Get Well Prepared for the Challenge ● 解读 2005 年湖南高考英语新题型 ● 关于语法学习方法与单项选择题 ● 关于完型填空题的解题方法 ● 关于阅读理解题的小技巧与基本要求 ● 关于短文写作的基本要求和训练.


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Presentation transcript:

Get Well Prepared for the Challenge

● 解读 2005 年湖南高考英语新题型 ● 关于语法学习方法与单项选择题 ● 关于完型填空题的解题方法 ● 关于阅读理解题的小技巧与基本要求 ● 关于短文写作的基本要求和训练

解 读 2005 年湖南高考英语新题型 1. 听力填空题 2. 短文填空题

1. 获取信息的能力 2. 处理信息的能力 3. 加工信息的能力 4. 运用信息的能力

A. about what time, how long, how soon the length of the movie: __________90 minutes 1. 听力填空题 How long did the movie last? A. 90 minutes B. 100 minutes C. 120 minutes

B. about how many / how much the eggs kept in the fridge: ____ Mr Black ’ s total income: _________ a week. five 400 dollars How many eggs did she put into the fridge? A. Five. B. Six.C. Seven. What’s Mr Black’s total income each week? A. $200 B. $350 C. $400

C. about what relationship The man told his ______________ to get the papers ready for the job interview. She asked ___________ _________ ________ to pack the food for her. Darling / Miss / Mr / Mrs X / Sir / Madam wife / secretary her husband/the waiter/ salesman What’s the relationship between the two speakers? At home / At a restaurant / in the office

关于短文改错 Child: Nobody don’t like me. Mother: No, say “Nobody likes me.” Child: Nobody don’t like me. Mother: Now listen carefully, say “Nobody likes me.” Child: Oh, nobody don’t likes me.

1. 符合英语学习的普遍规律 2. 符合中学英语教学的实际状况 学生对短文该错题的感受 教师对短文该错题的烦恼 需要培养学生的什么能力? 理解和运用英语材料的能力。 使用英语的交际能力。

Integrating skills, unit 14, senior book I Sample of fesitval chart: Name of the festival Grandparents’ Day Date April 15 Meaning To honor the hard work and caring of grandparents Principles Respect, dignity How is the festival celebrated Children visit or call their grandparents to express thanks What is the symbol of the festival The Chinese character for long life

Note making, lesson 10, senior book III Read the text again and complete these notes. First people arrived in Australia 53,000 years ago Age of earliest cave paintings 20,000 years old Food animals, roots, etc. Tools fishing nets, etc. Special skills finding water Past koori population 3 million Percentage of past population 100 % Percentage of present population 1 % Causes of deaths Killed by the whites Past number of Koori languages 250 Kooris made citizens of Australia fewer than one half

Note making, lesson 10, senior book III Read the text again and complete these notes. How can you advertise? (ways to advertise) By using radio, TV, cinema, etc. What can you advertise? (things to be advertised) Procucts, services, political leaders, etc. Results of advertising? 1. It increases product sales. 2. It reduces prices.

Language Study, unit 13, senior book I From the reading passage, find the words that fit the following descriptions. _________ found in food and necessary for good health. _________ The kind of food that someone eats every day. _________ Bad for your teeth and can make you gain weight. _________ Unit for measuring how much enery the food can give us nutrients diet sugar calories

Ex. 2, unit 17, senior book III Helen Keller bacame deaf and _____ when she was a baby. She lived like an animal in a world of silence and ________. But when she was 7, her life _______. Annie Sullivan came to stay with her as a ________ and a friend. blind darkness changed teacher

短文填空题 1. 获取信息的能力 2. 处理信息的能力(表格的纵向) 3. 加工信息的能力(表格的横向) 4. 运用信息的能力

76.________ Name of hilodays Figures or events honored 84._________ patriotic 77.________ religious Holidays Celebrated in America Types of holidays political Dates of celebration

信息的理解: 1. 获取信息的能力 文章的结构和层次 作者的写作态度和目的

2. 处理信息的能力(表格的纵向) 信息的分层: 事物发生的时间顺序 事物发生的先后顺序 事物罗列的顺序 事物的空间位置 事物的共性与差异

3. 加工信息的能力(表格的横向) 信息的分类: 事物的特点、性质、要求; 办事的方法、目的、原因; 就某事出现的多种观点、看法 以及建议等等。

4. 运用信息的能力 信息的归纳与表达: ①词性的一致: 名词性表达 形容词性表达 动词性表达

Something about some most important vitamins Kinds of vitamins Functions76._________ Problems for lack vitamins vitamin A 77.______78.__________ vitamin B1 79.______80.______81.__________ vitamin B12 82_______83__________ vitamin C 84.______85.__________ sources eyesight / sight see well digestive smooth poor health blood disease natural foods must / neccisity mentioned / told / said

ways to celebrate celebrations with alcohol celebrations without alcohol 76.______ 83.__________ activities78.__________ 84._________ or art 85.__________ 79.__________ problems80.__________ none ways 77.________ the problem 81.__________82.__________none How Americans Observe New Year ’ s Day places to solveof solving friends loud noises caused by resulted from to drink (wine / alcohol ) offering museums concerts shows/exhibitions

timeeventsfeatures __________ 77.___________ 77.___________ 78.__________ 78.__________ __________ __________ 80.__________81.__________82.__________ 84. __________ 85.___________ __________ Something about Elvis Presley church influenced by fond famouspopular entered stepped into English way soldier more money actors

Something about the elephants in the wild 76.______ 77. __________ 78. ________ 79. ________ Public 80. __________and feelings many people 81.________ _ 82.___________________ 83.___________ 84. _________ Animal experts 85._______________________ free in the zoo limited space lonely / sad / unhappy Opinions surprised please their children animal activists decision in favor of / supporting

beliefs or advice the 76.__________ of water needed daily 77.____________ public belief men 8 glasses of water women 79.____________ glasses a recent 78________ reportmenwomen while doing hard 80.__________ or in the hot 81.__________ menwomen 82._______ liters generally 83._______ amount of water needed daily as much as our bodies need, 84._______ the water from other 85.__________ How much water should we drink every day? amount traditional medicalscience eight labor/work weather / climate five-point-four suggested including foods

The building of a rooftop vegetable garden Things needed 76.__________Requirements a roof 77.__________78.__________ grass cuttings 79.___________ to be pressed down a sheet of plastic 80.___________81.___________ a 82.__________ box to hold the cut grass made of 4 pieces of wood seeds for vegetables 83.__________ 84.___________ and fertilizer to make … grow better supplied frequently and 85._________ Aims Purposes support flat soil preventspread wooden insects water properly correctly

② 词形的正确使用: 名词的性、数、格 动词的过去式和过去分词 动词的第三人称单数 形容词的比较级和最高级

③ 词和词语的灵活运用 ―― 表达方式的殊路同归: 同义词和反义词 Most workers the decision. She didn ’ t pass the exam. were forsupportedwere in favor of She _____ the exam.failed

前缀和后缀: Many people lost their houses. Many people became _________. The lady was not happy. The lady was ________. homeless unhappy

句型 He promised to come. He promised that he would _____. He made ________ that he would come. She didn ’ t come back until yesterday. She __________ until yesterday. come a promise stayed there I missed the bus. I __________ the bus. didn ’ t catch

词语 He saw something strange. He ___________ of something strange. caught sight I visited that city last summer. I paid _________ that city last summer. a visit to

They would not notice a little boy like him. They decided to end the war. They decided to ___ an end to the war. They made a ________ that the war should _______ an end. They would take __________ of a little boy like him. put decision come to no notice

They happened to meet him that day. They met him by ______ that day. They met him by _______ that day. They met him __________ that day. They _______ to meet him that day. chance accident accidentally chanced

study / make a study of suddenly / all of a sudden like / be fond of / enjoy take pride in / be proud of be interested in / take ( have / show an interest in recite / learn … by heart look well after / take good care of

see / catch sight of visit / pay a visit to conclude / draw a conclusion apologize / make an apology catch / catch ( take / get ) hold of decide / make a decision drop in on sb / at a place call on sb / at place

逻辑和常识 It got drowned. Why are you late again, John? Because I got up very early. There is a tall tree ______________ the house in the middle of What happened to that fish? on the top of

● 关于语法学习方法与单项选择题 1. 正确理解语境 Mum: Just a minute, Jack! It’s your turn to wash up. Son: Mum, ________! Mun: Well, all right—but it’ll be your turn twice tomorrow. A. sorryB. OKC. please D. excuse C

John shut everybody out of the kitchen ____ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. (2002NMET) A. which B. when C. so that C. as if Why did John shut everybody out of the kitchen? He wanted to give people a big surprise. C

2. 关于被动语态 This morning after waking up at 6:30, my clothes were put on. In the washroom, my teeth were brushed and my face was washed. At 7:00, my breakfast was eaten.

This morning after waking up at 6:30, I put on my clothes. In the washroom I brushed my teeth and washed my face. At 7:00, I ate my breakfast.

1. 关于虚拟语气 I would have given them some help if I had not been so busy. I would have given them some help but I was really too busy. I was really too busy or / otherwise I would have given them some help.

● 关于完型填空题的解题方法 ( 完型填空的研究 )

● 关于阅读理解题的 小技巧与基本要求 A. 出题的方式: 1. 指称题 2. 是非判断题 3. 推测题(言外之义与明显事实、 文章前后文的推测、词义推测 与语境的相关性) 4. 主旨题 5. 广告运用题

B. 做题的态度与能力: 1. 获取与舍弃 2. 信号词的使用与判断 3. 语言能力与常识、 阅读总量与经验

● 关于短文写作的基本要求和训练 五个基本句型 基本句型与连词的运用 应该使用简单句还是复杂句?

I won ’ t attend the party. I am not invited. I won ’ t attend the party ________ I am not invited. I won ’ t attend the party ______ I am invited. I won ’ t attend the party ______ I am invited. if because unless even if