Chinese Horoscopes
Name the animals that you will put in the calendar. Choose 12 animals and put them in the right order. Why? Put the following 12 animals in the correct order according to the calendar. Ox, tiger, dragon, rooster, ox, rabbit, dog, pig, monkey, horse, goat, snake
Legends about how the years came 1. Buddha summoned the animals. 2. Animals’ squabbling. 3. To make sure about human beings’ life span.
Mouse first. Although we Chinese don’t like mice honestly, their place is first. So the mice really have some abilities to let people pay much attention to them.
The Rat-- 魅力 1972/1984/1996 Personalities: Renowned for? 自控力强 Year of birth? 1972/1984/1996 Personalities: Renowned for? 自控力强 魅力 冷静、雄心、正直、节俭、享受生活 Weak points: 易怒、议论人、友谊短
Ox second. We have no disagreement with this order Ox second. We have no disagreement with this order. As we Chinese people appreciate ox very much. They are honest and diligent. We have many articles praising oxen.
The OX-- 平静 1973/1985/1997 Personalities: Renowned for? 易交往 Year of birth? 1973/1985/1997 Personalities: Renowned for? 易交往 平静 自信、动手能力强、 雄辩、易成功 Weak points: 冷谈、易被误解、易怒、小气
Tiger 3. Tiger is powerful and he is the king of all the animals Tiger 3. Tiger is powerful and he is the king of all the animals. So his place is agreed by everyone , too.
The Tiger-- 力量 1974/1986/1998 Personalities: Renowned for? 勇敢、思想者 Year of birth? 1974/1986/1998 Personalities: Renowned for? 勇敢、思想者 力量 同情、能力强、受尊敬、成功 Weak points: 固执、自私、吝啬 、狭隘、不信任、挑衅
How did she get her place in the calendar? Rabbit Fourth. Any story about bunny? How did she get her place in the calendar?
The Rabbit-- 天才 1975/1987/1999 Personalities: Renowned for? 雄心勃勃 Year of birth? 1975/1987/1999 Personalities: Renowned for? 雄心勃勃 天才 受人尊敬、可信、口才流利、有品味、 忍受力强、生意好 Weak points: 偶尔议论人、但不中伤人
海龙是一种十分庞大的龙,身体很长,像一条大蟒蛇。头部有鳍,小部分背部也有鳍。常常伴随暴风雨,在海上出现,将船只掀翻。 Dragon Fifth. 海龙是一种十分庞大的龙,身体很长,像一条大蟒蛇。头部有鳍,小部分背部也有鳍。常常伴随暴风雨,在海上出现,将船只掀翻。
The Dragon-- 健康、精力旺盛 1976/1988/2000 Personalities: Renowned for? 勇气、敏感 Year of birth? 1976/1988/2000 Personalities: Renowned for? 勇气、敏感 健康、精力旺盛 说话严谨、诚实、天生的统治者、美德、富有、和谐、长寿 Weak points: 古怪的、脾气爆、固执到极点
Snake Sixth. 全名蝾螈蛇怪,又称利爪蝮蛇。身部带有利爪,尾部带有尖刺。尖刺带有剧毒,身体颜色越鲜艳毒性越强。主要生活在幽暗的古墓内。
有决心、有财富、美丽 The Snake-- 深思者、相信自己的判断 1977/1989/2001 Year of birth? 1977/1989/2001 Personalities: Renowned for? 深思者、相信自己的判断 有毅力 有决心、有财富、美丽 Weak points: 好虚荣
Horse Seventh. Bronze horse St. Peter the Great
The Horse-- 受欢迎的 1978/1990/2002 Personalities: Renowned for? 开朗的 Year of birth? 1978/1990/2002 Personalities: Renowned for? 受欢迎的 开朗的 反应快、喜欢称赞别人、 好娱乐交友、爱情专一 Weak points: 表面自信,内心脆弱、 爱情盲目而不顾其 他事业
The Goat-- 真正的艺术家 1979/1991/2003 Personalities: Renowned for? 创新、快乐 Goat Eighth. The Goat-- Year of birth? 1979/1991/2003 Personalities: Renowned for? 真正的艺术家 创新、快乐 吃好、穿好、热爱自然、温柔、聪慧 Weak points: 缺乏安全感、害羞、胆小、追随者而不是领导者
Monkey Ninth. The most famous monkey is the monkey king: 孙悟空
The Monkey-- 成功、善长谈判 1980/1992/2004 Personalities: Renowned for? Year of birth? 1980/1992/2004 Personalities: Renowned for? 成功、善长谈判 有常识、爱好阅读 记忆力强、知识面广 Weak points: 话太多、容易失去朋友
Rooster Tenth.
The Rooster-- 忙碌、善于思考 1981/1993/2005 Personalities: Renowned for? 专心工作 Year of birth? 1981/1993/2005 Personalities: Renowned for? 忙碌、善于思考 专心工作 乐观、喜欢独处、目的明确 Weak points: 一旦失败容易失望、 不相信人、古怪
Dog Eleventh.
The Dog-- 忠诚 1982/1994/2006 Personalities: Renowned for? 责任感强 Year of birth? 1982/1994/2006 Personalities: Renowned for? 责任感强 忠诚 受人尊敬、工作出色、具有人类的大部分优点 Weak points: 自私、古怪
. careful person. Pig the Twelfth.
The pig-- 诚实、单纯 1983/1995/2007 Personalities: Renowned for? 富有 Year of birth? 1983/1995/2007 Personalities: Renowned for? 诚实、单纯 富有 大方、强健的、快活的、好心的、宽容、重友谊 Weak points:
Draw your own animals and know the Chinese word for your birth year. shǔ 鼠 niú 牛
hǔ tù 虎 兔
lóng shé 龙 蛇
yáng mǎ 马 羊
hóu jī 鸡 猴
gǒu zhū 猪 狗
Thank you for your listening Happy Day