English Idioms -----kelly.


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Presentation transcript:

English Idioms -----kelly

1.rain cats and dogs 就是下很大的雨.瓢泼大雨.倾盆大雨. ---It's raining cats and dogs in New York!!!

2.a frog in the throat 喉咙有只青蛙? 这句话是说喉咙疼,说不出话了. ---I caught a cold and have a frog in the throat.

3.Pull Someone's Leg 扯某人的腿. 意思就是开玩笑.耍弄某人 Hey, Al. I was invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Pageant! Oh, really? Come on, you're pulling my leg!

4.Top dog 在顶上的狗.在最高点的狗.意思就是有着至高无上权利的某个人或团体. David is the top dog of this company.

5.Couch potato 沙发土豆,意思就是一天到晚坐在沙发上,无所事事,看电视打发时间的人. Don't be a counch potato!

1.rain cats and dogs 2.a frog in the throat 3.Pull Someone's Leg 4.Top dog 5.Couch potato

When the cat's away, the mice will play . “山中无老虎 猴子称霸王”

enough to make a cat speak “令人惊讶 事情太出奇”

enough to make a horse laugh “极其可笑 让人笑掉大牙”

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Judge a book by its cover.

The grass is greener on the other side.

Fruit 1.the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠 如:May is the apple of her father’s eye.梅是她父亲的掌上明珠。 2.the Big Apple纽约城 如:The little girl is from the Big Apple.这个女孩来自于纽约城。 3.top banana大老板 如:Who‘s your top banana?谁是你们的老板。 4. a lemon没有价值的商品 如:That car is a lemon.那辆小汽车不值钱。

That's all. Thanks

butter someone up Idiom about food sb bring home the bacon(腌肉). That means someone makes enough money to support family. butter someone up be extra nice to someone (usually for selfish reasons)

Idiom about food there is no use crying over spilled milk. That means you should not get angry when something bad happens and cannot be changed. one man’s meat is another man’s poison. In other words, one person might like something very much while another person might hate the same thing.

Idiom about food person with red or orange hair carrot top person with red or orange hair --Simon is the first carrot top I've ever gone out with.

Idiom about food bad egg a person who is often in trouble I don't want my little brother hanging around with the bad eggs on the street. cup of tea something you enjoy Opera isn't exactly my cup of tea. full of beans have a lot of (silly) energy The kids were full of beans after the circus.

Idiom about animals You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. That means you can give someone advice but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do. in the dog house in trouble with another person

Idiom about animals monkeyshines meaning tricks or foolish acts. holy mackerel(青花鱼)! If you want to express a feeling of surprise, you might cry (a) little bird told me I heard something (usually secretive or unknown) from someone (not named)

no spring chicken已不再年轻的女人 Idiom about animals as wise as owls 聪明 as timid as rabbit 胆小如鼠 swan’s song 告别演出 no spring chicken已不再年轻的女人

Idiom about Parts of the body have one‘s head in the clouds 心不在焉 be unaware or unrealistic about something . keep an eye on 照看 take care of, watch in order to protect . stick your neck out 危险处境 help someone a lot, with possible bad consequences for oneself

Idiom about Parts of the body break a leg good-luck Today's the big game, eh? Break a leg! cold feet nervous just before a big event My sister didn't get cold feet until she put her wedding gown on. cost an arm and a leg be very expensive These cakes are delicious, but they cost an arm and a leg. cry your heart out cry very hard I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.

Idiom about colour roll out the red carpet treat someone like royalty grass is always greener on the other side you always want what you don't have grey area, gray area something without a clear rule or answer

Idiom about colour black and blue bruised and beaten We found the poor guy black and blue near the train tracks. golden opportunity the perfect chance The models' conference was a golden opportunity for me to sell my beauty products. tickled pink very pleased and appreciative My mom was tickled pink when my father brought roses home for her.

Fruit 1.the apple of one‘s eye掌上明珠 如:May is the apple of her father’s eye.梅是她父亲的掌上明珠。 2.the Big Apple纽约城 如:The little girl is from the Big Apple.这个女孩来自于纽约城。 3.top banana大老板 如:Who‘s your top banana?谁是你们的老板。 4. a lemon没有价值的商品 如:That car is a lemon.那辆小汽车不值钱。

24-7 一天到晚; 全天候 Hit the road. 上路了 I'm running late. I really need to hit the road. jazz (something) up 让(一件事物)变得有趣些 A: What do you think of this? B: It‘s kind of dead. Maybe you want to add more graphics to jazz it up. have a cow (俚语)非常生气 A: When I told my mom I would be home around 2 am, she had a cow! B: Duh!废话 on the nose (时间的)整点; 完全 A: What time is it, honey? B: It's six pm on the nose.六点整 (= exactly) Your guess was right on the nose." (你的猜测完全正确。) 24-7 一天到晚; 全天候 "24-7" 指的是"24 hours a day, 7 days a week" 的意思。就变成「整天、随时」的意思了。念 "twenty-four seven" 。