野地的花 Flowers of the Field


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Presentation transcript:

野地的花 Flowers of the Field 其它敬拜赞美诗歌74首

野地的花穿着美丽的衣裳, Flowers of the field are dressed in bright array, 天空的鸟儿 Birds in the heavens 从来不为生活忙, Never worry for a day.

慈爱的天父天天都看顾, Our gracious Father watches over all, 祂更爱世上的人, 为他们预备永生的路。 He cares so much for us 为他们预备永生的路。 That He will never let us fall.

In stress or trails, great mercy He bestows. 一切需要天父已经都知道, All of our needs our Father already knows, 若心中烦恼让祂为你除掉, In stress or trails, great mercy He bestows.

慈爱的天父天天都看顾, 祂是全能的主, He is almighty God, 信靠祂的人真是有福。 Our gracious Father watches day by day, 祂是全能的主, He is almighty God, 信靠祂的人真是有福。 Believe in Him, He’ll show you the way.

野地的花 Flowers of the Field

野地的花穿着美丽的衣裳, Flowers of the field are dressed in bright array, 天空的鸟儿 Birds in the heavens 从来不为生活忙, Never worry for a day.

慈爱的天父天天都看顾, Ci ai de tian fu, tian tian dou kan gu, 祂更爱世上的人, Ta geng ai shi shang ren, 为他们预备永生的路。 wei ta men yu bei yong sheng de lu。

In stress or trails, great mercy He bestows. 一切需要天父已经都知道, All of our needs our Father already knows, 若心中烦恼让祂为你除掉, In stress or trails, great mercy He bestows.

慈爱的天父天天都看顾, 祂是全能的主, He is almighty God, 信靠祂的人真是有福。 Our gracious Father watches day by day, 祂是全能的主, He is almighty God, 信靠祂的人真是有福。 Believe in Him, He’ll show you the way.