Revision of U3T2.


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Presentation transcript:

Revision of U3T2

用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. I (fly) to Disneyland tomorrow. 2. When you (leave) for Disneyland. 3. My uncle (meet) us tomorrow. 4. He (come) home in twenty minutes. am flying are leaving is meeting is coming back

go to Shanghai next week Make the similar dialogues after the example. come home in twenty minutes A: When are you traveling to Canada? B: I'm traveling to Canada tomorrow. travel to Canada tomorrow A: When are you getting home? B: I'm getting home in 20 minutes. A: When is the movie starting? B: It's starting at 7 o'clock. A: When are you going to Shanghai? B: I'm going next week. go to Shanghai next week start at 7 o’clock

the difference(s) between A and B make no difference different adj. differently adv. difference n. (CN) A is different from B the difference(s) between A and B make no difference Can you tell the difference between an ape and a monkey? The red one, the blue one or the green one makes no difference to me. English is spoken differently in the world.

eg: + to do sth. hope 希望 + that 从句(将来时/情态动词) wish + for sth. 1. I hope to hear from her. 2. I hope that you will have a good time. 3. He hopes for more books.

+ to do sth. eg: + sb. to do sth. wish + that 从句(could/ would) 愿望,希望 + to do sth. wish + sb. to do sth. + that 从句(could/ would) + sb. +宾补 eg: 1.My father wishes to fly to Beijing. 2.The teachers wish him to study hard. 3.I wish (that) I could fly. 4.I wish my friends happiness.

Language points prefer prefer- preferred- preferring prefer sth. to sth. 喜欢某物胜过某物 eg: I prefer coffee to tea. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜欢做某事胜过做某事 prefer eg: I prefer playing basketball to playing soccer. prefer to do rather than do 宁愿去做某事胜过去做某事 eg:I prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping outside.

在校门口 代替 与…一样 说英语的国家 顺便 旅途愉快 玩得开心 取决于 两者之间 成功做某事 让你自己被听懂 面对面 at the school gate instead of the same as English-speaking countries by the way have a good trip enjoy oneself depend on between…and succeed in doing (success,successful,successfully) make yourself understood make others understand (you) face to face

Revision of Section A 我听不懂你在说什么。能说慢点吗? I can’t follow you. Can you speak more slowly? 在不同说英语的国家,英语的使用方法也不同。 English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries. 英式英语和澳大利亚英语存在一些不同之处。 There are some differences between British English and Australian English. 如果你想成功别人听懂你说什么,你需要知道这些差异。 If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.

将来时 see sb. off 送行 at the airport 在机场 see sb. doing (动词ing为宾补)/do put out with the thumb raised ask for a ride give sb. a ride get in /off reach/ get to/ arrive at the airport worry about/ be worried about have much difficulty (in) doing pick up leave (A) for B (left) in twenty minutes== how soon calm down have a victory 送行 在机场 看到某人做某事 伸出,扑灭 拇指竖着 请求搭车 让某人搭车 上车/下车 到达机场 担心某人 做某事有很大难度 搭载,用车接送 动身去某地 在20分钟内 冷静 胜利 将来时

2. with +n. + 动词过去分词 3. make oneself done 被动关系 With his homework done, he goes to bed. He comes back soon with his hair cut. 3. make oneself done 被动关系 make myself understood make her voice heard make his car repaired

make oneself done 他说得很大声,希望能被听见。 He speaks loudly in order to make himself heard. 当你说英语时,确保你的话能被听得懂。 When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood. 1. As a teacher, you should make yourself _________. A. respect                B. respecting              C. respected               D. to respect (尊敬) 2. He spoke loudly so as to make his voice _________. A. hear        B. hearing        C. heard            D. to hear 3. Do you know what made her so _________? A. frighten               B. frightening              C. frightened              D. to frighten 4. When you speak English, be sure to make yourself _________. A. understand           B. understanding         C. understood             D. to understand C C C C

the difference between A and B written English generally speaking be different from…in… be used to doing as for be spelt as fill in/ out take the subway not only…but also be fond of be close to AB两者的区别 书面英语 一般说来 在…方面与…不同 习惯于(做) 至于 被拼写为 填写 坐地铁 不仅而且 喜爱 离…很近

used used to do sth. 过去常做… be/ get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事… be used to do sth 被用来做… Eg:1. I used to do the housework in the evening before. 2. My friends are/ get used to drinking coffee in the morning. 3. The wood can be used to make many kinds of furniture.

完成时 come about (how) 发生 long ago/ once upon a time 很久以前 force sb. to do sth be forced to do be brought to in the beginning little by little take in take away take off take up in short change all the time in the past few centuries different accents 发生 很久以前 强迫某人做某事 被迫做某事 被带到 起初 逐渐 吸收,接纳 带走 脱掉,起飞 占据 简而言之 一直在改变 在过去的几个世纪 不同的口音 完成时

2. The woman is too nervous to make her ___________ (understand). 根据句意,用括号中词的正确形式填空。 1. We should know the _________ (different) between British English and American English. 2. The woman is too nervous to make her ___________ (understand). 3. My teacher ________ (fly) to Fujian next week. 4. He succeeds in _______ (pass) the exam. differences understood is flying passing