第五章 方法章節.


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Presentation transcript:

第五章 方法章節

大 綱 前言 5.1 基本內容及組織 5.2 實驗程序的描述 5.3 材料或設備的描述

前言 讓讀者瞭解提出的研究方法或技術是否正確可行 描述用以測試技術或模型的實驗

5.1 基本內容及組織 方法章節須詳述實驗程序,以便讀者能重複同樣的實驗 方法章節包括 對實驗的概述 採用的材料、儀器及設備 逐步解釋實驗程序 對調查樣本或母體的描述 關於樣本所屬母體(群種)的一般資料 抽樣的方法或基準 樣本的限制或特殊條件

實驗環境的特殊情況 極高或極低溫度 極高或極低電壓 輻射、特殊光線等 選用特定材料、設備或方法的理由 實驗設備或方法(包括問卷或測驗內容)的詳細描述 對統計分析方法的描述

方法章節中資料的排列順序 一般按照實驗進行的先後順序排列 開頭 對整個實驗作概述,並描述此實驗的預備工作、樣本、材料及研究對象 接續 依序描述實驗程序中個別步驟 最後 描述實驗結果的收集方式、分析結果的方法或所採用的儀器設備

An Experimental Approach to Language Teaching Method [概述] To evaluate the effect of the proposed approach to language teaching, pretests, posttests, and follow-up tests of oral and written French were administered to experimental and control classes comprising 350 grade 7 French immersion [專心] students in a large metropolitan area. In all, 12 classes participated in the study. Pretests:預備考試 Immersion:專心;陷入

[抽樣方法及樣本的特性] Classes were selected that were similar in general socioeconomic [社會經濟的] background and ability level of the students and in the teaching experience of the instructors. The assignment of classes to the experimental or control group was stratified [分為不同等級的] by district [區,轄區,行政區] and made on a random basis; the-pretest results and information provided by the school districts were used to match the two groups. There were six classes in each group, with between 25 and 30 students in each class … Socioeconomic:社會經濟的 Stratified:分為不同等級的 District:區,轄區,行政區

[實驗程序] The experimental group received instruction in a specially designed curriculum [課程] unit over a period of five to seven weeks, while the control group received normal classroom instruction ..... Written and oral measures of French were administered to both groups prior to the beginning of the experimental curriculum (pretest) and immediately after its completion (posttest). Tests were administered near the end of the school year to determine the long-term effects of the treatment (follow-up test). Curriculum:課程

[測驗方式] The test instruments developed for the study consisted of a cloze test, a written composition, and an oral interview. The cloze [填充測驗法的] tests consisted of …… [統計分析] Statistical comparisons were made between the pretest results of the two groups to determine their relative standing at the start of the experiment. Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to statistically compare the progress of the two groups in French writing and speaking over the three testing times. Only students who participated in all three testing sessions were included. Cloze:填充測驗法的

5.2 實驗程序的描述 方法章節中使用過去式的情況 方法章法中使用現在式的情況 描述過去的研究活動如研究方法或實驗程序 敘述一般不受時間影響的事實 描述一般標準程序 如「論文導向」的句子,指論文本身的內容

The Effect of Indentation on Program Comprehension Method The experiment was conducted at a large university in the Midwest, and the subjects were 72, students from a junior-level Fortran and Pascal computer science course. Typical enrollees in this course include computer science and engineering students. The experiment was administered during a regular session of the class. At the time of the experiment the students had already been exposed to Pascal for four weeks, and each student had written at least two programs in Pascal. Enrollees:入學者;入伍者

The experimental design was of the “posttest only different treatment” variety. In this type of procedure, subjects are randomly assigned to one of several groups (in our case, three). Subjects in all groups perform the same tasks, with the only difference being the experimental treatment (in our case, the indentation of the programs). Performance measures (comprehension scores) were collected for each subject to see if the different treatments led to different levels of performance.

During the instruction session before the experiment, the subjects heard a prepared speech describing the experiment. Then the 72 subjects were randomly divided into three groups by stacking the three instruments in an alternating order to achieve an equal number of subjects in each group. The treatment was a Pascal implementation of the hangman game written in one of three styles of indentation. The data gathered were the student scores on a test of 10 comprehension questions. The tests for the control and “excessive” indentation groups are shown in Figure 3; the test for the moderate indentation group is shown in Figure 4.... Stacking:堆放 Hangman:劊子手

描述實驗步驟使用過去式 當敘述不受時間影響的事實,使用現在式 The experiment was conducted at a large university in the Midwest. The 72 subjects were randomly divided into three groups. 當敘述不受時間影響的事實,使用現在式 Typical enrollees in this course include computer science and engineering students.

描述標準程序,使用現在式 指稱研究報告的其它部分,使用現在式 In this type of procedure, subjects are randomly assigned to one of several groups. Subjects in all groups perform the same tasks. 指稱研究報告的其它部分,使用現在式 The tests for the control and “excessive” indentation groups are shown in Figure 3.

語態 描述實驗 每個步驟及所用材料,一般使用被動語態 可用“we”當作主詞,強調作者的角色 在方法章節中 大多數作者習慣採用被動語態,避免使用“we”

(Worse) We immersed the samples in an ultrasonic [超音波的] bath for 3 minutes in acetone [丙酮] followed by 10 minutes in distilled water. (Better) The samples were immersed in an ultrasonic bath for 3 minutes in acetone followed by 10 minutes in distilled water [蒸餾水]. Ultrasonic:超音波的 Acetone:丙酮 Distilled water:蒸餾水

(Worse) To evaluate the influence of nitrogen [氮] and carbon monoxide [一氧化碳] on SiO2 sputtering [噴濺], we performed two experiments in which these gases where introduced through the leak valve during sputtering. (Better) To evaluate the influence of nitrogen and carbon monoxide on SiO2 sputtering, two experiments were performed in which these gases were introduced through the leak valve during sputtering. Nitrogen:氮 Carbon monoxide:一氧化碳 Sputtering:噴濺

(Worse) For the second trial, the apparatus [儀器] was covered by a sheet of plastic. It was believed that this modification would reduce the amount of scattering. (Better) For the second trial, the apparatus was covered by a sheet of plastic. We believed this modification would reduce the amount of scattering. (Better) For the second trial, the apparatus was covered by a sheet of plastic to reduce the amount of scattering. Apparatus:儀器;設備,裝置

5.3 對材料或設備的描述 研究中的材料包括 實驗設備 機器 儀器 研究對象 化學品或其它材料 問卷或測驗 電腦程式或數學模型

描述實驗材料 先對材料作概述,再詳細描寫材料的結構、主要成份或重要性 描述儀器設備 解釋設備的功能與運作方式

A Twin-lens Reflex Camera A twin-lens [雙透鏡的] reflex camera [反光相機] is actually a combination of two separate camera boxes (see Figure 1). On top is the viewing box, which contains a fixed mirror (1) and ground glass (2). The viewing box is used only for viewing and focusing. The photograph is made on the film plane (6) in the lower box. Two lenses of equal focal length [焦距] are mounted on a common plate (3) that is moved forward and backward to focus the camera. The viewing lens (4) is used for viewing and focusing; the taking lens [鏡頭] (5) is used for taking the photograph. When the shutter [快門] release is pressed, the shutter in the taking-lens opens, allowing-light to pass through and form an image on the film plane. Twin-lens:雙透鏡的 Reflex camera:反光相機 Focal length:焦距 Taking lens:鏡頭 Shutter:快門

Figure 1. A twin-lens reflex camera.

對材料或設備的描述 依空間順序的組織形式 從上到下、從前到後、從左到右 依功能順序的組織形式 按照某些設備每個部分運作的順序來描述各部分

Example (依功能順序的組織形式) On a twin-lens reflex camera (see Figure 1), light passes through the viewing lens (4) and is reflected by a fixed mirror (1) onto a ground glass (2). The photographer views the image on the ground glass and focuses the camera by moving a common plate (3) on which both the viewing lens and the taking lens (5) are mounted. When the shutter release is pressed, the shutter in the taking lens opens, allowing light to pass through and form an image on the film plane (6).

時態 描述某個研究中所採用的研究對象或材料可使用過去式或現在式 現在式:若句子的內容為普遍、不受時間影響的事實 過去式:若句子的內容為特定、過去的行為或事件

以上述相機為例 被描述的相機為標準相機,並非實驗用的特殊相機,應使用現在式 A twin-lens reflex camera is actually a combination of two separate camera boxes. The viewing box is used only for viewing and focusing.

另一典型例子 第一句指稱作者過去行為,使用過去式 第二句和第三句則描述仍然存在、其他學者還可繼續使用的機器,都採用現在式

1The work was carried out on the Imperial [帝國的] College gas atomizer [噴霧器,霧化器], which has been described in detail elsewhere [4, 5]. 2The plant operates vertically upwards and uses a return gas flow to obtain a clear view of the atomizing jet. 3Under controlled conditions, oxygen is fed into the return gas at a level of 1% by volume to passivate the powder by forming a layer of oxide. Imperial:帝國的 Atomizer:噴霧器,霧化器


The probes consisted of pieces of narrow plastic tubing inserted through wider pieces of plastic tubing, so that the smaller tubing [管子] extended 2 cm beyond each outer piece on one end and 8 cm beyond on the other end. Privacy was measured by summing the responses to a five-item questionnaire modified from one used by Sundstrom (1980). The scale contained five yes/no questions that asked whether the participant's workspace was enclosed by a partition or wall ... Questions used to assess the subjective evaluation of the workspace asked for ratings on seven-point scales.... Tubing:管子

描述的意義會隨不同時態而改變 下句使用過去式,讀者能清楚瞭解作者描述為此次實驗而特別設計並製造的設備 The sample holders were specially designed to prevent slippage during measurement. The samples were held by special aluminum tabs covered with sandpaper. Slippage:滑動 Aluminum:鋁 Tabs:(易拉罐的)拉環 Sandpaper:砂紙

若把句中動詞改為現在式,讀者會以為作者在描述某種標準設備或產品 The sample holders are specially designed to prevent slippage during measurement. The samples are held by special aluminum tabs covered with sandpaper.

描述被抽樣的母體(種群)之句子內容為普遍、不受時間影響之事實,應使用現在式 描述母體之句子中常出現如generally, typically或usually等副詞 Students in these programs typically have three hours of instruction per day in French. Enrollment in the course generally consists mainly of computer science and engineering students. Most employees at this level are young and comparatively inexperienced.

描述特定樣本(研究對象)之句子內容,則使用過去式 The sample consisted of 350 grade 7 students from four school districts in a large Western city. [研究結束後,句中所提的樣本就不存在] The average age of the first group of subjects was 22, and the average age of the second group was 40. [研究結束後,研究對象的年紀都會增加] All of the salesmen in the sample had at least two years of experience in their current job. [研究結束後,其中一些業務員可能會換工作]

在描述研究對象或材料時,必要時使用過去完成式以表示在一個特定、過去的時間前已完成的過去行為或事件 Example:過去完成式表示學生學習電腦程式語言的兩個事件是在另一事件—即作者實驗—之前發生的 At the time of the experiment, the students had already been exposed to Pascal for four weeks, and each student had written at least two programs in Pascal.

Example:過去完成式表示在作者進行測驗時,橋已經竣工五年 At the time of testing, the first bridge had been in use for five years.

語態 在方法章節中,常使用被動語態指稱自己的行為,如實驗程序 The subjects were randomly divided into three groups. The samples were immersed in an ultrasonic bath for 3 minutes in acetone. Immersed:浸入的 Ultrasonic:超音波的 Acetone:丙酮

當作者描述實驗設備或材料的運作或反應時,使用主動語態 The apparatus measured both instantaneous elastic deformation and subsequent stress relaxation. The lasers transmitted upstream signals on preassigned optical wavelengths. A dense wavelength-division multiplexing device at the remote node separates the signals and routes them onto dedicated distribution fibers. Apparatus:儀器,設備 Instantaneous:瞬間的 Elastic:有彈性的 Deformation:變形

如使用被動語態描述實驗設備的運作,必須插入以by開頭的片語 The white noise was recorded by a tape recorder. Power was supplied by a portable generator. The ion flux was measured by a Faraday cup. Ion:離子 Flux:流出 Faraday:法拉第(電容單位)