Home Affairs Bureau 強化香港文化藝術軟件 西九文化區管理局 - 諮詢會 2009年5月27日.


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Presentation transcript:

Home Affairs Bureau 強化香港文化藝術軟件 西九文化區管理局 - 諮詢會 2009年5月27日

我們的策略 培育藝術家/發展藝術節目 拓展觀眾群 強化藝術教育 強化人力培訓 Our approach is based on: 1. capacity building, 2. audience building and 3. arts education and 4.manpower training.

四個策略性範疇 Stronger cultural “software” 強化文化 「軟件」 1. Audienceship 4. 建構伙伴網絡 拓展文化交流 擴大表演視覺藝術 建立新舊觀眾群 3. 藝術融入社區 2. 藝術融入學院 加強人力培訓 4. Cultural Exchange 2. Arts Education & Manpower Training Stronger cultural “software” To put our approach into action, we are focusing on four strategic areas including: 1. Audienceship 2. Arts Education & Manpower Training 3. Community Involvement 4. Cultural Exchange. 3. Community Involvement

1. 擴大表演視覺藝術 建立新舊觀眾群 We’re committed to enriching our progammes by making them more diverse and accessible for the whole community.

建立文化活動品牌 培育藝術家及拓展觀眾群 已建立的文化品牌:香港藝術節 新興文化品牌:秋季專題藝術節 We have a rich year-round programme of arts and cultural activities for everyone. We are growing capacity and building audiences at established and increasingly popular events

培育社區藝術家、拓展地區觀眾群 康樂及文化事務署每 年推出及贊助超過 4,400項活動 多姿多采的地區嘉年 華及主題文娛節目 眾多免費的室內及室 外文娛活動 We are capitalizing on the LCSD venues in 18 districts and collaborating with district councils, district organizations and cultural/ educational institutions to build up audiences at various events.

2. 藝術融入學院 加強人力培訓 The second very important area that we have committed significant resources is to arts education. This will largely contribute to the ‘”longevity” of a deeply rooted cultural identity and place where cultural activities are a part of everyday lives. 資料來源: 明報( D9) 2009年5月22日

校園藝術教育 學校課程中大約 8 % 至 15%的課堂時間建議進行藝 術教育 2009-10 學年開始實施新高中課程 其他藝術教育的活動包括: 學校文化日計劃:過去三年,有超過700間學校及 335,000名學生參與計劃 高中生藝術新體驗試驗計劃 學校藝術培訓計劃 音樂事務處樂器訓練計劃 (每年有5,000名兒童受惠) 學校舞蹈節、學校音樂創藝展 校園藝術大使計劃 學校文化日計劃 互動戲偶劇表演 高中生藝術新體驗試驗計劃 「無界樂人」演唱會 Firstly, “our children” will get greater exposure to arts and culture during their early learning years at primary and secondary school Already, it is recommended that 8-15% of lesson time be dedicated to arts education Further, there will be a new senior secondary curriculum providing more students opportunities to pursue arts education eg. Aesthetic development will be stressed as learning experience for all students throughout their 3 yrs of senior secondary schooling Music and visual arts will become “elective subjects” Applied learning courses added eg. Creative Studies, Applied Media and Communication Arts will be added as one of the “independent enquiry study in liberal studies” “our children” will also engage in many organised cultural events and activities such as: (list)

對藝術教師的支援 我們透過以下途徑支援藝術教師: 匯藝坊 專業發展計劃 與專上院校聯手製作教學材料,以供教師參考 表演藝術教育中心 For “our children” to have the best “pathway to arts education” , we have also recognized the importance of the arts teachers. We are therefore enhancing our support to them. this support can be seen through the Arts Mart programme (need to clarify “what is Arts Mart”). Eg. An Arts Mart was organised recently in the HKG Central Library to showcase services of arts groups for the schools to identify suitable arts education projects for their students. in addition to Arts Mart, there is support for professional development programmes to teachers who want to build their arts teaching skills and development of teaching and reference materials

專業及在職教育 香港演藝學院:就音樂、舞蹈、戲劇、舞 台及製作藝術、電影電視,以及粵劇方面 提供專業培訓 每年共有約340名年青才俊在演藝 學院畢業 接受「大學教育資助委員會」資助的八 大院校於2009/2010學年提供超過2,200 個學位 香港知專設計學院將於將軍澳設置新的 校園 Young people who want to make a career in arts, can continue down the arts education pathway to in a professional capacity. They can go to: The HK Academy for Performing Arts which gives young professionals the opportunity to develop their interest and talent in music, dance, drama, theatre, entertainment arts, film, television and Cantonese Opera there are approximately 340 graduates every year Further, they have the opportunity to go to any of the Eight “UGC”-funded institutions providing over 2,200 student places – for example, New digital programmes including Digital Television Communication, Bachelor of Visual Arts Programmed @ HK Baptist University, new major in Culture Heritages and Tourism at University of HKG to name just a few. I also do want to make a quick mention of our exciting new Tseung Kwan O campus which will house the Hong Kong Design Institute –yet another channel for youth to pursue their interest in arts, creativity and expression.

藝術專才及新晉藝術工作者 我們透過以下方式培育藝術人才: 資助香港九大旗艦演藝團體發展 (港幣2.6億元) 資助香港九大旗艦演藝團體發展 (港幣2.6億元) 廣東粵劇巡迴演出;粵劇發展基金 (港幣380萬元) 香港藝術發展局支援新晉藝術工作 者及中小型演藝團體 (港幣6,331萬) After completing their arts education, we provide funding support for them to “make a living from their passion for arts”. We offer funding to small and medium sized professional arts groups. This extends to nurturing the many emerging and budding artists who are equally important to ensuring a healthy and vibrant arts scene. With this in mind, we also established the Cantonese Opera Development Fund - $3.8mill to support programmes and activities on the study, promotion and development of Cantonese Opera Our aid also supports outbound cultural exchanges, award scholarships, administration, promotion and development Cultural exchange project supported by Emerging Artists Grant

為藝術行政人員提供實習及培訓 為學員提供橫跨藝術及文化的獎學金、實習及培訓的機會,讓他們有在職培訓及親身體驗的機會: 康文署轄下的博物館 (藝術、歷史、科學、 太空、古蹟、保育、電影資料) 演藝學院學生交流計劃 英國Clore領袖訓練計劃 韓國文化藝術委員會 其他 Ensuring we have capable arts administrators is also an integral part of the arts and culture ecology. To build a sufficient number of well-trained arts administrators, we have ensured that numerous internship opportunities exist in performing arts venues, programming offices and museums. These range from exciting internships and training programmes in the Mainland, various countries in Asia and Overseas.

3. 藝術融入社區 We are also dedicated to building a community-wide appreciation and audience for the arts and culture - There are a number of ways we are enhancing this connection between “community and the arts”

「自2009年全面推行以來,已經有 34 個藝術表演團體從計劃中受惠」 藝術走進生活 場地伙伴計劃 最近成立的「場地伙伴計劃」讓藝術團體優先預訂及 免費租用康文署轄下的伙伴場地 「自2009年全面推行以來,已經有 34 個藝術表演團體從計劃中受惠」 We recognize that access to performing venues is critical to the growth of performing arts groups, especially small and medium sized ones. - we have therefore set up the VPS to provide arts groups with priority booking and free access to venues which LCSD are partnered with, The benefit to these arts groups is that they can plan their arts and cultural activities in advance. The VPS also aims to provide “cost relief” for these small to medium sized art groups against the normal costs of venue hire.

善用新的場地 露天舞台表演 (例如:荃 灣舞蹈日) 戲棚粵劇齊齊賞 @ 上水、 青衣及大埔 其他 (例如:南蓮園池、 牛棚) 藝發局正制訂2009-10年 度的全新場租資助計劃

4.建構伙伴網絡 拓展文化交流 We are committed cultural exchange and cooperation between our partners and other countries and focused on building a strong network to enable ourselves better access to ‘best insights’ and ‘best practices’ By encouraging and facilitating exchanges, we aim to make Hong Kong a regional cultural hub where East truly meets West and a melting pot of cultural endeavours.

與內地合作及交流 2005年,與中央政府文化部簽署了內地與香港特區《更緊密文化關係安排協議書》 2009年,與雲南及深圳簽署了《更緊密文化關係安排協議書》 粵港澳文化合作會議定期舉行 《粵港澳文化交流合作發展規劃 2009-2013》 A number of close cultural partnership agreements exist with the Mainland to enhance our cooperation and exchange. We already have in place (list) The GPRD meting provides a regular forum for promoting the development of culture and the arts in the GPRD Region and to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation. The “GPRD plan” was signed to set out the roadmap for cooperation.

與海外合作及交流 與11個國家簽署《文化合作諒解備忘錄》 第六屆亞洲文化合作論壇 (2009年10月) We also have a strong overseas platform for enhancing exchange and cooperation, having entered into Memoranda of Understanding on Cultural Cooperation with 11 countries (such as Canada, Italy, Singapore, France, Vietnam, Netherlands etc.) The 6th Asia Cultural Co-operation Forum to be held in October this year, will be another major platform for the sharing of ideas among cultural policy-makers, scholars and creative entrepreneurs of economies of Asia

參與文化活動:內地 / 海外 威尼斯藝術雙年展(自2001年起) 深圳舉行的國際文化產業博覽交易會(自 2005年起) 2010上海世博會 We are pro-actively promoting the essence of Hong Kong’s unique art and culture to the rest of the world We participate in many well-known international events and encourage arts groups and artists to embark on performances and exchanges in the Mainland and Overseas. Arts Development Fund also supports these opportunities

與本地及國際的藝術家合作 戲偶劇「反斗兔智鬥聰明猴」 非常林奕華作品 《華麗上班族之 生活與生存》 張緯晴與悉尼交響樂團合奏 「路易威登:創意情感」展覽 「城市綠洲.海市蜃樓:2009香 港國際雕塑創作營」展覽 We have invited a number of outstanding and world-class arts and cultural events and artists to Hong Kong thereby putting Hong Kong on the “cultural international map”

為西九文娛藝術區注入社區動力 深圳香港城市/建築雙 城雙年展 「城市綠洲.海市 蜃樓:2009香港 國際雕塑創作營」 展覽 We are committed to building community momentum to visit the West Kowloon Cultural District. We envision it to be a community cultural hotspot. The Oasis – Mirage Hong Kong International Sculpture Symposium 2009, held at the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade during which a total of 14 artists locally and internationally were invited to take part in and the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Biennale, are examples of our efforts to build community momentum for the West Kowloon Cultural District. 「城市綠洲.海市 蜃樓:2009香港 國際雕塑創作營」 展覽

2008-09政府在文化軟件上的主要開支 項目 金額 (港幣) 總計 8.81億 九大旗艦演藝團體的資助 2.59億 香港演藝學院 2.19億 香港藝術發展局 8,300萬 民政事務局管理的基金 (例如: 藝術發展基金、粵劇發展基金) 3,100萬 政府資助的文娛藝術活動 (例如: 4,400項文化藝術活動、粵港澳文化合作會議) 2.89億 總計 8.81億 註:上表只列出主要開支,並不包括教育局及大學教育資助委員會的支出 。

Home Affairs Bureau 強化香港文化藝術軟件 西九文化區管理局 - 諮詢會 2009年5月27日