Current China BA Market Condition and Projection 中国公务航空市场的分析及展望 Current China BA Market Condition and Projection ——廖学锋(Jason Liao) 中国公务航空集团
2012 —— About 350 Aircraft 中国公务航空市场的井喷式发展才刚刚开始 This is just the Beginning of Long Term High Growth 自2008年开始,中国公务航空市场开始以每年50%的速度增长 China BA Market has been growing at 50% annually since 2008 截止到2012年年底,大中华地区共有约350架公务飞机,价值约105亿美元 By the end of 2012, there are about 350 aircraft in Greater China worth about USD10.5 billion
Fleet Character 机队是以全新的大型公务机为主,每架飞机的平均价格在3000万美元左右。 Mostly brand new heavy jets at around USD 30 million per aircraft on average. 如果以世界公务机的平均价值1000万美金计算,这350架飞机相当于1100架世界平均价值水平的公务飞机。 If we use the world average cost of USD10 million per aircraft, the USD10.5 billion would translate into about 1100 aircraft.
25% Growth Rapid 我们对公务航空领域在中国的发展充满信心, 十年内以平均每年25%的速度增涨: we are very confident that the China BA Market will grow at About 25% a year on average in the next 10 years: 庞大的国土面积和全球性业务发展对公务航空产品的大量需求; Huge country and far international travels; 2. 企业经济实力的持续提高和高净值人群数量的不断增加; strong industrial growth and rapid wealth creation;
25% Growth Rapid 3. 公务机作为高效率的商务工具被企业、政府、媒体及大众所了解并认可; 3. 公务机作为高效率的商务工具被企业、政府、媒体及大众所了解并认可; as a high efficiency business tool, business aircraft has gained more acceptance by business people, government, media, and the public; 4. 国家对公务航空产业不断予以的政策支持; Strong government policy support; 5. 飞机部分产权拥有计划、公务机飞行小时卡、以及公务机基金等新产品的出现大大降低了公务机的使用成本; New products like fractional ownership, jet cards, business aircraft trust fund will greatly reduce entry threshold; 6. 公务机购买者对二手飞机接受程度的提高。 Wider acceptance for Pre owned aircraft.
Challenges Facing The Industry 中国公务航空市场目前的发展仍面临诸多挑战,许多制约因素依然存在,例如: Challenges facing the industry: 17%的增值税及4%-5%的进口关税; 17% VAT and 4-5% - very high taxes; 2. 飞行员、机务人员资源的严重短缺; Shortage of pilots and mechanics; 3. 高额的飞机管理、维护和地面服务费用; Very high handling fees; 4. 因缺乏和其他国家民用航空管理部门的互惠协定,所导致的繁琐及耗时的适航审定程序。 Difficulty getting TC, STC validated due to the lack of bilateral agreements.
I am very confident that business aviation industry will grow very rapidly in China for the foreseeable future!
China Business Aviation Group 中国公务航空集团 China Business Aviation Group