信息管理学院 School of InformationTechnology Time:2016.10.18 Author:ganping.


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Presentation transcript:

信息管理学院 School of InformationTechnology Time:2016.10.18 Author:ganping

earthquake the topic

Preparations for Earthquakes About earthquake Earthquake damage Preparations for Earthquakes

one About earthquake An earthquake is the shaking and vibration (振动)of the Earth‘s crust due to movement of the Earth’s plates (plate tectonics)(板块构造). Earthquakes can happen along any type of plate boundary(板块边缘). Earthquakes occur when tension is released from inside the crust. Plates do not always move smoothly alongside each other and sometimes get stuck. When this happens pressure builds up. When this pressure is eventually released, an earthquake tends to occur. The point inside the crust where the pressure is released is called the focus. The point on the Earth‘s surface above the focus is called the epicentre(震中).

Earthquake energy is released in seismic waves(地震波) Earthquake energy is released in seismic waves(地震波). These waves spread out from the focus. The waves are felt most strongly at the epicentre(震中), becoming less strong as they travel further away. The most severe damage caused by an earthquake will happen close to the epicentre.

two Earthquake damage An earthquake may cause injury and loss of life, road and bridge damage, general property damage (which may or may not be covered by earthquake insurance), and collapse or destabilization (potentially leading to future collapse) of buildings. The aftermath may bring disease, lack of basic necessities, and higher insurance premiums

24mil 7mil Tangshan earthquake Wenchuan earthquake In 1976 In 2008 people died In 2008 Wenchuan earthquake 7mil people died

地震造成的其他危害包括有毒化学物品泄露。污水管道破裂,污水可能渗漏到自来水中。饮用了这种污染了的水会引起霍乱、痢疾和其他严重疾病。 Other hazards during an earthquake include spills of toxic chemicals . Sewage lines may break, and sewage may seep into water supplies. Drinking of such impure water may cause cholera, dysentery and other serious diseases. 地震造成的其他危害包括有毒化学物品泄露。污水管道破裂,污水可能渗漏到自来水中。饮用了这种污染了的水会引起霍乱、痢疾和其他严重疾病。

地震之后,电力、通信和交通遭到破坏会给救援队和救护车辆带来阻碍,使伤亡人员增加。 Loss of power, communication, and transportation after an earthquake may hamper rescue teams and ambulances, increasing deaths and injuries. 地震之后,电力、通信和交通遭到破坏会给救援队和救护车辆带来阻碍,使伤亡人员增加。

preparations for earthquake three preparations for earthquake Prepare disaster supplies kits 1. bottles of water, food, money, medicine. 2. umbrella, map, candles, torch. 3. important papers(证件), book to read. 4. pen and paper, pictures of family, Identity card. 5. personal washing things, clothes, shoes, knife, blanket. 6. radio, computer, mobile phone.

If indoors measures to prevent earthquake Hold onto a desk or a table or stand against the interior(内部的)wall. Stay away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, fire places.

If outside Stay away from buildings, power lines or anything that can fall on you.

If in the public places Avoid panicking(惊慌). Cover your head and neck with your hands and arms .

Remember: 1. Don't jump ! 2. Don't stand on the windowsill.

Remember: 3. When the earthquake, do not take the elevator to escape.

Remember: 4. During the earthquake, do not crowd on the stairs, corridor.

Thank you for your attention!