Unit2 Colors Revision.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit2 Colors Revision

Enjoy a song: Love is blue Think about this question while listening: In your opinion, what color can represent love?

white warm colors orange sadness/harmony relaxed purity calm and peaceful happy/ wisdom; joy/ warm and happy growth and new life / energetic; nature/envy power / heat and strong feeling; blue white calm colors C O L R S warm colors yellow orange energetic color --- green strong color --- red

Task 1 Make up a conversation A: In your opinion, what color can represent love? B: I think … because … How about you? A: I prefer … because…

white warm colors orange sadness/harmony relaxed purity calm and peaceful happy/ wisdom; joy/ warm and happy growth and new life / energetic; nature/envy power / heat and strong feeling; blue white calm colors C O L R S warm colors yellow orange energetic color --- green strong color --- red

Choose the flowers you prefer.

1. 一些颜色使人感到平静和安宁;蓝色便是其一;蓝色也表示难过;感到难过的人可以说:“我感到忧伤”; 2 1. 一些颜色使人感到平静和安宁;蓝色便是其一;蓝色也表示难过;感到难过的人可以说:“我感到忧伤”; 2. 使人感到平静和安宁的另一种颜色是白色;白色代表纯洁;如果你感到压力大,就可以穿白色的衣服。

1. 一些颜色能使你感到温暖;生活在寒冷气候里的人们,更喜欢用暖色来给他们的家一种温暖和舒服的感觉。 2 1.一些颜色能使你感到温暖;生活在寒冷气候里的人们,更喜欢用暖色来给他们的家一种温暖和舒服的感觉。 2. 橙色是暖色之一,能给你带来成功,使你高兴;黄色是另一种暖色,是太阳的颜色,也是智慧之色。

Task 2: I want to repaint my house, can you provide me with some advice? Which colour can I use to paint my kitchen? Which colour can I use to paint my bedroom? Which colour can I use to paint my living room? Which colour can I use to paint my study?

Kitchen red white I would rather use ______ than _________ because ______ is the colour of _______ and it can help me ____________________ __________________________. red white red power cook tasty meals easily and quickly Bedroom green blue

Living room orange red I prefer using ______ to using _______ because it represents __________ and can make me feel _______________________ __________________________. orange red joy happy and satisfied after a day’s hard work Study yellow green

would rather…than I would rather play football than swim. Daniel talked about his idea about sports I like playing football. I don’t like swimming. play football swim I would rather play football than swim. I’d rather play football than swim.

Kitty likes to do some cooking. Kitty doesn’t like to do some cleaning. Kitty would rather do some cooking than do some cleaning. Kitty would rather do some cooking than cleaning.

be a lawyer be a teacher A:What would you rather be in the future? B:I would rather be … than …

Where would you rather shop? Guanqian Street In City A:Where would you rather go shopping? B:I would rather go … than …

Summary We can express preference using “would rather…than…”. I, We, You, He, She, It, They 1. would rather do A than do B 在would rather之后使用动词___ 原形 2.would rather和than之后的动词相同,且意思一致时 _________. than之后的动词可省。 3. would rather为助动词,需要和_______ 一起构成句子的谓语,没有______和______的变化。 动词 人称 时态

Which one does Sandy prefer? Sandy prefers white clothes to colourful clothes.

Which one does Daniel prefer? Daniel prefers staying at home to going shopping.

A:Which one do you prefer as a pet? dog mouse A:Which one do you prefer as a pet? B:I prefer …to … 19

A:Which does Mary prefer, doing some shopping or doing some washing? B: she prefers …to ….

Summary We can express preference using “prefer…to…”. prefer + A+ to + B. prefer + doing A + to + doing B. 名词 *在prefer和to之后既可以用______也可以用___________. 动名词(短语) I, You, We, They prefer red to blue He, She. It prefers walking jogging *句子为一般现在时态时,若句子的主语为 第三人称单数时prefer要变成_______.句 子为一般过去时态时,要变为 ________. prefers preferred

More exercises: 1---How about climbing the hill More exercises: 1---How about climbing the hill? --- I would rather ___ along the river than the hill. I am a bit tired. A. walk; climb B. walking; climbing C. walking; to climb D. walk; to climb 2. One of the difficulties we have ______English is how to remember new words and expressions. A. to learn B. in learning C. learn D. learned 在

3. When he was in the office, he ___________(宁愿选择)being busy to doing nothing. 4. Walking on the beach makes you feel ________(放松的). preferred relaxed

What does the soft music remind you of? 5. 这轻音乐使你想起了什么? 6. 在周末我宁愿看书也不愿看电视。 What does the soft music remind you of? At the weekend, I would rather read books than watch TV. At the weekend, I prefer reading books to watching TV.

Task 3: Writing Choose the right color to wear 1. go to the party 2. take the exam 3. take part in the sports meeting

Some sentences you should use: would rather…than…/prefer… to … feel+adj the feeling of +n. represent+n. the color of +n remind sb of sth look good on sb cheer sb up have difficulty doing sth get stressed be in a … mood people with dark / pale skin Some phrases you may use:

Review all the useful phrases and sentences in Unit 2. Homework: Review all the useful phrases and sentences in Unit 2.