Reading Comprehension


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Presentation transcript:

Reading Comprehension -----How to guess the meaning?

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解解题步骤 Step One: Read through the passage and get the general idea 通读全文,知晓大意 Read carefully and get the details 精读文章,捕捉细节 Step Two: Step Three: Study the passage and understand the deeper meaning 研读文章,感悟理解

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解题型归类 1、事实细节题(questions of details) 2、词义猜测题(words in context) 3、推理判断题(questions of inference) 4、主旨大意题(main idea) 2、词义猜测题(words in context)

If you come across new words when you are having a test, what will you do ? guess the meaning.

Question forms(词义猜测题问题设置的形式): The underlined word ‘...’ in the third paragraph means _________? In line 4, the underlined word ‘...’ means _________. The underlined phrase ‘...... ......’ in Paragraph 2 probably means_______. What does ‘...’ mean according to the context? ‘...’ in the second paragraph refers to _________. According to the passage, ... ... refers to _________.

Reading Comprehension ----guessing meaning How can we guess the meaning of words? By word formation (构词法) By context clues (语境法) First, I’d like to know how long you have learnt English? What do you think of English learning? What is the most difficult part in English learning? What makes reading comprehension so hard for you? What do you usually do with the new words while reading, If the words have little effect on our understanding of the passage, we can ignore them and continue reading. But if the same words appear in the passage several times, we should get to know these words, looking them up in the dictionary is a good idea. But if we are taking some kind of test, we have to guess the meaning.

Word formation(构词法) --guessing meaning 1. In order to enrich our school life, the school club holds many creative activities. v. 丰富 v. 误报 2. The newspaper misreported the facts of the news. 3. He became talkative when we came to the topic that he was studying. adj. 健谈的 4. The factory plans to modernize its electrical system. v. 使现代化 5. A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally. adv. 意外地 6. Many students are under high parental expectation. adj. 父母的 n. 期望

Context clues (语境法) 1. 定义描述 1. The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 dollars a year. 2. His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 牧羊人 动物学家 Tips: 1. 由定语从句或be called,be known as等词汇或破折号来表示 2. 由is, that is (to say), in other words等引出一些具体的解释性的短语放在生词后做它的同位语,用逗号隔开,构成同位关系

Context clues (语境法) 圆胖的 器材 2. 同义关系 1. Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. My aunt was an old woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter. 2. If a child donate his balls or his other sports facilities, he may get his name on a certificate(证书). 圆胖的 器材 Tip: 由and, or, like, as …as等连接的两个词构成同义关系

Context clues (语境法) 3. 反义关系 1. Though Tom’s face has been washed quite clean, his neck is still grubby. 2. Twelve-year-old Sally was an active girl but her sister was very sedate. 脏的 镇定的、不苟言笑的 Tip : 由but, while, however, instead of,yet, though 等词表示前后词的反义关系。

Context clues (语境法) 4. 因果关系 贫穷的 混浊的 1. He needs food and clothing because he is destitute. 2. The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it’s not deep. 4. 因果关系 贫穷的 混浊的 Tip: 常用关联词because,as,since,for,so,as a result,so … that, therefore等表示前因后果

Context clues (语境法) 5. 举例归纳 家禽 缩写 1. On the farm they mainly raise poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, for their eggs and meat. 家禽 2. Do this by writing abbreviated words such as ‘med’ for medicine, using symbols such as ‘%’ for percent, and writing short sentences. 缩写 Tip: 常用such as, like,for example等引出例子,根据例子归纳出总称词即词义

Context clues (语境法) 6. 常识、经验 波纹 麻药 1. When you throw a stone into water of a lake, you will watch a ripple on the surface of water. 波纹 2. When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, he usually gives an anaesthetic because he does not want his patient to feel pain or to know what is happening to him. 麻药

√ Context clues (语境法) 7. 瞻前 A mother in Australia was told by a doctor that her newborn son was “dead”, but she helped bring him back to life by holding the baby against her body. She used a method known as “kangaroo care”( 袋鼠护理法). The child, named Jamie, was born after only 27 weeks at a hospital in Sydney. The doctor struggled for 20 minutes to save the premature baby before declaring (宣布)him dead. The underlined phrase ‘premature babies’ in the last paragraph probably means_______. √ A) 肥胖婴儿 B) 早产婴儿 C) 偏瘦婴儿 D) 有缺陷的婴儿 We can get the meaning from the above words. 从上文的关键词中猜测词义

√ Context clues (语境法) 7. 顾后 7. 顾后 Every day, a tramp(流浪汉) came and took away the bread. He said when he was leaving,“The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you.” The woman felt irritated. “Not even a word of thanks”, she said to herself with unhappiness. What does ‘irritated’ mean according to the context? A) worried B) angry C) pleased D) happy √ We can get the meaning from the following words. 从下文的关键词中猜测词义

√ Context clues (语境法) 7. 瞻前顾后 Thirdly, zoos protect the animals they look after. They offer them safe places to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger of becoming extinct. But zoos give these animals a chance to live. Without zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world. The underlined word ‘extinct’ in the fourth paragraph means _________? √ A) 出现 B) 繁衍 C) 灭绝 D) 存在 We can get the meaning from the context. 从相近的上文和下文猜测词义

Reading Comprehension ----guessing meaning 1. 定义描述 2. 同义关系 Context clues (语境法) 3. 反义关系 4. 因果关系 5. 举例归纳 6. 经验常识 7. 瞻前顾后

More Practice

Read by paragraph or passage instead of reading by words! (整体阅读) Put yourself in the writer’s shoes! (设身处地站在作者的角度上)