Unit Two.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Two

The fact was that John Brown had a car accident. Language Structure See the following sentences and pay attention to the grammar rules they use: The fact was that John Brown had a car accident. The scissors are not what I need. Have you heard the news that all English students will have to a proficiency test before they can graduate? What I told him was that I would find him a good play.

A: (Everybody is saying that John Breen had a car accident?) Language Structure Practice 1-A : Seeking Clarification A: (Everybody is saying that John Breen had a car accident?) B: But that is not true. // But that isn’t a fact. / Not exactly. / No, that’s just a rumour. A: (It isn’t? // Really? // What is the truth?) B: The fact is that John Brown had a car accident.

Language point: rumour: information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true e.g. I've heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary. Rumour has it that Jean's getting married again. Where did the rumour start?

Language point: critically: seriously Adj. critical: to judge or be judgmental about someone or something E.g. a man with critical eye b. serious E.g. a critical shortage of food essential E.g. a critical element of the plan capable of sustaining a nuclear chain reaction (in physics) E.g. critical point / condition Phrases: be critical of sth. 对某事表示谴责 be critical about 爱挑剔

Language point: competent having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory standard [opposite] incompetent e.g. A competent mechanic should be able to fix the problem. She's a highly competent linguist. competent to do something I don't feel competent to give an opinion at the moment. He is the only party leader competent enough to govern this country. competently [adverb]

Language point: Proficiency: a good standard of ability and skill proficiency in/with/at a high level of proficiency in English Nick's proficiency with computers is well-known. Proficient: able to do something well or skilfully Martha is proficient in Swedish. There's only one way to become proficient at anything - practice! a proficient typist proficiently [adverb]

1 We’re going to put on an English play on… Dialogue I Language Points We’re going to put on an English play on… 1 put away 把……收起来放好,把…放在原位,储蓄/放弃 put aside 放下/储蓄/不顾,忽视 put back 放在原处/推迟,延期/阻碍,阻止/向后移,拨回 put down 镇压,平定/写下/放下/使着陆 put forward 提出,建议/提前/拨快/推荐  put off 推迟,延期 put on 穿上/上演/增加,添上/安排,准备 put out 熄灭灯(烛,煤气等)/生产,出版 put through 接通电话/实行,完成 put up 举起/张贴/建造,搭起/提供食宿 put up with 容忍,忍受 put…into production 把...投入生产 put…into use 投入使用 put one's heart into 全心全意投入

put aside v.s. set aside put aside:存储,保留,撇开 Dialogue I Language Points put aside v.s. set aside  put aside:存储,保留,撇开 She's put aside a tidy sum for her retirement. 她存了一笔相当可观的钱以备退休之用 We'll put the suit aside for you, Mr Parkinson. 帕金森先生,我们暂时为你保留这套衣服。 He put aside his book and began to listen to me. 他把书放在一边,开始听我讲话。

put aside v.s. set aside set aside:留出, 腾出, 拒绝, 驳回, 不理会, 废止 Dialogue I Language Points put aside v.s. set aside  set aside:留出,  腾出,  拒绝,  驳回,  不理会,  废止 Let's set aside my personal feelings. 不必顾及我个人的感情。   I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises. 我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体。   The judge's decision was set aside by the Appeal Court. 法官的判决被上诉法庭驳回。  Set aside for a moment your instinctive dislike of the man. 暂且不要考虑你从直觉上憎恶他这一因素。   The decision was set aside. 决议被搁置。

2 It’s a four-act play adapted from the novel Good Morning, Hong Kong Dialogue I Language Points It’s a four-act play adapted from the novel Good Morning, Hong Kong 2   1.This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。 2.You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。 3.She adapted herself quickly to the new climate. 她很快就适应了这种新气候。  4.This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。 5.It's hard to adapt this novel for children. 要将这部小说改编为适合小孩的阅读水准很难。

3 It’s a very moving and uplifting novel… moving: adj. Dialogue I Language Points It’s a very moving and uplifting novel… 3 moving: adj. changing, not fixed E.g. a ~ target, The ~ parts of this machines should be oiled regularly. capable of arousing deep emotion E.g. This is a ~ spectacle. [synonym: stirring, touching, pathetic, affecting ] 2) uplifting: encouraging v. uplift a. to raise, to elevate b. to raise to spiritual or emotional heights

4 …since China resumed sovereignty over his former British colony Dialogue I Language Points 4 …since China resumed sovereignty over his former British colony resume: v. To begin or take up again after interruption E.g. We resumed our work after a rest. b. To assume, take, or occupy again E.g. The dog resumed its post by the door. Phrase: resume the thread of one‘s discourse 言归正传 2) sovereignty: n. 1.complete freedom and power to govern e.g. the sovereignty of Parliament sovereignty over Spain's claim of sovereignty over the territory 2. the power that an independent country has to govern itself the defense of our national sovereignty Phrases: absolute / nominal / territorial / consumer sovereignty

Dialogue I Language Points 5 … Hongkong as a special administrative region that enjoys a high degree of autonomy. 1) special administrative region: administrative: a. v. administer n. administration / adminstrator phrases: administrative units under sb’s administration / during the administration of sb. 2) autonomy: n. the right of self-governed a. autonomous e.g. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region

Dialogue I Language Points 6 … Hongkong as a special administrative region that enjoys a high degree of autonomy. 1.国家(State):中华人民共和国(the People‘s Republic of China; P.R.China; P.R.C; China) 2.省级(Provincial Level): 省(Province)、自治区(Autonomous Region )、直辖市(Municipality directly under the Central Government, 简称Municipality);特别行政区(Special Administration Region; SAR) 3.地级(Prefectural Level): 地区(Prefecture)、自治州(Autonomous Prefecture)、市(Municipality;City);盟(Prefecture) 4.县级(County Level):县(County)、自治县(Autonomous County)、市(City)、市辖区(District), 旗(County) 5.乡级(Township Level):乡(Township)、民族乡(Ethnic Township)、镇(Town)、街道办事处(Sub-district)。

7 Besides, everyone’ll be homeward-bound. Dialogue I Language Points 7 Besides, everyone’ll be homeward-bound. Homeward—bound: adj. 驶回本国的, 返航的(指船、飞机等) 1) suffix. -ward(s): toward a specific position or place a. 构成名词和形容词,表示“向、向…的” b. 构成名词,表示“向…的地区” Please list some words: upward, downward, left-ward, right-ward, skyward, landward… 2) Homeward journey (列车或机车)回程运行 adv. homewards 向家而(行);回家;回国

8 They’ll have some kind of personal engagement. Dialogue I Language Points 8 They’ll have some kind of personal engagement. 1. an agreement between two people to marry, or the period of time they are engaged e.g. Their engagement was announced in the paper. break engagement (=finished it) . engagement ring 2. an official arrangement to do something, especially one that is related to your work e.g. official/public/royal etc engagement The princess will continue to carry out royal engagements . 3. INVOLVEMENT e.g. a strategy of engagement and cooperation with China Many students pass without any real engagement in learning. military rules of engagement (=fight)

9 …we’ll get catcalls from the audience, or worse! Dialogue I Language Points 9 …we’ll get catcalls from the audience, or worse! catcall: n. A harsh or shrill call or whistle expressing derision or disapproval 嘘声 v. to make voice of harsh or shrill call 发出嘘声 >> 有关 cat 的复合词 cat-and-dog adj. 好争吵的, 不和睦的, 投机性的 cat-and-mouse adj. 折磨的, 虐待的 cat-nap n.打瞌睡

>> 有关 cat 的谚语 The cat did it. 这事不赖我。 The cat is out of the bag. 泄露了秘密,走漏了风声 The cat jumps. 大局已定,事情已有了眉目 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.掩耳盗铃 The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.想坐享其成,不劳而获 The scalded cat fears cold water.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨

None of us wants the performance to flop. Dialogue I Language Points 10 None of us wants the performance to flop. to flop: To fall or lie down heavily and noisily 猛落 E.g. He flopped down into a chair. He flopped down the shopping bag and ran to help us. 2) (Informal ) to fail E.g. The play flopped. n. The get-together was a complete flop and nobody enjoyed it.

alternative a. n. The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities. E.g. I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home. We have no alternative but to go on. There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory. b. adj. Allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things = another 其他的,二者择一的 E.g. The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road. 2. sort out: pick out, tidy (a room, desk)

Dialogue I Language Points 1 stunt, stuntman stunt >> n. A skill displaying unusual strength, skill, or daring Phrase: to perform stunt (s) vt.  (1)To hinder the development of sth./sb. Lack of the right food may stunt growth. 缺乏适当的食物会阻碍发育。 (2) to perform the stunt Jacky Chen always does his own stunt in his film. 成龙在他的表演中向来都是亲自表演特技动作。 They will save others, will perform the stunt, will be really intelligent. 它们会救人,会表演特技,真聪明。

2 They work out their…… and they mime the fights. Dialogue I Language Points 2 They work out their…… and they mime the fights. work out = figure out E.g. He worked out how much he needed to buy that house. 2) mime >> v. imitate 模仿 E.g. The man mimed the slaying of an enemy. >> n. a. a kind of performance 哑剧 b. a performer 哑剧演员

3 …stands near a microphone and punches a leg of lamb… Dialogue I Language Points 3 …stands near a microphone and punches a leg of lamb… 1. to hit someone or something hard with your fist (=closed hand) e.g. He punched me and knocked my teeth out. punch somebody on/in something He punched Jack in the face. 2. Make holes e.g. The guard punched my ticket and I got on. These bullets can punch a hole through 20 mm steel plate. 3. Push buttons e.g. to push a button or key on a machine Just punch the button to select a track. Phrases: punch in (上班)打卡 punch out (下班)打卡 punch the [sb.'s] ticket 剪(票)

4 …someone has to fall off a horse or tumble down a staircase…. Dialogue I Language Points 4 …someone has to fall off a horse or tumble down a staircase…. >> vi. 1) to fall or roll, to drop, to collapse 跌倒, 摔跤, 倒塌 E.g. tumbled on the ice; The walls came tumbling down. Prices tumbled. 2) to come to a sudden understanding 突然明白 E.g. I finally tumbled to the reality that I was being cheated. >> vt. To cause to fall; bring down: 使倒下;使崩溃 E.g. A scandal tumbled the government. >> n. An act of tumbling; a fall. 摇摆;跌倒

4 …someone has to fall off a horse or tumble down a staircase…. Dialogue I Language Points 4 …someone has to fall off a horse or tumble down a staircase…. Phrases: all in a tumble 混乱到极点 have a slight tumble 轻轻跌了一跤 take a tumble [美俚]突然领悟 tumble and toss 乱翻乱滚, 遍地打滚 tumble down the sink [美]牛饮 tumble home [in] (木工)嵌进; [俚]上床倒下就睡 tumble over 乱扔; 打翻; 绊倒; 反复思考 tumble to 领悟, 明白 tumble up 使混乱; [俚]起床;

5 Air rifles are sometimes loaded with “blood” pellets. Dialogue I Language Points 5 Air rifles are sometimes loaded with “blood” pellets. rifle: n. a kind of firearm 2) load with 装载某物 E.g. to load the tanker with oil to load the table with food to be loaded with worries

6 some kinds of activities : trampoline boxing judo karate wrestling Dialogue I Language Points 6 some kinds of activities : trampoline boxing judo karate wrestling

Dialogue I Language Points As the horse galloped the wire was stretched and it tripped the horse and made it fall. 7 gallop >> vt. & vi. & n. a. to ride / riding swiftly 飞跑,疾驰 E.g. The horse galloped round the field. I galloped the horse along the track. b. to finish quickly 匆匆做完 E.g. He galloped through the work. >> phrases: at a full gallop 用最大速度跑, 飞跑 at a snail’s gallop 慢吞吞地走 go at a gallop 用尽快速度跑去 go for a gallop 骑马跑一阵; 去跑 一趟 gallop through / over匆匆[急急忙忙]赶完

Dialogue I Language Points As the horse galloped the wire was stretched and it tripped the horse and made it fall. 7 2) trip >> vt. / vi. & n. a. to stumble / stumbling 绊倒;摔倒 E.g. I tripped over the box on the floor and fell. b. to make / making mistake 出差错;犯过失 E.g. He tripped on that difficult question.

7 To be an all-rounder, you would have to learn… all-rounder : n. 万能选手 Dialogue I Language Points 7 To be an all-rounder, you would have to learn… all-rounder : n. 万能选手 all-round : adj. 多才多艺的 all round : adv. around 周围,四周 Phrases: all- adj. 多/全…的 all-day / all-night 全天的,整晚的, all-expense = all-in = all-inclusive 包括一切(费用)的

8 But they do risk their lives. Risk: Dialogue I Language Points 8 But they do risk their lives. Risk: n.  危险 He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。 风险 Investors in Central Asia have to face political risk. 在中亚,投资者还得面临政治风险。 投资报酬的风险 Loans to farmers are now considered to be a bad risk. 贷款给农民现在被认为要承受糟糕的投资报酬风险。

8 But they do risk their lives. Risk: Dialogue I Language Points 8 But they do risk their lives. Risk: vt.  冒 ... 的危险 If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself. 假如运动前不做准备活动,你就有受伤的危险。 承受...的风险 The investor is not willing to risk the money in any investment. 投资者不愿承受将这笔钱用于投资的风险。

Reading 2 Pre-reading questions: 1.Why do people all over the world watch soap operas on television? 2.When are cheap operas shown? Do many people watch them? 3. When are soaps with big stars and produced at high costs shown? 4.Do all soap operas run for years? 5.What kind of soap is popular and well-liked by many people? 6. What three main types of characters are there in soap operas? Describe each of them.

1 Soap opera is for TV what the popular novel is for books. Reading 2 Language Points Soap opera is for TV what the popular novel is for books. 1 Pattern: A is to / for B what X is to / for Y. Example: 1.空气之于我们,如同水之于鱼。 Air is to us what water is to fish. 2. 阅读之于头脑如同食物之于身体。 Reading is to the mind what food is to the body. 3. 一个人对于国家的作用,就如同螺丝钉对于机器一样。 An individual is to a country what a screw is to a machine. 4. 铁路对于运输的作用就如同鲜血对人体一样。 Railway is to transportation what blood is to a man’s body.

2 They are cheap productions… Language Points Produce: Reading 2 Language Points They are cheap productions… 2 Produce: 1.生产 This tree produces rubber. 这些树生产橡胶。 2.引起 His announcement produced gasps of amazement. 他宣布的消息引起了一片惊叹声。 3.提出 If you deny my statement, I can produce witness to prove its truth. 如果你要否认我的陈述,我可以提出证据来证明其真实性。 4.制片 He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan. 他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关於日本的影片。 5.分娩 Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time. 母羊一次生一到两只羊羔。

2 They are cheap productions… Produce: Reading 2 Language Points They are cheap productions… 2 Produce: n.  产品 This shop sells native produce. 这家商店出售土特产品。 农产品 Our chefs use only the freshest produce available. 我们的厨师只用现有最新鲜的农产品。

2 They are cheap productions… Reading 2 Language Points They are cheap productions… 2 produce统一表示“出产品,农产品”时,属不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不能加a; 错句: They took the produces of their farm to the market every day. 订正: They took the produce of their farm to the market every day. 翻译: 每天,他们都把农场的产品送去市场卖。

2 They are cheap productions… Product V.S. production Reading 2 Language Points They are cheap productions… 2 Product V.S. production 1.product是产品的意思,e.g. promote the sale of this new product; production是生产的意思,e.g. increase the production level 2.a product是“一件(天然、农业、或工业)产品”,而a production是“一件(文学或艺术)作品”; the literary products of the age和the literary productions of the age 这两种说法都可以。前者在比喻中使用了products,将作品比喻成产品; 有时候product也解释为“产品总量”的意思。 The factory's product for 1969 exceeds that for 1959.

3 They are intended for… Sb. Intend to do sth. Reading 2 Language Points They are intended for… 3 Sb. Intend to do sth. I haven't been to the exhibition, neither do I intend to go. 我还没有看展览会,我也不想去。 当表达“打算的事未实现”的意思时,不用虚拟语气,而仅需体现“打算”这个动作较早。 I had intended to come, but was prevented by the bad weather. Sth. be intended for/ sth. be intended as The chair was intended for you, but she took it away. 那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 That remark was intended as a joke. 那句话本来只是个玩笑。 .  

4 Viewers watch them for the glamour… Reading 2 Language Points Viewers watch them for the glamour… 4 1.She added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress. 她换上一件漂亮衣服,增添了一分魅力。 2.  The moon-light cast a glamour over the scene as they danced the Sword Dance. 他们跳起了剑舞,这时明月当空,使景色更加增添了迷人的气氛。 3.  Sophia add a touch of glamour by wear a beautiful dress. 苏菲亚穿了一件漂亮的衣服,更增添一份迷人的美。 4.  A luxuriant tan bespeaks health and glamour. 丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的标志。 5.  The glamour of inexperience is over your eyes. 无经验的魔力蒙住了你的眼睛。 .  

City proper proper 1. [only before noun] right, suitable, or correct [American Equivalent]: decent, real e.g. Everything was in its proper place (=where it should be) . When are you going to settle down and get a proper job ? 2. socially or legally correct and acceptable [opposite] improper e.g. I don't feel that it would be proper for me to give you that information. It is only right and proper that an independent inquiry should take place. 3.[only after noun] the real or main part of something, not other parts before, after or near to it The friendly chat which comes before the interview proper is intended to relax the candidate. the city centre proper

prosperous autonomy rehearsal audience stunt stretch bullet explosive Spelling prosperous autonomy rehearsal audience stunt stretch bullet explosive scene gallop microphone wrestling

Dictation A The motion picture is a highly complex art form which combines many other arts. The film-maker is a writer using language, a musician using music. He is a painter concerned with composition, light, and colour. He is a sculptor moulding forms in space, a choreographer shaping human movement. With the cinema as the major tool, the film-maker recreates the external world. Using the cameral and putting pieces of film together or separating them in the editing process, the film-marker powerfully controls time and space. A gunfight can become a ballet in slow motion. The act of climbing a short flight of stairs can be extended to seem like an endless journey, and an airplane can be made to cross continents in seconds. In the theatrical film, the film-maker uses these and many other artistic techniques to tell a story.

Dictation A Not all films are made to tell stories or to be shown in theatres. Film-makers can also use their craft for other purposes than to create a work of art and entertainment.

Dictation B An opera is a play with music. The actors sing some of the words instead of speaking them. In grand opera, they sing all the words. The music and singing portray the moods of the story and the feeling of the characters in it. To appreciate an opera, you should go and see one. Listening to opera on the radio or on records does not give much idea of what it is really like. Going to an opera can be very exciting. There is usually a large orchestra, and a chorus of singers as well as the leading singer. The scenery is colorful and the stage lighting often very dramatic. Although parts of an opera are treated in such detail that the action is rather slow. The beauty of the songs compensates for the breaks in the action.

Dictation B However, it is not always easy to appreciate opera. Sometimes the words are in a foreign language, often Italian. Even if the opera is sung in English, it is sometimes difficult to make out the words. It helps if you get to know the story first. The programme always contains an outline of the story, so make sure you buy one at the opera house or theatre and read it before the curtain goes up.

Listening Comprehension Messages from the Media Radio: Newspaper Television: Video-tapes: E. Book:

Listening Comprehension Messages from the Media Radio: Newspaper Television: D. Video-tapes: lectures E. Book: knowledge 1. a weather forecast 2. the sports news; international news 3. foreign languages lessons 1. advertisements 2. editorials and news 3. current events 1. local news and events 2. consumer reports 3. foreign language lessons 4. international news

Listening Comprehension 1. What does the word media mean? Which is the plural form, medium or media? 2. Give us many examples of media as you can. 3. What do we mean by mass media? 4. According to the passage, the author thinks advertisement is very useful in our daily life. True of False. 5. Why mass media is so important in modern life?

1. Can you produce any evidence that he was not at home that night? Translation 1. Can you produce any evidence that he was not at home that night? 2. Whatever was said here just now must be kept secret. 3. If the trip costs no more than 100 yuan, you can count me in. 4. Every night before going to bed, Mr. Smith goes round the house to make sure that all the doors and windows are locked and that all the lights are off. 5. He did tell you the truth, but you simply did not believe him.

Translation 6. My delay in answering his letter worried him so much that he made a non-stop flight to come to see me. 7. When I told him that his father had been sent to hospital because of a heart attack, he looked as if he didn’t care. 8. The bus suddenly stopped; a heavy bag fell from the rack above him and landed on his head.

Translation When did the movies begin? It is often said that they are an American invention; but this is not entirely true. The motion picture has been the most international of the arts. At the end of the nineteenth century, inventors in France, England, and the United States were among the dozens of men who were trying to develop ways of using photographs to create the effect of motion.

Translation Soon after 1889, when the famous American inventor Thomas Edison first showed motion pictures through a device called the kinetoscope, other devices for the same purposes appeared all over the world. Edison had solved certain problems making it possible for other inventors to develop their own devices. One other important contribution by Edison was the introduction of 35mm. As the international standard film width. When it became possible to use any 35mm. machine for showing movies from any parts of the world, the international trading of films began to take place. N to

set off v.出发, 解脱, 装饰... set out vt.规划, 展现 ; set in 嵌入, 开始 Set phrase set off v.出发, 解脱, 装饰... set out vt.规划, 展现 ; set in 嵌入, 开始 set to 动手干, 认真开始干,... set sail 启航 set back 推迟, 延缓, 使花费 set aside v. 留出, 拨出, ... set up vt.建立, 树立, 创... set forth vt. 陈述, 阐明,... set about 开始, 着手 set alight vi. 点燃(着火) set against 使敌视, 使抵消 set square n. 三角板斜角规 set down v. 记下, 写下, ... Set apart for V.把…留给 N to