台北市私立再興中學 九年一貫之 英語教學特色分享


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Presentation transcript:

台北市私立再興中學 九年一貫之 英語教學特色分享 本位課程:復活節(Easter) 英語會話課 •七年級:教材(Say it) •八年級:教材 (全民英檢初級) 英語活動 •英語話劇與演講比賽 •英語壁報製作 •英語廣播

主題 復活節 學習目標 透過復活節慶之相關活動, 讓學生對於英文及西方文化產生更大的興趣與學習意願。 內容項目(單元名稱) 春之生 實施年級 七年級 實施日期(週別、節數) 四月中旬(復活節當週) 兩節課 統整課程 藝術與人文、綜合領域 教學評量 學習單

1. Having Fun In Easter Eggs Hunting 三、Five Little Bunnies Chant編奏曲or 歌曲 四、學習單 1. Having Fun In Easter Eggs Hunting 2. Writing key words about Easter 五、製作畫冊

The story of Easter 1. Easter is a special holiday in spring. 2. It is a Christian holiday and it falls on a special Sunday in April. 3. Jesus died on Good Friday. 4. Jesus came to life again three days later. It was on Sunday. 5. Today, Christians go to church and have a special service on Easter Sunday. 6. Many people sing and pray on Easter Sunday. 7. They think about new life in Heaven after death. 8. Flowers, eggs, rabbit, lambs and chickens are all symbols of Easter. 9. They mean “Happy New Life.” 10. People celebrate Easter by wearing new clothes. 11. Children like the Easter Bunny and his baskets of candy. 12. The Easter Bunny likes o fill his basket with colored eggs and candy. 13. Then he hides the eggs and candy in many places on the day before Easter Sunday. 14. On Easter Sunday morning, children hunt for the eggs and candy. 15. On Easter Sunday evening, children eat a big dinner with their families.

Having Fun In Easter Eggs Hunting 學習單    Class: Name: No:   Having Fun In Easter Eggs Hunting   Directions: There are ten “eggs” in the word puzzle. Find all of them in two minutes before they grow legs and run away! (→↓↘↙) 找尋復活節彩蛋: 在字謎中藏了10個蛋,請在2分鐘內把他們全部找出來,否則他們就要長腳跑掉囉! e b a c g o l x f d y j h z m i k n r q p

學習單 Class: Name: No: c o r i t h m l k f a n d e s p v w x g b j u y q Writing key words about Easter 填字遊戲 Directions: 請依照題目的敘述及提示,先將字盤中正確的單字圈出來,在將單字填在空格內   1.Children put delicious c in their baskets. 2.Where can we h for eggs? 3.We have beautiful f in our garden. 4. “Bunny” is a cute nickname for a r . 5.Where do they h the Easter eggs? 6.There will be a wonderful p on Easter Day. 7.Children sing and pray on E . 8.We love to have an e hunting on Easter Day. 9.I choose my favorite c to dry my egg. 10.Mom puts the eggs on the p for dinner. c o r i t h m l k f a n d e s p v w x g b j u y q z E l