Introduction of Tea Utensil


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction of Tea Utensil Chapter 1 Introduction of Tea Utensil

Various Tea-wares for Drinking and Tasting The sniff-cup and the tea-sipping cup the sipping glass teacup

the white porcelain tea-sipping cup fine porcelain teacup

cocktail glass

New Words & Phrases slender adj. 修长的, 苗条的; 细长的 e.g. She was slender and had long dark hair. sip v. 啜饮, 啜 e.g. He paused to take a sip of water, and then went on (with his story). view v. 看, 视察, 考虑 e.g. These people were viewed as their most dangerous rivals. 这些人被视为他们最危险的对手。

preserve v. 保存, 保藏; 保护 Translation:我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。 We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources. spiced tea 调味茶 herb tea 花草茶

What is it used for? What is the use of it?

Translation 闻香杯是乌龙茶特有的茶具,多用于冲泡台湾高山乌龙时使用。 The sniff-cup is a kind of characteristic teaware for brewing oolong tea, especially for Taiwan Mountain oolong tea. 品茗杯用于品啜茶汤。 The tea-sipping cup is used to sip tea liquor. 紫砂品茗杯适用于品乌龙茶。 The boccora tea-sipping cup is suited to drink oolong tea.