「零售業全面顧客服務體驗」 工作坊 Paul Ma & Jeff Lee 26/04/2013.


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Presentation transcript:

「零售業全面顧客服務體驗」 工作坊 Paul Ma & Jeff Lee 26/04/2013

工作坊內容 理解客戶服務體驗 客戶服務體驗的5個元素 服務過程中5個元素的結構 5個元素的量度準則 ,


用老闆角度,思考一下….. HK$1000 , 顧客會 食品 接待招呼 環境

服務體驗方程式 消費價值 = 產品本體 + 感受 (服務體驗)

服務體驗與競争力 服務體驗 消費價值 競争力

小組活動 “服務體驗與消費價值提升(實戰篇)”

產品本體 啤酒 $25 $90 戲票 $65 $110 咖啡 $20 $50



服務體驗帶來財務效益 實例展示


活動 Exercise Before we go to how to implement Service Experience, I need your help to test how Paul was doing in the first half

優質服務體驗5元素 淺層次體驗 深層次體驗 Tangible 觸及 Reliability: 可靠 Responsiveness 回應 Assurance 保證 Empathy 感受 QSE 優質服務體驗 深層次體驗

優質服務體驗5元素 一代宗師版之四三二一 十足感受 四個感官 + 三個準繩 + 兩個反應 + 一個專家 淺層次體驗 II 深層次體驗 Tangible 觸及 Reliability: 可靠 Responsiveness 回應 Assurance 保證 Empathy 感受 QSE 優質服務體驗 四個感官 + 三個準繩 + 兩個反應 + 一個專家 II 十足感受 深層次體驗

四個感官 (觸及) 用眼,耳,口,鼻觸及到的實物設施、器材、人物與及能溝通的物質

三個準繩 (可靠) 有能力去實行準時、準確及準數的服務承諾

兩個反應 (回應) 樂意點頭微笑並提供迅速接待回應

一個專家 (保證) 用專業知識、技能足以顯示信心

十足感受 (感受) 四三二一之總和 就謂之十足感受 !!!

優質服務體驗5元素 一代宗師版之四三二一 十足感受 四個感官 + 三個準繩 + 兩個反應 + 一個專家 淺層次體驗 II 深層次體驗 Tangible 觸及 Reliability: 可靠 Responsiveness 回應 Assurance 保證 Empathy 感受 QSE 優質服務體驗 四個感官 + 三個準繩 + 兩個反應 + 一個專家 II 十足感受 深層次體驗

活動時間 Exercise Before we go to how to implement Service Experience, I need your help to test how Paul was doing in the first half

探討優質服務體驗 量度指標





練習 Exercise Before we go to how to implement Service Experience, I need your help to test how Paul was doing in the first half

顧客體驗5元素練習 總共有10條練習題目,每條題目是一個服務項目 請仔細閱讀每項服務內容 然後確定它是屬於那些顧客體驗元素 請在你選擇的答案空格內打✓

Distribute question sheets to participants and allow 5 mins to complete the exercise. Each service item may have more than 1 elements. After 5 to 8 mins, trainer will read out each question and solicit answers from the floor. Trainer will interact with participants to process items with queries. Transition to next slide –Now we all have a good understanding of how the 4 elements relating to our real work. Actually, we can easily use these items to measure how well we are delivering our service to our customers. And a comprehensive checklist will become our MSP checklist.

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Process each statement by soliciting answers from participants ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Highlighted specific examples from the exercise

優質服務體驗5元素 淺層次體驗 外觀整齊及清潔 陳列物品及設施清潔及擺放整齊 有足夠的商品 / 服務可供客人選購 深層次體驗 Tangible 觸及 Reliability: 可靠 Responsiveness 回應 Assurance 保證 Empathy 感受 QSE 優質服務體驗 外觀整齊及清潔 陳列物品及設施清潔及擺放整齊 有足夠的商品 / 服務可供客人選購 The outer 2 layers of service are lower degree of customer interaction. Boss can easily instruct staff to perform. Easier for you to take care! 深層次體驗

老闆全力督促 可以做到的部分!!!

Highlighted specific examples from the exercise

優質服務體驗5元素 淺層次體驗 友善的微笑接待客人 保持耐性,並沒有顯示不滿 解釋商品 功能會為客人帶來的好處 Tangible 觸及 Reliability: 可靠 Responsiveness 回應 Assurance 保證 Empathy 感受 QSE 優質服務體驗 友善的微笑接待客人 保持耐性,並沒有顯示不滿 解釋商品 功能會為客人帶來的好處 提供眼科視光檢查服務並加以解釋 But how do we effectively implement this… 深層次體驗

影響帶動其他人 可以做到的部分!!! The 3rd and 4th layers of services required higher degree of customer interactions therefore you need to train and influence your staff to do them. Also these are the focus of employees.

如何執行? 制定流程系統及管理工具 訂立相關人員的責任 訓練相關人員執行要求及改變其工作行為 “Make Things Happen” Said is easier than done. Now, let's explore how to implement this ideal.

管理工具 1 1 1 1 We can easier turn this exercise into our measurement tool. And know how well we are doing by scoring this checklist.

管理工具 - 神秘客戶評估 The complete one is like this. i.e the MSP checklist

執行方法 溝通與共識 設計及建立 持續及改良 安裝及 執行 定義管理框架 流程 系統 組織 教育與培訓 共識目的及目標 構建未來願景 建立雙贏提案 組織執行團隊 執行管理工具 評估效果 檢討及改善行動 神秘客戶審核 跟進及指導 設定新績效標準 Here are the approach or steps to implement...just now, we have developed one of our management tools..

Last But Not Least 慶祝及獎賞 Celebrate and recognize Of course, do not forget to celebrate and recognize your team for achievement, even though it is a minor improvement, only success will breed success Celebrate and recognize 慶祝及獎賞

角色扮演 假如你的經理有這樣的想法,你作為老闆會如何處理? 練習 Exercise 角色扮演 假如你的經理有這樣的想法,你作為老闆會如何處理? During implementation, you will see resistance from your people and this is normal. I have another exercise about how to handle resistance. You as an owner, your shop manager has the following negative responses to you in implementing this programme, how do you handle them. Each group will take up 1 question and think about how to handle it. Given 5 mins for group discussion and each group will share their answer depends on our time schedule.

執行時可能遇到的障礙 Training is part of our job, it is not necessary to be done by training department and in a training room. There is no conflict between systems and staff creativity. If staff has no interest in company's future that means they are not committed to their work. Better service does not mean harder work. On the other hand, you will have better job satisfaction if customers feel good. If evaluation can help to develop and improve staff's performance, why should we resist? Follow up is to make sure we did not side track and nothing to do with trust. If we are consistently delivering quality service, it should reflect the truth. Time spending on huddle meeting and simple paper work will save our time and money to rectify the damages created by poor service.