School of Foreign Studies


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Presentation transcript:

School of Foreign Studies Book 3 New Horizon College English Unit 3 : Section A Audrey Hepburn School of Foreign Studies Nantong University

Pre-reading Activities Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing Writing After-class Listening

Pre-reading Activities News Report Watch & Discuss Questions & Answers

Watch a news report and answer the questions.

What film is her first American film? Whose inaugural speech was interrupted by the news of Audrey Hepburn's death? What film is her first American film? How old was she when she won Oscar Award? What made her care about children? Key

Listen to a passage and answer some questions. What did the American Film Institute considered Hepburn to be? Where was Hepburn's birth place? What movie made her win Oscar for best actress?

Background information The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is a United Nations (UN) program headquartered in New York City that provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. It is one of the members of the United Nations Development Group and its executive committee.

Gregory Peck (1916-2003)   He is a gentleman, the most handsome man in the world. His has elegant manners and humble temperament. The pure eyes makes him like a solemn missionaries. His smile can touch one's heart. He is the dreamboat of millions of women. Countless beauties passed his world but didn't occur the scandal once. Time has passed away for over half a century, he is still the idol and example of global fans. He is Gregory Peck.

President Lyndon Johnson honored Peck with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969 for his lifetime humanitarian efforts. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Peck among Greatest Male Stars of Classic Hollywood cinema, ranking at No. 12. He was named to the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1983.

He was an American actor who was one of the most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s. Peck continued to play major film roles until the late 1980s. His performance as Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor.

Billy Wilder (1906-2002) An Austrian-born American filmmaker, screen writer, producer, artist, and journalist. His career spanned more than 50 years and 60 films. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood's golden age.

Academy Awards An Academy Award is an award presented annually by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writer. The award ceremony is one of the prominent award ceremonies in the world, and is televised live in more than 200 countries annually.

Hubert de Givenchy (1927-) Hubert de Givenchy is a French aristocrat and fashion designer who founded The House of Givenchy in 1952. He is famous for having designed much of the personal and professional wardrobe of Audrey Hepburn, as well as clothing for clients such as Jacqueline Kennedy. He was named to the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1970.

Text Study Understanding Structure Analysis Summary Reproduction

I. Understanding Answer the following questions: Text Study—Understanding I. Understanding Answer the following questions: 1. What could we best portray Audrey Hepburn as? Key

2. How did Audrey Hepburn escape after she was grabbed off the street by Nazis? Key

3. How did Audrey Hepburn start her career? Text Study—Understanding 3. How did Audrey Hepburn start her career? Key

4. How did Audrey Hepburn treat her divorces and sadness from her memories of the war? Key

5. What did Audrey Hepburn's only home in Switzerland mean to her? Text Study—Understanding 5. What did Audrey Hepburn's only home in Switzerland mean to her? Key

Text Study—Understanding 6. Why dies the author say Audrey Hepburn's missions as a UNICEF diplomat were emotionally draining and physically dangerous? Key

7. What ideology did Audrey Hepburn deeply believe in? Text Study—Understanding 7. What ideology did Audrey Hepburn deeply believe in? Key

II. Structure Analysis Introduction Text Study—Structure analysis II. Structure Analysis Introduction Main body: Audrey Hepburn's life story (in chronological order) Conclusion

Introduction Structure of the text Main idea & structure Introduction Audrey Hepburn was successful in the film domain, but she most preferred playing the roles of a mother and a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. (Paras. 1-2)

Main body: Audrey Hepburn's life story (in chronological order) Structure of the text Main idea & structure Introduction Main body: Audrey Hepburn's life story (in chronological order) Audrey Hepburn's life story

Audrey Hepburn's life story Structure of the text Main idea & structure Audrey Hepburn's life story Her character after becoming famous (Paras. 7-8) Her young life (Paras. 3-4) Her route to success (Paras. 5-6) Her death and enduring passion (Paras. 12-14) Her contribution to the world as a Goodwill Ambassador (Paras. 9-11)

Main body: Audrey Hepburn's life story Structure of the text Main idea & structure Introduction Main body: Audrey Hepburn's life story Conclusion From Audrey's words, we can see the majesty of her spirit of social responsibility and dedication. (Para. 15)

Text Study—Summary III. Summary Audrey Hepburn was successful in the film ________, but she most preferred playing the roles of a _______ and a UNICEF ___________________.As a young girl suffering from the war, Audrey confronted the desperate reality of her life, but she ___________ those challenges. After the war, Audrey __________ to London and grew to be an ____________ famous movie star. After becoming famous and wealthy, Audrey remained a generous, simple and ________________woman. domain Goodwill Ambassador mother transcended immigrated internationally compassionate (to be continued)

Text Study—Summary In 1988, Audrey accepted the role as a Ambassador for UNICEF and traveled around the world to help those ________ during the last five years of her life. In 1992 , She got ___________ , but she remain a great woman till the __________ of her life. From Audrey's words, We can see the ____________ of her spirit of social responsibility and ____________. in need cancer end majesty dedication

Text Study—reproduction IV. Reproduction Work in pairs and discuss the statement of Audrey Hepburn “For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.” Use as many words & phrases learnt in Section A as possible.

Notes to the Text Focus Study

Focus Study Word Using Matching Game Chinese to English

Word Using Translation Key 1. noteworthy a. Focus Study—Word Using Word Using 1. noteworthy a. Important or interesting enough to deserve your attention. Translation 我没什么特别值得关注的事情可报告。 Key I found nothing particularly noteworthy to report.

Translation Key 2. domain a particular field of thought, activity, or Focus Study—Word Using 2. domain a particular field of thought, activity, or interest, especially one over which someone has control, influence, or rights. Translation 在虚拟校园域模型中,您可以将每个门口与 一个大楼关联。 Key In the virtual campus domain model, you associate  every doorway with a building.

词根:dom-: to tame (驯服), to rule (统治) dominant adj. 有统治权的 domination n. 统治;支配 domineer v. 压制;凌驾 dominion n. 主权;支配;领土 domain n. 领土;版图;所有地 predominate v. 居支配地位 predominant adj. 主要的; 有势力的; 杰出的 kingdom n. 王国 34

In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot." Focus Study—Word Using 3. portray vt. 1) act the part of a character in a play, film, or television program. In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of "Camelot."

Focus Study—Word Using 2) describe or show sb. Or sth. In a particular way, according to your opinion of them Translation 作者生动地描述了难民营中的生活。 Key The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

Translation Key 4. take/hold captive Take or keep sb. as a prisoner Focus Study—Word Using 4. take/hold captive Take or keep sb. as a prisoner Translation 游击队击落了一架飞机, 并关押了该飞行员。 Key The guerrilla shot down one airplane and took the pilot captive

Focus Study—Word Using 5. huddle v. lie or sit with your arms and legs close to your body because you feel ill, cold or upset. Translation 我走进屋时看见他正蜷缩在桌子下面。 Key I saw him huddling himself up under the table when I went into the room.

Translation Key 6. afflict vt. (often passive) Focus Study—Word Using 6. afflict vt. (often passive) Affect sb. or sth. in an unpleasant way, and Make them suffer Translation 由于遭受不明疾病的折磨,他接下来两周都没来上课 。 Key Afflicted by an unexplained illness, he missed school for the next two weeks.

Translation Key 7. compliment vt. Focus Study—Word Using 7. compliment vt. make a polite remark to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.  Translation 他们每次见到我都就我的外貌恭维我。 Key They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.

比较: compliment n.& vt. Compliment someone with a genuine comment on what you appreciate or respect about them.  对他人就你一直欣赏或敬重的某一点表示真诚的赞美。 complement n. &vt. There will be a written examination to complement the practical test. 会有一次书面考试来补充实践测试。

Translation Key 8. humanitarian n. Focus Study—Word Using 8. humanitarian n.  If a person or society has humanitarian  ideas or behavior, they try to avoid making people suffer or they help people who are suffering.  Translation Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer. Key 空袭遭到了非难,因为从人道主义的角度来看,无辜的平民可能会遭受伤害。

Translation Key 9. jeopardize vt risk losing or spoiling sth. important She held her tongue, realizing that anger could only jeopardize their relationship. 她意识到生气只会损害他们的关系, 于是保持沉默。 Translation Key

Translation Key 10. embark on /upon sth. Focus Study—Word Using 10. embark on /upon sth. Start esp. sth. new, difficult or exciting. Translation He has already embarked on his new dictionary. 他已开始编他的新词典。 Key

Translation Key 11. beneficiary n. Focus Study—Word Using 11. beneficiary n. Someone who gets advantages from an action Or change Translation One of the main beneficiaries of the early election is thought to be the former president. 前总统被认为是早期选举的主要受益者之一。 Key

12. be stricken by/with (fml) be very badly affected by trouble, illness, unhappiness. If they don't standfirm, they would be stricken down by the hardships, let alone pursuing their dream! 

continuing all the time without changing or stopping Focus Study—Word Using 13. perpetual a. continuing all the time without changing or stopping I have lived in a perpetual state of fear of losing my job. perpetually ad.

14. gracious a. behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, esp. to people of a lower rank. His gracious young wife greeted me at the door and invited me to have a seat.

15. cherish v. 1) Love sb. or sth. Very much and take care of them well. I have retired parents whom I love and cherish.

2) think that sth. is very important and wish to keep it. Life is hope, so we should cherish life. 

the majesty of the mainland mountains. 大陆山岳的壮美 Focus Study—Word Using 16. majesty n. [U] 1. the quality that sth. big has of being impressive, powerful, or beautiful the majesty of the mainland mountains. 大陆山岳的壮美 2. (Your /Her/ His M~) used when talking to or about a king or queen They sang a song for her Majesty's birthday.

Matching Game __ exemplary __ jeopardize __ integral __ gracious Focus Study—Matching Game Matching Game __ exemplary __ jeopardize __ integral __ gracious __ compliment __ fragile c a. easily broken or damaged b. say sth. nice to sb. c. excellent and providing a good example d. forming a necessary part e. behaving in a polite, kind and generous way f. risk losing or spoil sth. important f d e b a

Chinese to English goodwill ambassador dart off anonymous refugee 1亲善大使 2飞奔跑开 3无名的难民 4灵魂伴侣 5食品的援助 6神圣的力量 7陷入无边的痛苦 8身为表率 goodwill ambassador dart off anonymous refugee soul mate the beneficiary of food sacred force drowned in overwhelming misery lead by example

Chinese to English thrill sb. with sth. be taken captive 9 使…感到兴奋或激动 10 被俘 11直面生命中的恐惧 12 克服挑战 13 获得一个角色 14把某人从…变成… 15危及某人对…的向往 16强烈的责任感 17减轻痛苦 thrill sb. with sth. be taken captive confront life's horrors transcend challenges land a role transform sb. from… to… jeopardize one's hope for … a deep sense of responsibility alleviate suffering 54

Idea Sharing Group Work Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Tip: the beauty of a woman is not in facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. Discuss with your group members, then make a report on What is the real beauty.

A narration about a person's life Writing A narration about a person's life

A narration in chronological order When information in a passage is organized by the time in which each event occurred, it is organized chronologically. A narratives or story is a journey through time, and all of the events are arranged in order of time; Stories require the passage of time; therefore, all stories are organized chronologically.

Part I. General introduction 1. Who he is; You can follow the outline given below. Part I. General introduction 1. Who he is; 2. Why you want to tell his/her story; 3. Your general impression about him/her. 58

Part II. His / Her life story You can follow the outline given below. Part II. His / Her life story When he / she was born How and where he / she grew up What educational background he / she had How he / she started his / her career What he / she had achieved Part III. Conclusion How people evaluate him / her 59

Writing Practice Direction: Write a life story of a person who makes great contributions to the world/an influential celebrity that you know very well.

Fun Time Moon River

Moon river, wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way Two drifters, off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me

Hepburn was born in 1929 as Audrey Ruston in Brussels, Belgium. Back The American Film Institute considered her to be the third greatest actress of all time. Hepburn was born in 1929 as Audrey Ruston in Brussels, Belgium. In the movie classic ‘Roman Holiday', for which she won an Oscar for best actress.

Back 1. We can best portray Audrey Hepburn as an exemplary mother and a dedicate UNICEF Ambassador of Goodwill.

Back 2. When the guard glanced away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats.

Back 3. She was spotted by a producer and eventually landed a role in the film Roman Holiday.

Back 4. She suffered from them, but she never let her sadness overcome her or jeopardize he hope for a brighter future.

Back 5. For Audrey Hepburn, it was a paradise where she could hide from the world with her beloved family, work in hr garden and take a long walks in nature.

Back 6. Because she had many into the most difficult places on earth where people suffered from drought and wars. She wanted to relieve their sufferings by offering spiritual and material help. So, when she was trying to complete her missions, she had to provide a lot of emotional care and was always confronted with dangerous tasks.

Back 7. She believe deeply in the ideology that all people share in the duty to care for those in need.

After-class listening Listen to the Story of Gregory Peck

格利高里·派克 The movie studio wanted Rock Hudson to play Atticus Finch. Fate decreed otherwise. Gregory Peck got the role of the small town Southern lawyer in the 1962 film version of To Kill a Mockingbird. The hero of Harper Lee's Pulitzer prize winning novel had been a man much like her father and when the author met the actor on the first day of shooting, she noted “Gregory,you've got a little potbelly just like my daddy.” The star replied, “Harper, that's great acting.” 制片厂打算让罗克·赫德森饰演阿提库斯·芬奇。可冥冥中却偏偏另有安排。格利高里·派克获得了那个角色,在1962年的影片《杀死一只知更鸟》中扮演南方小镇的律师。这是哈珀·李获普利策奖的小说中的主人公,非常像她的父亲;影片开拍的第一天,作者与演员相遇时,她说道:“格利高里,你恰好和我父亲一样有点大腹便便。”那明星回答说,“哈珀,那才是真正的表演。

From his early days as the most gorgeous man in pictures in Spellbound and Duel in the Sun to his long prime with a Mount Rushmore visage and the voice of Yahweh on a good day, Peck was the sonorous pitchman for movie humanism. He showed how a strong man could also be a gentle man. He counseled ethnic tolerance of Jews in Gentleman's Agreement and blacks in Mockingbird. As a crusading attorney who is also a gentle single dad to his two young kids. Peck made rectitude appear robust. 派克从早期影片《爱德华医生》和《阳光下的决斗》中的帅哥,到漫长的全盛期中他那仿佛在晴空下的拉什莫尔石像的面孔和耶和华般的声音,都表现出他是宣扬电影人文主义的嘹亮歌手。他表明一个健壮的人也可以是一个温柔的人。他提倡种族宽容:在《君子协定》中宽容犹太人,在《杀死一只知更鸟》中宽容黑人。作为进行圣战的律师和两个年幼孩子的单身好父亲,派克使正义坚不可摧。

Peck wasn't just an icon. He was an actor, a smart one Peck wasn't just an icon. He was an actor, a smart one. He picked hit properties in a wide variety of genres. 派克不仅仅是一个偶像。他是一个演员,一个聪明的演员。他在范围广泛的样式中选择了最受欢迎的那些。

Winners and losers are all too clearly defined in today's movies Winners and losers are all too clearly defined in today's movies. Peck's best films always found thoughtful shades of gray. Atticus has taken on the case of a black man accused of raping a white woman -- a perilous assignment in an Alabama town in the 1930s. He argues his case brilliantly demolishes the opposition convinces each member of the movie audience... and loses. But Atticus has shown courage in the fight. 今天的影片中胜败泾渭分明。在派克的最佳影片中总能看到发人深省的灰色影子。阿提库斯接手了一桩黑人男子被控强奸白人女子的案子——这在20世纪30年代的亚拉巴马小镇乃是一项要命的差事。他辩护精彩, 驳倒了对方,令影片的每一个观众心服口服…可他败诉了。但阿提库斯在战斗中表现出了勇气。

It's dangerous to confuse an actor with his movie roles It's dangerous to confuse an actor with his movie roles. But by all accounts the reel and the real Gregory Peck were close kin. He was a model of probity, a loyal friend to colleagues in distress, a father confessor to the Hollywood community. He chaired the National Society of This the American Academy of That. He was laden with official honors Lyndon Johnson gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom Richard Nixon put him on his Enemies List. Peck received perhaps his sweetest laurel when the reclusive Lee said “Gregory Peck was a beautiful man. Atticus Finch gave him the opportunity to play himself.” 把演员与其影片中的角色混为一谈是危险的。但人们说银幕上的格利高里·派克和现实中的格利高里·派克 十分相近。他是正直的表率,患难中的真交,好莱坞社区的告解神甫。他不是这个全国什么什么协会的会长,就是那个美国什么什么学院的主席。他被官方荣誉压得喘不过气来:林登·约翰逊授予他总统自由奖章;理查德·尼克松把他列在了敌对者名单上。隐居的李说,“格利高里·派克是个帅男子。阿提库斯·芬奇给了他扮演自己的机会。”这也许是派克获得的最甜蜜的桂冠。

But who will play the Gregory Peck hero now that noble is for wimps and the best place to find integrity is in Webster's? The masculine delicacy that Peck represented is gone from films no star has filled his mold. Movie actors don't have the voice or posture or temperament for it. Maybe America can't believe in it. 但是,既然高尚已经用在了懦弱之人的身上,寻找操守的最佳地方只有在韦氏词典里,那么,谁又将扮演格利高里·派克式的主人公呢?派克代表的男性典雅已经从电影中消失了;任何明星都无法胜任他的那种类型。 电影演员不具备他那种声音、仪态和气质。也许美国不可能相信这种类型。

Section A Audrey Hepburn – A true angel in this world The end