Content Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing Culture express.


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Presentation transcript:

Content Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing Culture express

Listening and speaking Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 Passage

Listen to some sentences and complete them with the time you hear. Listening to time Listen to some sentences and complete them with the time you hear. Tips 英语中,时间的读法大致有下面几种: 1 直接按照数字来读。如: 10:56 读作 ten fifty six,8:30 读作 eight thirty; 2 正点后的前半小时,通常说几点“过”(past)几分。如: 9:05 读作five past nine; 3 正点后的后半小时,通常说几点“差”(to)几分。如: 10:55 读作 five to eleven; 4 15 分钟可以用a quarter表示。如: 4:15 读作 a quarter past four,7:45 读作 a quarter to eight。半小时用half 表示。如: 5:30读作half past five。 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 4

Listen to some sentences and complete them with the time you hear. Listening to time Listen to some sentences and complete them with the time you hear. 1 The plane took off at __________. 9:40 2 The party ended at __________. 4:05 3 My father went to his office at ________. 8:40 4 Dr. Johnson has an appointment with Dr. Smith at __________ on Monday morning. 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 10:15 5 Professor White is going to give a lecture on Western music at __________ this afternoon. 3:30 5

Conversations Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language Conversation 2 Exercises Functional language

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes 1. Listen to a conversation and check (✔) the dances that the woman likes. foxtrot ✔ breakdancing Word tips foxtrot n. 狐步舞 waltz n. 华尔兹 rumba n. 伦巴舞 tango n. 探戈舞 breakdancing n. 霹雳舞 waltz ✔ 点击右下角的“ABC”按钮可以查看录音原文。 ballet rumba ✔ tango ✔

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes 2. Listen again and complete the following sentences with what you hear. Pay attention to the function of these expressions. I ___________ old styles of dancing, such as the foxtrot, waltz, rumba, and tango. am keen on But most young people __________ modern dances, such as breakdancing. are fond of Well, I just cannot __________ it. The rhythm is too quick. stand

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes Scripts Man: May I have the first dance? Woman: With pleasure. You are really a good dancer. What dances do you like? I am keen on old styles of dancing, such as the foxtrot, waltz, rumba, and tango. Why do you like them? They’re graceful. But most young people are fond of modern dances, such as breakdancing. Well, I just cannot stand it. The rhythm is too quick. Oh, no, the music is over. Thank you for dancing with me. You are welcome.

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes 3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. Situation 1 A and B meet in the campus gym (体育馆). They are talking about what sport they like. (Sample) Situation 2 A and B are from the Music Department. They are talking about the music they like. (Sample) GUIDED CONVERSATION A: Ask what sport / music B likes. B: Give an answer and ask what A likes. A: Give an answer. B: Say you also like it. (Reference)

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1 Tom: So, what sport do you like? Jerry: I like playing basketball. I often play basketball with my friends on weekends. How about you? I like swimming very much. I’m crazy about swimming too. I go swimming three times a week! Would you like to go swimming with me this weekend and see who swims faster? Ok. That’s a deal.

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2 Helen: What kind of music do you like? Rose: I really like pop music. I am a big fan of Celine Dion. What do you prefer? I’m crazy about jazz. I've been listening to jazz since I was a kid. Jazz is also one of my favorite. It is very relaxing. You are right. It seems that a lot of people listen to jazz to soothe them selves. It happens to have a jazz concert this night. Would like you to go with me? Sounds great!

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes Role play Reference for oral work Types of music: classical music country music folk music (民乐) gospel music (福音音乐) hip-hop (嬉蹦乐) Jazz pop music punk (朋克摇滚乐) rap (说唱音乐) rock R&B (节奏布鲁斯) blues (布鲁斯音乐)

Conversation 1 – Talking about likes Functional Language TALKING ABOUT LIKES What do you like / prefer? I live for… / I can’t live without… Do you like / love / enjoy…? I like / prefer… What is your favorite… ? I’m mad / crazy about… Are you fond of... ? I’m interested in… very much. I am fond of / keen on…

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes 1. Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear. The man prefers ____________ in his spare time. to do tai chi Word tips tai chi n. 太极 kung fu n. 中国功夫 flute n. 长笛 The woman is mad about _________. music The woman plays the __________ wonderfully. flute

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes 2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). The man takes tai chi and kung fu as the same form of martial arts. F The woman doesn’t like any sports. T F The man has taught the woman tai chi.

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes Scripts Woman: What do you prefer to do in your spare time? Man: I prefer to do tai chi. Wow, you like kung fu? No. I like tai chi. They are two different forms of martial arts. I dislike all sports. I’m mad about music, though. Ah, I remember you play the flute wonderfully. Thanks. I enjoy it very much. OK, if you ever want to take up a gentle sport, I can teach you tai chi. Thanks.

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes 3. Role-play a conversation in groups of three according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. Situation 1 A and B are in a romantic relationship. They are talking about what kind of food they’d like to have tonight. (Sample) Situation 2 A and B are in front of a movie theater. They are discussing what movie to see. (Sample) 18

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes 3. Role-play a conversation in groups of three according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. GUIDED CONVERSATION A: Ask B about what to eat / which movie to see. B: Give a suggestion. A: Show your dislike and give another suggestion. B: Show your dislike. Give the reason. A: Give another suggestion. B: Show agreement. 19

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1 Pam: What shall we have for dinner? Nick: How about having beef noodles? We have been having beef noodles for three days. I don’t feel like having it today. Let’s go to McDonald’s. I’m not crazy about McDonald’s. Fast food is not healthy. What about hot pot? We haven’t had hot pot for a while. Sounds great. I’m starving. Let’s go.

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2 Jack: Which movie would you like to see? Mary: How about The Croods? I have no interest in animations. How about The Others? No. I really hate horror movies. They are too scary to watch. Let’s watch Iron Man 3. It is said that this is a great movie. All right.

Conversation 2 – Talking about dislikes Functional Language TALKING ABOUT DISLIKES I don’t like… I really hate… I’m not crazy / mad about… I cannot stand / bear… I hate (doing) … I find… disgusting / dull.

1. Listen to a passage and check (✔) the speaker’s likes. watching TV ✔ dancing Word tips Andersen's Fairytales 《安徒生童话》 someday 有朝一日 ✔ listening to music ✔ drawing singing writing ✔ reading ✔

2. Listen again and complete the following passage with what you hear. Everyone has his own 1) __________, so do I. I like watching TV, listening to music, drawing, and writing. However, I like reading 2) __________. My mother often read stories to me at night until I was 3) __________ years old. After that, I started to read by 4) __________. My first book was Andersen’s Fairytales. From then on, I began to like reading. Now, I 5) __________ reading many kinds of books, newspapers, and magazines. And I learn a lot from reading. I hope I will be able to set up a 6) __________ of my own someday. hobbies best five myself enjoy library

Passage (Scripts) Everyone has his own hobbies, so do I. I like watching TV, listening to music, drawing, and writing. However, I like reading best. My mother often read stories to me at night until I was five years old. After that, I started to read by myself. My first book was Andersen’s Fairytales. From then on, I began to like reading. Now, I enjoy reading many kinds of books, newspapers, and magazines. And I learn a lot from reading. I hope I will be able to set up a library of my own someday.

Passage 3. Work in pairs to talk about your hobbies. Then report to the class what your partner likes to do in his / her spare time. (Sample) (Reference) Tom like traveling. When he was little, his parents took him to a lot of places. Now he starts to travel on his own. Whenever he has an opportunity to visit a new place, whether a village, city, mountain or seaside, he never miss it. When he travels around a new place, he takes many interesting pictures of people, building, monuments, etc. He think it’s exciting to see new places and meet different people.

Reference for oral work Passage Reference for oral work 1 Examples of hobbies: Sports: playing football / basketball / badminton / volleyball, jogging, doing yoga Collections: collecting stamps / postcards / comic books / badges (徽章) Music: playing the piano / the guitar/the violin / the drums Games: playing cards / chess / video games / online games / computer games Others: traveling / hiking / climbing hills / taking photos 27

Reference for oral work Passage Reference for oral work 2 Questions you can ask about hobbies: Do you have any hobbies? What are you interested in? What are you fond of? What do you often do in your spare time? 3 Replies to the questions about hobbies: I’m interested in... I’m fond of... I like... I enjoy... 28

Passage A Passage B Reading The pleasure of reading Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary 29

The pleasure of reading Passage A The pleasure of reading Lead-in Text study Exercises 30

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Lead-in Pre-reading questions Video appreciation Extended reading 31

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Pre-reading questions 1. Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1 Do you often read books? Yes, I love reading and I usually read books. 2 How much time a week do you spend on reading? I often spend five days a week in reading textbooks and extracurricular books. 32

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Pre-reading questions 2. Introduce a book you know well to the class. My favorite book is The Five Thousand Years History, which is about the history of China. The book is a collection of tales from Chinese history. It follows a timeline and covers a period from ancient times to the Qing Dynasty. 33

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Lead-in - Video appreciation Little box library

Passage A – The pleasure of reading scripts - Video appreciation Finally tonight one guy’s bright idea to start thinking inside the box, spreading his love of reading the old-fashioned way, you know, holding an actual book in your hands. As some libraries begin to disappear across America, neighbors are using pop-up libraries to fill the gap. We get the story tonight from NBC’s WA. For these 7th grade masters of the Internet age, a wooden box and what’s inside can still excite. I like the feeling of actually reading a book. Aha, the one I need. That’s exactly what Tom B hoped for when he made this to honor his mother June, a teacher with a passion for reading passed on to him.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading scripts - Video appreciation I created this little library that was a one-room school house that set on a post outside my house, and that was it. I didn’t plan on making any more libraries. But as is the case in many stories, there is a twist. Last week I made my 800th sign. Put your hand up there. Seeing the excitement around his library, B and his friends started offering support to people interested in having their own. The message: take a book, return a book. What began in Hudson Wisconsin, now expands at least to 28 states and countries around the world. Libraries have taken root at health clinics, stores, even bypass.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading scripts - Video appreciation Here in Wisconsin, the dairy capital of America, this little free library was made using four milk crates and the hinges came from iceboxes dating back to the 1920s. Bee hives, canoes, old phone booths all transformed into little free libraries. More than 75% of people built their own, so each is unique. But whether it is a living legacy or theme, made using storage box or recycled material. Couple of shelves inside. The reaction speaks volume. It’s awesome. It’s no longer just about books. 37

Passage A – The pleasure of reading scripts - Video appreciation The primary function of these little libraries is to bring people together, promote a sense of community. And Wow, does that work? Just seeing them sparks interest. I peeked inside and thought: this is so cool. I love this. And so I brought it home to the family and said :I wonder if we could do this too. And we could and we did. There really is for every one who walks by, it’s not mine, it’s all of ours. So the story of the little free library continues, ridden by people sharing them and the books inside. 38

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Lead-in - Extended reading Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. —Bacon  读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。 ——培根  All books are divisible into two classes: the books of  the  hour, and the books of all time. —John Ruskin  一切书籍都可以分为二类:即:一时之书与永久之书。   ——约翰·罗斯金 39

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Lead-in - Extended reading Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and  some few to be chewed and digested. —Bacon   一些书可以浅尝即止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书 则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。 ——培根 Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual.  —John Lubbock   书之于人类,犹如记忆于之个人。——约翰·拉伯克 

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Lead-in - Extended reading Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.  —Edmund Burke   读书不加思考,如同吃东西不经消化。 ——埃德蒙·柏克  People die, but books never die. No man and no force can  abolish memory. —Franklin Roosevelt   人会死亡,书却无朽。没有任何人可以丢弃记忆。 ——富兰克林·罗斯福 41

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Lead-in - Extended reading Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most  accessible and wisest of counselors; and  the most patient of teachers.  —C.W.Eliot   书籍是人类最宁静很最永恒的朋友,也是最易接近和最 具智慧的顾问,还是最有耐心的良师益友。  ——C.W.艾略特  The reading of all good books is like a conversation with  the finest men of past centuries. —Rene Descartes  读好书的感觉就如同与先哲们交谈。 ——雷内·笛卡尔 42

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Text study Text reading Organization of the text Language points

The pleasure of reading Passage A The pleasure of reading All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are available to all of us within the covers of books, but we must know how to make use of this treasure and how to get the most from it. The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read books. 2. I am most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them. Some of the most remarkable people I’ve met existed only in a writer’s imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then again, in my imagination. I’ve found in books new friends, new societies, and new worlds. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _____ 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语;按扫帚图标清楚所有标记;按上箭头回到上一层。

The pleasure of reading Passage A The pleasure of reading If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in how. The who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman 200 centuries in the future all the way back to the first figure in history. The how covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children. 4a. Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: Your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. ____________________________________________ _________________ ________________________ _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________

The pleasure of reading Passage A The pleasure of reading 4b.Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your own ideas develop as you understand his. 5. Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times. __________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________

The pleasure of reading Passage A The pleasure of reading 6. Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you that you ought to read, you probably won’t have fun. But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time—and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process. _________________________________________ ______________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________ 47

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Organization of the text Part I (Para. ______) 1 Introduction: The importance of reading. Structure Part II (Para. ______) 2-3 What we can read from books. Part III (Para. ______) 4-6 The process of reading. 48

Passage A – The pleasure of reading All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are available to all of us within the covers of books, but we must know how to make use of this treasure and how to get the most from it. (Line 1, Para. 1) 人类历史的智慧,世代为人们喜爱的故事,都能从书中获得,但我们必须懂得如何利用书籍这一珍宝,如何才能从中获益最多。 cover: n. the outer front or back part of a book, etc. 封面;封底 他的照片登上了这本著名杂志的封面。 His photo is on the cover of that famous magazine.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are available to all of us within the covers of books, but we must know how to make use of this treasure and how to get the most from it. (Line 1, Para. 1) make use of: to use sth. that is available in order to achieve sth. or to get an advantage for yourself 利用,使用 我们会好好利用学校里的图书馆。 We will make use of the library on our campus. 50

Passage A – The pleasure of reading All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are available to all of us within the covers of books, but we must know how to make use of this treasure and how to get the most from it. (Line 1, Para. 1) get the most from / out of to gain the greatest possible advantage from sth. 最大限度地利用 杰克学会如何最大程度地利用电脑。 Jack learnt how to get the most from his computer. 51

Passage A – The pleasure of reading The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read books. (Line 5, Para. 1) 世界上最不幸的人是那些从未发现读书多么令人满足的人。 unfortunate: adv. having bad fortune; unlucky 不幸的;倒霉的 因为一些不幸的突发事件,我是晚一天才得到这个信息。 Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read books. (Line 5, Para. 1) how satisfying it is to read books 是感叹句,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 to read books。感叹句的一种构成结构是“How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语”。 感叹句的另一种构成形式是“What + 形容词 + 名词(+ 主语 + 谓语)”。 他跑得多快啊! How quickly he runs! 这些玩具真可爱! What lovely toys (they are)! 53

Passage A – The pleasure of reading If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in how. (Line 1, Para. 3) 如果说我感兴趣的是人,别人感兴趣的则是事。 not so much… as… used to show that something is bigger, more difficult etc than people may think 与其说是······,不如说是······ 学校教育的最大用处与其说是教给你东西,不如说是教给你学习的技巧。 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning. 54

Passage A – The pleasure of reading The who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman 200 centuries in the future all the way back to the first figure in history. (Line 2, Para. 3) 书里的人物,从史书上记载的第一个重要人物到科幻小说里两万年后的超人,形形色色,应有尽有。 fiction: n. books and stories about imaginary people and events 小说 figure: n. someone who is important or famous in some way(重要的或有名的)人物,人士 公众人物应该注重自己的举止。 Public figures should pay attention to their manners.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading The how covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children. (Line 6, Para. 3) 书中的事,从福尔摩斯的神妙剖析,到科学的种种发现,直至教育孩子礼仪的各种方式,五花八门,无奇不有。 cover: v. to include or deal with sth. 包括,涉及;处理 这门课包含工商和法律学科的方方面面。 The course covers all aspects of business and law.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: Your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. (Line 1, Para. 4) 读书是一种精神的享受,有点类似体育运动:善于读书的人需要拥有强烈的渴望,渊博的学识和敏捷的反应。 reading 是动名词,在这里用作主语。动名词作主语时,谓语动词应使用单数形式。 a little: slightly or to a small degree 有些,有点 她进来时他多少有些吃惊。 He was a little surprised when she came in.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading Although they are separate, together they all add up to something… (Line 3, Para. 5) 尽管它们相互独立,但结合起来后便产生了意义······ separate: adj. not joined to or touching sth. elso 独立的,分开的 add up to: to lead to a particular result; to show sth. 结果是;表示 人们对犯罪的恐惧导致安保事业发达。 An increasing fear of crime has add up to a boom in the security business. 58

Passage A – The pleasure of reading … the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times. (Line 6, Para. 5) 一再困扰人类生活的问题也在文学作品里反复出现,只是不同时代的著作呈现了不同的锦囊妙计。 according to: in a way that is directly affected or determined by sth. 依据;取决于 我们会按照你所完成的任务的数量给你报酬. You will be paid according to the number of tasks you do.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 1, Para. 6) Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. 只有你期待读书给你带来乐趣,它才能真的给你乐趣。 expect: v. to think sth. will happen 预料,预期,预计 老师希望我能继续深造。 My teacher expected me to go on further study.

Passage A – The pleasure of reading But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time— and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process. (Line 4, Para. 6) 不如放下你手中不喜欢的书,另试一本,直到你找到一本有点看头的书,心情轻松地读下去,你必能乐在其中。通过博览群书,你变得愈加高尚、聪敏、和善、温雅,那时你就不会觉得读书是份苦差事了。

Passage A – The pleasure of reading But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time— and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process. (Line 4, Para. 6) mean sth. to sb: to be important to sb. 对某人重要 你不知道这个礼物对我意味着什么。 You don’t know how much this gift means to me. 62

Passage A – The pleasure of reading But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time— and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process. (Line 4, Para. 6) have a good time: to enjoy oneself very much 过得愉快,玩得痛快 上周末我们爬泰山玩得很愉快。 We had a good time in climbing Mount Tai last weekend. 63

Passage A – The pleasure of reading But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time— and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process. (Line 4, Para. 6) suffer: v. to experience physical or mental pain 感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) 常见用法:suffer from: 遭受······之苦 这位流行乐歌手学习歌唱时吃了不少苦。 The popular star suffered a lot in learning singing. 64

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 2, Para. 1) delight v. give great pleasure to; please greatly 使愉快;使高兴 她的歌唱使得人人欢喜。 Her singing delighted everyone. 我真为你的成功感到高兴。 That you succeeded delighted me so much. 派生词:delightful adj.令人愉快的 delighting adj. 让人高兴的

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 2, Para. 1) available adj. that can be obtained; able to be used 可得到的;可用的 你要的那本书没货。 The book you ordered is not available. 我们宿舍里能上网。 Internet is available in our dormitory. 反义词:unavailable adj.难以获得的 66

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 7, Para. 3) ingenious adj. very clever and original 巧妙的;别出心裁的 他头脑非常灵活。 He’s got an ingenious mind. 这东西的设计十分精巧。 The design of this item is really ingenious. 派生词:ingenuity n.灵巧,机敏 67

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 8, Para. 4) compared with bear comparison with 与······相比较 作为一个悲剧作家来讲,他与莎士比亚无法相比。 He can’t be compared with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 与之前的版本比较,这个设计方案好太多了。 Compared with the previous version, this design is so much better. 68

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 6, Para. 5) related adj. connected in some way 有关系的;相关的 你说的这些和我都没任何关系。 What you said is not in any way related to me. 所有相关人员必须明天到场。 Anyone related must be here tomorrow. 派生词:relation n. 关系 relative n. 亲戚 69

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 6, Para. 5) turn up to arrive or appear somewhere, especially unexpectedly(突然)出现 在她生日那天,他飞到她所在的城市,突然出现在她面前。 He took flight to her city and turn up on her birthday. 你遗失的那本书也许哪天能找到。 The book you lost may turn up someday. 同义短语:show up 70

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 2, Para. 6) concentrate on to give most of your attention to one thing 全神贯注于;专注于 你应该专心于你的工作。 You should be concentrating on your work. 如果你能全神贯注就没有解决不了的问题。 Nothing is too difficult if you concentrate on it. 派生词:concentration n. 专注,集中 71

Passage A – The pleasure of reading (Line 3, Para. 6) ought to used to say that sb. should do sth. 应该,应当(做某事) 你早就该做那件事了。 You ought to have done it earlier. 这种事就不应该得到准许。 Such things ought not to be allowed. 72

Passage A – Exercises Comprehension Vocabulary & Structure Translation

Passage A – comprehension 1. Match the six paragraphs of the passage with their main ideas. Paragraph 1 A Reading enables one to know more about remarkable people. Paragraph 2 B Reading can make your mind work. C People must know how to make use of books and benefit most from them. Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 D Reading may not be fun if you read the books that other people force you to read. Paragraph 5 E Books have a connection with each other. Paragraph 6 F There are various people and things in books.

Passage A – comprehension 2. Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1. Why does the writer like reading? Because the writer has found in books new friends, new societies, and new worlds, and believes that reading is a pleasure of the mind. 2. What do you think you can get from reading? I can benefit a lot from reading, such as learning the wisdom of the ages, knowing the stories throughout human history, meeting remarkable people, learning knowledge, etc.

Passage A – vocabulary and structure 1. Cross out (✘) the word in each group that does not belong. 1 mankind human people plant ✘ 2 writing book pen poem ✘ ✘ 3 concentrate separate focus centralize 4 ingenious creative boring inventive ✘ 76

Passage A – vocabulary and structure 2. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. 1. exist, existing Does the UFO really ___________? exist We need new computers to replace the _________ ones. existing 2. eager, eagerness Bob is ___________ to visit me. eager She shows great ___________ for success. eagerness

Passage A – vocabulary and structure 2. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. 3. explain, explanation He gave no ___________ for his fault. explanation Please ___________ the rule to me. explain 4. relation, related These two events were ___________ to each other. related Their ___________ seemed quite close. relation 78

Passage A – vocabulary and structure 3. Add the suffix “-ion”, “-sion”, “-tion”, “-ation”, or “-ition” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. relate compete explain express act explanation 1. The most likely ___________ is that his plane was delayed. 2. The government is taking immediate ___________ on the housing crisis (危机). action relation 3. There’s no ___________ between the two things 4. He won the gold medal in the volleyball ___________. competition expression 5. He read the letter with an ___________ of surprise.

Passage A – vocabulary and structure 4. Combine the following sentences using the structure “not so much…as…”. Sample: Others are not very interested in who. Others are interested in how. Others are interested not so much in who as in how. 1. I am not so skillful at skiing. I am skillful at skating. _____________________________________________ I am skillful not so much at skiing as at skating. 2. I am not very fond of the song. I am fond of the singer. _______________________________________________ I am fond not so much of the song as of the singer. 3. He is a hard worker rather than a genius. _______________________________________________ He is not so much a genius as a hard worker. 4. Success lies in hard work rather than in luck. _______________________________________________ Success lies not so much in luck work as in hard work. 80

Passage A – Translation 1. Choose the correct Chinese translations for the following sentences from the passage. I am most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them. ✔ A 我对人最为感兴趣,喜欢结识他们,喜欢了解他们。 ✘ B 我对人最为感兴趣,喜欢和他们约会,喜欢把他们找出来。 2. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something. ✘ A 尽管它们分散在各处,但聚在一起就成为了一体。 ✔ B 尽管它们相互独立,但结合起来后便产生了意义。

Passage A – Translation 2. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets. 1. 所有的比赛都要根据规则来进行。(according to) All games should be played _________________________. according to the rules 2. 这本书能给你用时就会通知你。(available) You will be informed when _____________________________. this book is available 3. 与我的房间相比,苏珊的房间就像是宫殿一样。(compared with) Susan’s room seemed like a palace ___________________. compared with mine

Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Passage B Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Lead-in Text study Exercises 83

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Lead-in Pre-reading activity Video appreciation Questions 84

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1 What do you usually do with paper in your daily life? I usually use paper to write down important things, such as homework, notes and memos; I also use paper to draw pictures or to wipe things. Nowadays people produce paper bags to carry books, vegetables and other stuff. 2 If given a piece of paper, what artwork would you make? If given a piece of paper, I would like to draw a scenery landscape with crayons on it.

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 3 Is there any creative paper artwork that impresses you? If yes, what is it like? Yes, there is. I have ever be impressed by a piece of Pure handmade Chinese traditional paper cutting—Chuang Hua. It is a spray of peony cutting from a piece of red paper. It is a symmetrical (对称的) design that is usually created by some folding over a proportioned crease (折叠). The peony looks so vivid and graceful that it can be passed for a genuine one.

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Lead-in - Video appreciation work study 87

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary scripts - Video appreciation Finally tonight a purely inspiring story of success and drive,a man whose persistence and desire to make a better life for himself gives a whole new meaning to the term work study. Our chief education correspondant WA has his story. Nearly 20 years ago, Filipy left his family in the former war-ravaged Yugoslavia, heading to America with no money, no job and no English-speaking skills. I moved to escape from the political problems. Filipy landed a job at Columbia University mopping the floor, cleaning mirrors and emptying the trash, 88

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary scripts - Video appreciation Is this your cart? That’s my cart. That custodial job turned into an education in the classes and now an Ivy League degree. The hardest for me was and still is elementary ancient Greek . The now 52 year-old was accepted into Columbia school of general studies back in 2000 and took advantages of free courses for employees. Filipy says juggling a full time job and one or two courses a semester got exhausting at times. He typically took morning classes so he could work the night shift till 11 pm., then he had to commute home. 89

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary scripts - Video appreciation Many times I did not sleep at all, especially when I had to write papers. But he says it was worth it. Sunday the custodian will receive a classic’s degree from the prestigious university, graduating with honors. It’s an inspiration for the, you know, the wider community. I would like that people they look at me at this age and they do not feel ashamed to go to school, capping a 20 year journey of learning valuable lessons by teaching. 90

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Questions about video clip What extraordinary achievement this man has accomplished? Why is that specially significant for him? What lessons can you learn from him? 91

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Text study Text reading Organization of the text Language points

Cutting the ordinary into the extraordinary Passage B Cutting the ordinary into the extraordinary 1. I love paper. I love the look of paper, I love the feel of paper, and I love the smell of paper—of fresh newspapers, magazines, and books. Paper helps us keep our treasured thoughts, record our fears, and hold dear our loves and successes. It is the medium that gives shape to the world. With imagination and creativity, we can cut the ordinary into extraordinary with a single piece of paper. 2. Peter Callesen does so. Since 2004, he has been turning two-dimensional surfaces into three-dimensional sculptures simply by means of a knife, some glue, a super-creative mind and two super-talented hands. From the white surface of ordinary A4 paper, a wonderful world arises. Stories are told without ever using a pen. _____________________ ________________________________________________ _________________ _____________________________ _________________________________________________ ______ 93

Cutting the ordinary into the extraordinary Passage B Cutting the ordinary into the extraordinary 3. Callesen was born in 1967 in Denmark. He was schooled in Denmark and London in the fields of art and architecture. Although his name may not be well-known on this side of the globe, his works, thanks to the Internet, certainly are. I have seen his works many times over the years, but still, I have always been quite taken by the stories they tell and the sheer beauty of his designs. Although some of his pieces are highly complex while others appear rather simple in design, all are impressive and rich in meaning. _______________ _________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________ 94

Cutting the ordinary into the extraordinary Passage B Cutting the ordinary into the extraordinary 4. “These playful works exist in the lost land of childhood, between dreams and reality,” Callesen said. “It is in the confrontation of these two worlds that these works of art become alive.” 5. Callesen’s large-scale works are truly impressive, but I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper. As the artist put it, “It is probably the most common and most widely used medium used for carrying information today. This is why we rarely notice the actual value of the A4 paper, which, I feel, we are all able to relate to in one way or another.” _________ ___________________________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _________________ 95

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Organization of the text Part I (Para. ______) 1 Introduction: I love paper. Structure Part II (Para. ______) 2-4 What Callesen can do with A4 paper. Part III (Para. ______) 5 Conclusion: The actual value of paper. 96

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Paper helps us keep our treasured thoughts, record our fears, and hold dear our loves and successes. (Line 3, Para. 1) 纸帮助我们保存弥足珍贵的思想,记录我们的恐惧,珍视我们的爱和成功。 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 我帮那个小孩抬着箱子。 I helped the kid (to) carry the box. 97

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Since 2004, he has been turning two-dimensional surfaces into three-dimensional sculptures… (Line 1, Para. 2) 自2004 年以来,他一直凭借自己的才华和双手,用刀、胶水将二维的平面化成三维的纸雕艺术。 has been turning 为现在完成进行时,其构成形式为“have / has + been + doing”,从过去某时开始一直。 I have been waiting you for about one hour.(说话时“等”这个动作刚结束) We have been living in this city since 1980.(说话时“住”这个动作仍在持续) 98

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Since 2004, he has been turning two-dimensional surfaces into three-dimensional sculptures… (Line 1, Para. 2) turn sb. / sth. (from A) to / into B: to make sb. / sth. (from A) become B 使某人/某物由 A 状态转为 B 状态 那次经历使得他成为一个成功人士。 The experience has turned him into a successful man. 99

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary He was schooled in Denmark and London in the fields of art and architecture. (Line 1, Para. 3) 他在丹麦和伦敦受教育,学习艺术和建筑学。 school: v. to train or teach sb. 训练;教育 她接受过正式场合发言方面的培训。 She was schooled in speaking in public. field: n. a subject that people study or are involved in as part of their work (研究或工作的) 学科,领域 他是音乐界大师。 He is a master in the field of music. 100

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary … but still, I have always been quite taken by the stories they tell and the sheer beauty of his designs. (Line 6, Para. 3) 但是,我还是总被他作品中的故事和他设计中纯粹的美丽吸引。 have been taken 为现在完成时的被动语态,其构成形式为 have / has + been + 过去分词。 我哥哥被派去新疆工作了。 My brother has been sent to work in Xinjiang. be taken by / with sth.: be attracted by sth. 被某事物吸引住,被某事物迷住 想到能去厦门我就心驰神往。 I am taken by the idea of going to Xiamen. 101

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Although some of his pieces are highly complex while others appear rather simple in design, all are impressive and rich in meaning. (Line 9, Para. 3) 虽然有一些作品极其复杂,另一些设计则很简单,但是其所有作品都令人难忘,意义深远。 impressive: adj. causing admiration 给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的 impressive 的动词形式为 impress (留下深刻印象);名词形式为 impression (印象)。-ive 为形容词后缀,加在动词或名词后面。 rich in: containing or providing a large supply of sth. 富含······的 苹果富含维生素C。 Apples are rich in vitamin C. 102

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary It is in the confrontation of these two worlds that these works of art become alive.” (Line 3, Para. 4) 艺术作品的活力就体现在梦想与现实的对立之中。 此句为强调句。it 可用来对句子的某一个成分加强调,本句中强调的是状语 in the confrontation of these two worlds。 强调句的结构为“it + be + 被强调的内容 + who(m) 或 that + 其他部分”;当强调的内容是人时,用 who 或that,如果强调物,则用that。 103

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary It is in the confrontation of these two worlds that these works of art become alive.” (Line 3, Para. 4) 艺术作品的活力就体现在梦想与现实的对立之中。 Nancy saw your sister in Beijing last week. 对于这句话,强调的内容不同,强调句也不同。 It was Nancy that / who saw your sister in Beijing last week. (强调主语) It was your sister that / whom Nancy saw in Beijing last week. (强调宾语) It was in Beijing that Nancy saw your sister last week. (强调地点状语) It was last week that Nancy saw your sister in Beijing. (强调时间状语) 104

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Callesen’s large-scale works are truly impressive, but I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper. (Line 1, Para. 5) 卡罗森的大型作品确实让人印象深刻,但我更钟情于他用A4 纸创作的精美纸雕。 large-scale 意为“大规模的”,是由“形容词 + 名词”构成的合成形容词,这类形容词有很多,如long-distance (长途的),late-night (深夜的),last-minute (最后一分钟的)。 105

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary Callesen’s large-scale works are truly impressive, but I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper. (Line 1, Para. 5) kind of: slightly or in some ways 有点;有几分 我虽没赢却有几分高兴。 I'm kind of glad I didn't win. prefer: v. to like sb. / sth. more than sb. / sth. else 更喜欢;prefer A to B: 更喜欢 A 而不是 B 咖啡和茶你更喜欢哪个? Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? 106

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary “… This is why we rarely notice the actual value of the A4 paper, which, I feel, we are all able to relate to in one way or another.” (Line 5, Para. 5) 因此我们极少注意到它的实际价值。我认为我们都能够以某种方式来领略这一价值 in one way or another: used to say that sb. does or will do sth. somehow, although they are not sure how 无论如何,以某种方式 无论如何你都会找到解决这个问题的办法。 We will find the solution to the problem in one way or another. 107

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 4, Para. 1) give shape to to explain or express sht. 表达;阐释 他觉得很难把他的想法明确表达出来。 He found it difficult to give shape to his idea. 比较短语:give an account of 讲述 108

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 6, Para. 1) by means of by using sth. or with the help of sth. 用······办法;借助于 如果你想通过喝酒来逃避问题,那是行不通的。 You can’t cover up your problems by means of drinking. 想法借助于言语来表达。 Thoughts are expressed by means of words. 109

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 1, Para. 2) arise v. to appear or happen 出现;发生 他的研究里遇到了一个新的难题。 A new difficulty has arisen in his research. 在他们出发之前起雾了。 A mist arose before they could get started on their journey. 110

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 3, Para. 2) thanks to because of 由于;多亏 幸亏你的帮助, 我们成功了。 Thanks to our help, we did it. 要感谢你我才能有这么棒的吃的。 Thanks to you, I'm having a wonderful meal. 同义短语:because of; owing to 111

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 6, Para. 1) sheer adj. complete and not mixed with anything else 纯粹的;十足的 听他的音乐完全是一种享受。 His music is sheer delight. 他纯粹是靠毅力获得了成功。 He accomplished the task out of sheer willpower. 112

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 6, Para. 1) confrontation n. a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement 对抗;对峙 与警察发生暴力冲突后有13人受伤。 Thirteen people were injured following violent confrontations with the police. 达尔文本质上是个胆小之人,他避免与人发生任何冲突。 Darwin was essentially a timid character, who avoided confrontation of any sort. 113

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 4, Para. 2) kind of slightly; to some extent 稍微;有点儿 我多少知道些他发生了什么事。 I kind of know what had happened to that guy. 走一天的路,我有点累。 I am kind of tired after a long day’s walking. 同义词组: sort of 114

Passage B – Cutting the ordinary into extraordinary (Line 1, Para. 4) rarely adv. not often很少地;不常 她最近很少来拜访我们。 She rarely visits us nowadays 我们很少下馆子。 We rarely eat in a restaurant. 115

Vocabulary & structure Passage B – Exercises Comprehension Vocabulary & structure Translation Oral work 116

Passage B – Comprehension 1. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Imagination and creativity are the key to paper cutting. T F 2 The name Peter Callesen is famous around the world. 3 Callesen’s works take people to a land of dream far from reality. F 4 Callesen’s works are always complex in design. F 5 The actual value of the A4 paper is often ignored because it is too common. T 117

Passage B – Comprehension 2. Answer the following questions. 1 Why does the writer love paper? The writer loves paper because it helps him to record his thoughts, emotions and experiences. It is the medium that facilitates his understanding of the world. 2 What makes Callesen’s works attractive and successful? Callesen’s works are impressive and rich in meaning, which makes his work attractive and successful. 118

Passage B – Vocabulary and structure 1. Put the following words and pictures under the corresponding pictures. sculpture confrontation childhood newspaper 1. ______________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 119

Passage B – Vocabulary and structure 2. Complete the following crossword based on the information given. 2) r e c o d 1 making a deep impression 2 to write information down for later use or reference 1) i m s v e 3 the true situation rather than imagined 3) l i t y r e a p 4 consisting of many different parts or details r e 4) c m p l o e x 5) h e r s h e 5 complete and not mixed with anything else 6) h g l y i h 6 very 120

Passage B – Vocabulary and structure 3. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs. 1 Tom cut the cake ___________ 10 pieces. into in 2 He is an expert ___________ the field of medicine. 3 They succeeded by means ___________ hard working. of into 4 Water turns ___________ ice when it freezes. 5 ___________ the boy’s help, we found the hotel easily. With 121

Passage B – Vocabulary and structure 4. Combine the sentence beginnings in Column A with the endings in Column B to form complete sentences. Column A Column B She won the Oscar thanks to... ... he went on working. Although he was tired... ...that I met her father. ... which is about five hours’ ride from here. I prefer staying at home... It was in the street.... ... her great performance. He lives in a town... ... to going out. 122

Passage B – Translation 1. Choose the correct Chinese translations for the following sentences from the passage. 1. I have always been quite taken by the stories they tell and the sheer beauty of his designs. ✔ A 我一直被他作品中的故事和他设计中纯粹的美丽吸引。 ✘ B 我总是被他作品中的故事和他设计中非凡的美丽感动。 2. I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper. ✔ A 我有点偏爱他用A4 纸创造出的精致的作品。 ✘ B 我有点喜爱他用A4 纸创造出的微妙的作品。 123

Passage B – Translation 2. Translate the Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets. 1.他觉得很难把自己的想法表达出来。(give shape to) He found it difficult to ________________________. give shape to his idea 2.讨论中出现了很多问题。(arise) Many problems _____________________________. arise in the discussion 3.他的发言和现存的问题无关。(relate to) His speech doesn’t ___________________________. relate much to the current matters 124

Work in groups to do the following activities. Passage B – Oral work Work in groups to do the following activities. 1 Talk about your favorite art design and give the reason why you like it. 2 Each group chooses one art design mentioned by the group members and collects information about it, such as its designer, characteristics ( 特点), and meaning. 3 Each group chooses a representative to give a presentation on the art design. Words and expressions you may use • creative • complex• grand • interesting• inspiring • original • remarkable • unique • shape: circle 圆形 / square 正方形 / rectangle 长方形 / triangle 三角形 / oval 椭圆形 • color: silver 银色 / sky-blue 天蓝色 / cyan 青色 / orange 橙色 125

Grammar Verbs (动词) Exercises

Grammar - Verbs Verbs (动词) 动词是用来表示动作或状态的词,一般分为实义动词、助动词、情态动词和连系动词。这四类动词中,只有实义动词可以独立作谓语。实义动词又根据其后能否直接加宾语而分为及物动词(vt.,transitive verb,可直接加宾语)和不及物动词(vi.,intransitive verb, 不能直接加宾语)。 本单元首先介绍连系动词。连系动词本身没有词义,其后必须接表语(亦称补语)来说明主语的状况、性质、特征等,表明主语“ 是什么”或“怎么样”。表语通常由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当。 127

1 Her sister is an athlete. 此句中,连系动词is 后接表语 an athlete,说明主语“是什么”。 Grammar - Verbs Verbs(动词) be 是最基本的连系动词。 1 Her sister is an athlete. 此句中,连系动词is 后接表语 an athlete,说明主语“是什么”。 2 The apple he ate was big. 此句中,连系动词was 后接表语big,说明主语“怎么样”。 * be 也可作助动词,用于构成时态和语态 (详见 Unit 7)。

常用的连系动词还有 appear,become,get,seem,look,smell,sound,feel,remain,stay 等。 Grammar - Verbs Verbs(动词) 常用的连系动词还有 appear,become,get,seem,look,smell,sound,feel,remain,stay 等。 1 The basketball player’s performance became better because of hard practice. 2 The flowers smell sweet. 3 The weather still remains cold in April. 这些动词既可以当实义动词,在句中独立作谓语,也可以作连系动词,后接表语构成系表结构来充当谓语。 129

实义动词 连系动词 Grammar - Verbs Verbs (动词) If you look carefully you can see our house on the other side of the river. Jeremy looked a little tired after the training. I could feel the warm sun on my back. I feel sad about the result of the game. The bell sounded, telling people it was 12 o’clock. A cup of tea sounds perfect. 130

1 Johnson went ( ) into the room and lighted ( ) the fire. I T Grammar - Exercises 1. Identify transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, and linking verbs among the underlined words in the following sentences and put them into the corresponding columns. 1 Johnson went ( ) into the room and lighted ( ) the fire. I T 2 The fire made ( ) all the difference; the room became ( ) alive at once. T L 3 Birds fly ( ) in the sky. I 4 Tina’s face remained ( ) expressionless ( 无表情的). L 5 Bolt ( 博尔特) overcame ( )a slow start to cross ( ) the line in an Olympic record time of 9.63 seconds. T T

1. The sky ___________ dark and it began to rain. Grammar - Exercises 2. Complete the following sentences with proper linking verbs below. Change the form if necessary. grew 1. The sky ___________ dark and it began to rain. feel 2. Why do you ___________ so sad? 3. It’s already 10 in the morning, but the store _________ closed. What’sthe matter? remains tastes 4. This tea is very weak. It ___________ like water. 5. The cloth that ________ smooth and soft sells well. feels

Writing Warm-up Notes Exercises 133

Writing - Using correct pronouns Warm-up Read the following sentences and discuss the problems of them in groups. 1. Grace told Lucy she would receive a piano as a birthday present. 代词 she 指代不明,即可指代 Grace,也可指代 Lucy。 2. As David stepped into the hall, they sang the most beautiful song to him. 代词 they 没有明确所指。 134

Writing - Using correct pronouns Warm-up Read the following sentences and discuss the problems of them in groups. 3. In the U.S.A., you can really know what the American Dream is. 代词 you 不能用来泛指人。 4. When I learned of the victory of Chinese athletes, this made me more than excited. 代词 this 不能用来泛指前文所传递的信息。 135

Writing - Using correct pronouns 一、代词有唯一所指 Bob told Michael he had done a very good job in the concert. (✘) 此句中he 既可指代Bob, 也可指代Michael,这必然造成读者理解上的困扰,可以通过引用直接引语或变换表达方式来修改: Bob said to Michael, “Michael, you have done a very good job in the concert.” (直接引语),或者 Bob said to Michael, “I have done a very good job in the concert.” (直接引语) Bob had done a very good job in the concert, and he told it to Michael. (变换表达),或者 Michael had done a very good job in the concert, and Bob congratulated him. (变换表达)

Writing - Using correct pronouns 二、代词有明确所指 When he went by the doghouse, they rushed to the fence and barked at him. (✘) 此句中they 所指应该是dogs,但句中并没有出现dogs。代词they 没有明确所指,对理解造成困扰,可以修改为: When he went by the doghouse, dogs rushed to the fence and barked at him.

Writing - Using correct pronouns 三、代词it, they 和 you 不可用于泛指 1 In ancient times, you cannot use computers. (✘) 2 It says in the TV program that the famous basketball player may retire. (✘) 3 Throughout China, they like the panda. (✘) 上述三例中的you, it 和they 都没有明确的所指,所以应该把它们分别改为one,someone, everybody 这样的不定代词, 表示泛指: In ancient times, one cannot use computers. Someone says in the TV program that the famous basketball player may retire. Throughout China, everybody likes the panda.

Writing - Using correct pronouns 四、代词this 和 that 不可滥用 1 When I lost my phone; that made me depressed. (✘) 2 Jim won the lottery, that was exciting. (✘) 例1 中的 that 容易被误以为指代 my phone;例2 中的 that 也容易被误以为指代the lottery,可以通过删去代词this 和that,用动名词作主语的方法加以改正: Losing my phone made me depressed. Jim’s winning of the lottery was exciting. 也可通过引入名词使指代明确的方法来改正: I lost my phone; this bad luck made me depressed. Jim won the lottery; that fortune was exciting.

Writing - Using correct pronouns 总结: 英文中除了不定代词,其他代词一定要有明确所指,否则就会 出现意义模糊或指代不明的现象。认真学习和掌握代词的使用规则,为写出规范的文章打好基础。

Correct the following sentences. Writing - Exercises Correct the following sentences. 1. Miller told Sam that he was still responsible for the organization of the ceremony.. Miller told Sam, “I am still responsible for the organization of the ceremony.” Or : Miller told Sam, “Sam, you are still responsible for the organization of the ceremony.” Or : Miller is still responsible for the organization of the ceremony, and he told it to Sam. 2. Helen called 110, but they didn’t arrive in time. Helen called 110, but the police didn’t arrive in time. 3. People say you cannot avoid two things: death and taxes. People say one cannot avoid two things: death and taxes.

Correct the following sentences. Writing - Exercises Correct the following sentences. 4. Barbara was driving her father’s car for the first time, this made her nervous. Driving her father’s car for the first time made Barbara nervous. Or : Barbara was driving her father’s car for the first time; this fact made her nervous. 5. David knew he had failed the test, that was very sad. Knowing he had failed the test was very sad for David. Or : David knew he had failed the test; this bad news was very sad.

Culture express - Famous literary works Questions

Culture express - Famous literary works Match the following writers with their masterpieces and the countries they are from. William Shakespeare (威廉·莎士比亚) Anna Karenina (《安娜·卡列尼娜》) France Ernest Hemingway (欧内斯特·海明威) The Three Musketeers (《三个火枪手》) U.K. Leo Tolstoy (列夫·托尔斯泰) Hamlet (《哈姆雷特》) Russia Alexandre Dumas (亚历山大·仲马) The Old Man and the Sea (《老人与海》) Germany The Sorrows of Young Werther (《少年维特的烦恼》) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德) U.S.A. 144

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 1 William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is an English poet and playwright, widely considered to be the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s dramatist. He is often named as England’s national poet. His extant works consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets (十四行诗), two long narrative poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language. They are performed more often than those of any other playwright.

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 1 William Shakespeare Hamlet is Shakespeare’s longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet takes on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius’ brother and Prince Hamlet’s father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking Gertrude, the old king’s widow and Prince Hamlet’s mother, as his wife. 146

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 2 Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) is an American novelist and short-story writer, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. He is noted both for the intense masculinity (阳刚之气) of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life. His succinct (简练的) prose style has a powerful influence on American and British fiction in the 20th century. Many of his works are regarded as classics of American literature. 147

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 2 Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea is a novel written by Hemingway in 1951, and published in 1952. It is the last major work of fiction in his lifetime. As one of his most famous works, it centers upon Santiago, an aging fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin (金枪鱼) far out in the Gulf Stream. The Old Man and the Sea is cited as contributing to the awarding of the Nobel Prize for Literature to Hemingway in 1954. 148

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 3 Leo Tolstoy Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a famous Russian writer, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. His best known works include Anna Karenina, and War and Peace. Tolstoy’s works show his ability to observe the smallest changes of consciousness and to record the slightest movements of the body. Some view Tolstoy as the embodiment of nature and pure vitality (活力), others see him as the incarnation of the world’s conscience, but for almost all who know him or read his works, he is not just one of the greatest writers who ever lived but a living symbol of the search for life’s meaning. 149

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 3 Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina is a tragic novel by Tolstoy. Anna Karenina is a beautiful, aristocratic (贵族的) married woman, whose pursuit of love and emotional honesty makes her an outcast (被抛弃者) from society. She ends up committing suicide because of the pressure of social conventions she must face. Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel. 150

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 4 Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) is one of the most popular French authors of the 19th century. His novels have been translated into nearly 100 languages, which have made him one of the most widely recognized French authors in history. Dumas succeeds in gaining a great reputation first as a dramatist and then as a historical novelist, especially for such works as The Count of Monte Cristo (《基督山复仇记》) and The Three Musketeers. 151

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 4 Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers was first published in serial form in a newspaper between March and July in 1844. Set in the 17th century, it describes the adventures of a young man named d’Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris and joins the Musketeers of the Guard. D’Artagnan is not one of the musketeers of the title; those are his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, close friends who live by the motto “all for one, one for all”, a motto which is first put forward by d’Artagnan. 152

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 5 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) is a German poet, novelist, playwright, and natural philosopher, the greatest figure of the German Romantic period and of German literature as a whole. He is well-known for the novel The Sorrows of Young Werther and the two-part tragedy Faust (《浮士德》). 153

Culture express - Famous literary works Additional information 5 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Sorrows of Young Werther is an epistolary (书信体) and loosely autobiographical novel by Goethe. The majority of The Sorrows of Young Werther is presented as a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist of highly sensitive and passionate temperament, and sent to his friend Wilhelm. This book makes Goethe one of the first international literary celebrities. As an important novel in German literature, The Sorrows of Young Werther, of all his further works, is the most known to the general public and influenced the later Romantic literary movement. 154

Culture express - Questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1. Which Chinese writer do you like best? Why? Of all the Chinese writers, I like Cao Xueqin very much. He was born into a noble and powerful family, which, however, was reduced from extreme prosperity to poverty. The life of luxury in his boyhood helped him become familiar with the ways of noble families and the ruling classes, while poverty in his old age enabled him to observe life more clearly and sharply. Based on his own understanding of life and with his progressive ideas, serious attitude and high writing skills, he was able to create A Dream of Red Mansions, a book regarded as one of the greatest Chinese classical novels. Of its 120 chapters, the first 80 were written by Cao Xueqin, while the last 40 chapters were thought to have been written by another writer, Gao E.

Culture express - Questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 2. Which one of his / her works do you like best? Why? I like Cao Xueqin’s masterpiece, A Dream of Red Mansions, best. As one of the four literary classics of ancient China, it describes the life and declining fortunes of a large feudal family. At the heart of the novel is a tragic love story among Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, who are all tragic figures. The author also portrays a large number of servant girls such as Qingwen and Yuanyang, who are kind, pure and brave. A Dream of Red Mansions reflects high aesthetic quality in many aspects including poetry, drama, art, architecture, and gardens. In China, it is praised as an encyclopedia for analyzing feudal society. 156