Taroko National Park 組員: 李至賢 林于婷 張美琦


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Presentation transcript:

Taroko National Park 組員: 92409001 李至賢 92409004 林于婷 92409005 張美琦 組員: 92409001 李至賢 92409004 林于婷 92409005 張美琦 92409019 翁鳳卿

INTRODUCTION Taroko National Park is located in the eastern Taiwan country of Hualien. It has majestic mountain streams, the Eternal Spring Shrine, Swallow’s Grottoes, Tunnel of Nine Turns etc. 太魯閣國家公園位於台灣東邊的花蓮。 他有著威嚴的山和河流、長春祠、燕子口、九曲洞等景點。

http://202. 39. 225. 132/jsp/Eng/html/attractions/scenic_spots. jsp

Traffic Public Conveyance: Bus Lines:From the Hualien Railway Station, take the Hualien Bus Lines that go towards Chongder, to reach the southern section of Chongder Road By car:From Hualien, take highway 9 northwards; from Su-ao, take highway 9 southwards. Both will lead you onto the Su-Hua highway Connection Highway no. 9

Tunnel of Nine Turns 通往九曲洞的小徑有 1.9公里,步行大約 30分鐘,而觀賞大理 石峽谷、立霧溪支 The trail for the Tunnel of Nine Turns is 1.9 kilometers and takes about thirty minutes one way at a leisurely pace. It is one of the best ways to enjoy the marble gorge, the Liwu River and its tributaries, the sheer cliffs, tunnels, the rich flora in the canyon and the effects of the wind patterns in the gorge. 通往九曲洞的小徑有 1.9公里,步行大約 30分鐘,而觀賞大理 石峽谷、立霧溪支 流、峭壁、隧道、鮮 豔植物及蜿蜒效果最 好的分法就是步行。 http://www.taroko.gov.tw/ENGLISH/scenic.htm


Swallow Grotto 在太魯閣裡的陡峭峭壁及迂迴道路讓這段公路成為最壯觀的景點。在這峭壁裡的洞穴---燕子口—是被河水及砂石地不斷衝擊磨損而來的。而此洞穴的名稱是因為有人報導燕子在洞裡築巢,事實上,可以在春、夏季看到燕子群飛翔,但並沒有確切證據說明洞裡是否有鳥巢。 The steep cliffs and winding road make this part of the highway the most spectacular for scenic viewing in Taroko Gorge. The holes in the cliff face at Swallow Grotto were formed by constant wearing by the river and the impact of river-borne rocks. The grotto gets its name from reports of swallows nesting in the holes. In fact, flocks of swallows can be seen flying in the area in spring and summer, but no evidence of actual nesting in the holes has been found. http://www.taroko.gov.tw/ENGLISH/scenic.htm

Eternal Spring Shine Eternal Spring Shrine commemorates 212 workers who died in building the Central Cross Island Highway. High above the shrine, visitors can see the traditional style bell and drum towers. Every day the bell is rung to welcome the morning, and the drumbeat bids farewell to the setting sun. 常春祠是為了紀念那212位當時建造中橫公路的工人所建造的。在長春祠上,觀光客可以看見傳統型的鐘和鼓塔,每天都會敲鐘來迎接早晨,並用鼓聲來告別落日。 http://www.taroko.gov.tw/ENGLISH/scenic.htm


Shenmi(Mystery) Valley Trail 神秘谷 One of the most notable features of this trail is that it requires numerous river crossing.The sunlight on the clear waters produce a different and perhaps even more beautiful glimmering. 這小境最著名的特色之一就是他需要大量的河水橫渡。在陽光的照射下會產生一種不一樣且又更漂亮的微光。 http://tour-hualien.hl.gov.tw/english/tour_index.htm

http://tour-hualien. hl. gov. tw/chinese/12_travel_02_map. aspx http://tour-hualien.hl.gov.tw/chinese/12_travel_02_map.aspx?id=231&flag=1

攜帶物品 照相機 ( camera ) 防曬油 ( suntan lotion ) 陽傘 ( umbrella ) 錢 ( money ) 水 ( water ) 小點心 ( cookie )

Feeling The Taroko National Park is a place of magnificent sight . Inside , there are many different of wild animals and wild plants . To visit the Taroko National Pak , you can breathe fresh air . go hiking , relax mentality , and see the natural power . In fact , you can even understand the culture of the Atayal Tribe , include food , building , clothe , language , and lifestyle ect . The Taroko National Park is must worthful to go playing with family members , friends , or lovers . And you will have a good time .