Last updated: 2005/10/9 TRIZ 簡介Part 2 方煒 台大生機系教授 Created: 2002/9/12.


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Last updated: 2005/10/9 TRIZ 簡介Part 2 方煒 台大生機系教授 Created: 2002/9/12

激發創意常用方法 自由聯想 強制聯想 腦力激盪法BS、卡片腦力激盪法CBS 希望點列舉法、缺點列舉法 查核表法: MIT查核點 通用公司(GE )查核表 奧斯朋查核表

MIT查核點 機能的增加、減少 性質的提高 成本的降低 銷售力的增強 性質:品質、耐久性、便利性、保養性等 不需要的機能的消除 替代材料的探詢 銷售力的增強 設計、包裝的變革

通用公司(GE )查核表 針對現場改善 為了提高效率,能利用某些適當的機會嗎? 現在的設備有無改善的空間? 改變搬運裝置的位置或順序,能否改善作業? 為了同步化作業,能否使用某些工具或器具? 改變作業順序,能否改良品質? 能否代用比現在更便宜的材料? 改變材料的切削方法,能否更節約? 能否更安全的進行作業? 能否消除浪費的形式? 能否簡化現在的作業工程?

奧斯朋查核表-1 1.有無使用在其他的途徑? 2. 能否借用其他的點子? 3. 試加改變如何? 4. 若擴大的話,會如何? 有無相似者?能否模仿?有無範本? 2. 能否借用其他的點子? 在現在原封不動的情況下,稍加改變 3. 試加改變如何? 改變式樣、顏色、聲音、味道、動作、意義,能否容易處理?有無其他能改變的? 4. 若擴大的話,會如何? 若增加尺寸(加寬、加長、加厚) 、面積、體積、重量、強化、增加元件、增加時間、增加經費會如何? 5. 若縮小的話,會如何? 若縮減尺寸(加寬、加長、加厚) 、面積、體積、重量、強化、縮減甚至省掉元件、縮減時間、縮減經費會如何?

奧斯朋查核表-2 6.若代用的話,會如何? 7.若調換的話,會如何? 8.若相反的話,會如何? 9. 若結合的話,會如何? 以其他材料、其他成分、其他配方、其他方法、使用其他動力、替代人選、有無某些改變的東西? 7.若調換的話,會如何? 若改變順序呢?若調換前後呢?若調換左右呢?若調換男女呢?若調換大人與小孩呢? 8.若相反的話,會如何? 若你是對方呢?若立場相反呢?若位置相反呢?若上下顛倒呢?若分配相反呢? 9. 若結合的話,會如何? 若結合單元呢?結合點子呢?結合目的呢?混合呢? 10.若分開的話,會如何? 若分離呢?成為各別呢?若分開同步進行呢?若分段進行呢?

TRIZ 的Principle 工具庫 是比以上那些 查核表 功能更完整的 系統思考工具

TRIZ的40個可以協助創新的發明原則 1~20 Beforehand cushioning (先一步緩衝) Equi potentiality (等位能) The other way around (反面處理) Spheroidality (球體化) Dynamics (動態性) Partial or excessive actions (部份或過量作動) Another dimension (移至新的維度) Mechanical vibration (機械振動) Periodic action (週期性動作) Continuity of useful action (有效動作的連續性) Segmentation (分割) Taking out (提鍊) Local Quality (局部品質) Asymmetry (非對稱性) Merging (組合) Universality (通用性) Nested doll (重疊放置) Anti-weight (配重) Preliminary anti-action (事先的反制動作) Preliminary action (事先的動作)

TRIZ的40個可以協助創新的發明原則 21~40 Skipping (跳過) Blessing in disguise (善意的偽裝) Porous materials (多孔性材料) Color changes (改變顏色) Homogeneity (均質性) Discarding and recovering (去除再重新產生) Parameter changes (改變參數) Phase transitions (相變化) Thermal expansion (熱膨脹) Strong oxidants (強氧化劑) Inert atmosphere (置入環境) Composite material (複合材料) Skipping (跳過) Blessing in disguise (善意的偽裝) Feedback (回饋) Intermediary (中繼器) Self-service (自我服務) Copying (複製) Cheap short-living (以便宜的短期用物取代) Mechanics substitution (替代機構) Pneumatics and hydraulics (氣壓或液壓構造) Flexible shells and thin films (可撓性薄板或薄膜)

TRIZ解題模式 The World’s Problems Generic Solutions My Problem My Solution

標準問題 標準解答 如何降低 馬達轉速 利用齒輪箱 或傳動系統 我的解答 我的問題 齒輪箱以適當之尺寸 、重量、轉速、扭力 等加以設計以符合切 削加工之需求 設計一台旋轉式切削 機器---需具備低轉速 (100rpm)與高動力以 取代一般高轉速3600 rpm之AC馬達 TRIZ解題模式範例

TRIZ 解題程序 步驟名稱 內容說明 步驟一: 確認並說明問題 操作環境 資源需求 主要有利功能 相關有害效應 理想結果 步驟五: 確認與提出所有可能解題概念 利用發明原則提出解題概念 步驟二: 擬定問題 找出技術性之衝突 把多個無法解決技術性之衝突轉化為物理性之衝突 輸入:以功能方式描述相關之有利或有害之功能及兩者關係 輸出:問題之敘述 步驟六: 評估解題概念 擬定標準確認理想解題概念 步驟三: 問題敘述之分類 問題敘述將以下列三種方式分類: 解決問題之重要性 改善系統之重要性 問題太一般化而不被考慮 步驟七: 實施理想解題概念 工程計算 工程設計 原型製作 系統、產品測試 步驟四: 確認適當發明原則 對每一問題敘述依技術衝突表確認適當發明原則


TRIZ理論基礎 衝突理論 (Contradiction) 系統演化論 (Evolution of System) 理想性法則 (Law of Ideality)

TRIZ解題流程圖 問題分析 1.功能分析 2.最後理想結果分析 3.資源分析 4.確立抵觸區 選擇TRIZ工具 已知作什麼 不知如何進行 1.功能分析 2.最後理想結果分析 3.資源分析 4.確立抵觸區 選擇TRIZ工具 已知作什麼 不知如何進行 衝突問題發生 系統須要改善 系統演化預測工具 Principles工具庫 Effects工具庫 解答評估 新問題 TRIZ解題流程圖 實施

最後理想結果(IFR)分析 Σ利益 理想性(I)= ( Σ成本+Σ損失 ) 一個設計或製程發展, 從某一起始點向最後理想結果之演進成效的量化表示方式以理想性稱之 理想性(I)= Σ利益 ( Σ成本+Σ損失 )

最後理想結果(IFR)的四個特性 1.消除原系統缺點 2.保留原系統之優點 3.不會使系統複雜化(利用免費或可利用資源) 4.不導入新的缺點

TRIZ解題流程圖 問題分析 1.功能分析 2.最後理想結果分析 3.資源分析 4.確立抵觸區 選擇TRIZ工具 已知作什麼 不知如何進行 1.功能分析 2.最後理想結果分析 3.資源分析 4.確立抵觸區 選擇TRIZ工具 已知作什麼 不知如何進行 衝突問題發生 系統須要改善 系統演化預測工具 Principles工具庫 Effects工具庫 解答評估 新問題 TRIZ解題流程圖 實施


TRIZ的8種技術演化類型 增加理想性類型 演化階段類型 系統元件非均衡發展類型 增加動態與可控制性類型 增加複雜性再簡單化 部份耦合與非耦合類型 過渡至微觀水準與利用場觀念 減少人之交互作用增加自動化

TRIZ解題流程圖 問題分析 1.功能分析 2.最後理想結果分析 3.資源分析 4.確立抵觸區 選擇TRIZ工具 已知作什麼 不知如何進行 1.功能分析 2.最後理想結果分析 3.資源分析 4.確立抵觸區 選擇TRIZ工具 Principles工具庫 系統演化預測工具 Effects工具庫 解答評估 實施 新問題 衝突問題發生 系統須要改善 已知作什麼 不知如何進行 TRIZ解題流程圖

技術系統 任何物品能執行某種機能者,一般稱為技術系統。 任何技術系統可能由一個或多個次系統構成。 在TRIZ方法論中,最簡單的技術系統是由兩元件所組成,而必須有一種能量從一元件作用到那一元件。


技術系統 衝突之類型 技術衝突 (Technical contradictions) 技術系統 衝突之類型 技術衝突 (Technical contradictions) 物理衝突 (Physical contradictions)

技術衝突 技術衝突代表一系統中兩個子系統間之衝突。 在某一子系統建立有利功能,引起另一子系統產生有害功能。 在某一子系統消除有害功能,引起另一子系統有用功能之損壞。 強化有用功能或減少有害功能,引起另一子系統或全體系統產生無法接受之併發症。

功能模型分析符號 系統元件 系統成品 增進 外在系統 降低

技術衝突型態數學模式1 (X Y Z 元件性能參數) 元件散熱效能 外殼開洞 增進 Y 降低 元件結構強度 X Z

技術衝突型態數學模式2 (X Y Z 元件性能參數) 接合 液態膠 有洞零件 堵塞 Y Z X

技術衝突型態數學模式3 (X Y Z 元件性能參數) 裝載 合金容器 酸 腐蝕 X Y

衝突矩陣 Contradiction Matrix 39個工程參數 (1~20) 1. 移動件重量 2. 固定件重量 3. 移動件長度 4. 固定件長度 5. 移動件面積 6. 固定件面積 7. 移動件體積 8. 固定件體積 9. 速度 10.力量 11. 張力,壓力 12. 形狀 13. 物體穩定性 14. 強度 15. 移動件耐久性 16. 固定件耐久性 17. 溫度 18. 亮度 19. 移動件消耗能量 20. 固定件消耗能量

衝突矩陣 Contradiction Matrix 39個工程參數 (21~39) 21. 動力 22. 能源浪費 23. 物質浪費 24. 資訊喪失 25. 時間浪費 26. 物料數量 27. 可靠度 28. 量測精確度 29. 製造精確度 30. 物體上有害因素 31. 有害側效應 32. 製造性 33. 使用方便性 34. 可修理性 35. 適合性 36. 裝置複雜性 37. 控制複雜性 38. 自動化程度 39. 生產性

衝突矩陣範例1 參數1 參數5 Worsening 移動件重量 Improving 移動件面積

衝突矩陣範例2 參數12 參數4 Worsening 形狀 Improving 固定件長度

Principles 模組的使用 選擇數值加大的參數 選擇數值減小的參數 增加速度 降低功率

TechOptimizer Ver.3.0 針對上列選擇,總共建議有四項準則,每項準則中都有幾個範例提供參考。 Periodic Action Parameter Changes Strong Oxidants Separation

Periodic Action Solution: Correcting Geomagnetic Deviation Measurement Problem: The geomagnetic deviation is determined by a marine magnetic survey. It is determined by measuring the geomagnetic field with a magnetometer towed by a ship. However, the ship's magnetic field distorts the magnetometer readings. Solution: Correcting Geomagnetic Deviation Measurement

Periodic Action Problem: Drilling frozen earth with impulses of gas under high pressure consumes much energy. Solution: Improved Drilling with Air Impulses

TechOptimizer Ver.3.0 針對上列選擇,總共建議有四項準則,每項準則中都有幾個範例提供參考。 Periodic Action Parameter Changes Strong Oxidants Separation

Parameter Changes Acid Drills A Tooth

Parameter Changes Problem: An inclined conveyer belt does not allow cargo (loose ore, sand, etc.) to be transported at steep angles of incline. Due to it's angle of repose (friction limits), the cargo would slip down the belt. Solution: Cargo Frozen Onto A Conveyer Belt

TechOptimizer Ver.3.0 針對上列選擇,總共建議有四項準則,每項準則中都有幾個範例提供參考。 Periodic Action Parameter Changes Strong Oxidants Separation

Strong Oxidants Improved Therapy Chamber 

Strong Oxidants Quick Curing Of Wounds 

TechOptimizer Ver.3.0 針對上列選擇,總共建議有四項準則,每項準則中都有幾個範例提供參考。 Periodic Action Parameter Changes Strong Oxidants Separation

Separation Aircraft Instead of Satellite

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Separation Enhanced Lifetime Of CO2 Laser

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Principle 3. Local quality 局部品質 Change an object's structure from uniform to non-uniform, change an external environment (or external influence) from uniform to non-uniform. Use a temperature, density, or pressure gradient instead of constant temperature, density or pressure. Make each part of an object function in conditions most suitable for its operation. Lunch box with special compartments for hot and cold solid foods and for liquids Make each part of an object fulfill a different and useful function. Pencil with eraser Hammer with nail puller Multi-function tool that scales fish, acts as a pliers, a wire stripper, a flat-blade screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, manicure set, etc.

Principle 4. Asymmetry 非對稱性 Change the shape of an object from symmetrical to asymmetrical. Asymmetrical mixing vessels or asymmetrical vanes in symmetrical vessels improve mixing (cement trucks, cake mixers, blenders). Put a flat spot on a cylindrical shaft to attach a knob securely. If an object is asymmetrical, increase its degree of asymmetry. Change from circular O-rings to oval cross-section to specialized shapes to improve sealing. Use astigmatic optics to merge colors.

Principle 5. Merging 組合 Bring closer together (or merge) identical or similar objects, assemble identical or similar parts to perform parallel operations. Personal computers in a network Thousands of microprocessors in a parallel processor computer Vanes in a ventilation system Electronic chips mounted on both sides of a circuit board or subassembly Make operations contiguous or parallel; bring them together in time. Link slats together in Venetian or vertical blinds. Medical diagnostic instruments that analyze multiple blood parameters simultaneously Mulching lawnmower




Principle 9. Preliminary anti-action 事先的反制動作

Principle 10. Preliminary action 事先的動作 Perform, before it is needed, the required change of an object (either fully or partially). Pre-pasted wall paper Sterilize all instruments needed for a surgical procedure on a sealed tray. Pre-arrange objects such that they can come into action from the most convenient place and without losing time for their delivery. Kanban arrangements in a Just-In-Time factory Flexible manufacturing cell

Principle 11. Beforehand cushioning 先一步緩衝


Principle 13. 'The other way round' 反面處理 Invert the action(s) used to solve the problem (e.g. instead of cooling an object, heat it). To loosen stuck parts, cool the inner part instead of heating the outer part. Bring the mountain to Mohammed, instead of bringing Mohammed to the mountain. Make movable parts (or the external environment) fixed, and fixed parts movable). Rotate the part instead of the tool. Moving sidewalk with standing people Treadmill (for walking or running in place) Turn the object (or process) 'upside down'. Turn an assembly upside down to insert fasteners (especially screws). Empty grain from containers (ship or railroad) by inverting them.

Principle 14. Spheroidality - Curvature 球體化,曲面化 Principle 14. Spheroidality - Curvature Instead of using rectilinear parts, surfaces, or forms, use curvilinear ones; move from flat surfaces to spherical ones; from parts shaped as a cube (parallelepiped) to ball-shaped structures. Use arches and domes for strength in architecture. Use rollers, balls, spirals, domes. Spiral gear (Nautilus) produces continuous resistance for weight lifting. Ball point and roller point pens for smooth ink distribution Go from linear to rotary motion, use centrifugal forces. Produce linear motion of the cursor on the computer screen using a mouse or a trackball. Replace wringing clothes to remove water with spinning clothes in a washing machine. Use spherical casters instead of cylindrical wheels to move furniture.

Principle 15. Dynamics 動態性 Allow (or design) the characteristics of an object, external environment, or process to change to be optimal or to find an optimal operating condition. Adjustable steering wheel (or seat, or back support, or mirror position...) Divide an object into parts capable of movement relative to each other. The "butterfly" computer keyboard, (also demonstrates Principle 7, "Nested doll".) If an object (or process) is rigid or inflexible, make it movable or adaptive. The flexible boroscope for examining engines The flexible sigmoidoscope, for medical examination

Principle 16. Partial or excessive actions 部份或過量作動

Principle 17. Another dimension 移至新的維度 To move an object in two- or three-dimensional space. Infrared computer mouse moves in space, instead of on a surface, for presentations. Five-axis cutting tool can be positioned where needed. Use a multi-story arrangement of objects instead of a single-story arrangement. Cassette with 6 CD's to increase music time and variety Electronic chips on both sides of a printed circuit board Employees "disappear" from the customers in a theme park, descend into a tunnel, and walk to their next assignment, where they return to the surface and magically reappear. Tilt or re-orient the object, lay it on its side. Dump truck Use 'another side' of a given area. Stack microelectronic hybrid circuits to improve density.

Principle 18. Mechanical vibration 機械振動 Principle 18. Mechanical vibration

Principle 19. Periodic action 週期性動作 Principle 19. Periodic action Instead of continuous action, use periodic or pulsating actions. Hitting something repeatedly with a hammer Replace a continuous siren with a pulsed sound. If an action is already periodic, change the periodic magnitude or frequency. Use Frequency Modulation to convey information, instead of Morse code. Replace a continuous siren with sound that changes amplitude and frequency. Use pauses between impulses to perform a different action. In cardio-pulmonary respiration (CPR) breathe after every 5 chest compressions.

Principle 20. Continuity of useful action 有效動作的連續性 Carry on work continuously; make all prts of an object work at full load, all the time. Flywheel (or hydraulic system) stores energy when a vehicle stops, so the motor can keep running at optimum power. Run the bottleneck operations in a factory continuously, to reach the optimum pace. (From theory of constraints, or takt time operations) Eliminate all idle or intermittent actions or work. Print during the return of a printer carriage--dot matrix printer, daisy wheel printers, inkjet printers.


Principle 22. “Blessing in disguise” or “turn Lemons into Lemonade” 善意的偽裝 Principle 22. “Blessing in disguise” or “turn Lemons into Lemonade” Use harmful factors (particularly, harmful effects of the environment or surroundings) to achieve a positive effect. Use waste heat to generate electric power. Recycle waste (scrap) material from one process as raw materials for another. Eliminate the primary harmful action by adding it to another harmful action to resolve the problem. Add a buffering material to a corrosive solution. Use a helium-oxygen mix for diving, to eliminate both nitrogen narcosis and oxygen poisoning from air and other nitrox mixes. Amplify a harmful factor to such a degree that it is no longer harmful. Use a backfire to eliminate the fuel from a forest fire.

Principle 23. Feedback 回饋 Introduce feedback (referring back, cross-checking) to improve a process or action. Automatic volume control in audio circuits Signal from gyrocompass is used to control simple aircraft autopilots. Statistical Process Control (SPC) -- Measurements are used to decide when to modify a process. (Not all feedback systems are automated!) Budgets --Measurements are used to decide when to modify a process. If feedback is already used, change its magnitude or influence. Change sensitivity of an autopilot when within 5 miles of an airport. Change sensitivity of a thermostat when cooling vs. heating, since it uses energy less efficiently when cooling. Change a management measure from budget variance to customer satisfaction.


Principle 25. Self-service 自我服務 Make an object serve itself by performing auxiliary helpful functions A soda fountain pump that runs on the pressure of the carbon dioxide that is used to "fizz" the drinks. This assures that drinks will not be flat, and eliminates the need for sensors. Halogen lamps regenerate the filament during use--evaporated material is redeposited. To weld steel to aluminum, create an interface from alternating thin strips of the 2 materials. Cold weld the surface into a single unit with steel on one face and copper on the other, then use normal welding techniques to attach the steel object to the interface, and the interface to the aluminum. (This concept also has elements of Principle 24, Intermediary, and Principle 4, Asymmetry.) Use waste resources, energy, or substances. Use heat from a process to generate electricity: "Co-generation". Use animal waste as fertilizer. Use food and lawn waste to create compost.

Principle 26. Copying 複製 Instead of an unavailable, expensive, fragile object, use simpler and inexpensive copies. Virtual reality via computer instead of an expensive vacation Listen to an audio tape instead of attending a seminar. Replace an object, or process with optical copies. Do surveying from space photographs instead of on the ground. Measure an object by measuring the photograph. Make sonograms to evaluate the health of a fetus, instead of risking damage by direct testing. If visible optical copies are already used, move to infrared or ultraviolet copies. Make images in infrared to detect heat sources, such as diseases in crops, or intruders in a security system.

Principle 27. Cheap short-living objects 以便宜的短期用物取代 Principle 27. Cheap short-living objects

Principle 28 Mechanics substitution 替代機構 Principle 28 Mechanics substitution

Principle 29. Pneumatics and hydraulics 氣壓或液壓構造 Principle 29. Pneumatics and hydraulics Use gas and liquid parts of an object instead of solid parts (e.g. inflatable, filled with liquids, air cushion, hydrostatic, hydro-reactive). Comfortable shoe sole inserts filled with gel Store energy from decelerating a vehicle in a hydraulic system, then use the stored energy to accelerate later.

Principle 30. Flexible shells and thin films 可撓性薄板或薄膜

Principle 31. Porous materials 多孔性材料



Principle 34. Discarding and recovering 去除再重新產生 Principle 34. Discarding and recovering Make portions of an object that have fulfilled their functions go away (discard by dissolving, evaporating, etc.) or modify these directly during operation. Use a dissolving capsule for medicine. Sprinkle water on cornstarch-based packaging and watch it reduce its volume by more than 1000X! Ice structures: use water ice or carbon dioxide (dry ice) to make a template for a rammed earth structure, such as a temporary dam. Fill with earth, then, let the ice melt or sublime to leave the final structure. Conversely, restore consumable parts of an object directly in operation. Self-sharpening lawn mower blades Automobile engines that give themselves a "tune up" while running (the ones that say "100,000 miles between tune ups")

Principle 35. Parameter changes 改變參數 Change an object's physical state (e.g. to a gas, liquid, or solid. Freeze the liquid centers of filled candies, then dip in melted chocolate, instead of handling the messy, gooey, hot liquid. Transport oxygen or nitrogen or petroleum gas as a liquid, instead of a gas, to reduce volume. Change the concentration or consistency. Liquid hand soap is concentrated and more viscous than bar soap at the point of use, making it easier to dispense in the correct amount and more sanitary when shared by several people. Change the degree of flexibility. Use adjustable dampers to reduce the noise of parts falling into a container by restricting the motion of the walls of the container. Vulcanize rubber to change its flexibility and durability. Change the temperature. Raise the temperature above the Curie point to change a ferromagnetic substance to a paramagnetic substance. Raise the temperature of food to cook it. (Changes taste, aroma, texture, chemical properties, etc.) Lower the temperature of medical specimens to preserve them for later analysis.



Principle 38. Strong oxidants 強氧化劑 Principle 38. Strong oxidants Replace common air with oxygen-enriched air. Scuba diving with Nitrox or other non-air mixtures for extended endurance Replace enriched air with pure oxygen. Cut at a higher temperature using an oxy-acetylene torch. Treat wounds in a high pressure oxygen environment to kill anaerobic bacteria and aid healing. Expose air or oxygen to ionizing radiation. Use ionized oxygen. Ionize air to trap pollutants in an air cleaner. Replace ozonized (or ionized) oxygen with ozone. Speed up chemical reactions by ionizing the gas before use.

Principle 39. Inert atmosphere 置入環境 Replace a normal environment with an inert one. Prevent degradation of a hot metal filament by using an argon atmosphere. Add neutral parts, or inert additives to an object. Increase the volume of powdered detergent by adding inert ingredients. This makes it easier to measure with conventional tools.

Principle 40. Composite materials 複合材料 Change from uniform to composite (multiple) materials. Composite epoxy resin/carbon fiber golf club shafts are lighter, stronger, and more flexible than metal. Same for airplane parts. Fiberglass surfboards are lighter and more controllable and easier to form into a variety of shapes than wooden ones.

物理衝突 為某一目的必須增加技術系統某參數狀態 如溫度,同時為另一目的必須降低技術系統 該參數狀態。 ? 溫度低 溫度高

時間分離 解決物理衝突的原則1 TRIZ 40發明原理中相關者 9. Preliminary anti-action (事先的反制動作) 10. Preliminary action (事先的動作) 11. Beforehand cushioning (先一步緩衝) 15. Dynamics (動態性) 16. Partial or excessive actions (部份或過量作動) 18. Mechanical vibration (機械振動) 19. Periodic action (週期性動作) 20. Continuity of useful action (連續的有效動作) 21. Skipping (跳過) 22. Blessing in disguise (善意的偽裝) 29. Pneumatics and hydraulics (氣壓或液壓構造)

空間分離 解決物理衝突的原則2 TRIZ 40發明原理中相關者 1. Segmentation (分割) 2. Taking out (提鍊) 3. Local Quality (局部品質) 4. Asymmetry (非對稱性) 7. Nested doll (重疊放置) 17. Another dimension (移至新的維度) 24. Intermediary (中繼器) 26. Copying (複製) 30. Flexible shells and thin films (可撓性薄板或薄膜)

解決物理衝突的原則3a 構造分離(轉變至上位) TRIZ 40發明原理中相關者 5. Merging (組合) 22. Blessing in disguise (善意的偽裝)

解決物理衝突的原則3b 構造分離(轉變至次系統) TRIZ 40發明原理中相關者 1. Segmentation (分割) 27. Cheap short-living (以便宜的短期用物取代)

解決物理衝突的原則3c TRIZ 40發明原理中相關者 構造分離(轉變至對立系統) 6. Universality (通用性) 25. Self-service (自我服務)

解決物理衝突的原則4:改變物質形態(相變化) TRIZ 40發明原理中相關者 13. The other way around (反面處理) 28. Mechanics substitution (替代機構) 32. Color changes (改變顏色) 35. Parameter changes (改變參數) 36. Phase transitions (相變化) 38. Strong oxidants (強氧化劑) 39. Inert atmosphere (加入環境)

範例: 惡化 參數 改善 目標 提高組織培養苗生長速率 方法 增加人工光源光量 新問題 耗電增加 間歇給光提高組培苗生長速率 (饒瑞佶、方煒) 使用間歇高頻閃爍的人工光源提昇馬鈴薯組織培養苗的生長速率,與連續給光者之比較,前者耗電較少且生長速率加速。 惡化 改善 參數 功率 速 率 原理19: 週期性動作 原理35.改變參數 原理38. 強氧化劑 原理1: 分離

範例: 惡化 參數36 改善 參數27 TH TL 目標 增加裝置可調整彈性 方法 增加頻率與工作比可調整電路 新問題 裝置電路複雜度增加 使用間歇高頻閃爍的人工光源電路設計 頻率可調電路設計 工作比可調電路設計 轉換成 調整on/off 時間長度 惡化 改善 參數36 裝置複雜性 參數27 可 靠 性 原理5: 組合 TH TL

相關專利 方煒等人。 「以發光二極體為光源的植物栽培裝置」中華人民共和國專利,2000年9月26日,專利號碼:第 441115 號 方煒等人。 「以發光二極體為光源的植物栽培裝置」中華民國專利,90年6月13日,專利號碼:新型第 169676 號 方煒等人。 「以超高亮度發光二極體作為人工光源的植物生長箱」中華人民共和國專利,2000年9月26日,專利號碼:第 441033 號 方煒等人。 「以超高亮度發光二極體作為人工光源的植物生長箱」中華民國專利,90年6月19日,專利號碼:新型第 169896 號 方煒等人。 「具有混合光源的照明裝置」中華民國發明專利,94年5月1日專利號碼:發明第I 231852號 Fang, et al., 「Artificial lighting apparatus for young plants using light emitting diodes as light source 」美國專利,2002年11月5日,專利號碼:US 6474838 B2 Fang, et al., 「 Artificial lighting apparatus for young plants using light emitting diodes as light source 」美國專利,2003年4月29日,專利號碼:US 6554450 B2

範例: 衝突矩陣 惡化 參數1 改善 參數5 目標 提升機翼升力 方法 增加機翼面積 新問題 機翼重量增加 移動件重量 移 動 件 面 積 原理2:提煉 原理17 :移至新維度 原理29 :氣壓或液壓 原理4 :非對稱

Transverse thrust lift augmentation system

範例:自行車座椅設計 惡化 目標 參數12 方法 改善 衝突矩陣 參數4 舒適的座椅 增加座椅寬度 新問題 腳踏動作不方便 座椅形狀 固 定 件 長 度 原理13:反面處理 使移動件固定 固定件移動 原理14 :球體化 原理15 :動態性 分割物體成可相對移動 原理7 :重疊放置 Figure : ABS Sports ‘Dual Action Seat’ 

範例:渦輪機凸緣接合(1) Things we are trying to improve: Inventive Principles: A LARGE NUMBER OF BOLTS AND A SMALL NUMBER OF BOLTS Or: GOOD SEALING AND LOW WEIGHT Contradiction Matrix: Things we are trying to improve: Weight of Stationary Object Ease of Operation Device Complexity Things which tend to get worse: Stability of Composition Reliability Inventive Principles: Another Dimension Taking Out Flexible Shells and Thin Films

範例:渦輪機凸緣接合(2) US patent 5230540 Inventive Principles: Typical flange cross-section US patent 5230540 Inventive Principles: Another Dimension

範例:CNC刀把設計 問題: 刀把剛性與 定位精度衝突 解決: 引用彈性鋼球

理想化範例 賽車重覆使用自鎖螺帽設計(1) 輪圈之理想螺帽設計演進圖

4.Solutions involving glueing 賽車重覆使用自鎖螺帽設計(2) 1.Wire locking 2.Spring washer 3.Double/jams nuts 4.Solutions involving glueing 5.Nylon inserts 7.Segmented nuts 6.Non-round nuts 典型自鎖螺帽設計

‘one nut that thinks it is two’ 賽車重覆使用自鎖螺帽設計(3) Double-nut : one to lock the wheel, the other to lock the first nut. the double nut need to perform two separate tightening operations The Inventive Principle ‘Merging’ US patent 5,662,443 ‘one nut that thinks it is two’

賽車重覆使用自鎖螺帽設計(4) US5662443 An article engagable and retainable about a threaded shaft, which in one embodiment is a self locking nut a first end, an opposing second end, and a threaded bore with an axial dimension for receiving the threaded shaft. A plurality of resilient posts extend along the body member and are inclined inwardly toward the bore axis to provide a prevailing torque on a threaded shaft disposed in the threaded bore. A pair of resilient arms with end portions extend from each resilient post. Each resilient arms is inclined toward the second end of the body member to provide a prevailing torque on the threaded shaft disposed in the threaded bore. The resilient posts and resilient arms contribute to retaining the body member about the threaded shaft. The lock nut has a relatively low first installation torque and a relatively consistent torque performance with reduced statistical spread over several nut installation and removal cycles, which meet an established torque specification.

賽車重覆使用自鎖螺帽設計(5) ‘No Nut’ Physical contradiction: the axle must hold the wheel (when the car is in motion) AND the axle must not hold the wheel (when we want to remove the wheel). Inventive Principles(separated by time): ‘Dynamics’, ‘Preliminary Action’, ‘Partial or Excessive Action’ ‘ Dynamics’ suggested a solution in which a shape memory effect material is used in the axle design. The shape memory axle locks the wheel in place at ambient temperature, and, on application of a localised heat source during the pit-stop, would transition to another – non-wheel-locking – position.

More readings Contradiction Matrix and the 40 Principles for Innovative Problem Solving How to Help TRIZ Beginners Succeed 40 Inventive Principles With Examples