All about the USA - Unit 12 Georgia O’Keeffe -Art Legend.


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All about the USA - Unit 12 Georgia O’Keeffe -Art Legend

Paragraph 1 →Eleanor Roosevelt In the 1930s, Georgia O’Keeffe was voted one of twelve outstanding living women, along with(與…一起)Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Keller. By the 1960s,she was considered one of the greatest living artists. In the 1980s, she was still living and still painting. By then(到那時候) she had become an American legend. →Eleanor Roosevelt Helen Keller←

Translation 1 (翻譯) 在1930年代,Georgia O’Keeffe與Eleanor Roosevelt 和Helen Keller被選為十二名重要的女性之一,1960年代期間,他被認為是最傑出的藝術家之一,她在1980年代仍然存活著,也持續地創作畫作。到那時候,他已經成為美國的傳奇人物了

★ deal with 處理 ↓ make a deal with 達成協議

Creations 戴著玫瑰花的馬骨頭 Skull with Pink Rose

Paragraph 2 Georgia O’Keeffe was born in 1887 in a Wisconsin farmhouse, the second of seven children. She was independent(獨立的), willful(任性的), and she often misbehaved(行為不當的). She went places she was told not to go, like the barnyard(倉庫旁的空地). She did things she was told not to do, like eat dirt. She was sent to her room with only bread and milk for supper, but she only said, “I like bread and milk.” Later in life, Georgia’s life on the farm would influence(影響) her painting, such as when she painting parts of corn plants and flowers.

Translation 2 (翻譯) Georgia 生於1887年,威斯康辛的一個農家。七個兄弟姐妹中排行第二。她是個有主見,但任性而且經常行為不當的女孩。她去了不該去的地方,如倉庫旁的廣場;她做了不該做的事,像吃髒東西。當送進她的房間的晚餐只是牛奶和麵包時,她只說:「我喜歡牛奶和麵包。」之後在她的人生中,農場生活影響了她的畫作,例如當她在畫部份玉米株和花的時候。

Paragraph 3 From the time she was nine, Georgia and her sisters were driven in a horse-drawn carriage to their art teacher’s home. It was thought important in those days for young ladies to study art so they could decorate their homes. However, Georgia took her lessons more seriously. She had bigger plans for herself.

Translation 3 (翻譯) 在她九歲的時候,她和她的姊姊們坐馬車到美術老師家。因為這些日子對學藝術的年輕女孩來說非常重要,所以他們裝飾家裡。然而,Georgia 對她的課非常認真。她有她自己的更大的計劃。 Skull with Rose← →羊頭骨上的花

★ baby carriage (n.) 嬰兒車 A baby carriage is a small vehicle in which a baby can lie as it is pushed along. ★ undercarriage (n.) 起落架 The undercarriage of an aeroplane(飛機) is the part, including the wheels, which supports the aeroplane when it is on the ground and when it is landing or taking off.

Paragraph 4 The O’Keeffes eventually moved off the farm to Williamsburg, Virginia. Georgia, with her love of the outdoors, was not happy there. She loved to swim and sail and fish, and unlike other southern girls, did not wear hats or gloves to block(阻隔) the sun. She was very unlike her classmates, who wore frilly(折邊似的) dresses and spoke with southern accents. Georgia was a simple farm girl who dressed as plainly(清楚的) as she spoke. No matter how much her classmates tried to change, she refused.

Translation 4 (翻譯) O’Keeffe 家族後來離開了農場到 Virginia 的Williamsburg。 Georgia 帶著她對於喜愛戶外活動的熱忱到那裡,但她並不快樂。 她熱愛游泳、乘船航行以及釣魚,並不像其他南方的女孩們,她不戴帽子或是手套以阻隔陽光。 她不像她的同學們,穿著折邊的洋裝,講話帶著南方的語調。 Georgia是位單純樸實的女孩,她的穿著就像她所說的一樣簡單樸素。不管她的同學們試著怎樣去改變她,她都拒絕了。

IDIOM / PHRASES (片語) ★ A chip off the old block【俚】酷肖父母者 ( 尤指酷肖父親者) Person (especially a man or boy) who is like his father in character. ★ Have a block (about something) 因情緒緊張而不能了解、感之等 Fail to understand, feel, etc because of emotional tension ★Knock sb’s block/head off (威脅某人)狠打某人 used to threaten sb that you will hit them

Paragraph 5 Within only a few weeks at her new school, Georgia was receiving special attention from Elizabeth May Willis, the headmistress and art instructor. She recognized(肯定) O’Keeffe’s talent and eventually become one of the many people who helped O’Keeffe during her life. In other areas, though, O’Keeffe behaved(表現) very badly. She fought with girls and disrupted their studies. She taught others to play card games .She ate dirt, as she had as a child, and had temper tantrums. Once, she burned some of her drawings, saying that one day she would be famous and didn’t want those pictures around when it happened.

Translation 5 (翻譯) 她來到新學校才幾週,Georgia得到身兼校長與藝術講師的Elizabeth May Willis的特別關注,她肯定Georgia的天分,甚至在Georgia的生命中成為許多幫助她的人之ㄧ,在其他地區,雖然Georgia表現非常不好,她跟女生打架與擾亂他們學習還敎其他人玩牌,她吃髒東西,就像小孩子一樣,有著像小孩子的壞脾氣,有一次,她燒毀她自己的一些畫作,說有一天她將會是有名的藝術家,到那時候,她不想讓這些圖畫在她身旁。

O’Keeffe’s Esthetic During her lifetime Georgia O'Keeffe created a body of work whose esthetic is modern in its precision, clean lines, and elegant simplicity. She applied this esthetic to the display and reproduction of her work and for representing and promoting herself. The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum follows this esthetic as a means of fulfilling aspects of its mission: perpetuating the artistic legacy of Georgia O'Keeffe. The Museum displays O'Keeffe's work according to her preferences as are evident in photographs of the many exhibitions she installed at galleries and museums. She preferred reductive, simple, elegant spaces whose walls were white or pearl grey, minimal signage and no wall text, and elegant and non-intrusive frames for her work.

O’Keeffe’s Esthetic She lived this esthetic as can be seen in her manner of dress and in how she furnished her Abiquiu and Ghost Ranch houses, which remain today as they were when she died in 1986. O'Keeffe rarely allowed the reproduction of her work for three-dimensional, commercial purposes, but was generous in allowing its reproduction in scholarly books and exhibitions. Permission was often granted if the image was assigned the proper copyright, surrounded by a white border of appropriate size, not cropped or altered in any way, bled to the edges, or printed over with text. Additionally, O'Keeffe specified that all reproductions be consistent with her esthetic.

Paragraph 6 O‘Keeffe’s belief(信念) that she could become a famous artist was rare among women of her time. It was accepted(公認的) that women art students would become teachers. Actually, O‘Keeffe did take a job as an art instructor(大學講師) after her studies in New York. First she was an instructor at a school in Amarillo, Texas, and then at West Texas State Normal College. While in Texas she began painting landscapes(風景). For the first time she created art with a unique(獨特的) style, unlike anything she had been taught in school.

Translation 6 (翻譯) O‘Keeffe相信,她能在那個時候成為一個著名的藝術家,在女性中是很罕見的。人們都認為學習藝術的女學生,將來會成為老師。事實上,O’Keeffe畢業後她有在紐約的大學擔任藝術講師。剛開始,她曾在阿馬里洛、德州和西德州師範學院擔任講師。在德州的期間她開始畫山水畫。這是她第一次創造了一個獨特的藝術風格完全不同於她之前在學校所教的。

Paragraph 7 In 1918, she moved to New York, where her work was already starting to be noticed. In just a few years she was praised(稱讚) as the greatest woman artist of her time, the first woman artist to excel(突出) in America at a time when most artist were men. She painted in bright colors and a modern style, and every day became more famous, but she was still different. She wore men’s clothes and long black dresses. She didn’t talk much. When she did, she was often angry. It was the only way she knew how to express her self, other than(除了) through her art.

Translation 7 (翻譯) 在1918年,她搬去紐約,在那裡她的作品已經開始被注意,幾年之內他被稱譽為當時最棒的畫家,她是第一個從美國眾多男性畫師中脫穎而出的女性畫家。她的畫作呈現鮮明的色彩與新潮的風格,名聲遠播,但他始終是特別的。他穿男生的衣服和長的黑洋裝。她的話不多,當她開口說話,話中常帶著憤怒的語氣。這是她知道唯一能表達她自己的方式,除了直接透過她的心。

Paragraph 8 In 1924 O’Keeffe married Alfred Stieglitz, a famous photographer, twenty-four years older than O’Keeffe. (61歲) The two great artists were very much in love but found life together very difficult. They often separated for long periods(時期) of time. He stayed in New York and she went to New Mexico, where she found inspiration for her work. After Stieglitz died in 1946, O’Keeffe moved to New Mexico permanently(長期不變的). Alfred Stieglitz

Translation 8 (翻譯) 在1924年,O’Keeffe和有名又大她二十四歲的攝影師Alfred Stieglitz結婚,這兩名藝術家彼此相愛,但是在他們的生活中,在一起是一件很困難的事情,有一段時期,他們常常分隔兩地,Alfred Stieglitz待在紐約,O’Keeffe則待在新墨西哥州,一個可以讓她在工作上找到靈感的地方,在1946年,Stieglitz死了之後,O’Keeffe就搬到新墨西哥州定居。

Paragraph 9 She lived in an adobe(曬乾的泥磚) house in a tiny village called Abiquiu , at the end of the 20 miles of dirt road . It had spectacular(壯觀的) views of the New Mexico landscape, of the mountains and valleys, of sunrises and sunsets. It was here that Georiga O’Keeffe lived an isolated life for the next thirty years and produced her greatest works of art. She became the best-known American woman artist of the century, more famous than she had ever imagined.

Translation 9 (翻譯) Georgia住在一個非常小的村莊Abiquiu裡,她泥磚所建的房子在一條佈滿泥土、長20英哩的路的末端。那裡看的到新墨西哥壯觀的、令人注目的風景,山峰和溪谷,日出和夕陽。Georiga 在那裡與世隔絕的度過接下來的30年,並且創作出她畢生中的具作。她成為世紀中最有名氣的美國女藝術家,她的知名度遠遠超過她所想像的。