世界真光 祢照亮黑暗世間 開我雙眼能看見 世界真光 opened my eyes, let me see


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Presentation transcript:

世界真光 祢照亮黑暗世間 開我雙眼能看見 世界真光 opened my eyes, let me see 27.005 世界真光 世界真光 祢照亮黑暗世間 Light of the World, You stepped down in to darkness 開我雙眼能看見 opened my eyes, let me see

主 祢榮美使我心敬拜祢 我願一生跟隨祢 Beauty that made this heart adore You hope of a life spent with You

如今我來敬拜祢 So here I am to worship 如今向祢俯伏 here I am to bow down

我要向祢說 祢是我神 哦主 祢是全然美麗 here I am to say that You’re my God And You’re altogether lovely

altogether wonderful to me 祢是完全配得 altogether lovely 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 altogether wonderful to me

永恆君王祢聖名已被尊崇 在高天上得榮耀 King of all days, Oh so highly exalted glorious in heaven above

祢因著愛來世間成為人子 為我們成為貧窮 Humbly You came, to the earth You created all for love’s sake became poor

如今我來敬拜祢 So here I am to worship 如今向祢俯伏 here I am to bow down

我要向祢說 祢是我神 哦主 祢是全然美麗 here I am to say that You’re my God And You’re altogether lovely

altogether wonderful to me 祢是完全配得 altogether lovely 祢是何等奇妙 我的主 altogether wonderful to me

永遠不能知 何等代價 祢為我罪釘十架 for my sin nailed on the cross Forever can I know how much You have paid the price 祢為我罪釘十架 for my sin nailed on the cross

永遠不能知 何等代價 祢為我罪釘十架 for my sin nailed on the cross Forever can I know how much You have paid the price 祢為我罪釘十架 for my sin nailed on the cross

我進入祢的至聖所 靠羔羊的寶血得進入 祢名是聖潔 I enter the Holy of Holies, 27.003 祢名是聖潔 我進入祢的至聖所 I enter the Holy of Holies, 靠羔羊的寶血得進入 I enter through the blood of the Lamb

I enter to worship You only 我來單單要敬拜祢 I enter to worship You only 我來尊崇祢至高神 I enter to honor I AM

Lord, I worship You, I worship You (x2)

For Your name is Holy, Holy, Lord (x2)

For Your name is Holy, Holy, Lord 因祢名是聖潔 聖潔 主 For Your name is Holy, Holy, Lord

Lord there is none like You 27.007 向主歡呼 主耶穌 我救主 My Jesus, my Savior 無一人能像祢 Lord there is none like You

我願一生全心讚美 祢奇妙全能的大愛 All of my days, I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love

Tower of refuge and strength 祢是我安慰師 My comfort, my Shelter 我避難所和力量 Tower of refuge and strength

我的一切 每個氣息 永遠不住敬拜祢 Let every breath, all that I am Never cease to worship You

向主歡呼 願全地揚聲唱 頌讚 榮耀 能力歸於君王 Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing 頌讚 榮耀 能力歸於君王 Power and majesty, praise to the King

眾山跪拜 眾海洋歡呼 歌頌主的聖名 Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of Your name

我要歡唱祢大能的作為 我要永遠愛祢 永遠要堅定 I sing for joy at the works of Your hands 我要永遠愛祢 永遠要堅定 Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand

to the promise I have in You 無一事物 Nothing compares 能與祢的應許相比 to the promise I have in You

to the promise I have in You 無一事物 Nothing compares 能與祢的應許相比 to the promise I have in You

Hallelujah hallelujah 27.014 哈利路亞歸羔羊 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞歸羔羊 hallelujah, to the Lamb!

哈利路亞 哈利路亞 靠主寶血 我們站立 Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand.

萬口萬族 Every tongue, every tribe 萬民和萬邦 Every people, every land

獻上榮耀 獻上尊貴 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving glory, giving honor Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

Giving praise unto the Lamb of God 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

主我站立在萬民之中 來自各方各族的民 Lord, I stand in the midst of a multitude Of those from every tribe and tongue.

屬祢的子民藉寶血贖回 因祢愛脫離死亡 We are Your people redeemed by Your blood Rescued from death by Your love.

無一言語能表達我的感謝 無一言語能訴盡我讚美 There are no words good enough to thank You 無一言語能訴盡我讚美 There are no words to express my praise

但是我還要揚聲 盡全心全力來向祢歌唱 But I will lift up my voice And sing from my heart, with all of my strength.

Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞歸羔羊 hallelujah, to the Lamb!

哈利路亞 哈利路亞 靠主寶血 我們站立 Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand.

萬口萬族 Every tongue, every tribe 萬民和萬邦 Every people, every land

獻上榮耀 獻上尊貴 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving glory, giving honor Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

主我們靠祢恩典站立 靠羔羊寶血得潔淨 Lord we stand by grace in Your presence. Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.

是祢的兒女領受呼召 謙卑跪下呼求 We are Your children, called by Your name. Humbly we bow and we pray

釋放祢能力 運行在我們中間 直到我們被改變像祢 Release Your power to work in us and through us 直到我們被改變像祢 Till we are changed to be more like You.

叫萬國得以看見 祢榮耀彰顯 來敬拜祢 Then all the nations will see Your glory revealed and worship You.

Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah hallelujah 哈利路亞歸羔羊 hallelujah, to the Lamb!

哈利路亞 哈利路亞 靠主寶血 我們站立 Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand.

萬口萬族 Every tongue, every tribe 萬民和萬邦 Every people, every land

獻上榮耀 獻上尊貴 獻上讚美 歸羔羊神羔羊 Giving glory, giving honor Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

every tongue confess that You are Lord of all 萬膝要跪拜 Every knee shall bow 萬口要承認祢是萬有之主 every tongue confess that You are Lord of all

來讚美稱謝耶和華 彈琴歌頌讚美至高者的名 來稱謝耶和華 It is good to praise the Lord 27.015 來稱謝耶和華 來讚美稱謝耶和華 It is good to praise the Lord 彈琴歌頌讚美至高者的名 and make music to Your name, O God, Most High

每早晨來傳揚祢慈愛 每夜傳揚祢信實 To proclaim Your love and faithfulness all the day and through the night.

Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai… 來來來來 來來來… Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai…

因為祢使我心喜樂 我要因祢大能作為來歡呼 You make me glad by Your deeds, O Lord So I sing for joy at all Your hands have made

E-lo-him Ba-ruch Ha-shem 主啊!祢的工作何其大 How great are Your works, O Lord E-lo-him Ba-ruch Ha-shem (伊 羅 欣 巴 洛 哈 閃)

Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai… 來來來來 來來來… Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai…

願一生住在祢殿中 生長如同黎巴嫩的香柏樹 May I dwell in Your courts, O Lord There to flourish like the tress of Lebanon

栽於A-do-nai主的殿中 在神院內到永遠 Planted in the house of Adonai 在神院內到永遠 There to live forevermore

Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai… 來來來來 來來來… Lai lai lai lai lai lai lai…

當我們求 祢的國度降臨 我深信是此刻是現在 是此刻是現在 we believe we believe it is now 27.016 是此刻是現在 當我們求 祢的國度降臨 Lord as we pray that Your kingdom be here 我深信是此刻是現在 we believe we believe it is now

當我們唱 祢是主我君王 高舉祢 在寶座為我王 Come be enthroned in our midst as we sing You are King, You are Lord, You are crowned

marching into battleground 就像那強大精兵 Just like a mighty army 同心向前到戰場 marching into battleground

As we declare that Jesus 我們高聲唱耶穌 As we declare that Jesus 祂是主我王 He is Lord Aloud

靠祢能力而來 我們決不受阻礙 There’s nothing that will stop us when we come in His power

我們要看到突破 我深信是此刻是現在 We want to see a breakthrough we believe we believe it is now

祢醫治破碎心靈 祢醫治受傷者 祂 /祢醫治破碎心靈 You bind the broken hearted 27.018 祂 /祢醫治破碎心靈 祢醫治破碎心靈 You bind the broken hearted 祢醫治受傷者 You heal the wounded soul

We give You full control 統管宇宙父神 Father of all heaven 我獻上我自己 We give You full control

求祢在我生命掌權 來使我靈自由 Come have Your way in us, O Lord Come set our spirits free

父神 賜下復興 O Father send revival 從我生命開始 And start the work in me

主我渴慕祢 尋求祢公義 父神求祢再來充滿我 Lord, I hunger, thirst for Your righteousness Father come and fill me once again

主我渴慕祢 尋求祢公義 用新酒和油 充滿我 Lord, I hunger, thirst for Your righteousness Fill me with Your oil and Your wine

Fill me with Your Spirit 用祢聖靈充滿我 Fill me with Your Spirit 我要見祢榮面 I want to see Your face

每天在祢面前 To live in Your presence 認識祢榮耀恩典 Know Your glory and Your grace

It’s not my will but Yours I choose 我回轉選擇祢道路 It’s not my will but Yours I choose 一生跟隨到底 To follow to the end

So mold me, yes, and make me 來磨練塑造我 So mold me, yes, and make me 每一天被祢更新 Let a new day begin

主我渴慕祢 尋求祢公義 父神求祢再來充滿我 Lord, I hunger, thirst for Your righteousness Father come and fill me once again

主我渴慕祢 尋求祢公義 用新酒和油 充滿我 Lord, I hunger, thirst for Your righteousness Fill me with Your oil and Your wine

Fill me with Your oil and Your wine 用新酒和油 充滿我 Fill me with Your oil and Your wine

To Him who sits on the throne 27.020 坐寶座的神 歸於坐寶座的神 To Him who sits on the throne 歸於神羔羊(x2) and unto the Lamb

and glory and power forever 願頌讚和尊貴 Be blessing and honor 並榮耀和能力都歸祂 and glory and power forever

and glory and power forever 願頌讚和尊貴 Be blessing and honor 並榮耀和能力都歸祂 and glory and power forever

求祢開啟我心眼 主 求祢開啟我心眼 開啟我心眼 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord 27.021 開啟我心眼 求祢開啟我心眼 主 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord 求祢開啟我心眼 Open the eyes of my heart

我要看見祢 I want to see You 我要看見祢 I want to see You

求祢開啟我心眼 主 求祢開啟我心眼 Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

我要看見祢 I want to see You 我要看見祢 I want to see You

要看見祢已被高舉 彰顯在祢榮耀光中 To see You high and lifted up Shining in the light of Your glory

澆灌能力和愛 我們唱聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 Lord, pour out Your power and love As we sing Holy, Holy, Holy

聖哉 聖哉 聖哉(x3) Holy Holy Holy (x3) 我要看見祢 I want to see You

for the Lord God Almighty reigns 27.023 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Alleluia Alleluia 全能主神已掌王權 for the Lord God Almighty reigns

are You Lord God Almighty 哈利路亞 聖潔 聖潔 Alleluia Holy Holy 祢是聖潔 全能主宰 are You Lord God Almighty

尊貴神羔羊(x2) Worthy is the Lamb(x2)

are You Lord God Almighty 主 祢是聖潔 聖潔 Lord, You are Holy Holy 祢是聖潔 全能主宰 are You Lord God Almighty

尊貴神羔羊(x2) Worthy is the Lamb(x2)

are You Lord God Almighty 祢是聖潔 聖潔 You are Holy Holy 祢是聖潔 全能主宰 are You Lord God Almighty

尊貴神羔羊(x2) Worthy is the Lamb(x2) 阿們 A men

哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Alleluia Alleluia

祢是我的氣息(x2) 祢聖潔同在進住我心 祢是我氣息 This is the air I breathe (x2) 27.025 祢是我氣息 祢是我的氣息(x2) This is the air I breathe (x2) 祢聖潔同在進住我心 Your Holy presence living in me

祢是我生命糧(x2) 祢真理話語賞賜给我 This is my daily bread(x2) Your very Word spoken to me

主 我不能沒有祢 主 我失去祢 我迷失 And I, I’m desperate for You And I, I’m lost without You

祢是我的氣息(x2) 祢聖潔同在進住我心 This is the air I breathe(x2) Your Holy presence living in me

祢是我生命糧(x2) 祢真理話語賞賜给我 This is my daily bread (x2) Your very Word spoken to me

主 我不能沒有祢 主 我失去祢 我迷失 And I, I’m desperate for You And I, I’m lost without You

失去祢 我迷失 I’m lost without You 不能沒有祢 I’m desperate for You

全能神 聖潔聖靈 我仰望祢今降臨 願祢榮耀權能降臨 Spirit of the sovereign Lord 27.026 (Let The Weight Of Your Glory Fall) 願祢榮耀權能降臨 全能神 聖潔聖靈 Spirit of the sovereign Lord 我仰望祢今降臨 Come and make Your presence known

Reveal the glory of the living God 顯明永活神的榮耀 Reveal the glory of the living God

全能神 聖潔聖靈 我仰望祢今降臨 Spirit of the sovereign Lord Come and make Your presence known

Reveal the glory of the living God 顯明永活神的榮耀 Reveal the glory of the living God

願榮耀權能遮蓋著我們 願祢生命活水湧流 Let the weight of Your glory cover us Let the life of Your river flow

Let the truth of Your kingdom reign in us 願祢國度的真理掌權 Let the truth of Your kingdom reign in us

願祢榮耀的權能 願祢榮耀權能降臨 Let the weight of Your glory Let the weight of Your glory fall

And we do not seek Your hand 我們不尋求祢的手 And we do not seek Your hand 我們只尋求祢面 We only seek Your face

我們要認識祢 We want to know You 我們要看見祢 We want to see You

Reveal Your glory in this place 願祢的榮耀彰顯 Reveal Your glory in this place

願榮耀權能遮蓋著我們 願祢生命活水湧流 Let the weight of Your glory cover us Let the life of Your river flow

Let the truth of Your kingdom reign in us 願祢國度的真理掌權 Let the truth of Your kingdom reign in us

願祢榮耀的權能 願祢榮耀權能降臨 Let the weight of Your glory Let the weight of Your glory fall

願祢榮耀的權能 願祢榮耀權能降臨 Let the weight of Your glory Let the weight of Your glory fall

你聽見嗎 大響聲在遠方 當我們敬拜 猶大獅子發聲 27.027 齊呼喊EI Shaddai 你聽見嗎 大響聲在遠方 Can you hear it ? thunder in the distance 當我們敬拜 猶大獅子發聲 When we worship , the Lion of Judah roars

堅固營壘 四圍環繞 在主同在中都倒塌 Strongholds crumble all around us In the presence of our Lord

勝利在我們當中 齊來呼喊 EI Shaddai There’ll be victory in the camp 齊來呼喊 EI Shaddai at the shout of EI Shaddai

眾仇敵必定逃跑 Every enemy will flee 躲避祂目中火光 from the fire in His eye

Every captive will be freed 主恩惠禧年來到 In this year of Jubilee 被擄者都得著釋放 Every captive will be freed

When we hear the shout of EI Shaddai

來 現在就一同敬拜 來 讓你的心靈敬拜祂 來 現在就一同敬拜 Come, now is the time to worship 27.029 來 現在就一同敬拜 來 現在就一同敬拜 Come, now is the time to worship 來 讓你的心靈敬拜祂 Come, now is the time to give your heart

來 用你的全人敬拜 來 來神的面前敬拜祂 Come, just as you are to worship Come, just as you are before your God

來 Come

終有一天萬民都來稱頌祢 萬物都向祢跪拜 One day every tongue will confess You are God One day every knees will bow

無論任何人 只要信靠祢都福杯滿溢 Still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly choose You now

O Lord our God, Lord of Hosts 27.031 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉(x2) Holy Holy Holy 哦主! 我王 至高神(x2) O Lord our God, Lord of Hosts

Who was and Who is and Who is to come (x2)

Adonai, E-lo-him 至高神(x2) 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉 聖哉(x2) Holy Holy Holy Adonai, E-lo-him 至高神(x2) O Lord our God, Lord of Hosts

Who was and Who is and Who is to come (x2)

我們都是光也是鹽 我們要打破黑暗權勢 求降恩雨 We are salt and we are the light 27.035 求降恩雨 我們都是光也是鹽 We are salt and we are the light 我們要打破黑暗權勢 We have come to break the powers of night

我們以神的愛 And, by the love of God 宣告祂的自由 proclaim His liberty

我們是恩典使者 因主名我們在此 We’re ambassadors of grace In His name we take this place

願主旨意成全 願神國度今在此掌權 Lord, let Your will be done Let Your Kingdom come Lord, let it reign

求降恩雨 Let it rain

Let Your blessings power on this city 賜下祝福 來澆灌這城 Let Your blessings power on this city 主降恩雨 Lord, Let it rain

Let Your blessings power on this city 賜下祝福 來澆灌這城 Let Your blessings power on this city 主降恩雨 Lord, Let it rain

我們歌唱讚美斷開咒詛 降恩雨 垂聽我們懇求 As we sing Your praises, break the curses Let it rain; Hear Your people praying

Send Your blessing, let it rain 賜下祝福 降恩雨 Send Your blessing, let it rain 求降恩雨 O, let it rain

祢是世界的真光 因祢捨命 我們得重生 You have won the fight, O Lord By Your death our life’s been restored

To vanquish all our foes 主祢今已復活 And You have risen now 消滅我眾仇敵 To vanquish all our foes

今懇求主來破除 萬國一切的咒詛 Come, abolish every curse o’re the nations of the earth

To proclaim You rose to live and reign 我們靠祢聖名 In Your name we’ll go 去宣告祢復活今掌權 To proclaim You rose to live and reign

求主掌權 Lord, Come and reign

Dance with me O lover of my soul 27.036 來跳舞 來跳舞 我心所愛良人 Dance with me O lover of my soul 是我歌中之歌 To the song of all songs

Romance me O lover of my soul 來相愛 我心所愛良人 Romance me O lover of my soul 是我歌中之歌 To the song of all songs

Behold You have come over the hills 看哪 祢已來 Behold You have come over the hills 跨過山丘 越過眾山嶺 Upon the mountains

祢奔向我來 我良人 祢奪了我的心 To me You have run, my beloved You’ve captured my heart

For You are my love, You are my fair one 我要跟隨祢 With You I will go 我心所愛 祢是我最愛 For You are my love, You are my fair one

The winter is past And the spring time has come 那冬天已過 美麗春天已來到 The winter is past And the spring time has come

Be my source, be my light, Jesus 27.037 耶穌成為我中心 耶穌 成為我中心 Jesus, be the center 我的供應 我亮光 耶穌 Be my source, be my light, Jesus

Be my hope, be my song, Jesus 耶穌 成為我中心 Jesus, be the center 我的盼望 我詩歌 耶穌 Be my hope, be my song, Jesus

Be the wind in these sails 作火焰燃燒 在我心 Be the fire in my heart 成為風 來領航 Be the wind in these sails

Be the reason that I live 成為我目標 活一生 Be the reason that I live 耶穌 耶穌 Jesus, Jesus

耶穌 Jesus

Be my path, be my guide, Jesus 耶穌 成為我異象 Jesus, be my vision 我的道路 引領我 耶穌 Be my path, be my guide, Jesus

Merciful God and Father 27.013 醫治恩典 慈悲憐憫的父神 Merciful God and Father 無人像祢愛我們 Loving us like no other

Hear our prayer The cry of our heart 求垂聽我們的禱告 Hear our prayer The cry of our heart 我們親近祢 As we come to You

我們認我們的過犯 也承認我們的罪 We acknowledge our transgressions We confess to You our sins

懇求祢憐憫施恩典 醫治恩典再來觸摸我們 Show us mercy and compassion Touch our lives with Your healing grace again

Release us from our past 釋放我得自由 Release us from our past 當我尋求祢 as we seek Your face

洗淨我眾罪 領受祢大愛 領受祢醫治恩典 Wash us free at last, We receive Your love We receive Your healing grace

We receive Your healing grace 領受祢大愛 We receive Your love 領受祢醫治恩典 We receive Your healing grace

願神興起 願神興起 願神興起 願神興起 願神興起 Let God arise, let God arise 27.030 願神興起 願神興起 願神興起 Let God arise, let God arise 願神興起 願神興起 Let God arise, let God arise

願祂的仇敵都四散 而義人必然歡喜 Let His enemies be scattered And let the righteous be glad

他們必然歡喜快樂 神的大能已得大勝 Yes, let them rejoice with gladness God has triumphed mightily

Let God arise, let God arise(x7)

當你行走 經過山谷 你周圍充滿陰影 神真好永遠好 If you’re walking through the valley 27.039 神真好永遠好 當你行走 經過山谷 If you’re walking through the valley 你周圍充滿陰影 And there are shadows all around

不要怕祂引導你 祂必要保守你平安 Do not fear, He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound

祂曾應許永不離開你 不離棄你祂話語可靠 He has promised to never leave you Nor forsake you, and His word is true

He put a song of praise in this heart of mine 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂放在我心中一首讚美歌 He put a song of praise in this heart of mine

Through the darkness night His light will shine 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂光引導我經過黑夜 Through the darkness night His light will shine

神真好神真好 God is good God is good 永遠好 All the time

罪人蒙恩 何等不配 祂卻為我們捨命 We were sinners and so unworthy Still for us He chose to die

用聖靈充滿我們 使我們站立作見證 Filled us with His Holy Spirit Now we can stand and testify

祂的慈愛是永遠長存 祂的憐憫一直到萬代 That His love is everlasting And His mercies they will never end

He put a song of praise in this heart of mine 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂放在我心中一首讚美歌 He put a song of praise in this heart of mine

Through the darkness night His light will shine 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂光引導我 經過黑夜 Through the darkness night His light will shine

神真好 神真好 God is good God is good 永遠好 All the time

有時我雖不明瞭 祢為我所定旨意 Though I may not understand All the plans You have for me

And through the eyes of faith, I can clearly see 我生命屬於祢 My life is in Your hands 今我在信心裡已清楚看見 And through the eyes of faith, I can clearly see

He put a song of praise in this heart of mine 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂放在我心中一首讚美歌 He put a song of praise in this heart of mine

Through the darkness night His light will shine 神真好 永遠好 God is good all the time 祂光引導我 經過黑夜 Through the darkness night His light will shine

神真好 (x4) God is good (x4)

神真好 祂真好 God is good He’s so good 永遠好 All the time

He put a song of praise in this heart of mine 神真好永遠好 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂放在我心中一首讚美歌 He put a song of praise in this heart of mine

Through the darkness night His light will shine 神真好永遠好 God is good all the time 祂光引導我經過黑夜 Through the darkness night His light will shine

神真好神真好 God is good God is good 永遠好 All the time

當你行走 經過山谷 在你周圍 充滿陰影 If you’re walking through the valley And there are shadows all around

不要怕 祂引導你 祂要保守你平安 Do not fear, He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound

祂曾應許永不離開你 不離棄你祂的話可靠 He has promised to never leave you Nor forsake you, and His word is true

罪人蒙恩 我何等不配 祂卻為我們捨命 We were sinners and so unworthy Still for us He chose to die

祂以聖靈 來充滿我們 使我們站立作見證 Filled us with His Holy Spirit Now we can stand and testify

祂的慈愛是永遠長存 祂的憐憫一直到萬代 That His love is everlasting And His mercies they will never end

有時我雖不明瞭 祢為我所定旨意 Though I may not understand All the plans You have for me

And thorough the eyes of faith, I can clearly see 我生命屬於祢 My life is in Your hands 今在我信心裡 已清楚看見 And thorough the eyes of faith, I can clearly see

God is good God is good(x3) 永遠好 All the time

The mystery behind the veil Adona i我的主 祢是永恆的主 Lord of eternity 萬代隱藏奧秘 The mystery behind the veil

Lord over Heaven and earth 祢是天地上的主 Lord over Heaven and earth 以色列真神 God of Israel

祢擁有智慧權柄 尊貴能力為外袍 Come with Your wisdom and power clothed in Your honor and strength

Lord hear the cry of our hearts 主請聽我們呼求 Lord hear the cry of our hearts 請來得勝君王 Come O conquering King

Mystery behind the veil 27.033(新) Adonai Adona i我的主 祢是永恆的主 Lord of eternity 萬代隱藏奧秘 Mystery behind the veil

Lord over Heaven and earth 祢是天地上的主 Lord over Heaven and earth 以色列真神 God of Israel

祢擁有智慧權柄 尊貴能力為外袍 Come with Your wisdom and power Clothed in Your honor and strength

Lord, hear the cry of our hearts 主 請聽我們呼求 Lord, hear the cry of our hearts 得勝君王降臨 Come, O conquering King

萬民都要看見 And every eye will see 祢榮耀已彰顯 Your glory fill the sky

Every knee will bow to You, Lord Most High Adonai Adonai Adonai Adonai 萬膝要跪拜 萬口都承認 Every knee will bow to You, Lord Most High

You alone are God, Every tongue will cry Adonai Adonai Adonai Adonai 惟有祢是神 全能至高主 You alone are God, Every tongue will cry

Adonai Adonai

Adonai Adonai

耶路撒冷等待 Here Jerusalem waits 向祢讚美敬拜 Praises lifted on high

Here the beautiful gates 神啊 願祢興起 Here the beautiful gates 眾城門為祢開 Long to see You arise

錫安 全地聽見 Baruch ha ba b’shem When all of Zion sings Baruch ha ba b’shem Baruch ha ba b’shem

祢掌權在全地之上 祢掌權在全地之上 You are Lord over all the earth

Your glory fill the sky, Adonai 萬民都要看見 and every eye will see 祢榮耀滿穹蒼 我的主 Your glory fill the sky, Adonai

every knee will bow to You, Lord Most High 我的主 我的主 Adonai Adonai 萬膝都向祢跪拜 至高神 every knee will bow to You, Lord Most High

我的主 我的主惟有祢是神 萬口都承認 我的主 Adonai, Adonai, You alone are God Every tongue will cry, Adonai

耶路撒冷等待 Here Jerusalem waits 讚美高處宣揚 praises lifted on high

Here the beautiful gates 那榮美的城門 Here the beautiful gates 渴望見祢興起 long to see You arise

baruch ha ba b’shem, Adonai 當錫安齊歡唱 when all of Zion sings 那奉主名來的 我的主 baruch ha ba b’shem, Adonai

Your are Lord over all the earth (x2)

祢是主 在全地掌權(x2) 在全地掌權 我的主 Your are Lord over all the earth (x2) over all the earth, Adonai

Jesus, Your Presence Make Me Whole 27.028 祢同在使我完全 耶穌 哦耶穌(x3) Jesus, oh Jesus (x3) 祢同在使我完全 Jesus, Your Presence Make Me Whole

來歡呼 那勝利歌聲相應和 充滿義人的帳棚 來歡呼 Of the righteous of the Lord 27.032 來歡呼 來歡呼 那勝利歌聲相應和 Shouts of joy, And victory resound in the tents 充滿義人的帳棚 Of the righteous of the Lord

來歡呼 那勝利歌聲相應和 充滿義人的帳棚 Shouts of joy, And victory resound in the tents Of the righteous of the Lord

主的右手為我們成就大事 主的右手正在高舉 The Lord’s right hand is lifted high The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things for us 主的右手正在高舉 The Lord’s right hand is lifted high

主的右手為我們成就大事 全能主已高舉右手(x2) The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things for us 全能主已高舉右手(x2) The Lord’s right hand reigns on high(x2)

來歡呼 那勝利歌聲相應和 充滿義人的帳棚 Shouts of joy, And victory resound in the tents Of the righteous of the Lord

Rejoice, rejoice, daughter of Zion 27.001 錫安兒女 歡喜快樂 錫安兒女 歡喜快樂 Rejoice, rejoice, daughter of Zion 以色列揚聲歡呼 Shout aloud, Israel

Sing rejoice with all your heart 全心全意 歡欣歌頌 Sing rejoice with all your heart 哦 耶路撒冷 O Jerusalem

For the Lord, your God, in the midst of you 因為主你神在你們中間 For the Lord, your God, in the midst of you 祂是全能神 Mighty is His name

祂要因為你喜樂歌唱 揚聲歡呼 祂是救贖主 Rejoicing over you, with songs of gladness Singing joyfully, He will save us

Rejoice, rejoice, daughter of Zion 錫安兒女 歡喜快樂 Rejoice, rejoice, daughter of Zion 以色列揚聲歡呼 Shout aloud, Israel

Sing rejoice with all your heart 全心全意 歡欣歌頌 Sing rejoice with all your heart 哦 耶路撒冷 O Jerusalem

哦 耶路撒冷 O Jerusalem

聖靈的火 27.034 *主聖靈 祢是我完全盼望 Holy Fire, You are my complete desire 主的聖靈焚燒我心 Spirit of the Lord, consume me 和撒那新歌 206

悅納我 獻上生命為活祭 Take my life, a living sacrifice 我要敬拜祢到永遠 I will worship You forever

1.主聖靈充滿我 Holy Spirit, fill me 完全充滿我生命 Fill my life completely 祢的能力充滿我 Fill me with Your strength and power 讓祢聖靈得榮耀 That Your name be glorified

2.我們已蒙揀選 We are a Holy nation 是聖潔的國度 chosen generation 要宣揚祢的大能 To declare the praise of God 並要摧毀眾仇敵 And to spoil the enemy

3.聖靈住在我心 Holy Spirit in me 祢同在何等可畏 How Your presence thrills me 非勢力也非才能 Not by might and not by power 乃是靠主的聖靈 By the Spirit of the Lord

**我要敬拜祢到永遠(x3) I will worship You forever ( x3) 到永遠(x4) Forever ( x4)

聖潔火 27.034(新) *聖潔火 祢是我心渴慕 Holy Fire, You are my complete desire 聖潔的火焚燒著我 Spirit of the Lord, consume me 新恩堂版 27.034(新)

融化我 獻上成為活祭 Take my life, a living sacrifice 我要敬拜祢到永遠 I will worship You forever

1.聖潔火充滿我 Holy Spirit, fill me 完全地充滿我 Fill my life completely 用權柄能力充滿我 Fill me with Your strength and power 使祢的名被尊崇 That Your name be glorified

2.我是聖潔國度 We are a Holy nation 被揀選的族類 chosen generation 宣告榮耀我們的神 To declare the praise of God 毀壞眾仇敵到永遠 And to spoil the enemy

3.聖潔火充滿我 Holy Spirit in me 祢同在復興我 How Your presence thrills me 不靠人 不是靠自己 Not by might and not by power 是靠全能至高神 By the Spirit of the Lord

**我要敬拜祢到永遠(x3) I will worship You forever(x3) 到永遠(x4) Forever( x4)

聖潔歸於我主 27.009 1. 聖潔歸於我主 永遠君王 Holiness unto Lord, unto the King 聖潔歸主聖名 我要高唱 Holiness unto Your name I will sing

*聖潔歸於主耶穌 Holiness unto Jesus 聖潔歸於祢 Holiness unto You, Lord 聖潔歸於主耶穌 Holiness unto Jesus 聖潔歸於祢 Holiness unto You, Lord

2.我愛祢 愛祢真理 I love You, I love Your ways 愛祢聖名 我愛祢 I love Your Name, I love You 一生一世 我要傳揚 and all my days I’ll proclaim

剛強,不要懼怕 27.012   * 剛強 不要懼怕 Be strong and the take courage 你要壯膽不沮喪 do not fear or be dismayed 因為主必與你同在 For the Lord will go before you 祂必光照你的路 and His light will show the way

剛強 不要懼怕 So, be strong and the take courage 你要壯膽不沮喪 do not fear or be dismayed 因為那在祢裡面的主 For the One who lives within you 今日能使祢剛強 will be strong in You today

1.將祢的懼怕權交給祂 Why don’t you give Him all of your fears 讓祂來擦乾祢的眼淚 why don’t you let Him dry all of your tears 祂知 因祂曾經歷過 he knows, been through pain before 祂知祢心深處所盼望 And He knows all that you’ve been looking for

2.你在祂手中必不遭害 Nothing can take you out of His hand 你已有權柄能戰勝仇敵 nothing can face you that you can’t command 深知祂必與你同在 I know that always you will be 祂的愛 祂的能力釋放 in His love, in His pow’r you will be free

** 因為那在你裡面的主 For the One who lives within you 今日能使你剛強 will be strong in You today

主啊. 祢真配得讚美 27. 019 我愛慕祢 我敬拜祢 Lord, I love you and I worship you 主啊 主啊!祢真配得讚美 27.019 我愛慕祢 我敬拜祢 Lord, I love you and I worship you 主啊!祢配得讚美 You are worthy to be praised

* 祢真配得配得 You are worthy, worthy 祢配得讚美 worthy to be praised

主的愛似大海 27.040 1. 主的愛深似大海 Here is love vast as the ocean 慈愛良善如洪流 Loving kindness as the flood 主為我捨己成救贖 When the prince of Life 祂寶血為我流下 Our ransom shed for us His precious blood

*誰能忘記祂的大愛 Who His love will not remember 誰能停止讚美祂 Who can cease to sing His praise 我一生仰望跟隨主 He can never be forgotten 從今時直到永遠 throughout heaven’s eternal day

2.加略山犧牲的愛 On the Mount of Crucifixion 長闊高深如江河 fountains opened deep and wide 神憐憫如波濤洶湧 Through the floodgates of God’s mercy 潮水湧溢滿我身 flowed a vast and gracious tide

伊沙代 27.041 1.El Shaddai, ElShaddai El Shaddai, El Shaddai 至高真神 Adonai El Elyon na Adonia 代代相續到永遠 Age to age You're still the same 聖名威嚴不改變 By the power of the name

El Shaddai, El Shaddai El Shaddai, El Shaddai 我們愛祢 Adonai Erkamka na Adonai 高舉祢名讚美祢 We will praise and lift You high El Shaddai

2.因祢愛 藉羔羊 Through your love and through the ram 救贖亞伯拉罕兒子 You saved the son of Abraham 因祢權能的雙手 Through the power of your hand 將大海變為乾地 Turned the sea into dry land

主祢已鑒察萬事 To the outcast on her knees 將仇敵踐踏腳下 You were the God who really sees 靠著祢能力眾兒女得自由 And by Your might, You set Your children free

3.經過無數的年代 Through the years You've made it clear 基督時刻已到來 That the time of Christ was near 世人未能認識祂 Though the people couldn't see 也不明白永世計劃 What Messiah ought to be

祢的聖言已記載 Though Your Word contained the plan 彌賽亞救贖功成 They just could not understand 藉著愛子的降卑 Your most awesome work was done 祢救贖恩真可畏 Through the frailty of Your Son

*El Shaddai, ElShaddai El Shaddai, El Shaddai 至高真神 Adonai El Elyon na Adonia 代代相續到永遠 Age to age You're still the same 聖名威嚴不改變 By the power of the name

El Shaddai, El Shaddai El Shaddai, El Shaddai 我們愛祢 Adonai Erkamka na Adonai 高舉祢名讚美祢 We will praise and lift You high El Shaddai El Shaddai

高聲來呼喊 宣揚得勝的佳音 耶穌已戰勝 我們一切的仇敵 高聲來呼喊 27.042 高聲來呼喊 Lift up your voices 宣揚得勝的佳音 With a shout of victory 耶穌已戰勝 Jesus has triumphed 我們一切的仇敵 Over all our enemies

高聲來呼喊 宣揚得勝的佳音 耶穌已戰勝 我們一切的仇敵 Lift up your voices 宣揚得勝的佳音 With a shout of victory 耶穌已戰勝 Jesus has triumphed 我們一切的仇敵 Over all our enemies

穿上公義的外袍 舉起信德藤牌 耶穌已得勝利 來歡呼喜樂 高聲來讚美 Put on the robe of righteousness 舉起信德藤牌 Lift up the shield of faith 耶穌已得勝利 Jesus has the victory 來歡呼喜樂 高聲來讚美 So rejoice in Him Lift your voice in praise

1.祂已戰勝死亡權勢 陰間門已開 墳墓已空 祂復活 祂掌權到永遠 He has triumphed over death The gates of hell must fall 墳墓已空 祂復活 Rising up beyond the grave 祂掌權到永遠 He's reigning over all

2.黑暗權勢不能勝祂 全地都看見 耶穌基督復活主 祂掌權到永遠 Sin and darkness cannot hold Him 全地都看見 All the world will see 耶穌基督復活主 Jesus Christ, the risen Lord 祂掌權到永遠 For all eternity

Lift your voice in praise **高聲來讚美 Lift your voice in praise

神的國度 27.043 1.耶穌 顯明神的公義 Jesus, God’s righteousness revealed 聖潔人子 神的兒子 The Son of man, the Son of God 祂國降臨 His kingdom comes

耶穌 救恩的挽回祭 Jesus, redemption’s sacrifice 顯出榮耀 顯出公義 Now glorified, now justified 祂國降臨 His kingdom comes

*祂的國度永無止境 And this kingdom will know no end 祂的榮耀永遠無限 And its glory shall no bounds 偉大君王已經賜下 For the majesty and power 祂的權柄和能力 Of this kingdom’s King has com

祂的國掌權 And this kingdom’s reign 祂的國永存 And this kingdom’s rule 豐豐富富 滿有權柄和能力 And this kingdom’s power and authority 耶穌顯明神的公義 Jesus, God’s righteousness revealed

2.耶穌 顯明神的慈愛 Jesus, the expression of God’s love 神的恩惠 神的真理 The grace of God, the Word of God 顯明於我 Revealed to us

耶穌 聖潔的挽回祭 Jesus, God’s holiness displayed 顯出榮耀 顯出公義 Now glorified, now justified 祂國降臨 His kingdom comes

多愛,多能力 27.045 多愛多能力祢更多在我生命 More love, more power, more of You in my life 多愛多能力祢更多在我生命 More love, more power, more of You in my life 和撒那新歌 82

1.我要敬拜祢盡我的心意 And I will worship You, with all of my heart 我要敬拜祢盡我的心靈 And I will worship You, with all of my mind 我要敬拜祢盡我的力量 And I will worship You, with all of my strength

多愛多能力祢更多在我生命 More love, more power, more of You in my life 多愛多能力祢更多在我生命 More love, more power, more of You in my life

2. 我要尋求祢盡我的心意 And I will seek Your face, with all of my heart 我要尋求祢盡我的心靈 And I will seek Your face, with all of my mind 我要尋求祢盡我的力量 And I will seek Your face, with all of my strength 因祢是我主 祢是我主 For You are my Lord, You are my Lord

因祢是我主 祢是我主 For You are my Lord, You are my Lord

烈火的真神 27.046 烈火的真神 祢是我心所願 All Consuming Fire ,You’re my heart’s desire 祢是我所愛的親愛主 and I love You dearly, dearly, Lord

祢是我心所想 祢是我的安慰 You’re my meditation, and my consolation 祢是我所愛的親愛主 and I love You dearly, dearly, Lord

*榮耀神羔羊 Glory to the Lamb 我高舉至高真神 I exalt the great I Am 在榮耀寶座掌權 Reigning on Your glorious throne 祢是我永遠的家 You are my eternal home

思想祂的愛 27.048 *思想祂的愛 思想祂的良善 Think about his love , Think about His goodness 思想祂恩典 領我一生 Think about His grace , That’s brought us through

就像天離地有多高 For as high as the heaven’s above 我天父的慈愛也有多麼深 So great is the measure of our Father’s love 天父的慈愛也有多麼深 Great is the measure of our Father’s love

1.我怎能忘記祂的愛 How could I forget His love 我怎能忘記祂憐憫 How could I forget His mercy 祂滿足祂滿足祂滿足 He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies, 我需求 my desires

2.縱然我偏行己路 Even when I’ve strayed away 但祂的愛不停尋找我 His love has sought me out and found me 祂滿足祂滿足祂滿足 He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies, 我需求 my desires

耶穌,祢真配得 27.049 1.耶穌我愛祢 敬拜祢 Jesus, we love you, we worship You 尊崇祢 我高舉祢名 Adore You, we lift up Your name 耶穌祢配得頌讚和尊榮 Jesus, you’re worthy of blessing and honor 我向祢歌頌 And we give You praise

*祢配得榮耀與讚美 You’re worthy of glory and praise 我高舉祢名 We lift up Your name, O Lord 哦主 祢配得讚美 You’re worthy of praise 因祢名 我高舉雙手 We lift up our hands in Your name

宣揚祢榮耀 哦主 Declaring Your praise, O Lord 祢配得讚美 You’re worthy of praise 祢配得 祢配得讚美 You’re worthy, You’re worthy of praise

2.耶穌救贖主 醫治者 Jesus, our Healer, Provider 彌賽亞 我歌頌祢名 Messiah, to You we will sing 耶穌 奇妙主 Jesus, You’re Wonderful Counselor 策士 全能神快要來君王 The Mighty God, our soon coming King

快來看 27.050 向北方呼喊 向南方呼喊 we call to the North, We call to the South 快來看 因為神真好 Come and see that the Lord is good

向東方呼喊 向西方呼喊 we call to the East , We call to the West 快來看 因為神真好 Come and see that the Lord is good

*來領受祂豐盛的憐憫 Come and see his mercy abounding 來聆聽主的話語 Come and hear the Word of the Lord 來享受主榮耀 的同在 Come and feel His presence surround you

舉目仰望 Come and behold 那造天地的主耶和華 the Creator of heaven and earth 快來看 因為神真好(x4) Come and see that the Lord is good(x4)

有一江河 27.051 1. 有一江河從寶座流出 There’s a river flowing from the throne 那是充滿能力活水泉 Not a gentle stream but pow’rful flow 它帶給神的百姓大歡樂 it brings the city of our God such joy 從其中湧出喜樂泉 And springs up[ fountains in her midst

江河兩岸長滿生命樹 On the banks the trees are full of life 這樹上終年結出新果子 The fruit just grows and grows all the year round 那葉子常青永不會枯乾 The leaves are green and never seem to die 這葉子能醫治萬民 They’re for the healing of this world

*活水江河 活水江河 There’s a river, there’s a river 活水江河從寶座流出 There’s a river flowing from the throne 活水江河 活水江河 There’s a river, there’s a river 一直湧流到萬邦 And it flows throughout the world

活水江河 活水江河 There’s a river, there’s a river 活水江河從寶座流出 There’s a river flowing from the throne 活水江河 活水江河 There’s a river, there’s a river 它正湧流在我心 And it’s flooding over me

2. 祢邀請我來到祢面前 You invited me to come for free 享受祢所預備豐盛筵席 Enjoy the feast You had prepared for me 歡喜飲於祢的活水井 Draw with laughter from Your sparkling wells 沉浸在聖靈的樂河 Bathe in Your river of delights

江河兩岸長滿生命樹 On the banks the trees are full of life 這樹上終年結出新果子 The fruit just grows and grows all the year round 那葉子常青永不會枯乾 The leaves are green and never seem to die 這葉子能醫治萬民 They’re for the healing of this world

在主裡歡欣 27.052 義人哪當歡欣在主裡歡欣(x2) Sing for joy in the Lord O ye righteous ones(x2) 來向祂唱新歌 Sing to Him a new song 願你心靠祂喜樂 Let your heart rejoice in Him

*同來尊崇主耶和華 O magnify the Lord with me 同來高舉我主的聖名 Let us exalt His name together 同來尊崇主耶和華 O magnify the Lord with me 同來高舉祂聖名 Let us exalt His name

義人哪當歡欣在主裡歡欣(x2) Sing for joy in the Lord O ye righteous ones(x2) 稱頌祂聖名(x3) Bless His holy name(x3)

我要稱頌祢聖名 27.002 1.我要稱頌祢聖名 主耶穌 永永遠遠歌唱讚美祢 祢是彌賽亞 救贖主 是以色列的聖者 我要稱頌祢聖名 27.002 1.我要稱頌祢聖名 主耶穌 永永遠遠歌唱讚美祢 祢是彌賽亞 救贖主 是以色列的聖者

* 祢的聖名超乎萬有之上 祢的聖名將鎖鏈斷開 祢的聖名能救贖萬國 祢的聖名是生命泉源 * 祢的聖名超乎萬有之上 祢的聖名將鎖鏈斷開 祢的聖名能救贖萬國 祢的聖名是生命泉源

2. 我要稱頌祢聖名 主耶穌 永永遠遠歌唱讚美祢 祢是彌賽亞 救贖主 我要稱頌祢聖名 2. 我要稱頌祢聖名 主耶穌 永永遠遠歌唱讚美祢 祢是彌賽亞 救贖主 我要稱頌祢聖名

合而為一 27.004 我們雖許多 卻是一個身體 在基督裡合而為一 我們雖許多 卻是一個身體 在基督裡合而為一 合而為一 27.004 我們雖許多 卻是一個身體 在基督裡合而為一 我們雖許多 卻是一個身體 在基督裡合而為一

*一主一信一洗一神 我們在主裡面相連結 同有一個盼望 在基督裡合一 在基督裡合而為一 *一主一信一洗一神 我們在主裡面相連結 同有一個盼望 在基督裡合一 在基督裡合而為一

聖靈,求觸摸教會 27.006 1. 我們要祢憐憫恩典 我們要更迫切的禱告 我們要祢聖靈的彰顯 求開啟天上的門 聖靈,求觸摸教會 27.006 1. 我們要祢憐憫恩典 我們要更迫切的禱告 我們要祢聖靈的彰顯 求開啟天上的門

*求觸摸教會激動人的心 復興我們恢復起初的愛心 我要有憐憫的心 如耶穌憐憫我 求聖靈恩典降臨 (x2)

2.我們謙卑到祢面前 我們本不配向祢祈求 但渴望看見祢的榮耀 懇求復興這地 2.我們謙卑到祢面前 我們本不配向祢祈求 但渴望看見祢的榮耀 懇求復興這地

直到地極傳揚 27.008 主 祢聖潔公義 何等恩慈良善 我要不住讚美祢名 主 祢信實全能 何等尊貴 哦 主 祢真配得我們傳揚 直到地極傳揚祢是主

*天上一切榮耀歸於祢 我們尊崇祢 主 帶著祢的真光 直到地極傳揚 哦 主

中國早晨五點鐘 27.010 中國的早晨五點鐘 傳來祈禱聲 求神帶來復興和平 賜下合一得勝 中國早晨五點鐘 27.010 中國的早晨五點鐘 傳來祈禱聲 求神帶來復興和平 賜下合一得勝

中國的早晨五點鐘 傳來敬拜聲 人人都獻出真誠的愛 一心一意為中國

*中國的早晨五點鐘 傳來祈禱聲 飛越了萬水千山 融化冰冷的心靈 *中國的早晨五點鐘 傳來祈禱聲 飛越了萬水千山 融化冰冷的心靈

再沒有捆鎖 再沒有戰爭 為中國祝福 扭轉了命運 再一個好收成 再沒有捆鎖 再沒有戰爭 為中國祝福 扭轉了命運 再一個好收成

耶穌,我們歡呼祢的勝利 27.011 *耶穌 我們歡呼祢的勝利 耶穌 祢愛激勵我們 耶穌 我們歡呼喜樂自由 耶穌 祢使我們重生 耶穌,我們歡呼祢的勝利 27.011 *耶穌 我們歡呼祢的勝利 耶穌 祢愛激勵我們 耶穌 我們歡呼喜樂自由 耶穌 祢使我們重生

1.基督釋放我 使我們真自由 不再受罪惡捆綁 不再作罪的奴僕 我們來歡呼 靠主已得勝 同心來回應主的愛

2.聖靈住我心 使我不再懼怕祂 為我開一條活路 使我能親近祂 因祂已同在 我們不再愁煩 同心來回應祂的愛 2.聖靈住我心 使我不再懼怕祂 為我開一條活路 使我能親近祂 因祂已同在 我們不再愁煩 同心來回應祂的愛

聖潔受膏者 27.017 耶穌 耶穌 祢是聖潔受膏者 耶穌 耶穌 耶穌 復活主配受尊崇 耶穌 聖潔受膏者 27.017 耶穌 耶穌 祢是聖潔受膏者 耶穌 耶穌 耶穌 復活主配受尊崇 耶穌

*祢聖名真甜蜜滿我口 祢聖靈像活水充滿我 祢話語是我腳前的燈 耶穌 我愛祢 我愛祢 *祢聖名真甜蜜滿我口 祢聖靈像活水充滿我 祢話語是我腳前的燈 耶穌 我愛祢 我愛祢

超乎一切 27.038 超乎眾權能 超乎眾王 超乎眾受造和宇宙萬物 超乎眾智慧和眾人的道路 是祢創造天地和萬物 超乎一切 27.038 超乎眾權能 超乎眾王 超乎眾受造和宇宙萬物 超乎眾智慧和眾人的道路 是祢創造天地和萬物

超乎眾國度 超乎權位 超乎這世界所知和所想像 超乎世上的財富和珍寶 無一事物能與祢相比

*釘十架 埋葬在石洞 祢捨生命 被拒絕和孤單 像玫瑰遭踐踏在地 勝過死亡 祢顧念我超乎一切

主的愛如今圍繞 充滿我的心深處 我心中悲傷嘆息已經離去 主的愛如今 27.044 主的愛如今圍繞 充滿我的心深處 我心中悲傷嘆息已經離去

破碎的傷痕 主用全能的愛來醫治我 在我的心靈深處醫治觸摸

全能的救主 耶穌 祢大能的愛圍繞我 我心靈所有傷痕完全被醫治

基甸的刀 27.047 「我正加入耶和華的軍隊 一個正在行進中的軍隊 有大能的軍隊」x2

 *耶和華和基甸的刀 和基甸的刀 和基甸的刀 耶和華和基甸的刀 勝過魔鬼和一切的仇敵

我活著為讚美祢 27.053 1.我活著為讚美祢 我活著為榮耀你聖名 無論任何景況 我要盡心感謝祢 我活著為讚美祢 27.053 1.我活著為讚美祢 我活著為榮耀你聖名 無論任何景況 我要盡心感謝祢

*我活著為愛祢 我活著為俯伏敬拜祢 主我要順服祢 願為祢而活

2.我要永遠愛祢 我要永遠榮耀祢聖名 無論任何景況 我要盡心感謝祢 2.我要永遠愛祢 我要永遠榮耀祢聖名 無論任何景況 我要盡心感謝祢

*我活著為愛祢 我活著為俯伏敬拜祢 主我要順服祢 願為祢而活

父神,我要祢來擁抱我 27.054 1.父神 我要祢來擁抱我 我要在祢懷中安息 父神 我需要祢顯明 每時每刻祢是何等愛我 父神,我要祢來擁抱我 27.054 1.父神 我要祢來擁抱我 我要在祢懷中安息 父神 我需要祢顯明 每時每刻祢是何等愛我

我一切重擔完全卸在祢腳前 祢就在這裡 祢愛完全接納我 祢愛完全接納我 我一切重擔完全卸在祢腳前 祢就在這裡 祢愛完全接納我 祢愛完全接納我

2.父神 我知道你擁抱我 我知我是你所愛兒女 父神 你已向我顯明 在你懷裡我永不再孤單

我一切恐懼完全卸在祢腳前 祢就在這裡 祢愛完全接納我 祢愛完全接納我 我一切恐懼完全卸在祢腳前 祢就在這裡 祢愛完全接納我 祢愛完全接納我