Instructor: Hengming Zou, Ph.D.


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Welcome to my class.
Presentation transcript:

Instructor: Hengming Zou, Ph.D. 专业英语辅导 Instructor: Hengming Zou, Ph.D. In Pursuit of Absolute Simplicity 求于至简,归于永恒

Fact of Matter The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group. The Status Of Linguistics As A Science, 1929, Edward Sapir

Pause for Thinking Can we complete 专业英语 class in one session? Apparently Not! what we will be doing is to stimulate interests in learning And get passed for the test

How Am I Going To Teach? REVEALING I think we all learn best by Lecturing Thinking Reading Discussing How to get passed in test? REVEALING

What Do I Like …to stay in places and to leave; to trust, to distrust, to no longer believe and believe again; to have hope, to lose hope; to watch the changes in seasons; to watch the snow come, to watch it go, to hear the rain; and to know where I can find what I want;…

What Do I Seek …what is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus, My Lord. For his sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ;…

What Do I Face Perplexed, but not in despair; …I am hard pressed, but not crushed; Perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not abandoned; Struck down, but not destroyed… 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

What Do I Feel I know that I am free whenever what I choose to do is the result of my own preference

内容提要 英语语义简探 专业英语概论 专业英语词汇 专业英语习惯 专业英语阅读 专业英语写作

英语语义简探 语言是很难的东西 精确表述与深刻理解十分困难 误解常常由于语言的修养不够造成 To be great is to be misunderstood

英语语义简探 Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you preformed on dead people? A: All my autopsies have been on dead people Q: Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated? A: By death. Q: And by whose death was it terminated?

英语语义简探 Abstinence is a good thing if practiced in moderation To be a good nurse, you must be absolutely sterile The difference between a king and a president is that a king is the son of his father, but a president isn’t. THE COURT:Now, as we begin, I must ask you to banish all present information and prejudice from your minds, if you have any Q: At the time you first saw Dr. McCarty, had you ever seen him priori to that time?

英语语义简探 眼不见,心不烦 Eyes do not see, mind do not bother Out of sight, out of mind Have a life vs. Have life Possible vs. Probable Philosophy vs. philosophism Philosopher vs. philosophist Give me a hand vs. give me the hand Reconstructionist Don’t be the third wheel

英语语义简探 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God 太初有道。道与神同在,道就是神。 Fallen Angel 落难天使 堕落天使 不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理 Do not delight in evil but rejoice in the truth On my signal, release hell 看我的信号,释放地狱

英语语义简探 寻找,必寻见;叩门,就开门;相信,便得救。 Seek, you shall find; knock, you shall enter; believe, you shall have life. 某事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, but God disposes Philosophers’ stone 哲学家的石头 点金石

中翻英的趣闻 北京国际机场紧急出口上 “平时禁止入内”的告示牌: No entry on peace time 北京的中华民族园入口标牌: Racist Park 北京某菜市场的“干果区”: Fuck the fruit area 还有卖场“干货”的标志:Fuck Goods “干面”被译成Fuck noodle

中翻英的趣闻 免洗杯、免洗碗等“一次性用品”: A Time Sex Thing 上海莘庄上海莘城一块广告牌: 选择闵行、选择生活 Select Min Hang, Select Life

中翻英的趣闻 指压: Refers presses 前列腺保养: The prostate gland maintains 颈椎护理: the cervical vertebra nurses 肠道调理: the intestinal tract recuperates 护胃养脾: protects the stomach to raise spleen

中翻英的趣闻 脊椎护理: the vertebra nurses 矿物盐全身去角质: the mineral salt whole body dispels cutin 精油开背: the volatile opens carries 减脂收腹: reduces the fat to receive abdomen 肾部保养: the kidney department maintains

中翻英的趣闻 性功能调理: the natural function recuperates 和式樱花: with type oriental cherry 泰式推拿: peaceful-like massages 安神通穴: peaceful magical powers hole 美臀护理: the American buttocks nurse

中翻英的趣闻 全身精油推拿: the whole body volatile old massages 维也纳推油: Vienna pushes oil 男性保养: the male maintains 强根固本: strong with solid 至尊保养: five line of supreme

联合国同声传译趣闻 联合国千年首脑会议一翻译因没听清苏丹总统的讲话,这名翻译说: “我们苏丹将不遗余力地实现这些神圣的目标,并与各国通力合作,在…的基础上……哦,Fuck……”

A Few Jokes Why are you only wearing one glove? Did you lose one? No, I found one Does a dishwasher wash dishes? Yes, Billy. That’s right. And does a bus driver drive buses? Yes. And does a weightlifter lift weights? Yes. Why all the questions? Well, does a shoplifter lift shops?

A Few Jokes What do you do for a living? As little as possible What do you clean your top teeth with? A toothbrush, of course And what do you clean your bottom with? The same. Really! I use paper!

A Few Jokes Does this train go to New York? That’s right, sir. Change at Chicago. What! I want my change here. I’m not waiting until Chicago. The police are looking for a man with one eye called Smith. What’s his other eye called? Excuse me, young man, but are you chewing gum? No, sir. I’m Paul Welsh.

A Few Jokes Mum, Aunt Sarah kissed me. Did you kiss her back? Of course not, I kissed her face. Did the film have a happy ending? Well, everybody was happy when it ended!

专业英语概论 语言已经很难 专业英语就更难了? 也有人认为更容易一些 长期积累的结果 临阵磨枪,不快也光

专业英语概论 什么是专业英语? Scientific English? Technical English? Professional English? 一种别样的英语? 与普通英语有什么不同? 语义不同、风格不同、习惯不同

专业英语词汇 Gate: Gate Signal: 选通信号 Strobe: 闪电 Strobe Signal: 选入信号

专业英语词汇 Date: 日期 约会 枣子 Fashion: 时装 Fashionable: 流行的

专业英语词汇 Model:模型 Modeling:建模 Sector and Sectoring Address and Addressing Page and Paging Partition and Partitioning Stillborn and still to be born

专业英语词汇 Reliability:可靠性 Availability:可用性 Dependability:可靠可用性 Usability:易用性 Feasibility: 可行性 Trustability: 可信性 Robustness:健壮性 Inability: Disability:

专业英语词汇 Branch Compatibility Driver Multiplexing Performance Pipeline Portability

专业英语词汇 Page and Paging Robust Semaphore Segment Segmentation Volume Atomicity

专业英语短语 日志结构的文件系统 Log-structured File System 集成电路 Integrated Circuits 汇编器 Assembler 电子元件 Electronic Components

专业英语短语 虚拟机技术 Virtual Machine Technology 信息盾 IT Shield 无害遽止 Harmless Abruption 需求分析 Requirement Analysis

专业英语短语 软件开发 Software Development 软件验证 Software Verification 形式化方法 Formal Methods 半导体 Semi-conductor

专业英语短语 陛下、殿下、阁下、足下、在下 Your Majesty Your Highness Your Excellence Your Grace I Confession of Faith 信仰声明 Westminster Confession of Faith

专业英语短语 国家主席、总理、副总理 President、premier、vice premier 国务委员、部长、省长、厅、局长 state councilor、minister、governor、bureau director 县长 county magistrate, county head 处长、科长、乡长 department head、section chief、head of the township

专业英语短语 快速和归并排序的平均时间复杂性一致,在最坏情况下则不一样 Quick sort and merge sort have the same time complexity on average cases but differ on the worst cases 计算机是科学是一门人造科学 Computer science is a man-made science

专业英语短语 The economy booms, the trees vanish Think locally, flirt globally Victory of the faith Triumph of the will Example: Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in thee: Let me not be ashamed, Let not mine enemies triumph over me

专业英语短语 软件工程 Software engineering 数字医疗 Image guided surgery 数字媒体 Digital media Not able, unable, cannot

专业英语短语 数字家电 Digital home appliance 流媒体 Streaming media 嵌入式系统 Embedded system

专业英语短语 Software Reliability Forecast & Selection 软件可靠性预测与选择 Software Reference Modeling for High Reliability 高可靠软件关联模型 Platform-Oriented Programming 面向平台的可靠程序设计

专业英语短语 Aspect-Oriented Software Development 面向方面的软件开发 Disaster Defense for IT Systems 信息系统灾难应对 Disaster Preemption and Recovery 灾难防止与恢复

专业英语阅读 The active (state-machine) replication protocol has been one of the commonly adopted approaches to provide fault tolerant data services 主动复制是提供数据容错服务的常用方式 In such a scheme, service state is replicated at all participating servers and client requests are presented to all the servers 在此种模式下,所有参与服务器具有同样的服务状态,用户请求则同时提交给所有服务器

专业英语阅读 A strict consensus protocol executed by the servers ensures that all servers receive all the requests in the same order. The output of each request from all the servers are then compared to mask the result of faulty server(s) 所有服务器均执行一个严格的合意协议来确保每个服务器均以同样的顺序收到服务请求。通过对所有服务器的结果进行比较,选出正确结果,从而屏蔽掉失效服务器。

专业英语阅读 Software reliability is becoming increasingly important in today’s information era. Many techniques have been proposed to improve software reliability with varying degrees of success 软件可靠性在今天的信息时代愈发变得重要。到目前为止人们提出了许多技术来改善软件可靠性,并取得了程度不同的成功。

专业英语阅读 One important technique in this regard is the so-called formal methods which include formal verification, formal specification, formal analysis, and formal modeling 这方面理的一种重要技术是所谓的形式化方法。形式化方法包括形式化验证、形式化规范、形式化分析、和形式化建模

专业英语阅读 While these formal methods cover many phases of the software development process, the transformation of software requirement into formal representation is still done by manual labor, which we believe to be a weak link 虽然这些形式化方法覆盖了软件开发过程中的许多阶段,但将软件需求转换为形式化表示的过程依然是手工操作,而这是一个脆弱的环节

专业英语阅读 The Economists' Voice is a nonpartisan forum for economists to present innovative policy ideas and engaging commentary on the issues of the day. 《经济学家之音》是一个非党派论坛。经济学家们在该论坛上发表自己有创意的政策主张并对时代关心的问题进行讨论。

专业英语阅读 Articles are short, 600-2000 words, and intended to contain deeper analysis than is found on the Op-Ed page of the Wall Street Journal or New York Times, but to be of comparable general interest 文章篇幅要求简短,600-2000字,对事情的分析要求深刻到位,而不能像《华尔街日报》或《纽约时报》Op-Ed页面里的那些分析。内容本身则要求能对一般大众有吸引力。

专业英语阅读 Data Engineering deals with the use of engineering techniques and methodologies in the design, development and assessment of information systems for different computing platforms and application environments

专业英语阅读 Computer may be an artifact, but human technical advances in computing is (or should be if that is better) based on the understanding of nature, its structure, properties, and things living in it. Many naturally existed structure or phenomena can be used to model the computing world and bring about better or more efficient solutions to some of the long existed problems faced by computer scientists and engineers world-wide

专业英语阅读 Bigger screens aren’t the only culprits for TV’s growing energy draw. The nation’s move to high-definition TV, or HDTV, requires sets to deliver more picture clarity, which draws more power. 大屏幕并不是电视耗电量增加的唯一罪魁祸首。当前的高清晰度电视或HDTV趋势要求电视机的画面质量更加清晰,而这将导致能耗的增加。

专业英语阅读 道路使用收费系统有望解决严重的交通问题,诸如不断增加的交通流量以及日渐提高的汽车引擎燃油效率。 Charging for road use has the potential to tackle tough transport challenges, such as growing traffic volumes and the increasing fuel efficiency of vehicle engines.

专业英语阅读 随着时间的推移以及深海微生物采样和分析技术的改进,人们对在海沟、海水热泉、海底山麓和海底冷泉探寻基因的兴趣会越来越高 Over time, as technology improves for sampling and analyzing deep-sea organisms, interest in hunting for genes in trenches, along hydrothermal vents, along the slopes of sea mounts, and at cold seeps on the seafloor is expected to grow.

专业英语阅读 信息网络实现跨越式发展,成为支撑经济社会发展关键的基础设施。2000-2005年我国电话用户总数由2.3亿增加到7.4亿;电视综合覆盖率由93.7%提高到95.29%;互联网上网人数从2,250万上升到11,100万,上网计算机数从892万台上升到4,950万台,互联网国际出口带宽从2,799M增加到136,106M Information network experienced rapid development, and became the pillar infrastructure of the economic-social development. During 2000 to 2005, the national telephone users increased from 230 million to 740 million; TV coverage increased from 93.7% to 95.29%; Internet users increased from 22。5million to 111million;networked computers increased from 892,000 to 4,950,000.the Outgoing Internet bandwidth increased from 2,799M to 136,106MB.

专业英语阅读 The Emtriva case may sound like yet another innovation in an unending stream of medical miracles, from “smart drugs” to gene therapy. But believe it or not, it’s an example of a profound system failure.

专业英语阅读 For a century or more, the white-hot core of American innovation has been basic science. And the foundation of basic science has been the fluid exchange of ideas at the nation’s research universities. It has always been a surprisingly simple equation: Let scientists do their thing and share their work-and industry picks up the spoils. Academics win awards, companies make products, Americans benefit from en ever-rising standard of living.

专业英语阅读 I only invest in companies which are responsible and have social consciousness. Three years ago I knew that Haliburton stock would greatly increase but I refused to buy it because I am ethical and moral. Haliburton stock was at an intraday low of 8.62 in August 2003 and it has since increased to above $85 dollars. Yes, I could have made a killing, but I will not make money off of the deaths of innocent people. I will not make money off of our dead soldiers who are only in Iraq to defend corporate financial interests.

专业英语阅读 I knew that because Dick Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton that billions would be funneled from our treasury to Halliburton's coffers. Cheney was the Sec of Defense under the first Bush. He left government to immediately become a CEO, even though he had no experience as a corporate executive or in the oil industry. The only experience Cheney had in oil was having his driver pull his limo into a full service gas station and having it filled up. The ONLY reason Cheney was hired as Halliburton's CEO was for his government connections.

专业英语阅读 And those connections have been worth 164 BILLION DOLLARS to Halliburton so far. I am not a democrat but can you imagine what republicans would be saying if Gore had left a company to become Vice President and then have that company make billions off of a war Clinton and Gore started? My god!!! Republicans would be screaming 24 hours a day calling them corrupt. But there hasn't been one republican denouncing the corrupt Bush Regime, not one. Republicans are the most hypocritical, non-thinking, morons on the planet. They are void of any ethical, moral or social thought

专业英语阅读 Greed is a trait that gets re-enforced by natural selection. He who has the most survives the toughest times to make more greedy offspring

专业英语写作 Writing is part of most careers

专业英语写作 The technical graduate entering industry today will, in all probability, spend a portion of his or her career explaining technology to lawyers-some friendly and some not-to consumers, to legislator or judges, to bureaucrats, to environmentalists and to representatives of the press (Florman)

专业英语写作 Write clearly and concisely is important!

专业英语写作 A written report is often the only record which s made of results that have come out of years of thought and effort. It is used to judge the value of the person’s work and serves as the foundation for all future action on the project If it is written clearly and precisely, it is accepted as the result of sound reasoning and careful observation. If it is poorly written, the results presented in it are placed in a bad light and are often dismissed as the work of a careless or incompetent worker

专业英语写作 Technical writing serves practical needs Poetry or fiction: Appeal primarily to our imagination Entertain, suspend, move emotions Invites differing interpretation Technical writing: Seeks clarity Avoids entertainment, suspense, emotions

专业英语写作 Technical writing must be reader oriented Consider the following segment: Computers are not a particularly forgiving breed. The wrong key struck or the wrong command typed is almost sure to avenge itself on the inattentive user by banishing the document to some electronic trash can

专业英语写作 Is the above segment technical writing? No. Because it focuses on the writer’s feelings It communicates a good deal about the writer’s resentment and anxiety but very little about computers themselves

专业英语写作 Now consider this segment: …the BREAK key is adjacent to keys used for text editing and special functions. Too often, users inadvertently strike the BREAK key, causing the program to quit prematurely. To prevent the problem, we have modified all database management terminals: to quit a program, you must now strike BREAK twice successively

专业英语写作 Is the above segment technical writing? Yes. Because it focuses on the subject It focuses on what the writer has done, and on what the reader should do It does not show any emotion of the authors

专业英语写作 2. technical writing strives for efficiency Remember: Professors read to see what we know Customers read to see what they can use Workplace readers hate waste and demand efficiency The want ONLY as much as they need

专业英语写作 Consider the example: At this point in time, we are presently awaiting an on-site inspection by vendor representatives relative to electrical utilization adaptations necessary for the new computer installation. Meanwhile, all staff are asked to respect the off-limits designation of said location, as requested, due to liability insurance provisions requiring the on-line status of the computer

专业英语写作 The previous segment is very hard to work through and understand. It is too easily misinterpreted It wastes time and money

专业英语写作 Now consider the following revision: Hardware consultants soon will inspect our new computer room in order to recommend appropriate wiring. Because our insurance covers only an operational computer, this room must remain off limits until the computer is fully installed

专业英语写作 Look at the following paragraph: In an effort to manage the efficient providing of IT services with guaranteed quality, we propose a generic approach for introducing process modeling and analysis technology into IT Service Management (ITSM). Our approach consists of five steps: identify core processes in ITSM, establish the scope of applicability, define the processes using the Flex language, execute and automate processes, analyze processes based on static process model and dynamic process data, and find improvement opportunity. We illustrate our approach by apply it to an IT incident management process of a bank

专业英语写作 Look at the revision: We propose a generic approach for introducing process modeling and analysis technology into IT Service Management (ITSM) to facilitate management of efficient IT services with guaranteed quality. Our approach consists of six steps: identifying core processes in ITSM, establishing the scope of applicability, defining the processes using the Flex language, executing/automating the processes, analyzing the processes based on a static process model, and finding improvement opportunity. We illustrate our approach by applying it to a bank’s IT incident management process

专业英语写作 Compare: This paper describes how process technology can support IT service management. The process modeling, analysis and automation technologies have proven to be an important aspect of ITSM. They led to increased understanding of the process by participants and managers; and they formed the basis for service process improvement. With: This paper describes how process technology can be used to support IT service management. Technologies such as process modeling, analysis, and automation have proven to be an important part of ITSM. These technologies form the basis for service process improvement and their deployment often leads to increased understanding of the process by managers and participants.

专业英语写作 Look at this paragraph: In our view, there are several additional efforts that would be highly beneficial to the application of software process technology. One is to customize Flex/BM language for reflecting features of ITSM. Another valuable contribution would be to apply process technology in other modern service domains, such as logistics and telecommunication. We look forward to carrying out these future work and contributing to the maturation of ubiquitous process engineering as a technique for aiding in the growth of modern service industry

专业英语写作 Look at the revision: Moreover, measures can be taken to gain additional benefits from the application of software process technology. One such measure is to customize Flex/BM language to reflect features of ITSM. Another measure would be to apply process technology to other modern service domains such as logistics and telecommunication. We look forward to carrying out these future works and playing our part in contributing to the maturation of ubiquitous process engineering as a technique in facilitating growth of the modern service industry

专业英语写作 Red Hat's PR department tried to put a good spin on the Microsoft-Novell pact: "It's fantastic news. Two of the main tech companies decided to get behind Linux within six days. If that's not validation, what is?" a spokeswoman said. Um, right. Note to Red Hat: When companies start talking about Microsoft "validating" their market, they're usually about to be validated out of business

Considerations in TW The ethics problem Writing can have consequences for other people The persuasion problem People often disagree about what the information means and about what should be done The information problem Different readers have different information needs in different situation

The Information Problem How do I make readers understand the positive features of the program, as well as those features that need improving? A little practice can make do!

The Persuasion Problem How can I recommend improvements everyone can live with? Very difficult, needs sophistication!

truth The Ethics Problem How can I tell the truth without harming anyone? Truth always hurts! truth

语言哲学 人对自己的需要很难有一个准确的尺度。因为人类语言的是那么的支离破碎,我们敲敲打打,希望音响坚锵,感动上苍。其实只有狗熊闻声起舞罢了 Human is incapable of measuring his own needs. Because human languages are broken. We punch and beat, wish to move God. In reality, only bears would dance to the sound.

Then Ask! Questions? Office: 1207 Software Building Email: Skype: henmingway Work Phone: 3420-4934 I tend to talk too fast. First – slow me down if you need to. 2nd – if you have questions, ask….1st in class, or email me….. I’ll be glad to answer them as best I can.

Language Reflects Soul 语言折射灵魂 谢谢 Thank You

Language Reflects Soul 语言折射灵魂 谢谢 Thank You