临床杂谈 About Clinical Practice 福建中医药大学学院针灸学院 吴强 Acupuncture College of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine E-mail:wq2033@yahoo.com.cn
腧穴部分 Acupoint part 腧穴究竟多大?What is the size of the acupoint? 传统观点 The traditional knowledge 现代研究 The modern research 敏化点的确定 The sensitized points
太渊 LU9 腧穴属性 Property: 肺输Shu-Stream、原穴Yuan-Source, 八会穴 one of the Eight Influential acupoints 应用Application: 风寒感冒 Common cold due to wind-cold 肺系诸疾 Diseases related to the lung 戒烟 Smoking cessation
后溪 SI3 腧穴属性 Property: 八脉交会穴 应用Application: one of the Eight Confluent Acupoints 应用Application: 急性腰扭伤 Acute lumbar muscle sprain 中风后平衡障碍Balance disorders after stroke
阳溪 LI5 ---踝关节ankle joint 落枕Laozhen point ---落枕stiff neck、 颈椎病Cervical spondylosis 内关PC6 ---胁肋部costal region
次髎 BL32 定位Location:第二骶后孔? Second sacral foramen? 针感分层Layers of Needling sensation: 浅surface、中middle、深 deep 治疗Treat:局部local、下肢lower limbs、盆腔诸疾pelvic diseases
手三里 LI10 肩周炎 Scapulohumeral Periarthritis 面口诸疾 Diseases about face and mouth 消化系统 Digestive system
神阙 CV8 敦煌医学 Dunhuang Medical “贴肚脐,治痔疮”Patch on navel for hemorrhids 505 熏香疗法 Aroma therapy
病种部分 Diseases part 头痛 Headache 外关TE5 合谷LI4 太阳EX-NH5 耳穴贴压Sticker on auricular points 头针 Scalp acupuncture
失眠 Insomnia 分类Classify: 入眠难 Sleep-onset insomnia 易醒nocturnal awakenings、多梦dreaminess 早醒 Terminal insomnia 治疗Treatment: 常规 Regular 调脾胃Adjust balance of spleen and stomach 抗衰老 Anti-aging
呃逆 Hiccups 从后方双拇指按压下颌角内上方,双食指抬起下颌 患者配合深呼吸 Deep breath request Pressing the interi-superior of the mandibular angle with thumbs and uplift the lower jaw with index fingers. 患者配合深呼吸 Deep breath request
萎证 Flaccidity syndrome 夹脊电针 Electronic acupuncture on Jiaji points
尿潴留 Uroschesis 三阴交SP6、阴陵泉SP9 次髎BL32
痔疮 Hemorrhoids 承山BL57(足三里ST36)
肝炎 Hepatitis 肝俞BL18 胆俞BL19 足三里ST36 感染 Infection
月经不调Irregular Menstruation 痛经 Dysmenorrhea 三阴交SP6、阴陵泉SP9(针刺needling、轻刮Scrapping lightly) 次髎BL32(深刺deep insertion)
闭经 Amenorrhea 尾骶区挑刺 Sacrum region picking
月经过多、崩漏 Menorrhagia 隐白SP1 灸Moxa(治疗Treat) 阴陵泉SP9 轻刮 Scrapping lightly(保养 maintenance)
子宫肌瘤Fibroid(黄褐斑Chloasma) 三阴交SP6、阴陵泉SP9 电针次髎、下髎附近结节 Electronic acupuncture on nodes around BL32,BL34 肩井GB21、天宗SI11 局部 local
青春痘 Acne 大椎点刺、拔罐 耳尖放血 Bloodletting in Apex 曲池LI11、肝俞BL18 GV14 quick puncture, cupping 耳尖放血 Bloodletting in Apex 曲池LI11、肝俞BL18
经络保健刮 Meridian Scrapping for maintenance 沿经络在四肢循行方向顺经各轻刮10-20次,qd Scrapping 10-20 times/d on limbs along meridians to limbs end direction 膀胱经在背部、下肢循行部位 Scrapping back and lower limbs regions along Bladder meridian. 放松状态下应用!!Relaxed state only!!
皮肤干燥 Dry skin 百会GV20、风池GB20、大椎GV14、肺俞BL13、(心俞BL15)、肝俞BL18、肾俞BL23、大肠俞BL25、足三里ST36、委中BL40、承山BL57(挑刺picking) 阿是 ashi point