Language Points.


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Presentation transcript:

Language Points

1. beyond: (1).Lily is far ___ her brother in English. A. ahead B. beyond C. before the front of (2).They maybe came from ___ the sea. A. beyond B. outside C. out of D. across (3).We know nothing ___ this. A. beyond B. but C. except D. all the above (表位置)在/向…的那边,远于 (表时间)迟于 beyond (表范围,限度)超出 prep. (常用于否定句,疑问句)除…之外 adv.在远处,向远处,更远地

2. Complete the sentences: He ______________ (躺在地上) looking at the sky. The answer ____ (在于) the research. He __________ (向我撒谎) that he had a headache. He _____ on the ground _____ to me that his hen had _____ two eggs a day.(他躺在地上向我撒谎说他的母鸡一天下了两只蛋). lie----lay----lain----lying 平躺,位于 lie----lied----lied----lying 撒谎 lay----laid----laid----laying 平放,搁置,产卵,下蛋 (5) Japan lies _____ the east of China. (6) Canada is _____ the north of America. is lying on the ground lies in lied to me lying lay laid to on

(7) Qingdao lies ___ the east of Shangdong Province. (8) China is _______ the east of Asia. 3. explain: He explained ___ us the reason ___ he was late. A. /; that B. /; why C. to; that D. to; why Please explain ___ me where to begin and ___ to do it. A. to; how B. to; what C. /; how D. for; what in in explain to sb. sth explain sth to sb explain oneself 为自己辩解;表达自己的意思 explain that +n / pron 4. What / how about + doing sth +adv.

5.… lie off the coast of… 离……的海岸线不远处是…… e.g. 离新西兰的海岸线不远处是澳大利亚 Australia is off the cost of New Zealand. There is … off the coast of… There is Australia off the coast of New Zealand. 6. (1) The bridge ______________ stones. is made of (2) The wine _______________ grapes. is made from is made up of (3) Our class ________________ boys and girls. (4) This wood ________________ a small table. was made into

be made up of 由…组成 (强调多元性) be made of 由…制成(能看出原材料) be made from 由…做的(看不出原材料) be made into 被制成(由原料到成品) 7.(1) ___ by a crowd of people, the thief couldn’t escape at all. A. Surrounding B. To be surrounded C. Surrounded D. To surround (2) The house ____ by trees has been completed . A. surrounding B. surrounded C. is surrounded Surround : vt. 包围,环绕(常用被动) Surrounding: adj. 周围的 ,附近的(作定语,无比较级) Surroundings: (复) 环境, 周围的事物)

8.(1) The house is just the same ___ it used to be. A. that B. as C. to D. / (2) This is the same book ____ I bought last month. Please give it back to me. A. that B. which C. it D./ The same … as + n/ pron / adv 指相同的事物. The same … that 强调同一件事物/情 你的钢笔和我的一样. Your pen is the same as mine. 这正是我前几天丢的那本书. This is the same book that I lost the other day. 9.For the sake of her daughter’s health, she decided to move to a warm _____. weather B. temperature C. season D. climate weather: 天气,ucn. temperature: 气温,温度,体温. season: 季节,不能和move搭配. climate: (1)气候, cn &ucn;(2)有某种天气情况的地区

10. (1) Columbus _________ America in 1492. (2) A farmer __________ a new oil filed. (3) Have you _________ your pen? (4) Please go and __________when the film starts. (5) I _______ it difficult to explain clearly. (6) Water _______ its own level.(水往低处流) (7) Alexander Bell ______ the telephone in 1876. discover: 发现(指发现早就存在的东西) find发现, 找到(往往指发现丢失的东西) find out查明,弄清楚(真相等) invent发明(指原先不存在的事物,如: 一种机器或方法) (8) Nobody can tell me who ___ the first cellphone. A. discovered B. invented C. found D. looked for discovered discovered found find out find finds invented

11. (1) They hope to _____ in that beautiful country for ever. settle down B. put down C. stay D. spend (2) It has been ___ that a new building will be built settled B.decided C.determined D.all the above (3) Those countries have ___ the trade dispute among them—selves. Settled down B. solve C. settle D. settled settle: vt & vi (1) 决定,侧重指定下,而decide侧重决定. settle + n./ to do/ wh– clause/that… (2) vt. 解决(问题,纠纷),同solve. (3) vt&vi定居,用主动或被动太均可; settle down (4) vt&vi 平静,镇定,同calm.

12.(1) A boy _______ Dick is waiting for you in your dormitory. A. names B. is named C. named D. who named (2) The young man ___ the name Mike, has been in Beijing for five years. A. by B. with C. as D. for Name: name after: 以…命名,与…同名 call sb. names : 辱骂某人 call sb’s name(s): 叫某人的名字 a man of name: 知名人士 with the name: 叫…名字 by name 名叫…的

13. possession: n.拥有,占有. possessions:财产 The English soldiers took ___ the island after a blooding battle. A. the possession of B. possession of C. the possession for D. possession for (2) --- How did you ___ the old valuable house? --- It used to be ___ my uncle. He left it to me in his will. A. take possession of; in possession of B. take the possession of; in the possession of C. take possession of; in the possession of D. take the possession of; in possession of

Take / get /gain/ possession of : 获得 ,占有, 占领 Come into one’s possession :被某人占有; Be in possession of : (某人) 拥有 Be in the possession of : 为(某人) 所有 (3) I took ___ possession of the house in 1988, but now it is in ___ possession of my aunt. A. /; the B. the; the C. /; / D. a; a 15.(1) I have signed my name ___ the agreement. A. to B. on C. in D. for (2) The weather shows no ___ of getting better. A. signs B. signals C. marks D. facts (3) The shy girl nodded as ___ of agreement. A. sign B. a sign C. signs D. expression

(4). The teacher signed ___ the students to be quiet. Which is wrong? A. at B. to C. for D. / Sign: v.& n (1) vt. & vi 签名,署名 sign one’s name to: 在…上签名 (2) vt & vi 打手势 sign to/ for sb. to do sth示意某人做某事 (3) n. 标记,符号,征兆,身势,告示 交通标志____________ 用手势说_____________ 15. (1) At last Mr. Smith has made an agreement ___ his boss about the plan. A. with B. to C. by D. for talk in signs traffic signs

(2) We finally ___ an agreement after three months of hard bargaining. A. came B. arrived C. reached D. came at agreement: n 协议,同意,一致. arrive at an agreement: come to an agreement / reach an agreement / make an agreement 达成协议 by agreement:同意,依约 ; make an agreement with与…达成协议 16.(1) 他们国家盛产石油,我们国家却一点也没有. Their country has plenty of oil, while ours has gone. (2) Some people waste food, ____ other people haven’t got enough to eat. A. when B. until C. since D. while While: 此处表对比, “但是,却”.

Thank you for your attention!