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关世民. 2011. 中学英语写作教学知识体系的建构、意义、内容与策略〔J〕. 中小学外语教学(中学篇),(2):1-6 写作教学策略是指教师为了实现写作教学预期效果所采取的一系列有效的教学行为(王笃勤,2003)。 科学的写作策略能够使学生迅速、有效地提高写作成绩,使写作学习的过程更加理性和科学。

1. 写作与听说相融合的策略 写作与听说相融合的策略,就是把写作作为强化听说学习、训练内容的辅助手段,在巩固听说涉及的词汇、句型的同时,使学生的写作能力借助听说训练的机会得以强化(Nunan, 2008)。

2. 写作与阅读相融合的策略 写作与阅读相融合的策略就是借助阅读来巩固写作知识和技能。这种策略一般有两种:一种是读后写结构分析。阅读后学生在教师的指导下,分析阅读材料的文体结构和归纳主旨大意,然后把阅读材料各段落的主题句、支撑句和结尾句写出来,再用自己的话概括每个段落的主旨大意。

另一种是读后写感想。阅读后学生根据阅读材料的主题思想,用自己的话写感想,可以认同作者的观点,也可以反驳作者的观点。通过读后写作,培养学生的发散思维和思辨能力,以此强化阅读理解的效果(Wilkins, 1972)。实践证明,结合阅读训练写作是培养学生写作能力的行之有效的教学策略。

写作技能的训练 写作技能训练的内容主要包括:书写技能、仿写技能、改写技能、续写技能和缩写技能


8a u3 Around the world in a day! Skimming 1. What is Linda’s letter about? 2. What did Linda think of the trip? It is about the trip to the World Park. The trip was wonderful. It was an amazing day. She enjoyed herself. ☆引导学生快速关注文章的主题,找出中心句(文章头)以及作者的感想(文章尾)。

What: Who: When: How: How far: A trip to the World Park in Beijing Linda, the Class 1,Grade 8 students October 24th by coach two hours by coach ☆关注写作的五大要素

8a unit 8 natural disaster At first Paragraph 1 Then Paragraph 2 When the noise ended Paragraph 3 4-5 After he was trapped Paragraph Finally Paragraph 6 Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt Can you find out in different parts? ☆根据时间线索分析文章 — 分析段落大意和写作五大要素

☆在阅读教学中有意识地按照写作的要素去理解,能够帮助学生养成一种良好的思维习惯,有利于写作 At first Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt He was in a shopping centre. (Maybe he did the shopping.) People looked at each other in fear. He heard a big noise like thunder; children screamed. He felt a slight shaking through his body. ☆在阅读教学中有意识地按照写作的要素去理解,能够帮助学生养成一种良好的思维习惯,有利于写作

Then Where he was What he did (He was outside the shopping centre.) What he saw What he heard How he felt (He was outside the shopping centre.) He tried his best to run out to the street. People ran in all directions; some ran out of the shopping centre; the walls began to come down. He heard the noise, like bombs below the ground The earth shook; (he was afraid.)

When the noise ended Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt He didn’t know where he was. He calmed down and said to himself. He couldn’t see anything at all. (Maybe he could hear nothing.) He couldn’t believe it was over; (Maybe he was afraid.)

After he was trapped Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt (He was trapped under the bricks and stones) He told himself to calm down; he shouted for help and told himself to stay alive (He saw nothing.) (He heard nothing) A moment of fear went through his mind.

Finally Where he was What he did What he saw What he heard How he felt (He was out of the bricks and stones.) He screamed, “Help! ” He saw the bright daylight. He heard some noise above him and excited shouts. He felt excited.

☆也可以让学生分析组合段落,并给出段落大意 8a unit 5 wild animals Read again an d match the following three parts of the passage with their main ideas. Actions we can take to help giant pandas Part1(Line1--14) Part2(Line15--22) Part3(Line23--30) The growth of Xi Wang Problems giant pandas may have in the wild ☆也可以让学生分析组合段落,并给出段落大意

retell the article Time: Character: Happening: Development: Result: ☆给学生提供关键词改写文章(口头笔头结合) retell the article 8a unit 8 natural disaster in 1999 Time: Character: Happening: Development: Result: Timmy An earthquake happened when I was in the shopping center. At first, shake, Then, noise, screamed, ran, fall, Finally, was trapped. shouted I screamed when I heard some noise above me. … I was saved at last.

Level 1: The noise shaking A slight _______ thunder 8a unit 8 reading 2 An earthquake Level 1: The noise shaking A slight _______ thunder A loud noise like ______ bombs The real noise like _______ under the ground ☆把文章思路换一个重新整合,分三块处理:noise, people and buildings, in the end

At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body. shaking n. shake v. 1) When the earthquake started, the house _______. 2) The _______ of the house made Timmy frightened. shook shook shaking ☆进一步分析文章的过程中,巧妙结合训练词汇和短语、句型结构的运用

Level 2: People & buildings A slight shaking People looked at each other ________ Some children ________ in fear screamed A big noise like thunder in all directions People ran ____________. I __________ to run to the street. People ran ________. The real noise like bombs under the ground tried my best wildly

I tried my best to run out to the street too. try one’s best to do sth. = do one’s best to do sth. People try their best to run out of the shopping centre. = People do their best to run out of the shopping centre.

An English exam is coming, what will you try your best to do before free talk An English exam is coming, what will you try your best to do before the exam? I will try my best to… ☆结合学生的学习生活用所学句型造句

Level 2: People & buildings ☆引导学生关注文章中动词的运用 Level 2: People & buildings shake The earth started to _______ fell down Pieces of glass and bricks _______ come down The walls began to ___________ was trapped I ___________ .

Level 3: in the end 4 What was the result? 6.What happened in the end? 1. How did Timmy feel when the noise and shaking ended? 3. What did Timmy do at first while he was waiting? 6.What happened in the end? 5 What did Timmy do when he heard some noise? 2. How did he feel when he found he was trapped? He ________. a moment of fear__ ______his mind. He told himself to _________. was trapped. went through calm down somebody shouted He thought _______ could hear him He _____for help moved away People ________ the bricks and stones ____________ screamed He ______ for help in a great hurry.

They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. be in a hurry to do sth. n. hurry to do sth. v. 我匆忙的放学后去购物. I am ____________ to go shopping after school. I ____________ to go shopping after school. A B A B

Level 4: report the earthquake 1. I could not see anything at all and I did not know if anyone was around me. →我不能看见任何东西,并且我不知道有人在我周围. 2.A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. →我的心头一阵恐惧,但是我告诉自己要镇定下来因为我还活着. ☆引导学生关注文章中的一些难句、美句

Finish the passage An e_________ happened. At first, Timmy felt a s_____ s _________ through his body, then he heard a big noise like t_______ .Some children s_____________ because they are in f______ . People ran w ______ and i__ all d __________ when the walls began to c ______ d ______ . After it, Timmy was t _________ . But he t ______ his best to c ______ d ______ .At last, excited people were in a h ______ to m ______ a ______ b _______ and stones. Timmy was safe ! arthquake haking light hunder creamed ear ildly n irections ome own rapped ried alm own urry ove way ricks ☆以填空的形式改写文章

Level 4: report the earthquake Timmy a helper doctor Timmy’s parent in the shopping centre ☆训练学生从不同的角度改写文章

单元的写作任务设置是阅读文章的延伸 Eg. 8a unit 6 Reading – Birds in Zhalong Task – write an application letter to join the Birdwatching Society ☆写申请函加入观鸟俱乐部就是保护动物的一种方式,是学习有关野生动物的文章的一种延伸

其他在阅读教学过程中锻炼写作能力的方法 节选一些关键句(需要有提示词的),让学生能够将打乱的句子排序,组成正确的短文。 Eg. 8B Unit2 A trip to Hong Kong 给一个故事写结尾 Eg. 7B Unit 6 Down the rabbit hole 在可能的情况下让学生谈谈读后感 Eg. 8B Unit1 Times have changed What do you think about …?

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