Reporting on Sustainable development A gift for the future


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting on Sustainable development A gift for the future Project Reporting on Sustainable development A gift for the future

Sustainable development If we want to avoid these bad effects, what kind of development do we need? Sustainable development

What is the gift for the future? Step1 Title What is the gift for the future? Renewable resources for sustainable development

Step2 Structure Part 1 (paragraphs _____) Part 2 (paragraphs _____) Importance of sustainable development Part 2 (paragraphs _____) fossil fuels Part 3 (paragraphs _____) renewable energy 1-3 4-5 6-10

Part 1 (paragraphs 1-3) 1. What do you think of the development in the past? It polluted the environment and wasted natural resources. 2. Compared to the development in the past, what are the advantages of sustainable development? Sustainable development is long-term planning which focuses on the environment and preserving natural resources. It is all about creating better health care, education, housing and improved standards of living for everyone.

3. Why should we put sustainable development into practice? Because without sustainable development, our future and the lives of our children and our grandchildren will be in danger. 4. What do we depend on to provide energy in our modern lives? We mostly depend on fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil to produce energy.

Part 2 (paragraphs 1-3) Fill in the blanks 高考链接 Fossil fuels, which are found _______ and called _____________ sources of energy, will ____ out in the foreseeable future. Burning fossil fuels makes ___________ to air, water and soil pollution and ______ global warming and acid rain. underground non-renewable run contributions causes 高考链接

Part 3 (paragraphs 6-10) Forms of energy What do we do with the energy Advantages Solar energy Wind energy Hydro - electricity use the sun’s natural energy to provide heat, light, hot water and electricity. renewable; never run out; help the environment. use windmills to pump water and grind wheat; use wind turbines to generate electricity. use the force of the water flow to produce and transmit electricity.

True or false F 1.In the next few decades, the world’s population will increase by about nine billion people 2.It is true that the past development has polluted the environment and wasted the natural resources. 3.One possible solution under discussion to the future development is sustainable development. 4.It’s easy to draw everybody’s attention to environment and preserve natural resources. 5.Our future is closely related to sustainable development, without which the lives of our children and our grandchildren will be at risk. 6.Today, wind turbines which are placed at least twenty metres above the ground are used to produce electricity to T T F T F thirty

Homework 1. Read the article on Page122 and answer the questions below. 2. Read the whole passage carefully again and get a further understanding. 3. Preview next part: Word power.

Step3 Phrases 1. 在未来数十年中 2. 敲响警钟 3. 污染环境 4. 浪费自然资源 5.一个可能解决方案 6. 可持续发展 7. 关注 8. 生活水平 9. 把…付诸实施 10. 矿物燃料 11. 枯竭/耗尽 12. 在可预见未来 1. in the next several decades 2. set alarm bells ringing 3. pollute the environment 4. waste natural resources 5. one possible solution to 6. sustainable development 7. focus on 8. standards of living 9. put sth into practice 10. fossil fuels 11. run out 12. in the foreseeable future

Phrases 13. 促成/引发 14. 努力争取 15. 替代能源 16. 太阳能 17. 抽水 18. 风涡轮 19. 可再生能源 20. 水电站 21. 在水源之上 22. 初步措施 23. 蓄意破坏 13. contribute to 14. push for 15. alternative energy sources 16. solar energy 17. pump water 18. wind turbines 19. renewable energy sources 20. hydroelectric power plants 21. over a water source 22. tentative steps 23. systematic destruction

Language points

典型题例 increase by 和increase to 的区别: increase by增加了 表示增加或减少的幅度 用by It has been estimated that the earth’s surface temperature has increased ____ one quarter to three quarters of a degree since 1850. A. to B. by C. at D. with 据估计自1850年以来地表温度增长了1/4到3/4度。 典型题例

高考链接 2. (03上海) One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) in the number of natural disasters. A.result B.account C.reason D.increase

1. The world’s population will increase to about nine billion people 1. The world’s population will increase to about nine billion people. (L2-3) 世界人口将增长到大约九十亿 The price has increased by 50%. 物价已增长了50% 2. This should set alarm bells ringing. (L4) 这应该给人们敲响警钟。 set sb/sth doing What he said set us thinking 他的话使我们深思。

典型题例 run out 和 run out of的区别 sb. run out of sth. 某人用完某物 sth. run out 某物被用完 这个结构用主动的形式表示被动的意思 -Oh, dear, don't sleep any longer, we will run out of the time soon. -Do you mean _____? A. time will run out of B. time will run out C. time will be run out D. few time has gone by 典型题例

3.Some people believe that oilfields and coal seams will run out in the foreseeable future.(45) 一些人相信在可预见的未来内油田和煤层将会枯竭 Our food and water has _______ . We have _________water and food. run out run out of 4.This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to put into practice (L20) 这是一个简单的想法,不过也是一个难于付诸实 践的理念 Put sth into practice 把 … 付诸实践 We tried hard to put our plan into practice 我们努力实践我们的计划。

in practice : 1.=in fact 事实上 Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office. 2. 在实践上;实际上 The plan worked well in practice. 这个计划很行得通。 3. 在不断练习中 You should keep yourself in practice. 你应该经常练习。

5. Carbon dioxide contributes to air ,water and soil pollution.(L49) 二氧化碳是造成空气、水和土壤污染的原因之一。 contribute to 促成,引发 Various factors contributed to his failure. 几个因素造成了他的失败。 make contributions to 对…作出贡献 6.This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources. (L53) push for 努力争取 They are pushing for a quick solution to the problem. 他们在催促快速解决这个问题的方案。

be / become conscious of 对…有认识 7.As people are becoming more conscious of protecting the environment… (L59) 随着人们对保护环境的更加关注… be / become conscious of 对…有认识 He got very nervous when he became conscious of being watched. 当他意识到被监视时,感到很紧张。 8. Tentative steps are being taken to introduce these forms of renewable energy.(L92) 人们在采取初步措施,来引入此类可再生能源。 take steps to do sth. 采取措施做… Steps must be taken to prevent air and water pollution. 必须采取措施来预防空气和水污染。