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Presentation transcript:

A NEW DIMENSION OF LIFE AVA Jingbian Middle School

Please enjoy some beautiful pictures and video about sea animals.

Now, we are going on a snorkeling trip into the depths of the ocean!

parrotfish 鹦嘴鱼

Sea-slug 海蛞蝓

eel 鳝;鳗

Giant clam

grey reef shark 灰礁鲨

grey reef shark


Teaching task 1: Glance quickly through the diary entry and then number the paragraph topics in the correct order.

Topic Paragraph number colours and shapes ___ the reef’s edge ___ dangers ___ a final thought ___ reflecting ___ some sea creatures ___ 2 5 4 6 1 3

Teaching task 2: Read the diary carefully and answer the questions. What did the writer do in the morning on 19th January? 2. What did he think after seeing such extraordinary beauty? 3. What is the first thing he became aware of? 4. Does he think the corals are fantastic? Why? 5. Did he frighten the fish when he swam among them? 6. Were there anything that made him feel frightened? What were they?

Teaching task 2: Read the diary carefully and answer the questions. What did the writer do in the morning on 19th January? He went snorkeling. 2. What did he think after seeing such extraordinary beauty? He thought every cell in his body woke up and it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.

3. What is the first thing he became aware of? All the vivid colors surrounding him. 4. Does he think the corals are fantastic? Why? Yes. Because they were shaped like fans, plates, brains, lace, mushrooms, the branches of trees and the horns of deer.

5. Did he frighten the fish when he swam among them? No, he didn’t. The fish didn’t seem to mind him swimming among them. 6. Were there anything that made him feel frightened? What were they? Yes. There were. He didn’t want to get close to the eel, the giant clam. The grey reef shark made him scared to death.

Fill in the blanks with information from the text. Creatures Description coral a clown fish parrotfish sea-slug fantastic---shaped like fans, plates, brains, lace, mushrooms, branches of trees, horns of deer orange and white, that hid in the waving along thin seaweed yellow and green with hard bird-like mouth, hanging upside down yellow-spotted

Creatures Description eel clam reef shark With strong sharp teeth, with only its head showing from a hole, watching for a tasty fish giant; half buried in some coral grey, one and a half meters long

SUMMARY Read the text again and fill in the blanks. During the snorkelling trip, the writer first became _____ of the ____ colours and the fantastic corals. He saw little fish ________ the bodies of larger fish, the parrotfish _________ upside down, aware vivid cleaning hanging

a sea-slug _______ by a sea-star, a turtle passing so close to him, an eel _______ its head from a hole, a clam _______ for something to swim in between its thick green lips. He felt ______ to death on seeing some creatures. It is a wonderful and _________________ world under the sea. sliding showing waiting scared limitless / enormous

Teaching task 4: Consolidation Finish the following exercises according to the text.

主旨大意 1. In the diary, the author mainly wants to tell us that ____. A. what he saw in the sea B. how the fish eat in the sea C. the vivid colors in the sea D. all the plants in the sea are poisonous A

2. What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the text? A. The orange and white anemone fish. B. The yellow-spotted red sea-slug. C. The yellow and green parrotfish. D. The orange and blue-striped angelfish. C

3. When the author saw two ____, he felt scared to death. A. anemone fish B. parrotfish C. sea-slugs D. sharks D

4. How many kinds of creatures didn’t the author want to get too close to according to the fourth paragraph? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five B

推理判断: A 5. From the whole text we know that the author felt that ____. A. he was a tiny spot compared with the whole world B. the ocean was a tin spot compared with the whole world C. there was no danger in the sea except sharks D. all kinds of fish were waiting for something for food A

拓展讲解:形容词在名词前的顺序 Complete the noun groups from the diary entry. 1 __________________ air 2 __________________ seaweed 3 __________________ mouth 4 __________________ sea-slug 5 __________________turtle 6 __________________ teeth 7 __________________ lips 8 __________________ reef sharks warm night the waving long thin hard bird-like mouth a yellow-spotted red a large wise-looking strong sharp thick green two grey

small, thick, large, long, thin Find the adjectives in the above exercise that go under these headings. number a, two size small, thick, large, long, thin colour green, grey, yellow, red pattern spotted

通过上面的练习,我们可以得出结论如下:形容词在名词前面的顺序:大小+形状+ 颜色+年龄(新旧)+材料(种类) Can you write some noun groups using several adjectives?

Language points 1. I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day — a day of pure magic! 我手拿一杯冷饮坐在温暖的夜空下回忆着当天的事情——这是神奇的一天! [赏析] with a cold drink in my hand是一个独立结构作伴随状语,表明“我”坐在那儿的时候悠闲的心态。warm和cold形成鲜明的对比, 给人以惬意的感觉。

reflecting reflected "我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。" 1. reflect (vt. &vi.) “反射,映射,思考” After __________ for a time , he decided not to go there . The mountains _________ in the lake were very beautiful . ※ reflect on (upon) “仔细考虑, 思考” 我要思考一下下一步该怎么做. I will reflect on what to do next . 2. be/ become (well) aware of / that…对…知道,明白;意识到 "我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。" I want you to be aware of the situation before it affects you. 我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。 I am well aware that he is the one I should turn to. reflecting reflected

常构成phrases: be aware of sb/ sth 对……明白, 意识到 be aware that… 意识到 as far as I’m aware… 据我所知 make sb. aware of 让某人知道

3. …mind me swimming …动名词的复合结构 【基础过关】动名词的复合结构是“物主代词或名词的所有格+动名词” 构成,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等;如果不是在句子开头,这个结构常常用名词的宾格或名词性的物主代词来代替。 Do you mind my /me/Jack’s/Jack leaving now? 我活杰克现在离开你介吗?

介意某人做某事的表达方法: 1. Would you mind opening the window? (mind+v-ing) 2. Would you mind my opening the window? (mind+ 代词+V-ing) 3. Would you mind me opening the window? (mind+代词+V-ing) 4. Would you mind Li Lei opening the window? (mind+名词+V-ing) 5. Would you mind not closing the window? (mind+not+V-ing)

____________________一切都乱七八糟你把那张图片给弄颠倒了. 4. upside down “上下颠倒的(地),乱七八糟的(地)” The office is being decorated, so ____________________一切都乱七八糟你把那张图片给弄颠倒了. You have got _____________________不要把那个盒子倒着拿. Don’t hold________________________. ★★★ inside out “(穿)反了,倒悬,乱七八糟地” Look , Jack’s jacket________________. everything is upside down the picture upside down the box upside down is inside out

is scared to fly 5. scare n. v. sb be scared to death 某人吓死了” I felt ______________when I knew how dangerous I was. 当我听到那可怕的声音时, 我都快吓死了 Hearing the terrible sound , I__________ __________________. ☆ 1) be scared to do sth /of doing sth “害怕干某事” 2) scare sb. to death “ 吓死某人了” You scare me to death. 你吓死我了。 她不敢(害怕)坐飞机. She ________________in a plane . scared to death was nearly scared to death is scared to fly

where there is a will there is a way where there is life there is hope 5.…ocean floor. but where the reef ended, there was a sharp drop to the sandy 在本句中where 引导的是状语从句。 1.A cinema is a building where films are shown . 电影院是放电影的馆所。 2.You shall put it up where we all can see it. 你该把它挂在我们大家都能见到的地方。 where there is a will there is a way where there is life there is hope

练习坊 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出各单词的正确形式。 1. The water in the lake is so p______ that you can drink it. 2. Does this letter ______ (反映) what you really think of the issue? 3. As if by ______ (魔法), the car changed into a boat when it came into the water. pure reflect magic

4. You have not learned to swim yet and you’d better stay in the s______ water. shallow 5. The witness gave a very ______ (生动的) description of the accident this morning. 6. In your report you have left out another d________ to this problem. vivid dimension

7. People enjoy eating t______ foods even when they are not hungry. 8. With prices going up, the people on ______ (养老金) find it difficult to live. tasty pension 9. This is an a_______ (可怕的) account of the terrors of the war, you’d better not read it. wesome

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