Unit 8.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.

Section A 1 1a-2d

Look at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.

Clothing Fun things Kitchen things hat volleyball plate T-shirt toy truck cup book (Harry Potter) baseball cap magazines (rabbits) jacket CD (Michael Jackson)

Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason. 1b Person Thing Reason Jane’s little brother volleyball J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. Mary toy truck She loves volleyball. Carla magazine He was the only little kid at the picnic. Deng Wen book She always listens to pop music. Grace CD He loves rabbits.

1c Whose book is this? It must be Mary’s. J.K. Rowling Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations using the information in 1b. 1c Whose book is this? It must be Mary’s. J.K. Rowling is her favourite writer.

Whose volleyball is this? It must be ... She ...

Whose toy truck is this? It must be ... He ...

Whose magazine is this? It must be ... He ...

Whose CD is this? It must be ... She ...

Things in the schoolbag Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag. Listening 2a Things in the schoolbag 1. T-shirt 2. 3. hair band tennis balls

2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks. 1. The person _____ go to our school. 2. The person ______ be a boy. 3. It _____ be Mei’s hair band. 4. The hair band ______ belong to Linda. 5. It _____ be Linda’s schoolbag. must can’t could might must

情态动词 用法 例句 must 表示很有把握的推测,意为“一定”,只用于肯定句。 The light is out. He must be sleeping. could 和might 表示不太有把握的推测,意为“可能”。 The pen could / might be Joe’s. I saw it on his desk just now. can’t 表示很有把握的否定推测,意为“不可能”。 The girl here can’t be Helen. Helen has gone to Beijing.

Exercises 根据句意, 从括号内选择合适的单词填空。 1. Amy has practiced dancing for five hours. She ______ (must / can’t) be very tired. 2. Miss Yang ______ (must / can’t) be at home. She has gone to Shanghai. 3. Don’t play on the street. You ______ (could /can’t) be hurt by cars. must can’t could

4. Bruce _______ (must / might) pass the exam. I’m not sure. 5. I can’t find my pen at school. It _______ (could / can’t) be at home. might could

3a Reading Read the article and decide which might be the best title. A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood

3b Read the article again and find words to match the meanings. nervous or worried _________ young people _________ person in the next house __________ area where people live ____________ animal like a very large dog _______ person who makes noise __________ uneasy teenagers neighbor neighborhood wolf noise-maker

3c Read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises. Who gave opinions? What are the opinions? Victor’s wife She thinks that it could be an animal. Victor and his friends They think it must be teenagers having fun.

The policemen Helen One woman in the area The writer himself They think it might be the wind. She guesses it can’t be a dog. She thought it was too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf. He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.

Choose the best way to complete each sentence using the words in brackets. 1. A: Where’s Jean? B: I’m not sure. She ________ (is/ might be/ must be) in the laboratory. might be n. 实验室

2. A: Everyone is going to the pool after school. B: Really? It _______ (must be / can’t be /could be ) hot outdoors. must be adv. 在户外,在野外

4. A: I wonder if there are Jim’s glasses. 3. A: That’s the phone. B: Hmm. I wonder who it _______ (must be / could be / should be). could be 4. A: I wonder if there are Jim’s glasses. B: They _______ (can’t be / might be / could be) his. He doesn’t wear glasses. can’t be wonder v. “想知道” (want to know)

5. A: I hear water running in the bathroom. B: It ________________ (could be / must be / can’t be) Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower. could be/ must be think of 想要;打算 e.g. I thought of playing basketball. 我想打篮球。

4b Complete these responses. 1. A: Many people are wearing coats. B: The weather must be _____________ ____________. 2. A: Sally has been coughing a lot. B: She might be ____________________. getting colder/ cold outside having a sore throat/ ill

must be delicious be that boring 3. A: This restaurant is always very crowded. B: The food ________________. 4. A: Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy. B: It can’t _______________. must be delicious adj. 困的 be that boring

Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. Look! There’s a schoolbag here. What’s inside? The person must go to… There’s a T-shirt, ...

Look! There’s a schoolbag What’s inside? The person can’t be a boy, … There’s a hair band, ...

Look! There’s a schoolbag What’s inside? It could be Mei’s. There’s a hair band, ...

Look! There’s a schoolbag What’s inside? It might belong to Linda. There’s a hair band, ...

Look! There’s a schoolbag What’s inside? It must be Linda’s schoolbag. There are tennis balls, ...

2d Role-play the conversation. Mom, I’m really worried. Why? What’s wrong? 32

I can’t find my schoolbag. Well, where did you last put it? 33

Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag? I can’t remember! I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall. v. 出席; 参加 adj. 贵重的; 很有用的; 宝贵的 Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag? 34

No, just my books, my pink hair band and some tennis balls. adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色 So it can’t be stolen. 35

So could it still be at the park? Oh, wait! I went to a picnic after the concert. I remember I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic. So could it still be at the park? 36

Yes. I left early, before the rest of my friends Yes. I left early, before the rest of my friends. I think somebody must have picked it up. I’ll call them now to check if anybody has it. pron. 任何人 37

1. It must belong to Carla. belong to 意为“属于”,它一般不用于 进行时态和被动语态。如: The hair band belongs to Anna. (√) The hair band is belonging to Anna. (×) The hair band is belonged to Anna. (×)

此外,belong to sb. 通常可以和名词性物主代词或名词所有格(一般是’s 所有格)互相转换。 如: The blue jacket belongs to him / Jerry. → The blue jacket is his / Jerry’s.

2. Well, where did you last put it? last adv. 上次; 最近的一次; 最后一次 last除用于句末外, 还常置于句子中间。 e.g. When I last saw her, she was working in Shanghai. 我上次见她时,她在上海工作。 When did you see him last? 你最近见到他是什么时候?

join指加入某个党派, 团体组织等, 成为其中一员, 意为“ 参军, 入党, 入团 ”。 3. I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall. join / take part in /attend join指加入某个党派, 团体组织等, 成为其中一员, 意为“ 参军, 入党, 入团 ”。 e.g. join the Army/the Party/the League join sb. in (doing) sth. 和某人一道做某事 e.g. Will you join us in the picnic? 你参加我们的野炊吗?

join in多指参加小规模的活动如“游戏, 比 赛”, 口语中常用。 e.g. Join in the basketball game. 参加篮球赛。 take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动, 着 重说明主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥 作用。 e.g. We’ll take part in the sports meeting /club. take an active part in 积极参加……

attend 正式用语 vt. 指参加会议, 婚礼, 葬礼, 典礼; 去上 课, 上学, 听报告等。 句子主语只是去听, 去看, 自己不一定 起积极作用。 e.g. I attended a night school. 我上夜校。

4. I think somebody must have picked it up. must在此处表示推测, 意为“一定”。英语中当情态动词后接have done时, 表达对过去的事情进行推测, 故must have done something表示“过去一定做过了”这样的意思。 e.g. He’s playing outside. He must have finished his homework.

5. I’ll call them now to check if anybody has it. anybody pron. 任何人 常用于否定句或疑问句中; 当用于肯定 句中时, 相当于any person, 意为“任何 人”。 e.g. I will not tell anybody the secret.        Is there anybody in the office?        Anybody could do it!

1. Recite the conversation in 2d. 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.