English writing for Grade Nine


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Presentation transcript:

English writing for Grade Nine Xuxiang Middle School

English writing for Grade Nine Xuxiang Middle School


2008年北京要举行奥运会。因此很多外国人会来北京。请根据以下要点向外国人简单介绍北京。(80词左右) 1. 北京是中国的首都。 2 2008年北京要举行奥运会。因此很多外国人会来北京。请根据以下要点向外国人简单介绍北京。(80词左右) 1.北京是中国的首都。 2.北京人民非常友好。 3.北京是个非常漂亮的大城市,古色古香,有许多的名胜。(the Great Wall, the Summer Palace , Tian’anmen Square……) 4.北京的食物非常美味,特别是北京烤鸭世界闻名。

Tense(时态): The Simple Present Tense (一般现在时) Key information(要点) Capital, people, big and old city, food, Beijing duck

Key Words people capital friendly old Beijing duck big places of interest delicious

Key sentences Beijing is the capital of China. It is a big and old city. It has many places of interest. People in Beijing are very friendly. The food in Beijing is very delicious. Beijing Duck is very famous.

Paragraph Beijing is the capital of China. It is a big and old city. It’s very beautiful. It has many places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square and so on.People in Beijing are very friendly. The food in Beijing is very delicious. And Beijing Duck is very famous in the world.

Useful Conjunctions(常用连词) Writing Steps: Words(词) Sentences(句) Paragraph(段) Useful Conjunctions(常用连词) So , and, but, if , when, such as, because, since, even though, so…that, …

Wuzhen 嘉兴 桐乡 乌镇 30km

中考真题演练 假如你是刘云,你的朋友马林下月要到嘉兴参加中学生篮球友谊赛,想抽空到古镇乌镇去看看。你在3月30日去乌镇旅游并拍了一些照片。请你给他写一封信,寄上这些照片和地图,让他了解一些关于乌镇的情况,并告诉他可以乘汽车前往。 注意:1.词数80左右。 2.信的开头和结尾已经写好。

Tense: The Simple Present Tense (一般现在时) The Past Tense (一般过去时) Key information: what saw in Wuzhen, go by bus, 30km from Jiaxing,send three photos and a map

Key words: visit, houses, …

Key sentences: I went to visit Wuzhen. …

Paragraph: (and, but, as, if …)

Sharing Time Who did best !

I am happy that you are coming to Jiaxing next April 26th, 2006 _Dear MaLin_,__________________________________________________________ I am happy that you are coming to Jiaxing next month. On March 30th,_____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________Yours,_ __________________________________________________________________Liu Yun

Thank you ! Goodbye!