Welcoming the New Year 東大版英文第一冊第八課.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcoming the New Year 東大版英文第一冊第八課

單字 clap celebration 拍手 慶祝活動 meaning slam 意義 把…砰地關上 alike lock 相似的 鎖住 decorate 裝飾 celebration 慶祝活動 slam 把…砰地關上 lock 鎖住 midnight 午夜

單字 clown 小丑 magician 魔術師 perform 表演 trick 戲法 temple 寺廟 sunrise 朝霞 receive 收到 adult 成人

練習看看 1.慶祝活動 celebration / slam / lock 2.意義 midnight / clap / meaning 3.裝飾 alike / clown / decorate

練習看看 4.表演 trick / magician / perform 5.日出 temple / sunrise / decorate 6.收到 receive / adult / temple

練習看看 7. At this movie theater, movie tickets are NT$250 for ______ and NT$180 for children. perform / alike / adult 8. Ivan got up before _____ so that he could catch the earliest train in the morning. sunrise / meaning / magician

片語 all over the world 世界各地 Chinese people all over the world celebrate the Chinese New Year holiday in almost the same way. take a look at 看一下 I took a look at the jacket and said it wasn’t mine.

片語 keep …away 使不靠近 Remember to keep the children away from sharp knives. in the middle of 在…當中 There is an island in the middle of the lake.

片語 clean up 整理 I spent a whole afternoon cleaning up my room because it was quite dirty. sent away 送走 Mr. Lin sent his daughter away to school in the United States.

片語 stay up 熬夜 Betty never stays up late; she always goes to bed before 10:30 p.m. wake up 醒來 Kirsten likes to wake up early and exercise before going to work.

練習看看 1.看一下 all over the world / keep…away / take a look at 2.整理 clean up / in the middle of / send away 3.熬夜 stay up / wake up / keep…away

文法 S + Vt + O + by + N / V-ing 藉著…透過…

文法 It + be + Adj (+ for someone) + to V… = To V + be + Adj (+ for someone) it 為虛主詞