms remain viable. That’s why ProBioPCC has this exciting packaging and delivery system, designed to keep the product dry so that we can guarantee a long shelf life.

PCC益生菌配方-食用方法 最好和食物一起食用 OUCH! 避免胃酸 AAAH! ProBioPCC is best taken with food, because food helps buffer the stomach acid, and as a result enhances survival during the stomach passage into the intestine.

益生菌配方-建議使用對象 受到消化性微生物感染, 產生偶發性腹瀉,便秘,腹部絞痛的人 有偶發性的腸胃不適者 , 例如脹氣或腹脹 目前使用其他益生菌的人 使用方法 每日1顆, 與食物同時使用 持續使用以達到最好的結果 Store at or below room temperature. Refrigerate if needed.