佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT.


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Presentation transcript:

佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT

Do you have good health habits?


一、基本句型 動名詞當主詞 動名詞 : 動詞 + -ing Eating breakfast is important. Playing computer games fun. 1.動名詞作主詞時,受詞即使為複數,仍視為單一動作或事件,須視為單數,其後須接單數動詞。 例一 : Cooking noodles is easy. 例二 : Reading comic books is fun. 2.兩個動名詞當主詞時,其後接複數動詞。 例一 : Playing baseball and going to the movies are fun for me.

小試身手 動名詞當主詞 ( )1. _____ to her singing is great. B Listen (B) Listening (C) Listened (D) To listening ( )2. Having regular meals _____ important to your health. B (A) are (B) is (C) be (D) being

虛主詞 It 的用法

一、核心概念 虛主詞 it 不定詞片語當主詞時,可以用虛主詞 it 當句子的主詞代替不定詞片語。 例句 :It is easy to ride a bike. 例句中,真正的主詞是 to ride a bike ,為避免不定詞片語放在主詞位置有頭重腳輕的狀況,以虛主詞代 替不定詞片語。

二、基本句型 虛主詞 it It + be 動詞 + 形容詞 + 不定詞片語. It is terrible to be sick. good take a family trip. 虛主詞 it 的否定句用法,直接在 Be動詞之後加上 not 即可。 例一 : It is not easy to save money. (存錢不容易)。

虛主詞 it 虛主詞 it 當句子主詞也可加「for + 人 (受格)」,表示「對…人而言」。其句型為: It + beV + 形容詞+ for + 人(受格) + 不定詞片語. it 例一 : It is good for him to exercise every day. (每天去運動對他是好的。) 例二 : It is difficult for him to get up early. (對他而言要早起很困難。) 但如果遇到形容詞 kind、nice、sweet、smart時,則用「of + 人(受格)」。 例一 : It is kind of you to help us. (幫助我們,你們真好。)

小試身手 虛主詞 it ( )1. It is difficult _____Kelly to go to bed early. A (A) for (B) to (C) of (D) x ( )2. It is very nice _____ you to help the old woman. C (A) for (B) to (C) of (D) by ( )3. It is fun_____ beach volleyball. C (A) play (B) playing (C) to play (D) played


牛刀小試 選擇題 ( )1. _____ every day is good for you. D Exercise (B) Go exercise (C) For exercise (D) Exercising 牛刀小試 ( )2. _____ fun to play video games. D (A) It (B) Is (C) Being (D) It is ( )3. _____ enough sleep is important. C Get (B) For getting (C) Getting (D) It is getting

依提示作答 Taking your doctor’s advice is important. (用It is 開頭改寫句子) It is important to take your doctor’s advice. ____________________________________ 2.It is terrible to have a headache. (用動名詞開頭改寫句子) Having a headache is terrible. ____________________________________

句子重組 1. to/ It/ have/ meals/ important/ is/. /regular ____________________________________ It is important to have regular meals. 2. sea lion/ is/ Watching/ show/ the/./fun Watching the sea lion show is fun. ____________________________________ 3. Drinking/ much/ too/ cola/ is/healthy/ not/. Drinking too much cola is not healthy. ____________________________________