Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section A Period 2 (3a-3c) 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section A Period 2 (3a-3c) 1

birthday party A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sure, I’d love to.

go to the concert prepare for an exam A: Can you go to the concert? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam.

go to movies A: Can you go to the movies? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the doctor. A: Can he go to the movies? B: No, he can’t. He has to go to the doctor. go to the doctor

试将下面三种话分别写成 (1)一般疑问句,并作肯定回答。 (2)否定句。 a. They have to go to the party 试将下面三种话分别写成 (1)一般疑问句,并作肯定回答。 (2)否定句。 a. They have to go to the party. Do they have to go to the party? Yes, they do. They don’t have to go to the party. b. He has to go to see the doctor. Does he have to go to see the doctor? Yes, he does. He doesn’t have to go to see the doctor.

c. She had to study for a math test yesterday c. She had to study for a math test yesterday. Did she have to study for a math yesterday? Yes, she did. She didn’t have to study for a math yesterday.

比一比 have to 与 must 二者都有“必须”之意,但 have to 表示“客观上的需要”,有人称和时态的变化(has to和had to),否定形式为 don’t / doesn’t / didn’t have to (没必要,不需要) must 表示“主观上的要求”,无人称和时态的变化,否定回答一般用 needn’t 或 don't have to (不必)。mustn’t 表示“禁止”。如:

—Must I be home before eight o’clock? 8点之前我必须回家吗? don’t have to You tell him about it. 你不必把此事告诉他。 You tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 —Must I be home before eight o’clock? 8点之前我必须回家吗? —Yes, you must. / No, / No, . 是的,必须回家。/不,不必。 mustn’t you needn’t. you don’t have to

We have to wear warm clothes in winter. 冬天我们不得不穿上暖和的衣服。(客观需要) He has to go to the doctor because he is ill. I must finish my homework first before I watch TV. 看电视前我必须先完成作业。(主观要求)

即时练 Bob can’t come out to play because he _____ help Dad in the garden. A. can B. must C. has to D. have to 答案:C 题意:鲍勃不能出来玩了,他得在花园里帮他爸爸。表示客观上的需要,应用 have to;句子为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故选 C。

2.--- Must I finish my homework right now? --- No, you ____. A. needn’t B. may not C. mustn’t D. can’t 【解析】must 在表示“必须, 应该”的时候,其疑问句的否定回答常用needn’t 或don’t have to, 表示“不必”,而不用must not。根据句意must 在句中作“必须”讲,故答案选A。

Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. 3a 1. A: What are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m not sure. I might _______________________ 2. A: What are you planning to do after school? B: I don’t know. _______________________ watch TV on the weekend my cousin visit grandparents visit my grandparents I might watch TV.

3. A: When will you finish the science homework? B: ______________________ _________________________ 4. A: Who are you going to the movies with? 5. Are you free to come to my place on Saturday? I don’t know. I might finish it on the weekend. watch TV on the weekend my cousin visit grandparents I’m not sure. I might go with my cousin. practice the violin I’m not sure. I might have to practice the violin.

Complete the sentences below. Use the words in brackets to help you. 1. Inviting: _______________________________ (can/play tennis) Accepting: _______________________________ 2. Inviting: _______________________________ ___________(would like to/go to the movies) Refusing: _______________________________ Reason: _________________________________ (might have to)  [ə'ksept]接受 [rɪ'fjuːz]  拒绝 Can you play tennis on Saturday? Sure. I’d love to. Would you like to go to the movies on Friday? Sorry, I can’t. I might have to go out with my parents.

3. Inviting: _______________________________ (can/ hang out with us tonight) Refusing: _______________________________ Reason: ____________________________(must) 4. Inviting: _______________________________ ________________ (would like to/come to my birthday party) Accepting: _______________________________ Can you hang out with us tonight? Sorry, I’m not free. I must study for a test. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Sure. I’d love to.

Key points invite v. 邀请 ① The man invited my father to go fishing with him this morning. 这个男人今天上午邀请我爸爸和他一起去钓鱼。 “邀请某人干某事”为invite sb. to do sth.。

② I invited him to my house yesterday. 我昨天邀请他来我家。 invite sb. to后也可跟名词。 ③ He will not come without your invitation. 没有你的请柬他是不会来的。 根据句③可知invite 的名词是invitation。

即时练 1. Mr. Green invited me _______ (visit) his factory last week. 2. Thanks a lot for your ________ (invite). But I have to stay at home to do my homework. 3.Thanks for________ (invite) me to your party. to visit invitation inviting

Write down everything you have to do next week Write down everything you have to do next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party. 3c MON. TUE. WED. THUR. have a party FRI. SAT. SUN. A: Can you come to my party? B: When is it? A: Next week, on Thursday night. B: I’m sorry. I have to study for a math test.

REVIEW Invitation: (邀请 与回答) Can you come to my party …? Acceptation: (接受) Sure, I’d love to./I’d like to. Turn down: (拒绝) I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to … I’d love to, but I have to …

单项选择: 1. Joe ______ go to the doctor. His leg is broken. A. have to   B. can   C. has to   D. may 2. — Can you help me with my English? — Sure, ______. A. I’d like       B. I’d love C. I’d love to      D. I have to

3. Thanks a lot for ______ me ______ your party. A. invite; for     B. invite; to C. inviting; for    D. inviting; to 4. Sorry, I’m busy today. I have ______ homework to do. A. much too      B. too much C. too many      D. many too

1. I have to study for a test this evening. (改为否定句) 句型转换: 1. I have to study for a test this evening. (改为否定句) I ______ ______ ______ study for a test this evening. 2. They can go to the concert. (改为一般疑问句) ______ they ______ to the concert? 否定回答: ,they . don’t have to Can go Sorry/No can’t