Good morning! Boys and girls.


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Presentation transcript:

Good morning! Boys and girls

1.Do you know any other strange eating habits from other countries? 2.What other Chinese eating habits would an American find difficult?

美国的餐桌礼仪 每个国家的人进餐时的规矩都不一样。在中国是礼貌的行为在美国或许就是不礼貌的。下面是一些你和美国朋友一起享用西餐时的规矩。 每次都要先把餐巾铺在腿上。 等每个人的饭菜都上齐了以后再开始吃,大家同时开始用餐。 用餐时,切忌满口都是食物的时候讲话。 吃饭时,女主人会请你再添点食物,有时她会让你自己拿,当她问时,你要给她一个明确的答复。如果你第一次就谢绝了,她大概就不会再问你了。 在餐桌前要坐直,把食物送到嘴边,不要俯身凑近盘子。 把大块的肉、土豆和蔬菜切成小块,一次吃一块。 吃饭时不要靠在胳膊上,可以把手放在桌边。 学习良好礼仪的最佳方法就是观察别人怎么做。当你不清楚该如何用餐时,就注意观察你的西方朋友是怎么做的,这是避免出错的最好方法。

Table Manners for a Typical Evening Meal 1. Sit - the host will tell you where to sit, or you ask. 2. Wait for others to start eating. Many homes will pray first. 3. Family style meal - food is passed to the right. 4. Try a little of everything - do not take a Lot of anything. 5. If you do not want something, just pass it on; You do not need to say anything. If they ask, say, "It looks good, but I think I won't have any thank you." 6. Keep the table and table-cloth as clean as possible. Do not put bones or anything on the table. Things that are not eaten should be put on your plate. 7. Do not spit anything out. If there is something in your mouth that you cannot swallow, quietly put it in your paper napkin and then go on (e.g. bones, seeds, etc.) 8. Do not talk with food in your mouth! Wait until you have swallowed everything before talking. 9. Burping - don't!! It is considered rude. 10. Slurping - don't!! Drinking soup or eating noodles - be quiet.

11. When food is passed to you say, "Thank You." 12. When you would like more of some food and it is not right in front of you, say, "Please pass the green beans." 13. Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get something - that is rude. Ask them to pass it to you. 14. If you need to leave the table to go to the bathroom or do something, say, "Excuse me for a moment, please." 15. If your hostess wants to serve you but you don't want to eat it, say, "Thank you. It looks very good, but I'm not quite used to American food yet. Maybe next time, thanks." 16. Meals are to be slow, pleasant, leisurely times. Enjoy your food, but talk too. 17. Watch how fast others are eating. Try not to be too slow or too fast - keep up with their pace. 18. When you are finished eating, say "What a delicious meal! Thank you so much." Wait for all to be finished before leaving the table. 19. Do not touch your nose, hair or teeth at the table. 20. Toothpicks - are not usually on the table in a home. After the meal, go to the bathroom and clean your teeth if you need to. In restaurants, they are usually at the counter where you pay as you go out. Again, it is best to clean your teeth in the bathroom.

Table Manners for Children These suggestions below are good manners to practice at home: Wash your hands before sitting down. Leave toys, books, and pets behind. When you sit down, place the napkin in your lap. Sit up straight and don't slouch. Ask politely for dishes to be passed. Never reach across the table. Wait until everyone is seated and served before starting to eat. If grace is said, wait to eat until it is completed. Don't giggle during grace. Keep your elbows off table. Never chew with your mouth open. Never talk with a mouth full of food.

Use utensils quietly without banging them on the table or plate. You should place your knife softly on the edge of the plate when not in use. Slice butter from the butter dish and place it on your butter plate or other plate. The butter knife should stay with the butter dish. Never wave or throw utensils. Keep your knife out of your mouth. Never play with your food. Never grab food from other people's plates. Ask politely for seconds if you want them. Ask to be excused from the table. Clear your plate from the table and take it into the kitchen. Remember, good manners are important and make meals more enjoyable. You will be proud if you learn these rules at home. Then when you go out to eat, they will be habit.

Eating habits around the world Eating habits in China 1. 2. 3. 4. Indians eat with their right hands Chinese eat with chopsticks In many western countries restaurants are quite places It’s OK to be noisy in a restaurant It’s more common for everyone to share the cost of the meal One person usually pays for everyone after a restaurant meal It’s often rude not to leave a tip for the waiter You shouldn’t usually leave a tip for the waiter

Today’s Specials 今日特价 Roast Beef($8)---2 An old British favorite 烤牛排 传统英式特色 Greek Salad($4)---- Green vegetables,tomatoes and cheese ---a great way to start your meal! 1 希腊式沙拉 绿色蔬菜,西红柿和干奶酪 绝妙的开餐方式 Kulfi ($2.5)---- Indian ice cream ---a must try! 4 苦啡 印度冰淇淋 非试不可! Thai Fried Rice($3)---- Have some with your main course! 3 泰国炸米 来些主菜吧!

Ed’s International Diner 爱得国际小吃店 1.Starters 开胃菜 Samosas 萨莫萨三角饺 Fried dumplings with lamb or vegetables 羊肉或蔬菜煎饺   Minestrone Soup意大利浓汤 Italian soup with lots of different vegetables意大利内含多种菜的汤

2.Main Courses 主菜 Duck with Orange 橙汁鸭 Roast duck in orange sauce橙汁烤鸭 --it’s delicious!-美味十足! Lamb Kebab 烤羊肉串 How does Ed cook lamb like this? Only he knows! Chinese Hot Pot(for 4 people)中式火锅(4人食用) Meat and vegetables for you to cook at your table-fun for the family!为你在餐桌边做菜和肉-家庭其乐无穷! Phat Thai 泰式鸡肉虾面. Thai fried noodles with chicken and shrimp泰式鸡肉鲜虾面

A sticky cake with nuts and honey果仁密糖酥 3.Side Dish 小吃 French Fries法式炸薯条 Ed’s fries are fantastic!爱德薯条一级棒! Nachos 烤干酪辣味玉米片 Tortilla chips with melted cheese玉米饼片带奶酪 4.Dessers甜点 Black Forest Cake黑森林蛋糕 We make it with lots of chocolate我们用大量巧克力制成 It’s great !棒级了! Baklave果仁密糖千层酥 A sticky cake with nuts and honey果仁密糖酥

Drinks 饮料 Orange Juice 橙汁 Lemonade柠檬汽水 Coffee咖啡 Soda苏打水 Tea茶

Good Bye! Boys and girls