Module 4 Vocabulary.


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Module 4 Vocabulary

P43 节奏,律动 _______ adj. __________ rhythm rhythmic P44 move ___________ In fact, she could hardly _________________. (动弹) (06重庆) _____________________ (文艺运动) called the Renaissance began in Florence. 活动,(政治、社会或思想)运动, 移动 n. movement make any movement The artistic movement 民族主义运动, 爱国运动 a nationalist / patriotic movement

technique 技巧,手法 (C);技能(U) ___________ 面试技巧_______________ 技术__________ 技术员_________ 技术的(adj.)__________ interview techniques technology technician technical P45: approach n. 1)方法,途径 (C) 让我们用一个新方法来处理这个问题。 Let’s take a new approach to the problem. Let’s take a new approach to dealing with the problem 2) 接近,走近(常用单数) He was warned of the approach of the enemy. All approaches to downtown Chengdu are blocked. 3) 通道,入口(C)

approach v. 1)(时间,距离上)接近;靠近 The children approached the birds quietly and watched them.(08福建) The global energy crisis is approaching.(08福建) 2) 接近(某人);找---商量 他难以接近。 He is rather difficult to approach.

1.________________ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. 2. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy to the digital resources of the library. access B. passage C. way D. approach 3. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ____ of their parents. Approaching A that

decline n. (C &U n.) 减少,下降,衰退 经济衰退 ______________ 人口急剧下降。 There is _____________________ population. During the last ten years, the film industry has been ________________________.(陷入衰退) decline 1) vi. 减少,下降;衰退,恶化 去年,到这个景点旅游的人数下降了10%。 The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year. 他的健康状况迅速恶化。 His health was declining rapidly. 2) vt. & vi. 拒绝,谢绝 I offered to give him a lift but he declined with thanks. His smile implied that he wouldn’t decline our invitation, although he said nothing. the economic decline a sharp decline in in decline / on the decline

The form cannot be signed by anyone ___ yourself. (2011全国) A The form cannot be signed by anyone ___ yourself. (2011全国) A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. better than It took ___ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too. (09浙江) A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than It was the driver___ the cyclist who was to blame for the traffic accident happening this morning in the street. A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. beside

take taking 连接的成份一致! rather than Rather than _______a taxi, I would walk home. 2) Rather than _______a taxi, I enjoys walking home. A. take B. taking C. to take D. took take taking 连接的成份一致!

Module 4 Music born in America Reading & vocabulary Module 4 Music born in America

Special terms DJ:流行音乐播音员,流行音乐节目主持人(disc jockey驾驶员) DJ-ing 打碟音乐: 打碟就是DJ用打碟机和混音台,把多首不同的电子音乐剪接得天衣无缝。一般DJ打碟都在夜店、酒吧等地方。 3. Graffiti 涂鸦 MC=master of ceremonies

4. Reggae: 雷鬼、雷格 As a style of contemporary Caribbean music originating in Jamaica, reggae is seen as one of the most influential music in the world. The word reggae does not mean one style of music but several styles.

5.Turntable 转盘

6. Breakdance 霹雳舞,舞蹈的一种形式。只有那些贴近地面,以头、肩、背、膝为重心,迅速旋转、翻滚的动作才叫“霹雳”。霹雳舞一开始只不过是城市青年以一种非暴力形式炫耀他们的体力的方式,后来却迅速发展成为一种街头文化。

Vocabulary DJ (disk jockey) hip hop graffiti microphone percussion rap reggae turntable 音乐唱片节目主持人 嬉蹦乐 n.涂鸦 n.麦克风,话筒 n.打击乐器 n.说唱乐 n.雷盖 n.转盘,唱盘

Vocabulary movement MC-ing technique Jamaica side by side improvise vocal approach n.运动 n.司仪,节目主持 n.技巧,手法 n.牙买加 并排,并肩 v.即兴演奏,即兴表演 adj.嗓音的 n.方法,步骤

Vocabulary be bored with disco decline take advantage of backing track rapper emerge 厌烦 n.迪斯科 n.衰退,下降,拒绝 利用 伴奏曲 n.说唱乐歌手 v.出现

(a) becoming more popular (b) becoming less popular took advantage of Page 46—5 Vocabulary in decline (a) becoming more popular (b) becoming less popular took advantage of (a) used (b) didn’t use 3. the next generation (a) the people who follow immediately (b) people 20 years later 18

(a) went to other places (b) stayed in the same place Vocabulary 4. spread (a) went to other places (b) stayed in the same place 5. strongly influence (by) (a) affected a lot (b) didn’t affected at all emerged (a) disappeared (b) appeared 19

1. The instrumental music behind a singer’s voice is called the ____________ . 2. Drums and similar instruments are called __________. 3. ___________ is music that people dance to in clubs. 4. Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called ____. backing tracks percussion Disco music rap

5. ______ is a kind of music that comes from the Caribbean. 6. The ____ of a song makes you want to dance! 7. ______________ is produced on a computer. 8. __________ can be very noisy. 9. Musicians ______ their songs in a studio. Reggae beat Electronic music Rock music record

What’s the relationship between hip hop and the four styles?

T F T Page 45 True or false 1. Hip hop is the result of a combination of North American and Caribbean influences. 2. Jamaican DJs continued to play reggae music even though the audiences didn’t like it. 3. Hip hop was successful because it doesn’t cost a lot of money to do it. T F T

T F True or false 4. After the early recording, rap artists changed the way they recorded their songs. 5. Hip hop music is only produced in the United States. T F

American cultural movement Part 1 What’s hip hop and how did it start? Hip Hop what American cultural movement when started in the 1970s where at block parties in New York main aspects breakdance, graffiti art, DJ-ing, rapping (MC-ing) 25