7/12-16 基督徒支持以色列聯盟CUFI Washington D.C會議


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Presentation transcript:

7/12-16 基督徒支持以色列聯盟CUFI Washington D.C會議

7/12-16 基督徒支持以色列聯盟CUFI Washington D.C會議 直接與 CUFI 的辦事處跟Teresa Basham用電話報名, 提起是與 Rev. Charles Huang 同一團才會有特價一人$150 的報名費

CUFI 聯絡人 Teresa Basham 210-477-4714 extension 1161 www.cufi.org Leadership Development Coordinator Donor Relations Specialist Christians United For Israel National Office 210-477-4714 extension 1161 www.cufi.org

ADL 100 國家的調查 : 24% 世界人口有反猶太注意的想法 (1,680,000,000,000的人 = 猶太人口的12,000倍) 世界人口 : 7,000,000,000+ (7+億) 世界猶太人口: ~14,000,000 (0.002%世界人口) Vast majority of non-Jews will never meet a Jewish person ADL 100 國家的調查 : 24% 世界人口有反猶太注意的想法 (1,680,000,000,000的人 = 猶太人口的12,000倍)

Temple University: Students scream “baby killer” and hit a Jewish student in the face. University of Oregon: Swastikas painted on 11 Jewish students’ mailboxes. UC Santa Barbara: “9/11 Was an Outside Job” (Israel’s Fault)

可是 因為我們禱告了… 求神保護各地的猶太人 求神使現在的暴力停止


Austin, Texas: "I came here also because there have been a lot of harsh and anti-Israel statements in the campus I study in, and I felt a need to know more and get to know the issue up close, in order to respond to the Israeli image on my campus," she concludes. New York University: "The automatic link between Israel and the Jews leads to all kinds of phenomena," she says… "They are seen as responsible for everything that is happening in Israel…At the end of the day, Israel's image as it is reflected in the media, including the conservative media in the United States, is very different from what I see and experience here."

可是我們還需要 一直禱告

WASHINGTON — The White House said on Thursday that President Obama would not meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel when he comes here in March to speak to a joint meeting of Congress and to lobby for new sanctions on Iran that Mr. Obama opposes, the latest twist in a dispute that has marked a new low in relations between the two leaders and which now threatens the chances of a nuclear deal with Tehran.


2. 代表美國為他對以色列的態度義悔改 1. 求神釋放他愛進入美國和Obama的心裡 7 愛情,眾水不能息滅,大水也不能淹沒。若有人拿家中所有的財寶要換愛情,就全被藐視 。 (雅歌 8:7) 2. 代表美國為他對以色列的態度義悔改 18 你就不可向舊枝子誇口;若是誇口,當知道不是你托著根,乃是根托著你。(羅馬書11:18)

3. 求神保護各地的猶太人 4. 求神通過這些困難使猶太人得救 用詩篇91篇的話語禱告: “拯救他們脫离捕鳥人的网羅, 不怕黑夜的惊駭, 吩咐主的使者在他們行的一切道上保護他們” 4. 求神通過這些困難使猶太人得救