What would people like to eat on their birthday? The answer would be different in different countries.


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Presentation transcript:

What would people like to eat on their birthday? The answer would be different in different countries.

In many countries, people have birthday cakes with candles. The number of the candles is the person’s age. There’re 9 candles and I’m nine years old.

The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.

In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is lucky. In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.

But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday. They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthday. They are a symbol of life and good luck.

The Ice-cream and Pancake House Would you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes? At our restaurant, we have some great _______. 3a Fill in the blanks in the ad with the words in the box. order bowl kinds strawberry specials

We have different _______ of fruit ice-cream, like ________, banana or orange. Would you like a big ______ for four yuan or a small one for just two yuan? You can also _______ our delicious pancakes. They are only five yuan.

1. 先读方框中所给的词汇,明确词意; 再阅读一遍短文的内容,掌握其大意。 2. 然后,认真读每一句话,根据上下文 及句中的关键词来确定应选用哪一个 选项。

3. 在第一空后的句中列举了几种不同种 类(香蕉、桔子)的冰淇淋,可知第 一空处填 specials ,第二空填 kinds ;第 三空填 strawberry 。第四空所在的句子 表述不同碗别大小的价格,故应填 bowl ;最后一空由句子结构可知应是 一动词,故填 order 。

The Ice-cream and Pancake House Would you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes? At our restaurant, we have some great ________. We have different _______ of fruit ice-cream, like ___________, banana or orange. Would you like a big ______ for four yuan or specials kinds strawberry bowl

a small one for just two yuan? You can also _______ our delicious pancakes. They are only five yuan. order

FoodsPrices cabbage meat noodles seven yuan a medium bowl beef carrot soupsix yuan a medium bowl eight yuan a large bowl dumplingsten yuan for twenty tomato egg ricefour yuan a small bowl mutton tomato soup 3b Imagine you have a restaurant. Write the foods and their prices.

Write an ad for your restaurant. These sentence structures may help you. 3c 1.Would you like …? 2.We have … for … 3.You can try our … 4.… is very good/delicious.

1. 这是一篇介绍自己饭店内特色食品 及其价格的短文。首先,可先介绍 一下自己的店名。 2. 其次,可根据实际情况按照 3b 中列 表格的方式将自己饭店内的特色食 品及价格一一列出。

3. 然后,用上面所列举的句型结构来 介绍这些食品。说明食品价格可用 “We have … for+ 价钱 ” 句型;推荐 食品可用 “You can try our + 食品 ” 或 “ 食品 + is very good/delicious.” 句型。 4. 最后,还应再通读一遍文章,看是 否通顺。

Welcome to Xinyue Fast Restaurant. Would you like soup? We have beef and carrot soup for only six yuan a medium bowl. We have mutton and tomato soup for seven yuan a medium bowl. Our tomato egg noodles are eight yuan a large bowl. You can try our dumplings. They’re ten yuan for twenty. The tomato and egg rice is really delicious.

Put the words you learned in different groups. 1 Food DrinkOther MeatVegetableFruit cake tomato carrotbeef mutton potato onion apple orange banana tea strawberry water orange juice milk rice dumplings hamburger noodles chicken cabbage

1.Customer: Excuse me. ______ ____ a fly ( 苍蝇 ) in my porridge. Waiter: Don’t worry ( 别急 ), sir. That spider ( 蜘蛛 ) on your bread will soon get him. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the there be structure. 2

2. Customer: ______ ____ two flies in my fish soup. Waiter: I know. But we are short of fish. 3. Customer: We ordered mutton noodles, but ______ _____ any mutton in the noodles. Waiter: Put on your glasses and you can see the mutton.

1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 提示:注意 there be 句型一定要注意 be 动词( is , are )与其后面的主语一致。 第三小题中,应注意有转折连词 but ,以 及 any 一词;可以推知,本句应为一否 定句,意为 “ 但面条里没有羊肉 ” 。 There is There are There isn’t

Write a conversation with the help of the clues. 3 Waiter: Ask for the order. Customer: Ask about what is in the food. Waiter: Ask for the size of the order. Customer: Thank the waiter. In a restaurant:

Waiter: ______________________________ Customer: ___________________________ _________________ Waiter: ______________________________ Customer: ____________________________ ___________________________ Waiter: ______________________________ Customer: ____________________________ Waiter: You’re welcome. Yes. There are some tomatoes. OK. Can we have two bowls of egg rice then? May I take your order, please? Are there any vegetables in the egg rice? Sure. What size would you like? Large, please. Thank you!

1. Fill in the blanks and role play the conversation. A: Good evening. ____ I take your _____? B: Yes. I’d like some dumplings, please. A: What ______ of dumplings _______ you like? B: _____ _____ of dumplings do you have? May order kind would What kind

A: We have meat, beef, ________ dumplings. B: _____ there _____ vegetables in the mutton dumplings? A: Yes. ______ _____ some cabbage. B: OK. I’d like twenty mutton dumplings, please. Are any There are mutton

2. Your uncle has a noodle restaurant. He asks you to help write ad for his restaurant in English. 1. Review the new words and phrases of this unit.