Reading Skills Practice


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Presentation transcript:

Reading Skills Practice Lecture Three

Contents Reading Skill Focus 1 1 Word Formation 2

Reading Skill Focus Context Clues (3) Guided Practice Let’s Try

Contrast/Antonym Clues Context Clues (3) Reading Skill Focus Contrast/Antonym Clues In some sentences, we will find two words with opposite meanings. If we know the meaning of one word, we will be able to guess the meaning of the other word. The clue words commonly used in the sentences are: semicolon; Punctuation on the other hand on the contrary in contrast in spite of conversely despite nevertheless even though however although yet though but Clue Words

Reading Skill Focus Context Clues (3) Example Clues colon: semicolon; In some sentences we can guess the meaning of an unknown word by the example given in the sentence. This is because most examples given in the sentences explain the unknown word. The clue words are as follows: colon: semicolon; Punctuations including for instance such as for example such e.g. like especially as Clue words

Reading Skill Focus A. Guided Practice Sample 1 Some students tried to help, but some tried to hinder him. Clue Clue word: but “but” 这个线索词表明 “hinder” 与 “help” 的词义形成对比,由此可以猜出 “hinder” 这个词含有 “阻止,阻挠” 的意思。

Reading Skill Focus A. Guided Practice Sample 2 He enjoys all kinds of beverages, such as milk, cola, coffee, juice and tea. Clue Clue words: such as 从 “such as” 引出的例子 “milk, cola, coffee, juice and tea” 可以看出 “beverage” 是各种饮品的总称。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 1 The black-and-white TV is becoming obsolete, the colored TV is in great demand. A. in short supply B. in use C. out of date D. low in price √ Clue 两句话说明了两种电视:黑白电视和彩色电视。通过后一句对彩色电视的描述:需求量大(in great demand),我们推测出黑白电视的需求相对少,其原因是黑白电视“过时了”(becoming obsolete)。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 2 Unlike his brother, who is such a handsome man, Tom is quite plain. A. unattractive B. attractive C. simple D. honest √ Clue “unlike”这个线索词表明“plain”与“handsome”的词义形成对比,由此可以猜出“plain”这个词含有“相貌平平”的意思,所以正确答案是A项。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 3 George was one of my most diligent students, he was willing to spend hours working on mastering a new subject. A. favorite B. intelligent C. careful D. hard-working √ Clue 通过后一句对“diligent”的解释:“willing to spend hours working on mastering a new subject”,可知其意是“勤勉的,用功的”。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 4 During office hours he looked very tense and anxious, but on weekends he was very relaxed. A. unhappy B. nervous C. exhausted D. sick √ Clue “but” 这个线索词表明“tense”与“relaxed”的词义形成对比,由此可以猜出“tense”这个词含有“紧张”的意思。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 5 Unlike the well-mannered John, Jim was rather uncouth. A. rude B. polite C. untidy D. informal √ Clue “unlike”这个线索词表明在原句中John和Jim在行为举止方面是截然相反的,John彬彬有礼(well-mannered),那么我们就可以推测出uncouth的意思是“粗鲁的”。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 6 The play contained a variety of morbid events, the death of a young child, the suicide of her mother, and the murder of her elder sister. A. moral B. immoral C. healthy D. gloomy √ Clue 通过后半句对“morbid events”的举例说明:孩子惨死(the death of a young child),母亲自杀(the suicide of her mother)以及姐姐被害(the murder of an old sister),可知其意是“可怕的事件”。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 7 Well-off Americans consume a lot of alcohol in the form of cocktail-mixtures based on spirits like whisky, gin and vodka. A. creatures B. fuels C. souls D. alcoholic drinks √ Clue 线索词为“like”,通过所举的例子(whisky, gin and vodka)可以看出,“spirits”应指“烈酒”。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 8 Finally the enemy surrendered. They threw down their weapons and walked out of the house with their hands over their heads. A. gathered together B. gave up C. were defeated D. were surrounded √ Clue 通过后一句对“surrendered”的解释:扔掉武器(throw down their weapons),举起双手(with their hands over heads),可知其意是“投降”。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 9 Even though he was guilty, the merciful judge didn’t send him to prison. A. kind B. cruel C. strict D. careless √ Clue "didn't send him to prison"意为“没有将他送入监狱”。因此,应选“kind”(宽容的)。

Reading Skill Focus B. Let’s Try Try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following. 10 Young people who are just starting their households often spend some of their money on appliances, for instance, refrigerators and televisions. A. tools B. equipment C. instruments D. decorations √ Clue 线索词为“for instance”,通过所举的例子(washing machines,refrigerators and color TVs)可以看出,“appliances”,应是这些名词的总称,即“家用电器”。

Suffix Word Formation 后缀(suffix)是加在单词或词根后面的构词成分,一般起到改变词性的作用。 retailer, consumer, advertiser, shopper, driver, gardener, waiter, singer, leader, dancer, fighter (added to verbs to form nouns) people or things that do that particular activity 构成名词,表示行为的主动者,做特定事的人 -er seemingly, surprisingly, alarmingly, embarrassingly (added to verbs to form adverbs) in a way that makes or becomes a particular state 构成副词,表示“……地”,“使……地” -ingly Examples Meaning Suffix

Suffix Word Formation 后缀(suffix)是加在单词或词根后面的构词成分,一般起到改变词性的作用。 Suffix Meaning Examples -dom (added to adjectives to form nouns) the state, quality or status 构成名词,表示情况、状态、性质、身份 freedom, wisdom, stardom -free (used at the end of words) without 表示没有……的、不含……的、免……的 carefree, sugar-free, fat-free, duty-free

Suffix Word Formation 后缀(suffix)是加在单词或词根后面的构词成分,一般起到改变词性的作用。 Suffix Meaning Examples -ial (added to nouns to form adjective) the state or quality of 构成形容词,表示属于……的,具有……性质的 financial, commercial, managerial, facial, partial -ary (used at the end of words) a place or spot 表示场所、地点 boundary, dispensary, library, granary

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