Changeling ------Angelina Jolie.


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Presentation transcript:

Changeling ------Angelina Jolie

Mr. and Mrs. Smith 斯密斯夫妇 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider古墓丽影 Wanted 通缉令

The Tourist (致命伴旅) Changeling 换子疑云 GOoD SEPHERD 特务风云

Birth place :Los Angeles Birth Date: On June 4, 1975 Profession: Actor Angelina Jolie Chinese Name: 安吉丽娜 朱莉 Nationality:America Birth place :Los Angeles Birth Date: On June 4, 1975 Profession: Actor Representative works: Mr. and Mrs. Smith Height: 1.73m

Angelina Jolie’ relatives Father : Jon Voight (乔恩·沃伊特),Born in New York, USA,in 1938.He is a famous actor in Hollywood who has won the 31st FestivalinCannes and the Golden Globe Award ,and what’s more the 51st Oscar as the best actor. But Jon Voight divorced with Angelina’mother in 1976。

Angelina Jolie’ relatives Mother: Marcheline“ Bertrand (玛琪琳·伯特兰德). French Canadian,Born in 1950 in Quebec,actor, died of cancer in 2007 Brother:James Haven Voight (詹姆斯·海文·沃伊特 ),born in 1973。Director

Brad Pitt actor and Director and producer。Because Of the performance in Lengends Of The Fall , he is said to be the most sexy man in the world. He has joined in many famous movies and teleplays ,such as Seven and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 12 Monkeys and so on. The Oscar best supporting actor award nomination, Golden globe for best supporting actor award The Oscar best actor nominations Brad Pitt

Their deeply love husband

UNHCR goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie has adopted three children called Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt、Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt 、Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt Children Angelina has her own child in 2006, and after that ,in 2008 ,the twins ----Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt and Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt came to this world. So they now have six children in all。

Son: Pex Thien Jolie-Pitt Son: Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt Daughter: Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt ◆Daughter:Shilon Nouvel Jolie-Pitt Son: Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt ◆Daughter: Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt

Brangelina Brangelina was the second popular word of 2005. This word comes from brad pitt and Angelina Jolie, stand for their timeless love. Brangelina was the second popular word of 2005.

我的心里有一只熊在低吼 不知道怎样才能平息 好莱坞著名帅哥布拉德·皮特最近的照片证实了一个人的外貌会如何随着内心的改变而改变。从刚出道时的金发小生—— 一张略带伤感的纯情的脸,变为目光坚定而沉着的男人,这其中固然有岁月的洗礼,但更多的却是因为一个女人的影响。     从离婚到再婚,从内心深处来说,改变了他对生活的态度。男人和女人同居一室,最重要的是要彼此分享,大到分享一种价值观、生活理念,小到分享日常细节、审美趣味。皮特和前妻安妮斯顿,曾经是人们公认的金童玉女,典型的俊男靓女。两人成双成对地出入任何一个体面的场合,都能成为抢眼的风景。他们曾被《时尚》杂志推选为名人最佳着装男士和女士,一向风头最劲的小贝夫妇只好屈居第二。皮特和安妮斯顿的生活,看上去真是无可挑剔——豪宅华服,聚光灯下的热闹和社交,一切应有尽有

我的心里有一只熊在低吼 不知道怎样才能平息 但是,当皮特遇到了安吉丽娜·朱莉,就如同温软之乡被旷野之风席卷,他忍不住地随她而去。安吉丽娜·朱莉是好莱坞的一个另类,她始终特立独行地站在那个奢华世界的边缘。身为联合国难民专员公署的亲善大使,她行走在贫瘠的非洲和亚洲之间,收养非洲弃女、柬埔寨的孤儿;她将柬埔寨的马德望省称为“我的家乡”,还声称要入柬埔寨国籍;她让她的亲生女儿出生在纳米比亚并申请纳米比亚的护照。她出镜时,常常衣着简朴地携儿抱女,身后是猎猎长风,黄沙浩荡。安妮斯顿是典型的美国甜心,甜美温柔,而安吉丽娜却是烈酒,酷野而伤感。她不是好莱坞的娇宝贝,她是一个真正的成年人,瘦削而有力量,复杂而又坦白,在冰冷如霜和娇艳如火之间变幻。她的世界,不是华丽的温柔乡,她的世界里有着真正的万水千山。

我的心里有一只熊在低吼 不知道怎样才能平息 皮特扮演的崔斯坦曾说过:“我的心里有一只熊在低吼,不知道怎样才能平息。”心里有熊的吼声的男人,是注定要在旷野上狂奔的。安吉丽娜的万水千山,为他提供了狂奔的世界,暗合了他灵魂的不羁和激情。于是,他们会骑车三个小时到沙漠深处过一个夜晚;于是,他们会骑着摩托车,游荡在世界各地;于是,他们会享受一个由不同肤色的孩子组成的另类家庭,爱着并纠缠着。只有这样的日子,才有足够的力量让皮特的内心得到释放。与安妮斯顿的离异和同安吉丽娜的结合,是一个男人从纸醉金迷的小世界到苍茫浩荡的大世界的一次投奔。他被一个女人成全,成全的是一个男人对生活的梦想,成为父亲、情人、孩子和浪子      “要走多少路才能找到自己的路?要遇多少人才能找到最合适的那个人?”有些时候,遇到不同的男人或女人,就是遇到不同的命运。

Personal anecdotes Her name Angelina comes from Italian which means “the eyes of the angel”, Jolie comes from French ,the meaning of Jolie is beautiful She has three Golden globe trophies,but she give them to her brother, one oscar trophy was given to her mother , after her mother’s death ,it was missing。 She is a left-handed people.

Unusual skills :flying a plane She likes tattoo,there are many tattoos on her body. Her favorite fast food is Mcdonald's The color of her eyes is green . Angelina Jolie tops Most Beautiful List The pillow-lipped actress graces the cover of People's "100 Most Beautiful People" issue. It's her fourth time on the list, but first as cover girl.

Angelina Jolie is a famous actress with a serious love for tattoos, she's regularly featured in celebrity news magazines and websites with one of her new tattoo designs. She has at least a dozen tattoos over her body and she also has quiet a lot experience with tattoo removal

This Gothic letter tattoo between her shoulder blades says "Know Your Rights". It's the title of a song of her favorite band

This tattoo on her left shoulder blade was, just like the tiger tattoo, done by tattoo artist in a hotel in Pathum Thani, 16 miles north of Bangkok. It is a Buddhist Pali incantation written in Khmer script, the language of Cambodia. It is there to protect her and her adopted Cambodian son Maddox from bad luck. Here's the translation: May your enemies run far away from you. If you acquire riches, may they remain yours always. Your beauty will be that of Apsara. Wherever you may go, many will attend, serve and protect you, surrounding you on all sides. ( “愿你的敌人远离你如果你得到财富,愿你永远拥有它们你将如同Apsara女神般美丽无论你到何处,你周围都会有人跟随你、侍奉你、保护你。) 

This Arabic script tattoo on Angelina Jolie's right arm means "Determination". It covers up the abstract lines tattoo she had done together with her ex Billy Bob . Several websites say that it means "Strength of Will“.

This tattoo on Jolie's left arm are the words of Tennessee Williams: "A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages." Angelina Jolie had this tattoo done in the presence of her mother

This cross tattoo covers the little dragon with the blue tongue she had done in Amsterdam. Next to it is a phrase in Latin: "Quod me nutrit me destruit", meaning "What nourishes me, destroys me." Angelina Jolie had the cross tattoo done the day before she married Johnny Lee Miller(约翰尼·李·米勒 ) in 1995. In her own words: "It was all symbolic, and it was a good thing, nothing dark."

This rune style tattoo on Angelina's wrist is the letter h This rune style tattoo on Angelina's wrist is the letter h. Depending on the source it is to remind her of her ex boyfriend Timothy Hutton or her brother, James Haven.

These numbers are the geographical coordinates (longitudes and latitudes) from the locations where her children first entered her life. N11° 33' 00" E104° 51' 00" : the place in Cambodia where Angelina Jolie's eldest son Maddox was born. N09° 02' 00" E038° 45' 00" : the place in Ethiopia were her daughter Zahara was born. S22° 40' 26" E014° 31' 40" : the place in Namibia (Swakopmund) where Angelina gave birth to her biological daughter with Brad Pitt, Shiloh (Hebrew for "the peaceful one"), was born. N10° 46' 00" E106° 41' 40" : the place in Vietnam where Angelina's son Plax Then was born. N43° 41' 21" E07° 14' 28" N43° 41' 21" E07° 14' 28":5 and 6 are a place in France for the twins Knox and Vivienne. Angelina added a 7th line of coordinates for Brad Pitt's place of birth in Oklahoma The coordinates tattoo covers the place where the dragon tattoo and name of her ex husband Billy Bob used to be before they got lasered off. You can still see the dragon a bit..

This 12-inch long, 8-inch wide Bengal tiger tattoo on her lower back is Angelina Jolie's latest. It was done in Bangkok on July 8, 2004, during a 2 hour session by tattoo artist Sompong Kanhphai who also blessed it by chanting an ancient hymn. Sompong also did her Khmer tattoo. She had the tiger tattoo done to celebrate her Cambodian citizenship. The tiger tattoo was done in the traditional Thai tattoo style with a manual needle. The tiger's tail covers her blue window tattoo. Angelina wants to have yet another tattoo done in Thailand.

Angelina julie’ quotes “Acting is not pretending or lying. It’s finding a side of yourself that’s the character and ignoring your other sides. And there’s a side of me that wonders what’s wrong with being completely honest.” -Angelina Jolie 。 If I think more about death than others,that is probabily I love life than they do." “There's something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.”

"She looks the most beautiful when she's in the field - natural, no makeup, nothing," the magazine quotes musician Wyclef Jean, who worked with Jolie on a relief effort in Haiti. "Because you see Angelina, the angel. " (音乐家威克利夫·吉恩曾在海地的一次救灾活动中和茱丽合作过。《人物》杂志引用他的话说:“她在参加救助活动时是最美丽的,不施粉黛,十分自然,因为你看到的是真正的安吉莉娜,她是天使。” )

People find it bizarre and extraordinary that we were together People find it bizarre and extraordinary that we were together. To me, it's not. Angelina's image is of a wild, crazy femme fatale. She's not. She's a very nice, very generous person. A big-hearted girl. She just says what she's feeling. She doesn't get up to any more mischief than your average person... well, maybe a little bit.                      – Jonny Lee Miller  

“I was afraid of her. She was too beautiful for me “I was afraid of her. She was too beautiful for me. She was too smart for me. She had too much integrity for me. I felt so small next to her.”         --------- Billy Bob Thorton