新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 必修 新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 必修1-1.7.


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Presentation transcript:

新课标人教版课件系列 《高中英语》 必修1-1.7

Unit One Festivals around the world March 1st

Warming up

How many festivals do you know both in and out of China?

The Chinese festivals

Spring Festival

Time: late January and early February couplets

Festivals Time of year What does it celebrate? What do people do? Spring Festival Give money in red paper to children, see dragon dances, eat fish, prawns, and dumplings, visit family members The end of winter, arrival of spring, lunar New Year, time with family and relatives January/February

Festival of lanterns

Time: The fifteenth day of the first lunar month Lantern show Lion dancing Dumpling ball Guessing riddles

On the fifteenth day of the New Year, a spectacular three-day festival of lanterns begins. Lanterns bearing the symbols of good fortune, happiness and health are purchased and hung in homes. At the end of the lantern festival , the New Year festivities are over and life returns to its normal pace.

Mid- Autumn Festival

Time: on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month


Festivals Time of year What does it celebrate? What do people do? Mid-Autumn Festival Give/Eat mooncakes and watch the full moon with family and friends The beauty of the full moon, harvest, time with family and friends Autumn/fall

Dragon Boat Festival

Time: on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month

The memory of beloved poet Qu Yuan who died in 278 BC Festivals Time of year What does it celebrate? What do people do? Dragon Boat Festival/ Duan Wu Festival Eat Zhongzi;watch dragon boat races; throw rice wrapped in reed leaves into water in memory of Qu Yuan; Put herbs on doorways for good health The memory of beloved poet Qu Yuan who died in 278 BC The fifth day of the fifth month in lunar calendar

Teachers’ Day

Brainstorming Chinese public holidays National Day Children’s Day International Labour Day New Year’s Day The Youth Day International Women’s Day

Festivals in foreign countries

Happy Valentine’s Day

Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.


On October 31 children in countries like the US and Canada celebrate Halloween. Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. All Hallows All Saints’ Day November 1

Easter will be celebrated on Sunday March 27, 2005. Easter is the time of springtime festivals, a time for Christians to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. And a time of chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and colored eggs! Easter will be celebrated on Sunday March 27, 2005.

Easter Easter Bunny In late March or early April Popular symbols Easter eggs


Brainstorming festivals of foreign countries Thanksgiving Day Easter Christmas festivals Father’s Day Carnival Mother’s Day Halloween Valentine’s Day Fool’s Day

1.Which three times of the year did people celebrate in Ancient Times? Reading 1.Which three times of the year did people celebrate in Ancient Times? 2.Why do you think music, fire or light are used in festivals?

3.What kind of things are done to celebrate the Obon Festival? 4. Why does India have a national festival on October 2? 5. Why are autumn festivals happy events? 6. Name three things people do at spring festivals

Reading Festivals and Celebrations

Summarize and fill in the chart Ancient Festivals why how Festivals of the dead Festivals to honour people Harvest Festivals Spring Festivals the end of the cold winter;planting in spring and harvest in autumn light fire and make music to honour the dead or satisfy and please the ancestors light lamps, play music, eat food in the shapes of skulls and cakes with bones, go to their neighbors to ask for sweets,dress up for their great contributions to the societyor the country Dragon boat racing, eat zongzi Food is gathered for the winter. A season of agriculural work is over. decorate churches and town halls, get together to have big meals, admire the moon and eat mooncakes celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring eat delicious food; have exciting carnivals

T or F The ancient people needn’t worry about their food. Halloween used to be a festival intended to honour the dead. Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honour a lot in China. Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end of autumn. Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus. F T T F F

Language points 1. mean的用法 What do you mean to do with it? This means staying here longer. mean to do意欲做 mean doing意味着做 Is this figure(数字) meant to a 1 or a 7? Festivals are meant to celebrate important events. mean意欲,计划,意指

2. celebrate vt. (1)  庆祝;祝贺 celebrate Christmas / one’s birthday / a victory (2)   赞扬;称颂 The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets. 词语辨析:celebrate, congratulate celebrate后常接日期,事情或场合 congratulate后常接人 表示为某事而祝贺某人congratulate sb. on/upon sth. ex:congratulate you on your marriage. 有时还表示私自庆幸的意思。 ex:I congratulated myself on my escape from being punished.

3. 英语中表示“发生”的词或短语均为不及物,不用于被动语态。主语为所发生的事。词语辨析:take place, happen, occur, come about, break out的比较 The wedding will take place tomorrow. 2)In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. take place发生,举行; 侧重安排或计划而发生的事,带有“非偶然”的意思

3) What has happened to her?碰巧,恰好 当以具体事物、事件作主语时,happen 和 occur可以换用;但当happen用作“碰巧”之意时,不能用occur代替,但可以与come about 互换。 4) It happened to rain that day. 。 5) The traffic accident occurred on Wednesday. occur “发生,出现”,较正式用词,指事情偶然地、意外地发生或思想突然浮在心头。occur to 有“想起”的意思。

6) The Second World War broke out in 1939. break out (火灾、战争、疾病)突然发生、爆发 7) How does it come about that you were caught by the police? come about “发生”, 常指偶然发生的事情。且很多时候与how 连用。与happen 用法较接近

4. starve: suffer or die from hunger vt.使饿死 vi.饿得要死 starve to death be starved of/ starve for: long for; be in great need of 渴望消息 starve for news 她很寂寞,渴望友谊。 She's lonely, and starving for companionship(friendship) The motherless children were starved of/ were starving for affection. …. s渴望母爱 n. starvation starvation die of ____________

5. a year/ day of plenty 富裕/丰收的年月 days/ years of plenty ——Have we got enough apples? ——Yes, there are plenty in the basket. plenty of +复数n/ 不可数n plenty of eggs/ food/milk… 足够的…

6. honour 1) 光荣,荣誉(n) They fight for the honour of the country. One must show honour to one’s parents. 2) in honour of 为了纪念 A festival is set in honour of the hero. 3) an hounour 光荣的人或事情 Liu Xiang is an honour to our country. 4) 尊敬,给以荣誉(v) Children should honour their parents.

Nothing can satisfy him except the best. 7. satisfy Vt. Vi. 使满意,使满足 Nothing can satisfy him except the best. Some people are really hard to satisfy. sb.be satisfied with 对…满意 e.g. She’s not satisfied with her new house. satisfying satisfactory 令人满意的 n. satisfaction

8. please Vt 使愉快,取悅… pleased pleasing It is difficult to please everybody. Our aim is to please the customers. 听到她悦耳的声音我们很高兴. We are _________ to hear her ___________voice. It is such a ___________ to us. pleased pleasing pleasant pleasure (人) 高兴的…愉快的 (物) 令人愉快的 (物) 好听的,令人舒服的 高兴的事情 pleased pleasant pleasure pleased I was very _________ to hear the news. The news was very ___________ to us. pleasing

9. harm n 损害,伤害 e.g. He meant no harm to you. ( He didn’t intend to hurt you.) do sb harm =do harm to sb =harm sb Vt A few late nights never did anyone harm. The events has harmed the relations between the two countries.

10. They offer food, flowers and gift…. 词语辨析:offer, provide, supply offer 主动提供。offer sth to sb; offer sb sth provide 供给(所需物,尤指生活必需品)。 provide sth (for sb); provide sb with sth. supply: 供应(所需要或所要求之物)。 supply sth to sb; supply sb with sth

They_______a reward for the return of the lost jewels. 政府得提供这些老人们吃穿。 When I meet difficulty, my roommates will_____me help. 他们悬赏找回丢失的珠宝。 They_______a reward for the return of the lost jewels. 政府得提供这些老人们吃穿。 The government need to_________these old people with food and clothes. 每个月都得供应足够的电。 Electricity should be _________enough every month. offer offered provide supplied

The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist. 11. in memory of = to the memory of sb The museum was built in memory of the famous scientist. in honor of in charge of in search of sb. / sth. 12. dress up 盛装打扮,化装打扮 You don’t have to dress up. Come as you are. Children love dressing up in Halloween.

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs: dress, put on, wear. She is _______ a gold ring. She hurriedly _______ her son and took him to the kindergarten. Remember to ________ your coat. It is cold outside. wearing dressed put on

13. award n. 奖品,奖项,奖金, 助学金 …… She showed us the awards she had won. Mary got an award and was able to finish her study. vt. 授予……裁定…… award sb sth= award sth to sb The judges awarded both teams equal points. reward 回报,报酬

14. admire sb/sth (for …) 钦佩,羡慕 They admired our garden. I admire him for his success in business. 15. look forward to(介词) + n/ v-ing 盼望,期待 I’m looking forward to his coming. --ward 向着…方向 backward 向后 forward 向前

16. as though= as if 好像,仿佛 虚拟语气(从句所用的时态比前面真实句所用的时态倒退一个时态.) He behaved as if/ though nothing had happened. He talks as if/though he knew everything. He looks as if he were ill. 2. 陈述语气表(示很可能的事实就用陈述语气,) It looks as if/ though it is going to rain.

Lead-in Spring – new life and planting, and hope for the future Summer – enjoyment of good weather and hope for a good harvest Autumn – harvest and preparing for cold weather Winter – safety, shelter and families

Listening On Page 6

Background notes: Trinidad is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea very close to the northeast coast of South America. Carnival time in February is the most important time of year for many people who live in Christian Catholic countries. It is a time of community celebration that lasts for several days and ends in a great parade of musicians, dancers and the local people.

Listening: 1.What is the advice that Carla gives Li Mei? --She tells her she should wear comfortable shoes, light and cool clothes and a hat. Carla offers Li Mei comfortable shoes. 2.What do they find when they arrive at the park? --They arrive at the park and find the boys, big bands, dancers and musicians on trucks. 3. Why is it important for them to have water? --It is important to have water because it is very hot/.the temperature is 35 degrees./they will be walking and dancing all day/ until midnight.

4. Why can’t they hear each other? --They can’t hear each other because the music is very loud /the loudspeakers make it impossible to hear. 5.Why do they plan to meet at the parking lot? --They plan to meet at the parking lot so they don’t get lost in the crowd/ so they can find each other/ because it is crowded/ then they will go and see the winners.

Reading on page 8

1.Why did Li Fang feel like a fool? --Because he thought that he was waiting without hope/that Hu Jin would come to meet him. 2. What was Li Fang afraid that Hu Jin was doing? --He was afraid that she was with her friends laughing at him. 3. How did Li Fang know the manager wanted to shut the coffee shop? --The manager wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV.

4. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiaojie? --People want the weather to be fine so they can meet the one they love. 5. What is the reason why Li Fang and Hu Jin did not meet on time? -- They did not meet on time because Li Fang waited in the coffee shop and Hu Jin waited in the tea shop. 6.Why was Li Fang so worried at the end of the story? --Because he had thrown away Hu Jin’s chocolates and roses/presents/gifts and he had nothing to give her and he thought she would not forgive him.

Listening on Page 41 in the WB

hot cross buns sweet baked bread rolls ,with an X shape on the top Easter Eggs sweets and chocolates in the shape of eggs, rabbits and chickens

hunting for Easter eggs the Easter Bunny

Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar, as it marks the events in the life of Jesus that define Christianity. 春分第一次月圆后第一个星期天 A four-day holiday : …are closed on Easter Monday as well as Good Friday.

Key words celebrate the death and return of Jesus It is a time of hope and promise some candy eggs a dozen prepare the roast lamb and apple pie be thankful for

Suggested answer to Exercise 1 Main idea --It is about some of the traditional customs of Easter. Children look for Easter eggs hidden by their parents and then the family eat a special dinner of roast lamb and apple pie. Suggested answer to Exercise 2 1.Easter is a holiday of hope and promise because it is spring and everything comes to life. 2.They went to the shop to buy some candy eggs and Hot Cross Buns for the little children.

3.The whole family came home for Easter. 4.Candy and chocolate Easter eggs/sweets in the shape of chickens or rabbits were hidden all around the house. 5.Andy and Helen brought the children gifts. 6.The family had carrots, potatoes, roast lamb and apple pie for dinner.

Listening Festivals of the Dead on Page 43 of the WB

dance, light incense, clean graves, play music Area of the world Japan Mexico and South USA Western Countries Name of Festival Time of Year Things to see What people do What people eat Obon Day of the Dead Halloween August Lanterns , dancers dance, light incense, clean graves, play music roasted corn, eel, sweets

Obon 盂兰盆节 lanterns everywhere lead the dead back to visit the living light the streets where people go out to dance

light incense clean the graves

tall towers people dance in circles

Fires are put on small boats that float down the river which intended to lead the dead back to their world after the festival is over. Halloween

clean… light… offer… skeleton the Day of the Dead Mexico and the Southwestern US skull

dance, light incense, clean graves, play music Area of the world Japan Mexico and South USA Western Countries Name of Festival Time of Year Things to see What people do What people eat Obon Day of the Dead Halloween Early November August Lanterns , dancers parades, people dressed as skeletons and skulls, food with bones as decoration dance, light incense, clean graves, play music Clean graves, offer gifts to the dead, take part in the parades, light candles. cakes and sweets in the shape of skeletons and skulls. roasted corn, eel, sweets

parades with tall figures of skeletons dressed up as people

toys and dolls look like images of the dead

cakes with bones on

the festival of Halloween

children costumed for Halloween play the “trick or treat “

dance, light incense, clean graves, play music Area of the world Japan Mexico and South USA Western Countries Name of Festival Time of Year Things to see What people do What people eat Obon Day of the Dead Halloween Early November October 31st August children dressed in costumes, houses decorated with Halloween items. Lanterns , dancers parades, people dressed as skeletons and skulls, food with bones as decoration dance, light incense, clean graves, play music Children go to friends’ homes to ask for candy or play tricks. Clean graves, offer gifts to the dead, take part in the parades, light candles. cakes and sweets in the shape of skeletons and skulls. Sweets given by friends and neighbors roasted corn, eel, sweets

Reading Winter Carnival in Quebec on Page 44

*How many activities have been mentioned in the passage ,what are they? Friendly Bonhomme

the snowboarding competitions

the canoe race across the great St Lawrence River, which is partly frozen

the Husky dog-sled race

admire the ice sculptures

visit the snow palace

snowmobile race 雪上汽车比赛

dance to the music in heavy clothes

Suggested answers to Exercise 2: 1.The Carnival takes place in winter/in February. The writer sits in the cafe to warm up and to plan tomorrow. 2.Dogs are used in cold climates because they can run on top of the snow, which horses can not. /because they are also very strong/do not eat grass and grain as horses and cattle do/can be fed on meat/do not eat too much. 3… 4.Probably the canoe race through the ice would be the most dangerous. 5…. 6… 7.I would wear a thick/warm…

Grammar Modal verbs 情态动词 (I)

·情态动词的语法特征 1) 情态动词 不能单独做谓语,除ought 和have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。 2) 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,但有些情态动词,如can、will也有一般式和过去式的变化。 3) 情态动词的“时态”形式并不是时间区别的主要标志,不少情况下,情态动词的现在式形式和过去式形式都可用来表示现在时间、过去时间和将来时间。

can, could 和be able to的用法 1.can, be able to都可表示“能力” Can的主语是人或物,be able to的主语是人 She can/be able to sing the song in English. This machine can make you feel comfortable. 2.can只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。 We’ll be able to finish the work soon. I haven’t been able to see the film. could用于表示泛指过去的能力。如: I could read when I was four.

Although the soldier was badly wounded, he was able to tell what had happened. She ran fast but she couldn’t /wasn’t able to catch the bus. 表示过去的能力 3.表示特定的某一过去能力或表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/were able to, 不能用could。 He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out.    He was able to swim halfway before he got tired.   

4.could不表示时态 ,表示委婉的请求,(注意在回答中不可用could)。 Could I have a look at your notebook? Yes , you can./No, you can't. 5.表示“惊异,怀疑,不相信”的态度(主要用于否定句,疑问句和感叹句中) Can this news be true? How can you be so foolish? It can’t be Mary. She has fallen ill.

6.表示推测,译为“可能、或许”,can常用于否定句(意思是"不可能已经")和疑问句;could除用于否定句及疑问句外,还可用于肯定句(意思是"那时可能;本来可以")。 Linda didn’t catch the train. She could have caught it. Don't worry. They could have just forgotten to phone.

---May I use your pencil? ---Yes, you may./ No, you mustn’t. may和might 1. may和might 用于一般问句中表示委婉的请求,肯定回答用may,否定用mustn’t ---May I use your pencil? ---Yes, you may./ No, you mustn’t. 2. may和might表示“可能性”, may/might + v 指现在或将来可能发生的动作情况。might暗示的可能性更小 She may not be working now. John might be at home now.

3.对过去发生的事情的可能性作出判断用may/might have done,用might比用may的可能性更小 She may/might have gone to the cinema. They may/might not have received our telephone. 4.may 放在句首祈使句,表示祝愿。 May you succeed! May God bless you!

1.will和would表示意愿、意志,可用于各种人称 If you will help me with my English, I will be very happy. I promised that I would do my best. 2.在疑问句中,will用于第二人称,表示请求或征求意见,would则语气更委婉 Will you tell him the news as soon as he comes back? Would you please speak again more slowly?

shall ,should 和ought to 1.shall用于第二、三人称表示允诺、警告、命令、决心等。 You shall do as I say. (命令) Tell him that he shall have the book tomorrow. (允诺) Nothing shall stop me doing it. (决心) 2.在疑问句中,用于第一、三人称,用来表示请求或征求意见。 Shall I open the window for you?(征求意见) Shall he fetch some water for you?(请求)

3. should常表示劝告、建议、命令,与ought to意义相近,但ought to多表示责任、义务,语气强烈。在疑问句中通常用should代替ought to。 Young people should learn how to use computers. Every citizen ought to obey law. You ought not to go.

4.should/ought to have done表示责备或批评,意为“本应该做到…但没有做到…”,用于否定则表示“本不该…但”ought to的语气更强烈. You should/ought to have told her the truth earlier. She shouldn’t have left without saying a word.

must 和have to 1.Must用于一般问句中,肯定回答用must否定式用 needn’t或don’t have to,做 “不必”,mustn’t表示“禁止,不允许”  — Must I finish all assignments at a time?   —Yes, you must. No, you needn't. You mustn’t get down while the car is still  moving.

2.表示“必须”这个意思时,must 和have to 稍有区别。must着重说明主观看法,have to 强调客观需要。另外,have to 能用于更多时态。 I don’t like this TV set. We must buy a new one. There was no more bus. They had to walk home.

3.must表示对某人某事的猜测, 作“准是”,“一定” ,一般用于肯定句中。对过去发生的事情作肯定判断用must have done  You must be the new teacher.   He must be joking. There is nobody here. They must have all gone home. 4. Must表示“偏要,硬要”,指做令人不快的事情 He must come and worry her with question, just when she was busy cooking the dinner. Of course,after I gave her my advice,she must go and do the opposite。

EXERCISES 1.---There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. ---It ____a comfortable journey. ( ) A. can't be B. mustn't have been C. shouldn't be D. couldn't have been D 2.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ___ get out. ( ) A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to D

4. Peter ___ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure. must B. can C. may D. will C 5. --- Could I call you by your first name? --- Yes, you____. A. will B. could C. may D. might C A 6. Sorry, I ’m late. I ___ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. might B. should C. can D. will

7.--Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report. --You ____ have my computer if you don’t take care of it. A. shan’t B. might not C. needn’t D. shouldn’t A 8. ---When can I come for the photos ? I need them tomorrow afternoon. ---They _____be ready by 12 : 00 . A. can B. should C. might D. need B D 9. With so much work on hand, you ____to see the game last night. A. mustn’t go B. could have gone C. shouldn’t go D. shouldn’t have gone

10.Johnny, you ______play with the knife, you ____hurt yourself. ( ) A. won't ; can't B. mustn't ; may C. shouldn't ; must D. can't ; wouldn't B 11.There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, _____? ( ) A. didn’t they B. don’t they C. mustn’t they D. haven’t they D 12. I missed the bus, so I ___ go home on foot. A. must B. may C. can D. had to D