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Presentation transcript: 神奇救护队

Nick, American television channel(有线电视频道) Wonder pets

Wonder pets神奇救护队

Let’s watch the show! Who phoned them? What was the message? How would they travel to help the pigs?

About Wonder pets 同位语 宾语 ① _______ 从句 ② _______ 从句 The three little pigs left the message that a wolf was chasing( run after) them. ① The Wonder pets took what seemed like a boat②to save the pigs. The reason why they were so anxious was that the pigs were in trouble. ③ That the pigs were in trouble ④worried them. 同位语 宾语 ① _______ 从句 ② _______ 从句 ③ _______ 从句 ④ _______ 从句 主语 表语

About Wonder Pets 神奇救护队 which 1.Wonder pets is a show from _______ (which/that/what) children can learn the great importance of teamwork. 2.The fact _________ (that/which) the main characters don’t have any actual superpowers doesn’t stop them helping others. 3._______ (that/what) they do have is teamwork. 4. With the help of _________ (which/what) is called "flyboat", they travel to distant lands to do whatever they can to help those in trouble. 5.__________(who/whoever) is in trouble can phone them and ask for help. that What what Whoever

Spongebob 海绵宝宝

请找出含有名词性从句的句子 Spongebob, who lives underwater, goes through various adventures. SpongeBob was intended for kids ages 6-11, but it is surprising that some adults like the show very much. The reason why they love it is that the show is very imaginative, clever, and sometimes funny. But a lot of parents doubt whether it is good enough for their children. It is suggested that parents of young children should preview the show before letting kids watch.

有些带名词行从句的句子已经固定化 据报道 据说 人们相信 众所周知 事实证明 我突然想起 很遗憾 It is reported that… It is said that… It is believed that… It is well-known that… It is proved that… It hit me that… It is a pity that

Find out 7 mistakes. what It What that worries whether should DORA THE EXPLORER shows us how a brave girl is like.This is not surprising that the show is the most popular one in many countries. That children like most about Dora is her can-do attitude. There is no doubt whether children will learn the attitude. But the problem that children spend too much time watching this show worried their parents a lot. They are puzzled if or not they should limit the time. Experts suggest that parents shall allow kids to watch for only a certain amount of time each day. what It What that worries whether should 神奇救护队 2001年,Nick与cctv 合作的消息使任何喜爱卡通的人非常激动。从此,许多卡通影片已经被引进(introduce),比如 Ni Hao, Kai-lan。2009年, 人们怀疑Ni Hao, Kai-lan会不会像 Dora The Explorer那样受人欢迎。但是事实证明, Ni Hao, Kai-lan是一部更好的影片。这是许多家长没有意识到的。 据报道, 在2010年5月被启动(start)。毫无疑问,它将是我们学习美国口语的非常好的选择。 神奇救护队

In 2001,The news that Nick and CCTV would worked together made whoever loves cartoons very excited. In 2009,people doubt whether Ni Hao, Kai-lan will be as popular as Dora the explorer. But it has been proved that Ni Hao, Kai-lan is a far better show. This is what many parents haven’t realized. It was reported that was started in May, 2010. There is no doubt that it will be a good choice for us to learn American English.

In 2001,The news that Nick and CCTV would worked together made whoever loves cartoons very excited. Since then,many cartoons have been introduced, such as Ni Hao, Kai-lan. In 2009,people doubt whether Ni Hao, Kai-lan will be as popular as Dora the explorer. But it has been proved that Ni Hao, Kai-lan is a far better show. This is what many parents haven’t realized. It was reported that was started in May, 2010. There is no doubt that it will be a good choice for us to learn American English. 神奇救护队

that they don’t have any actual superpowers 同位语从句(appositive clause) that they don’t have any actual superpowers The fact that they don’t have any actual superpowers doesn’t stop them helping others. 除了fact外,还有哪些词后面可以跟同位语从句? thought, news, information, message, idea, word, chance, opinion, suggestion, doubt等有具体内容的抽象名词。

1.News that Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University came from the school office. 2. The fact that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years has worried many scientists. 1.(2010四川卷)News came from the school office ______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. A. Which B. that C. what D. where 2.(2009江西卷33)The fact has worried many scientists _____ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. A. Who B. which C. that D. whose Note: 同位语从句和所修饰的名词之间经常会_______,目的是使句子结构复杂化,以此增加难度。 被隔开

1.(2006,安徽) A thought suddenly came to me ______ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for mother’s birthday. A. what B. which C. that D. when 2. (2006, 湖南卷)I have the same opinions as yours ____ the privacy(隐私) of one’s life should be kept secret. A. Which B. what C. that D. who

what / that What 1. ______ he wants is a book. 2. ______ he wants to go there is obvious. 3. The result is ______ we won the game. 4. _____surprised me most was his attitude to life. 5. The school is no longer ______ it used to be. That that What what Rule 1: what在名词性从句中充当成分,充当什么成分?____________________; that在名词性从句中_____(充当/不充当)成 分, 可以省略吗?_____________________. 主语,宾语,表语。 不充当 除宾语从句外,不可省略。

______ he talked about in his article was unknown to the general reader. A. Whether B. what C. that D./ 2. _______ troubles me is ______ I don’t know ______ is to be done with the new machine. What; that; what B. That; what; what C. What; that; how D. That; what; how 3. It is none of your business ______ other people think about you. Believe yourself. A. which B. that C. what D. whether B A C

跳出“介词+which” what 难度指数: **** 1.Pausanias lived in _______ you call “ Ancient Greece.” 2.We all miss you and are very grateful for ________ you did for us. 3. The book for_______ I paid 20 $ was well worth the money. 难度指数: **** The theatre was set up in _______ a wasteland ten years before. what what which 做题技巧: 介词后加什么关系词,要看是定语从句还是宾语从句。定语从句前面有被它所修饰的_____. 名词性从句本身就相当于一个_____. 名词 名词

who/whoever 1.谁拿了我的包还不知道。 ______________________is not known. 2.无论谁想看电影今晚都可以和我们一起去。 ________________________ can go with us tonight. Anyone ________________ _______can go with us tonight. Who has taken my bag Whoever wants to see the film who wants to see the film Rule2: who 与whoever的区别 1)所含意义不同。__________表示疑问,意为“谁”;而____________并不含疑问的意义,“无论何人,任何人” 2)语义重点不同。______引导的从句,语义重点是“事”,而_____________引导的从句,语义重点是“人”。 who whoever who whoever

※who or whoever ? Who 1.______will get the job has not been decided. 2._______ gets the job will have a lot of things to do. 3. Sarah hopes to become a friend of __________ shares her interests. Whoever whoever 4.谁干的这件事还没有查清。 5. 任何人犯法都要受到惩罚。 Who did it hasn’t been found out. Whoever breaks the law will be punished.

which that What what whoever Wonder pets is an American cartoon series for children, As it is a show from _______ (which/that/what) children can learn the great importance of teamwork, Wonder pets has become a great success since 2006. The show’s main characters are 3 class room pets, Linny the guinea pig(土拨鼠) , Tuc Turtle(乌龟) and Ming Ming Duckling(小鸭子). The fact _________ (that/which) they don’t have any actual superpowers doesn’t stop them helping others. _______ (that/what) they do have is teamwork. With the help of ___________ (which/what) is called "flyboat", they travel to distant lands to do whatever they can to help those in trouble. So__________(who/whoever) is in trouble can phone them and ask for help. which that What what whoever